Wanting Their Cake And To Eat It, Too

Trump will believe ANYTHING he reads on the internet. Anything.

But when he is shown PROOF that Putin helped him get elected, his ego can't handle it.
What they are saying and what so many on the left are refusing to admit is those e-mails are not why Hillary lost. They didn't help but she lost because she was a bad candidate and even worse campaigner running as the status quo candidate in an election where people wanted change these things along with her lack of any real message is why she lost.
What did Russia do to help Trump win?

Russia prevented hillary from campaigning in the rust belt and stopped her from going to Wisconsin even one time.

Russia forced hillary to call more than half the country deplorable.

Russia told hillary to destroy 33 thousand emails and helped her set up a private server in someone's bathroom. Russia gave her the bleach bit.

Russia forced Huma Abedin to put state department emails on her husband's laptop, then forced Anthony Weiner to wag his weenie on line with his son asleep in the background.

Of course Russia interfered after all that.
That you found it necessary to even mention Abedin shows how effective the bullshit worked. There was nothing found on Abedin's computer, retard. Yet you tards convinced yourselves there was something there before the evidence was in. You were ejaculating all over yourselves when Comey "reopened the investigation".

Good job. You just proved my point that you tards will bleev something just because you want it to be true, but will ignore hard evidence of something which hurts your feelings.

Seems to me the pseudocons want it both ways.

On the one hand, they were cheering and hooting and hollering at the devastating impact of the DNC email leaks at the time they were in the news.

"Stick a fork in her!" "Hitlery is toast!" Et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.

Clinton's lead shrank from 12 points to zero as the leaks came out, and as Comey did his spastic little dance all over the front page.

Now these very same pseudocons are trying to claim the Russian hacks had no impact on our election at all! Not only that, they are trying, futilely, to deny there were any hacks by the Russians to begin with!

Trump is well known for repeating every conspiracy theory on the internet, and for retweeting them. The man hasn't a critical thinking cell in his head. If the dumb fuck sees something on the internet, he immediately parrots it without question. This is even more true among his Chumps.

"I want to bleev it, so it must be true!"

But when it comes to THIS particular FACT, Trump and Chumps deny it. And the sole reason is because Trump's fragile ego can't handle the fact he got some help from Putin in winning the office.

Me, personally, I have no idea how much of a difference the email leaks had on the outcome of the election. And no one will ever know if they made a difference between winning and losing for Trump.

But it is undeniable he had help from Putin, and Trump is going to be haunted by that fact forever.

It is fascinating that after all the manufactured bullshit these pseudocons have consumed, after watching them get themselves into a rabid lather over someone saying "Happy Holidays", they are not the slightest bit concerned or angry that a foreign power directly intervened in our democratic process.

These people have ZERO integrity, ZERO foundations to their bleef system, and ZERO intelligence.
Dude, you fucking nailed it.

Obama Akbar indeed, Comrade! :thup:
What they are saying and what so many on the left are refusing to admit is those e-mails are not why Hillary lost. They didn't help but she lost because she was a bad candidate and even worse campaigner running as the status quo candidate in an election where people wanted change these things along with her lack of any real message is why she lost.
As I said in my OP, there is no way of ever knowing how much of an impact those leaked emails had on the outcome.

But they definitely had an impact. Even though what was in them was very weak sauce, perception is reality for the rube herd, and they convinced themselves there was all sorts of shit in those emails, which they didn't even bother to read. They just listened to what their propaganda outlets made up about them.

The overarching point which matters, though, is that a foreign power interfered in our election process. The fact the pseudocon tards are okay with it speaks volumes about them.

Trump is Putin's boy. Trump wants the KGB thug to like him. Trump fawns over Putin. That's why Putin interfered to help Trump in whatever way he could.

Deep down inside, Trump knows Putin interfered on his behalf. And Trump's ego can't handle it.
I don't think a couple of nukes going off would be very good for anyone, DW. They're poisonous, ya know? The policies we have presently, that we have had for decades, are a lot like gun control measures. Maybe they should be stronger, but I think all the actors, even the terrorists, are aware of the fatality of nuclear war. No one needs to learn that lesson.
A nuke certainly wouldn't be good for those directly affected. My point was that human nature is such that people often don't change until they have to change. Couple this with the lesser of two eventualities; full blown thermonuclear war or a nuke or two taking out a city? The world was reluctant to act on international Islamic terrorism until 9/11. The world is reluctant to become involved in actively working against nuclear proliferation too. A few stern warnings and sanctions aren't cutting it. What do you think will cause them to change their stance on actively working to end nuclear threats even if it means a conventional war or two?
Seems to me the pseudocons want it both ways.

On the one hand, they were cheering and hooting and hollering at the devastating impact of the DNC email leaks at the time they were in the news.

"Stick a fork in her!" "Hitlery is toast!" Et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.

Clinton's lead shrank from 12 points to zero as the leaks came out, and as Comey did his spastic little dance all over the front page.

Now these very same pseudocons are trying to claim the Russian hacks had no impact on our election at all! Not only that, they are trying, futilely, to deny there were any hacks by the Russians to begin with!

Trump is well known for repeating every conspiracy theory on the internet, and for retweeting them. The man hasn't a critical thinking cell in his head. If the dumb fuck sees something on the internet, he immediately parrots it without question. This is even more true among his Chumps.

"I want to bleev it, so it must be true!"

But when it comes to THIS particular FACT, Trump and Chumps deny it. And the sole reason is because Trump's fragile ego can't handle the fact he got some help from Putin in winning the office.

Me, personally, I have no idea how much of a difference the email leaks had on the outcome of the election. And no one will ever know if they made a difference between winning and losing for Trump.

But it is undeniable he had help from Putin, and Trump is going to be haunted by that fact forever.

It is fascinating that after all the manufactured bullshit these pseudocons have consumed, after watching them get themselves into a rabid lather over someone saying "Happy Holidays", they are not the slightest bit concerned or angry that a foreign power directly intervened in our democratic process.

These people have ZERO integrity, ZERO foundations to their bleef system, and ZERO intelligence.
Assange says Russia had nothing to do with what he leaked.
Well, that changes everything! I would definitely believe a guy who has been holed up for six years avoiding arrest on sex abuse charges--that just shows what kind of upstanding guy he is. Much more credible than the US intelligence services, for sure.
That makes it up to the same organizations that told Bush there were WMD's in Iraq to prove he's lying.
Here's another funny thing about the pseudocon tards.

For the past 13 years, any time any chemical weapons have been used, or even rumored to have been used, anywhere on the planet, the pseudocons immediately exclaimed, "Dey got doze frum Saddam!"

We have many, many topics on this forum in which they have claimed Saddam had chemical weapons. They steadfastly REFUSED to admit he didn't.

And now, along comes a poser New York liberal who opposed the war, and who wanted Bush impeached, and who wanted the US to cut and run from Iraq. And this fucking poser sez, "We can't trust this information about Russian hackers because these same intelligence agencies said there were WMDs in Iraq and they were wrong."

And sure enough, the pseudocons are going, "Yeah! Dey wuz totally wrong bout dem WMDs!"

Jesus. It's right out of Orwell.

"We have always been at war with Eastasia."
The bottom line remains that the intelligence agencies are not infallible. Heck, they and Assange could BOTH be right, you know. Russia hacking the weakly protected DNC is about as surprising as a disgruntled aide releasing information which in turn is as surprising as the sun shining on the Sahara, But this is why I don't think the Russians gave Assange the info. Releasing the emails during the election is a very, very clumsy way of using them. If I were Putin and had incriminating evidence on Hillary (I believe he has all the emails she sent and/or received as Sec State, for example), the LAST thing I'd do is splash it all over the world and prevent her from becoming president. I'd hold onto it until I faced her across a bargaining table, show her what I had, then say, "Let's talk".

I'm still surprised that everyone is shocked, just shocked, that Russia may have hacked some emails and tried to influence an election. We don't even bother influencing elections, we just use our military to remove governments we don't like and install ones we do.
Trump will believe ANYTHING he reads on the internet. Anything.

But when he is shown PROOF that Putin helped him get elected, his ego can't handle it.

And by "proof" you mean Obama said so, right?
What did Russia do to help Trump win?

Russia prevented hillary from campaigning in the rust belt and stopped her from going to Wisconsin even one time.

Russia forced hillary to call more than half the country deplorable.

Russia told hillary to destroy 33 thousand emails and helped her set up a private server in someone's bathroom. Russia gave her the bleach bit.

Russia forced Huma Abedin to put state department emails on her husband's laptop, then forced Anthony Weiner to wag his weenie on line with his son asleep in the background.

Of course Russia interfered after all that.
That you found it necessary to even mention Abedin shows how effective the bullshit worked. There was nothing found on Abedin's computer, retard. Yet you tards convinced yourselves there was something there before the evidence was in. You were ejaculating all over yourselves when Comey "reopened the investigation".

Good job. You just proved my point that you tards will bleev something just because you want it to be true, but will ignore hard evidence of something which hurts your feelings.


And by "nothing found on Huma's computer" you mean classified State Dept emails she was not authorized to possess, right?
Seems to me the pseudocons want it both ways.

On the one hand, they were cheering and hooting and hollering at the devastating impact of the DNC email leaks at the time they were in the news.

"Stick a fork in her!" "Hitlery is toast!" Et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.

Clinton's lead shrank from 12 points to zero as the leaks came out, and as Comey did his spastic little dance all over the front page.

Now these very same pseudocons are trying to claim the Russian hacks had no impact on our election at all! Not only that, they are trying, futilely, to deny there were any hacks by the Russians to begin with!

Trump is well known for repeating every conspiracy theory on the internet, and for retweeting them. The man hasn't a critical thinking cell in his head. If the dumb fuck sees something on the internet, he immediately parrots it without question. This is even more true among his Chumps.

"I want to bleev it, so it must be true!"

But when it comes to THIS particular FACT, Trump and Chumps deny it. And the sole reason is because Trump's fragile ego can't handle the fact he got some help from Putin in winning the office.

Me, personally, I have no idea how much of a difference the email leaks had on the outcome of the election. And no one will ever know if they made a difference between winning and losing for Trump.

But it is undeniable he had help from Putin, and Trump is going to be haunted by that fact forever.

It is fascinating that after all the manufactured bullshit these pseudocons have consumed, after watching them get themselves into a rabid lather over someone saying "Happy Holidays", they are not the slightest bit concerned or angry that a foreign power directly intervened in our democratic process.

These people have ZERO integrity, ZERO foundations to their bleef system, and ZERO intelligence.
Assange says Russia had nothing to do with what he leaked.
Well, that changes everything! I would definitely believe a guy who has been holed up for six years avoiding arrest on sex abuse charges--that just shows what kind of upstanding guy he is. Much more credible than the US intelligence services, for sure.
That makes it up to the same organizations that told Bush there were WMD's in Iraq to prove he's lying. Thus far, I have seen no proof that he is, just assertions. And it is a stretch to say that, by releasing true information, someone "directly intervened in our democratic process". It's not like when Dan Blather tried to unseat a sitting president with fake documents.
Rather did get fired for that. That is the difference between credible media sources and bullshit news sites. They are held accountable and hold their employees accountable so the public can rely on them to report facts.
It was the Bush administration that put a power spin on the intelligence services' analysis of the WMD thing. They made their assessment based on their knowledge at hand, but they didn't know for sure. Bush wanted to start a war, and he did.

I agree with you that the "directly intervened in our democratic process" leaves too much to the imagination, and I wish they had put that differently because all the thin skinned Trump lovers are skewing that to mean that Russia helped Trump win the election. What needs to be our focus is that Russia DID hack into the DNC's emails and DID release them to the public DURING our Presidential campaign. That is creating noise where they didn't have any right to be, don't you agree?

The people in our intelligence agencies dedicate their lives to keeping us safe, sometimes at the cost of their own lives. I respect them and I do not insist that they tell me every secret they have before I will believe them.
What did Russia do to help Trump win?

Russia prevented hillary from campaigning in the rust belt and stopped her from going to Wisconsin even one time.

Russia forced hillary to call more than half the country deplorable.

Russia told hillary to destroy 33 thousand emails and helped her set up a private server in someone's bathroom. Russia gave her the bleach bit.

Russia forced Huma Abedin to put state department emails on her husband's laptop, then forced Anthony Weiner to wag his weenie on line with his son asleep in the background.

Of course Russia interfered after all that.
That you found it necessary to even mention Abedin shows how effective the bullshit worked. There was nothing found on Abedin's computer, retard. Yet you tards convinced yourselves there was something there before the evidence was in. You were ejaculating all over yourselves when Comey "reopened the investigation".

Good job. You just proved my point that you tards will bleev something just because you want it to be true, but will ignore hard evidence of something which hurts your feelings.


And by "nothing found on Huma's computer" you mean classified State Dept emails she was not authorized to possess, right?
There was nothing new. All the bullshit you pseudocon tards made up about what was on there was just that; bullshit. As soon as you heard Comey was looking into it, you ejaculated all over yourselves.

You bleeved all kinds of bullshit about it with ZERO evidence.
Trump will believe ANYTHING he reads on the internet. Anything.

But when he is shown PROOF that Putin helped him get elected, his ego can't handle it.

And by "proof" you mean Obama said so, right?
No, several intelligence agencies have said so. They have also released evidence. Several third parties have looked at the evidence and been convinced, including at least one security company which had been skeptical.
What they are saying and what so many on the left are refusing to admit is those e-mails are not why Hillary lost. They didn't help but she lost because she was a bad candidate and even worse campaigner running as the status quo candidate in an election where people wanted change these things along with her lack of any real message is why she lost.
As I said in my OP, there is no way of ever knowing how much of an impact those leaked emails had on the outcome.

But they definitely had an impact. Even though what was in them was very weak sauce, perception is reality for the rube herd, and they convinced themselves there was all sorts of shit in those emails, which they didn't even bother to read. They just listened to what their propaganda outlets made up about them.

The overarching point which matters, though, is that a foreign power interfered in our election process. The fact the pseudocon tards are okay with it speaks volumes about them.

Trump is Putin's boy. Trump wants the KGB thug to like him. Trump fawns over Putin. That's why Putin interfered to help Trump in whatever way he could.

Deep down inside, Trump knows Putin interfered on his behalf. And Trump's ego can't handle it.
It's amazing how you say on hand we will never how much impact they had then turn around and imply they had enough to convince as you call them the rubes. You also claim these people didn't even read them even though there is no way for you to know that you might take a moment to realize despite what you seem think you don't know everything.
Seems to me the pseudocons want it both ways.

On the one hand, they were cheering and hooting and hollering at the devastating impact of the DNC email leaks at the time they were in the news.

"Stick a fork in her!" "Hitlery is toast!" Et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.

Clinton's lead shrank from 12 points to zero as the leaks came out, and as Comey did his spastic little dance all over the front page.

Now these very same pseudocons are trying to claim the Russian hacks had no impact on our election at all! Not only that, they are trying, futilely, to deny there were any hacks by the Russians to begin with!

Trump is well known for repeating every conspiracy theory on the internet, and for retweeting them. The man hasn't a critical thinking cell in his head. If the dumb fuck sees something on the internet, he immediately parrots it without question. This is even more true among his Chumps.

"I want to bleev it, so it must be true!"

But when it comes to THIS particular FACT, Trump and Chumps deny it. And the sole reason is because Trump's fragile ego can't handle the fact he got some help from Putin in winning the office.

Me, personally, I have no idea how much of a difference the email leaks had on the outcome of the election. And no one will ever know if they made a difference between winning and losing for Trump.

But it is undeniable he had help from Putin, and Trump is going to be haunted by that fact forever.

It is fascinating that after all the manufactured bullshit these pseudocons have consumed, after watching them get themselves into a rabid lather over someone saying "Happy Holidays", they are not the slightest bit concerned or angry that a foreign power directly intervened in our democratic process.

These people have ZERO integrity, ZERO foundations to their bleef system, and ZERO intelligence.
Assange says Russia had nothing to do with what he leaked.
Well, that changes everything! I would definitely believe a guy who has been holed up for six years avoiding arrest on sex abuse charges--that just shows what kind of upstanding guy he is. Much more credible than the US intelligence services, for sure.
That makes it up to the same organizations that told Bush there were WMD's in Iraq to prove he's lying. Thus far, I have seen no proof that he is, just assertions. And it is a stretch to say that, by releasing true information, someone "directly intervened in our democratic process". It's not like when Dan Blather tried to unseat a sitting president with fake documents.
Rather did get fired for that. That is the difference between credible media sources and bullshit news sites. They are held accountable and hold their employees accountable so the public can rely on them to report facts.
It was the Bush administration that put a power spin on the intelligence services' analysis of the WMD thing. They made their assessment based on their knowledge at hand, but they didn't know for sure. Bush wanted to start a war, and he did.

I agree with you that the "directly intervened in our democratic process" leaves too much to the imagination, and I wish they had put that differently because all the thin skinned Trump lovers are skewing that to mean that Russia helped Trump win the election. What needs to be our focus is that Russia DID hack into the DNC's emails and DID release them to the public DURING our Presidential campaign. That is creating noise where they didn't have any right to be, don't you agree?

"Right to be" rings hollow to me. I believe that EVERY nation in the world looks at elections and government transitions in other nations and does what it can to get a result favorable to itself. I have a hard time getting real excited about Russia possibly doing that based on some other things I've said in this thread, but one thing is for sure, Americans really don't have a leg to stand on when it comes to influencing elections. Heck, sometimes we don't even bother with elections. We just forcibly remove a government we don't like and install one we do.

The people in our intelligence agencies dedicate their lives to keeping us safe, sometimes at the cost of their own lives. I respect them and I do not insist that they tell me every secret they have before I will believe them.
And they don't have to show everything. What is the strongest, most definitive statement you have actually heard from an intelligence agency on this? I'd like an actual quote because there is so much fake news buzz around it.
it is undeniable he had help from Putin

That is the problem - foreign actors having any form or extent of direct impact on the U.S. electoral process and Trump doesn't realize it, doesn't see something wrong with it, and he's about to be president. That is the real shame. America will not be great again or at all when it ignores the and allows foreign actors who/to intervene in any way in our political process.
....But they definitely had an impact. Even though what was in them was very weak sauce, perception is reality for the rube herd, and they convinced themselves there was all sorts of shit in those emails, which they didn't even bother to read. ...
They? Democrat voters?

Your comment that the emails were "very weak sauce" is interesting. IMHO, although the Russians should be held accountable for their actions, the emails themselves revealed "the man behind the curtain" to Democrats regarding their own party. This is a good thing since it will force the DNC to become more honest on how they operate. I look forward to the same thing being done at the RNC.

WikiLeaks releases thousands of documents about Clinton and internal deliberations
The emails from the Democratic National Committee include discussions of Clinton's chief rival for the presidential nomination, Sen. Bernie Sanders (D-Vt.); details of perks provided to party donors attending the convention; and email exchanges between party officials, journalists and others.....

....One email written May 5 to DNC communications director Luis Miranda from another party official suggests looking at Bernie Sanders' faith.

"It might may [sic] no difference, but for KY and WVA can we get someone to ask his belief," the email from "[email protected]" says. "Does he believe in a God. He had skated on saying he has a Jewish heritage. I think I read he is an atheist. This could make several points difference with my peeps. My Southern Baptist peeps would draw a big difference between a Jew and an atheist."

It was well known that there had been friction between the Sanders campaign and an ostensibly impartial party apparatus.

Forget the FBI cache; the Podesta emails show how America is run | Thomas Frank
They are last week’s scandal in a year running over with scandals, but in truth their significance goes far beyond mere scandal: they are a window into the soul of the Democratic party and into the dreams and thoughts of the class to whom the party answers.

The class to which I refer is not rising in angry protest; they are by and large pretty satisfied, pretty contented. Nobody takes road trips to exotic West Virginia to see what the members of this class looks like or how they live; on the contrary, they are the ones for whom such stories are written. This bunch doesn’t have to make do with a comb-over TV mountebank for a leader; for this class, the choices are always pretty good, and this year they happen to be excellent.

They are the comfortable and well-educated mainstay of our modern Democratic party. They are also the grandees of our national media; the architects of our software; the designers of our streets; the high officials of our banking system; the authors of just about every plan to fix social security or fine-tune the Middle East with precision droning. They are, they think, not a class at all but rather the enlightened ones, the people who must be answered to but who need never explain themselves.

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