Wanting Their Cake And To Eat It, Too

I've little doubt the Russians hacked the RNC, too. But Putin was trying to help Trump, not Clinton.
Why would Putin help Trump? Do you believe Trump is a Russian sleeper agent? Do you want to see his birth certificate? LOL

A truer statement, IMO, is that Putin is helping himself. At the time, it was to see if he could have impact on the election. He didn't "hack the election" like many LWLs allege, but his strategic release of emails revealing DNC corruption certainly had impact. He'll do the same to the RNC when it suits his interests. His desire isn't to "help Trump", but to weaken the US, weaken the faith Americans have in their own government and to strengthen his own position.

G's lost his mind... he's probably hoarding Play Do and puppies he's so distraught over Clinton losing.

Here's the perfect thread for him:

A Safe Space for Snowflakes
That is the problem - foreign actors having any form or extent of direct impact on the U.S. electoral process and Trump doesn't realize it, doesn't see something wrong with it, and he's about to be president. That is the real shame. America will not be great again or at all when it ignores the and allows foreign actors who/to intervene in any way in our political process.

What direct impact did Russia have?

At the very MOST, some of the revelations of DNC emails were based on a Russian hacker. Get this, what you are crying about is that the CORRUPTION of your filthy party was revealed. That is NOT direct impact. You got caught with your hand in the cookie jar and shriek "NO FAIR."

Do you think if RNC emails were leaked, they would be found to be squeaky clean, retard?


Putin decided to help Trump, and that is why he didn't leak RNC emails, and did leak DNC emails.

Please enlighten us, how did the Rooskies "help" Trump win?
You clearly have not read the topic. Or you have a serious reading comprehension problem. Or you are too stupid and over your head.

Based on the past, I would say all of the above.

We get it.. they may have hacked the DNC. Again, tell us how they influenced the election.

When are they going to stop whining about Hillary? It's getting scary out there in what's left of Blue America.
Looking forward to you Drumpfsters getting just what you deserve with his election.
25,000 jobs from IBM yesterday delivered to Trump and the winning keeps on going. Yep, you sit back and watch how a real leader leads.
Sadly, you may be right. I don't like to see the lid of Pandora's Box opened again, though, and it isn't something I like to see anyone playing around about.
To use another analogy, the nuclear genie is out of the bottle. The question is, "what do we do with it?" We can't put it back in. This requires a solid international effort. We, the human race, successfully avoided WWIII during the Cold War. Now we are facing terrorists and rogue states acquiring nuclear weapons. The US shouldn't be the World Police, but it certainly should be part of a World Police. All other major state actors need to step up and do their part, even if this means using violent acts against dangerous groups. An example would be China fixing the problems with the DPRK once and for all.
That is why Trump's tweet about jacking up the nuclear arsenal in response to Putin's announcement that they are strengthening their nuclear capabilities makes me a bit concerned. It doesn't SEEM to be a good attitude, but what can you really tell from a tweet?
What they are saying and what so many on the left are refusing to admit is those e-mails are not why Hillary lost. They didn't help but she lost because she was a bad candidate and even worse campaigner running as the status quo candidate in an election where people wanted change these things along with her lack of any real message is why she lost.
As I said in my OP, there is no way of ever knowing how much of an impact those leaked emails had on the outcome.

But they definitely had an impact. Even though what was in them was very weak sauce, perception is reality for the rube herd, and they convinced themselves there was all sorts of shit in those emails, which they didn't even bother to read. They just listened to what their propaganda outlets made up about them.

The overarching point which matters, though, is that a foreign power interfered in our election process. The fact the pseudocon tards are okay with it speaks volumes about them.

Trump is Putin's boy. Trump wants the KGB thug to like him. Trump fawns over Putin. That's why Putin interfered to help Trump in whatever way he could.

Deep down inside, Trump knows Putin interfered on his behalf. And Trump's ego can't handle it.
you can't knowingly tell us the wikileaks made an impact, but they did. Wow. you have magic then? you know what your don't know. Now dude..
Seems to me the pseudocons want it both ways.

On the one hand, they were cheering and hooting and hollering at the devastating impact of the DNC email leaks at the time they were in the news.

"Stick a fork in her!" "Hitlery is toast!" Et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.

Clinton's lead shrank from 12 points to zero as the leaks came out, and as Comey did his spastic little dance all over the front page.

Now these very same pseudocons are trying to claim the Russian hacks had no impact on our election at all! Not only that, they are trying, futilely, to deny there were any hacks by the Russians to begin with!

Trump is well known for repeating every conspiracy theory on the internet, and for retweeting them. The man hasn't a critical thinking cell in his head. If the dumb fuck sees something on the internet, he immediately parrots it without question. This is even more true among his Chumps.

"I want to bleev it, so it must be true!"

But when it comes to THIS particular FACT, Trump and Chumps deny it. And the sole reason is because Trump's fragile ego can't handle the fact he got some help from Putin in winning the office.

Me, personally, I have no idea how much of a difference the email leaks had on the outcome of the election. And no one will ever know if they made a difference between winning and losing for Trump.

But it is undeniable he had help from Putin, and Trump is going to be haunted by that fact forever.

It is fascinating that after all the manufactured bullshit these pseudocons have consumed, after watching them get themselves into a rabid lather over someone saying "Happy Holidays", they are not the slightest bit concerned or angry that a foreign power directly intervened in our democratic process.

These people have ZERO integrity, ZERO foundations to their bleef system, and ZERO intelligence.
Well why don't you post up the evidence that shows the russians did anything. I'll wait with the rest of my response to go on.
I posted some links a few posts back.

I'll wait here for the rest of your response, rube.
oh yeah, why don't you post up the comments from either of them that states the russians did anything. LOL, you have nothing and will have nothing because it is impossible to back track something not being monitored. You got bubkis bubba.
That is the problem - foreign actors having any form or extent of direct impact on the U.S. electoral process and Trump doesn't realize it, doesn't see something wrong with it, and he's about to be president. That is the real shame. America will not be great again or at all when it ignores the and allows foreign actors who/to intervene in any way in our political process.

What direct impact did Russia have?

At the very MOST, some of the revelations of DNC emails were based on a Russian hacker. Get this, what you are crying about is that the CORRUPTION of your filthy party was revealed. That is NOT direct impact. You got caught with your hand in the cookie jar and shriek "NO FAIR."

Do you think if RNC emails were leaked, they would be found to be squeaky clean, retard?


Putin decided to help Trump, and that is why he didn't leak RNC emails, and did leak DNC emails.

Please enlighten us, how did the Rooskies "help" Trump win?
You clearly have not read the topic. Or you have a serious reading comprehension problem. Or you are too stupid and over your head.

Based on the past, I would say all of the above.
dude, you have posted nothing to support your OP. so. Please feel free to post up the evidence the russians hacked. Let's see it. Come clean sally.
Sadly, you may be right. I don't like to see the lid of Pandora's Box opened again, though, and it isn't something I like to see anyone playing around about.
To use another analogy, the nuclear genie is out of the bottle. The question is, "what do we do with it?" We can't put it back in. This requires a solid international effort. We, the human race, successfully avoided WWIII during the Cold War. Now we are facing terrorists and rogue states acquiring nuclear weapons. The US shouldn't be the World Police, but it certainly should be part of a World Police. All other major state actors need to step up and do their part, even if this means using violent acts against dangerous groups. An example would be China fixing the problems with the DPRK once and for all.
That is why Trump's tweet about jacking up the nuclear arsenal in response to Putin's announcement that they are strengthening their nuclear capabilities makes me a bit concerned. It doesn't SEEM to be a good attitude, but what can you really tell from a tweet?
what? you don't think telling your greatest adversary that you will become stronger not a good thing why?
so which piece of information in the link states the russians did anything. Please post the snippet from your link. It is what you are supposed to do in this forum.
In otherwords, tl;dr?
You asked for evidence. Now read it.
in other words, there are no words from you all. bubkis baby, bubkis.
I'll tell you in otherwords you tldr'd it right? Cause you can't post the language that accuses the russians. It was left out for a reason and you're too stupid to understand that reason.
Sadly, you may be right. I don't like to see the lid of Pandora's Box opened again, though, and it isn't something I like to see anyone playing around about.
To use another analogy, the nuclear genie is out of the bottle. The question is, "what do we do with it?" We can't put it back in. This requires a solid international effort. We, the human race, successfully avoided WWIII during the Cold War. Now we are facing terrorists and rogue states acquiring nuclear weapons. The US shouldn't be the World Police, but it certainly should be part of a World Police. All other major state actors need to step up and do their part, even if this means using violent acts against dangerous groups. An example would be China fixing the problems with the DPRK once and for all.
That is why Trump's tweet about jacking up the nuclear arsenal in response to Putin's announcement that they are strengthening their nuclear capabilities makes me a bit concerned. It doesn't SEEM to be a good attitude, but what can you really tell from a tweet?
what? you don't think telling your greatest adversary that you will become stronger not a good thing why?
Did you read any of the former posts that led to that? You are very annoying this morning, son.
so which piece of information in the link states the russians did anything. Please post the snippet from your link. It is what you are supposed to do in this forum.
In otherwords, tl;dr?
You asked for evidence. Now read it.
in other words, there are no words from you all. bubkis baby, bubkis.
I'll tell you in otherwords you tldr'd it right? Cause you can't post the language that accuses the russians. It was left out for a reason and you're too stupid to understand that reason.
Read the fucking article you asked for, high brow.
Sadly, you may be right. I don't like to see the lid of Pandora's Box opened again, though, and it isn't something I like to see anyone playing around about.
To use another analogy, the nuclear genie is out of the bottle. The question is, "what do we do with it?" We can't put it back in. This requires a solid international effort. We, the human race, successfully avoided WWIII during the Cold War. Now we are facing terrorists and rogue states acquiring nuclear weapons. The US shouldn't be the World Police, but it certainly should be part of a World Police. All other major state actors need to step up and do their part, even if this means using violent acts against dangerous groups. An example would be China fixing the problems with the DPRK once and for all.
That is why Trump's tweet about jacking up the nuclear arsenal in response to Putin's announcement that they are strengthening their nuclear capabilities makes me a bit concerned. It doesn't SEEM to be a good attitude, but what can you really tell from a tweet?
what? you don't think telling your greatest adversary that you will become stronger not a good thing why?
Did you read any of the former posts that led to that? You are very annoying this morning, son.
I read all of it and in none of it do the links state the russians hacked anything. Like I already stated now multiple times, just pull out the verbiage you feel states it. You can't you fking loser and you won't cause it isn't in there.

I've little doubt the Russians hacked the RNC, too. But Putin was trying to help Trump, not Clinton.
Why would Putin help Trump? Do you believe Trump is a Russian sleeper agent? Do you want to see his birth certificate? LOL

A truer statement, IMO, is that Putin is helping himself. At the time, it was to see if he could have impact on the election. He didn't "hack the election" like many LWLs allege, but his strategic release of emails revealing DNC corruption certainly had impact. He'll do the same to the RNC when it suits his interests. His desire isn't to "help Trump", but to weaken the US, weaken the faith Americans have in their own government and to strengthen his own position.

G's lost his mind... he's probably hoarding Play Do and puppies he's so distraught over Clinton losing.

Here's the perfect thread for him:

A Safe Space for Snowflakes

That is the problem - foreign actors having any form or extent of direct impact on the U.S. electoral process and Trump doesn't realize it, doesn't see something wrong with it, and he's about to be president. That is the real shame. America will not be great again or at all when it ignores the and allows foreign actors who/to intervene in any way in our political process.

What direct impact did Russia have?

At the very MOST, some of the revelations of DNC emails were based on a Russian hacker. Get this, what you are crying about is that the CORRUPTION of your filthy party was revealed. That is NOT direct impact. You got caught with your hand in the cookie jar and shriek "NO FAIR."

Do you think if RNC emails were leaked, they would be found to be squeaky clean, retard?


Putin decided to help Trump, and that is why he didn't leak RNC emails, and did leak DNC emails.

Please enlighten us, how did the Rooskies "help" Trump win?
You clearly have not read the topic. Or you have a serious reading comprehension problem. Or you are too stupid and over your head.

Based on the past, I would say all of the above.

Actually, I am under the impression that what cemented the deal for Trump was the "project Veritas" videos! Russians had nothing to do with that, and all they did was prove how corrupt and like the Mafia the DNC is.

I mean, ever heard the old phrase "a picture is worth 1000 words?" Those videos sank you people faster than the Titanic. It showed the absolute corruption of the DNC, and what kind of people the DNC associate with in their all out effort to win. It also proved rightly or wrongly, that your whole narrative about how mean and nasty Trump supporters are was a totally false narrative.

As far as I know, the only minds changed much by the DNC hacks was a few Jewish friends I know, and according to the election results, Jewish people still heavily voted for Clinton, so I dunno where you can even come up with stats to show much at all.
so which piece of information in the link states the russians did anything. Please post the snippet from your link. It is what you are supposed to do in this forum.
In otherwords, tl;dr?
You asked for evidence. Now read it.

I read it. No where does it say in anyway that the Russians hacked the election.
so which piece of information in the link states the russians did anything. Please post the snippet from your link. It is what you are supposed to do in this forum.
In otherwords, tl;dr?
You asked for evidence. Now read it.

it can read? gee who knew ..

back to the topic (sort of) ...

good one day, bad the next has been the entire theme of the Trumpbots since day one ... distort, deflect, ignore, and proceed to eat the peanuts out of Trumps shitpile ... if he wasn't directly involved LIE YOUR ASS OFF !
I've little doubt the Russians hacked the RNC, too. But Putin was trying to help Trump, not Clinton.
Why would Putin help Trump? Do you believe Trump is a Russian sleeper agent? Do you want to see his birth certificate? LOL

A truer statement, IMO, is that Putin is helping himself. At the time, it was to see if he could have impact on the election. He didn't "hack the election" like many LWLs allege, but his strategic release of emails revealing DNC corruption certainly had impact. He'll do the same to the RNC when it suits his interests. His desire isn't to "help Trump", but to weaken the US, weaken the faith Americans have in their own government and to strengthen his own position.

G's lost his mind... he's probably hoarding Play Do and puppies he's so distraught over Clinton losing.

Here's the perfect thread for him:

A Safe Space for Snowflakes

That is the problem - foreign actors having any form or extent of direct impact on the U.S. electoral process and Trump doesn't realize it, doesn't see something wrong with it, and he's about to be president. That is the real shame. America will not be great again or at all when it ignores the and allows foreign actors who/to intervene in any way in our political process.

What direct impact did Russia have?

At the very MOST, some of the revelations of DNC emails were based on a Russian hacker. Get this, what you are crying about is that the CORRUPTION of your filthy party was revealed. That is NOT direct impact. You got caught with your hand in the cookie jar and shriek "NO FAIR."

Do you think if RNC emails were leaked, they would be found to be squeaky clean, retard?


Putin decided to help Trump, and that is why he didn't leak RNC emails, and did leak DNC emails.

Please enlighten us, how did the Rooskies "help" Trump win?
You clearly have not read the topic. Or you have a serious reading comprehension problem. Or you are too stupid and over your head.

Based on the past, I would say all of the above.

Actually, I am under the impression that what cemented the deal for Trump was the "project Veritas" videos! Russians had nothing to do with that, and all they did was prove how corrupt and like the Mafia the DNC is.

I mean, ever heard the old phrase "a picture is worth 1000 words?" Those videos sank you people faster than the Titanic. It showed the absolute corruption of the DNC, and what kind of people the DNC associate with in their all out effort to win. It also proved rightly or wrongly, that your whole narrative about how mean and nasty Trump supporters are was a totally false narrative.

As far as I know, the only minds changed much by the DNC hacks was a few Jewish friends I know, and according to the election results, Jewish people still heavily voted for Clinton, so I dunno where you can even come up with stats to show much at all.

Bingo. The Dems treated a large portion of the voters with disdain and contempt.

That's not a good sales strategy.

The Sales Pitch

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