Wanting Their Cake And To Eat It, Too

so which piece of information in the link states the russians did anything. Please post the snippet from your link. It is what you are supposed to do in this forum.
In otherwords, tl;dr?
You asked for evidence. Now read it.

I read it. No where does it say in anyway that the Russians hacked the election.


Sadly, you may be right. I don't like to see the lid of Pandora's Box opened again, though, and it isn't something I like to see anyone playing around about.
To use another analogy, the nuclear genie is out of the bottle. The question is, "what do we do with it?" We can't put it back in. This requires a solid international effort. We, the human race, successfully avoided WWIII during the Cold War. Now we are facing terrorists and rogue states acquiring nuclear weapons. The US shouldn't be the World Police, but it certainly should be part of a World Police. All other major state actors need to step up and do their part, even if this means using violent acts against dangerous groups. An example would be China fixing the problems with the DPRK once and for all.
That is why Trump's tweet about jacking up the nuclear arsenal in response to Putin's announcement that they are strengthening their nuclear capabilities makes me a bit concerned. It doesn't SEEM to be a good attitude, but what can you really tell from a tweet?
what? you don't think telling your greatest adversary that you will become stronger not a good thing why?
Did you read any of the former posts that led to that? You are very annoying this morning, son.
I read all of it and in none of it do the links state the russians hacked anything. Like I already stated now multiple times, just pull out the verbiage you feel states it. You can't you fking loser and you won't cause it isn't in there.

Who died and made you God? I believe the experts and the members of the Senate who HAVE seen the evidence--they believe Russia hacked the election. If you want to continue to deny it because it skins your nose that it tarnishes Trump's win on some way, by all means feel free. But it's not a very sensible stance, imo.
To use another analogy, the nuclear genie is out of the bottle. The question is, "what do we do with it?" We can't put it back in. This requires a solid international effort. We, the human race, successfully avoided WWIII during the Cold War. Now we are facing terrorists and rogue states acquiring nuclear weapons. The US shouldn't be the World Police, but it certainly should be part of a World Police. All other major state actors need to step up and do their part, even if this means using violent acts against dangerous groups. An example would be China fixing the problems with the DPRK once and for all.
That is why Trump's tweet about jacking up the nuclear arsenal in response to Putin's announcement that they are strengthening their nuclear capabilities makes me a bit concerned. It doesn't SEEM to be a good attitude, but what can you really tell from a tweet?
what? you don't think telling your greatest adversary that you will become stronger not a good thing why?
Did you read any of the former posts that led to that? You are very annoying this morning, son.
I read all of it and in none of it do the links state the russians hacked anything. Like I already stated now multiple times, just pull out the verbiage you feel states it. You can't you fking loser and you won't cause it isn't in there.

Who died and made you God? I believe the experts and the members of the Senate who HAVE seen the evidence--they believe Russia hacked the election. If you want to continue to deny it because it skins your nose that it tarnishes Trump's win on some way, by all means feel free. But it's not a very sensible stance, imo.

They/you believe it based on what?
so which piece of information in the link states the russians did anything. Please post the snippet from your link. It is what you are supposed to do in this forum.
In otherwords, tl;dr?
You asked for evidence. Now read it.

I read it. No where does it say in anyway that the Russians hacked the election.
I wasn't talking about the election. See, this is why it's impossible to have a sensible discussion about this. We're hollering about two different things. The Russians hacked one of our political parties. Will you accept that?
To use another analogy, the nuclear genie is out of the bottle. The question is, "what do we do with it?" We can't put it back in. This requires a solid international effort. We, the human race, successfully avoided WWIII during the Cold War. Now we are facing terrorists and rogue states acquiring nuclear weapons. The US shouldn't be the World Police, but it certainly should be part of a World Police. All other major state actors need to step up and do their part, even if this means using violent acts against dangerous groups. An example would be China fixing the problems with the DPRK once and for all.
That is why Trump's tweet about jacking up the nuclear arsenal in response to Putin's announcement that they are strengthening their nuclear capabilities makes me a bit concerned. It doesn't SEEM to be a good attitude, but what can you really tell from a tweet?
what? you don't think telling your greatest adversary that you will become stronger not a good thing why?
Did you read any of the former posts that led to that? You are very annoying this morning, son.
I read all of it and in none of it do the links state the russians hacked anything. Like I already stated now multiple times, just pull out the verbiage you feel states it. You can't you fking loser and you won't cause it isn't in there.

Who died and made you God? I believe the experts and the members of the Senate who HAVE seen the evidence--they believe Russia hacked the election. If you want to continue to deny it because it skins your nose that it tarnishes Trump's win on some way, by all means feel free. But it's not a very sensible stance, imo.
so you agree there is nothing in the links. thank you. At least you're being honest. So still, no one, not even the POTUS has seen anything to say the russians hacked. It's out there dufus
so which piece of information in the link states the russians did anything. Please post the snippet from your link. It is what you are supposed to do in this forum.
In otherwords, tl;dr?
You asked for evidence. Now read it.

I read it. No where does it say in anyway that the Russians hacked the election.
I wasn't talking about the election. See, this is why it's impossible to have a sensible discussion about this. We're hollering about two different things. The Russians hacked one of our political parties. Will you accept that?
no they didn't and you have no proof they did. Do you? you just admitted so in your last response to me.
That is why Trump's tweet about jacking up the nuclear arsenal in response to Putin's announcement that they are strengthening their nuclear capabilities makes me a bit concerned. It doesn't SEEM to be a good attitude, but what can you really tell from a tweet?
what? you don't think telling your greatest adversary that you will become stronger not a good thing why?
Did you read any of the former posts that led to that? You are very annoying this morning, son.
I read all of it and in none of it do the links state the russians hacked anything. Like I already stated now multiple times, just pull out the verbiage you feel states it. You can't you fking loser and you won't cause it isn't in there.

Who died and made you God? I believe the experts and the members of the Senate who HAVE seen the evidence--they believe Russia hacked the election. If you want to continue to deny it because it skins your nose that it tarnishes Trump's win on some way, by all means feel free. But it's not a very sensible stance, imo.

They/you believe it based on what?
I trust the pilot to fly the plane I'm on, and I trust the doctor to take out my appendix. They are experts in those things and I am not. I can trust them to do it without becoming a pilot or a surgeon, and I definitely don't need any lessons ahead of time to believe them.
That is the kind of trust I have in our intelligence agencies.
so which piece of information in the link states the russians did anything. Please post the snippet from your link. It is what you are supposed to do in this forum.
In otherwords, tl;dr?
You asked for evidence. Now read it.

I read it. No where does it say in anyway that the Russians hacked the election.
I wasn't talking about the election. See, this is why it's impossible to have a sensible discussion about this. We're hollering about two different things. The Russians hacked one of our political parties. Will you accept that?
no they didn't and you have no proof they did. Do you? you just admitted so in your last response to me.

John Podesta's password was: password

When you are that STUPID, you are going to be phished. A grade school kid could have done it. But, the real source is an inside leak. There must be at least one person in the DNC who was disgusted with how the primaries were rigged.
Two major federal agencies have issued a bombshell joint report showing the proof that the Russian Federation meddled in the general election.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) accused two Russian intelligence services (referred to as “RIS” in the report) in the “Grizzly Steppe” report issued on December 29th of hacking into the Democratic National Committee’s digital infrastructure in the summer of 2015, and again in the spring of 2016. For the sake of brevity, the agencies identified the hackers as Advanced Persistent Threat (APT) 28 and 29.

The report confirmed that the contents of Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta’s email account were obtained via a tactic known as “spearphishing,” in which a malicious code is sent to thousands of different recipients in the hopes that some of them will click, thereby granting a hacker access to sensitive information contained within an email account.
That is why Trump's tweet about jacking up the nuclear arsenal in response to Putin's announcement that they are strengthening their nuclear capabilities makes me a bit concerned. It doesn't SEEM to be a good attitude, but what can you really tell from a tweet?
Trump is used to bluster and bravado as a salesman. He's going to go through the same 6-12 month learning process that a former community organizer went through when it comes to being POTUS.

I remember when Clinton first came into office under the dark cloud of being a dishonest, lying draft dodger. That was bad enough for many military members (including me), but he was the President, and all military personnel know that they should respect the uniform or office even if they don't respect the man in it. Even so, the crew Clinton brought with him was very anti-military and this caused a lot of problems for several years. Those problems came to the forefront when Clinton sought to use our military as "World Police" in Bosnia, Haiti and elsewhere. Trump's comments about how he is smarter than our military and intelligence agencies is going to hurt him. Sure, our military and intelligence professionals will do their duty, but Trump will be hurting himself and, possibly, the nation if he keeps shitting on them out of ignorance.
That is the problem - foreign actors having any form or extent of direct impact on the U.S. electoral process and Trump doesn't realize it, doesn't see something wrong with it, and he's about to be president. That is the real shame. America will not be great again or at all when it ignores the and allows foreign actors who/to intervene in any way in our political process.

What direct impact did Russia have?

At the very MOST, some of the revelations of DNC emails were based on a Russian hacker. Get this, what you are crying about is that the CORRUPTION of your filthy party was revealed. That is NOT direct impact. You got caught with your hand in the cookie jar and shriek "NO FAIR."

Do you think if RNC emails were leaked, they would be found to be squeaky clean, retard?


Putin decided to help Trump, and that is why he didn't leak RNC emails, and did leak DNC emails.

Please enlighten us, how did the Rooskies "help" Trump win?
You clearly have not read the topic. Or you have a serious reading comprehension problem. Or you are too stupid and over your head.

Based on the past, I would say all of the above.
dude, you have posted nothing to support your OP. so. Please feel free to post up the evidence the russians hacked. Let's see it. Come clean sally.

Really? Given what has been made available to date, that's your best retort?

No, the intelligence community has not released it's full reporting of how they know the Russians hacked Podesta and others. What they have released indicates that it is more plausible that the Russians did it than did any of the other actors who may reasonably be thought to have done it.

All 17 organs of the U.S. intelligence community unanimously agree that the Russians did it. All 17 of them did not agree that Iraq had WMDs back in 2002. These are people whose job it is to know. This is not the sales clerk at your local Walmart, or the hair bender with the "inside line," or the all knowing taxi driver (see my signature line) sharing whatever dumbass hypothesis crossed their mind.
so which piece of information in the link states the russians did anything. Please post the snippet from your link. It is what you are supposed to do in this forum.
In otherwords, tl;dr?
You asked for evidence. Now read it.

I read it. No where does it say in anyway that the Russians hacked the election.
I wasn't talking about the election. See, this is why it's impossible to have a sensible discussion about this. We're hollering about two different things. The Russians hacked one of our political parties. Will you accept that?

I'll accept that hey may have hacked the DNC.

Then why did you post this?

"I believe the experts and the members of the Senate who HAVE seen the evidence--they believe Russia hacked the election."

Are you mentally ill or drunk?
What direct impact did Russia have?

At the very MOST, some of the revelations of DNC emails were based on a Russian hacker. Get this, what you are crying about is that the CORRUPTION of your filthy party was revealed. That is NOT direct impact. You got caught with your hand in the cookie jar and shriek "NO FAIR."

Do you think if RNC emails were leaked, they would be found to be squeaky clean, retard?


Putin decided to help Trump, and that is why he didn't leak RNC emails, and did leak DNC emails.

Please enlighten us, how did the Rooskies "help" Trump win?
You clearly have not read the topic. Or you have a serious reading comprehension problem. Or you are too stupid and over your head.

Based on the past, I would say all of the above.
dude, you have posted nothing to support your OP. so. Please feel free to post up the evidence the russians hacked. Let's see it. Come clean sally.

Really? Given what has been made available to date, that's your best retort?

No, the intelligence community has not released it's full reporting of how they know the Russians hacked Podesta and others. What they have released indicates that it is more plausible that the Russians did it than did any of the other actors who may reasonably be thought to have done it.

All 17 organs of the U.S. intelligence community unanimously agree that the Russians did it. All 17 of them did not agree that Iraq had WMDs back in 2002. These are people whose job it is to know. This is not the sales clerk at your local Walmart, or the hair bender with the "inside line," or the all knowing taxi driver (see my signature line) sharing whatever dumbass hypothesis crossed their mind.
so you agree no evidence of hacking has been presented. thanks.
Do you think if RNC emails were leaked, they would be found to be squeaky clean, retard?


Putin decided to help Trump, and that is why he didn't leak RNC emails, and did leak DNC emails.

Please enlighten us, how did the Rooskies "help" Trump win?
You clearly have not read the topic. Or you have a serious reading comprehension problem. Or you are too stupid and over your head.

Based on the past, I would say all of the above.
dude, you have posted nothing to support your OP. so. Please feel free to post up the evidence the russians hacked. Let's see it. Come clean sally.

Really? Given what has been made available to date, that's your best retort?

No, the intelligence community has not released it's full reporting of how they know the Russians hacked Podesta and others. What they have released indicates that it is more plausible that the Russians did it than did any of the other actors who may reasonably be thought to have done it.

All 17 organs of the U.S. intelligence community unanimously agree that the Russians did it. All 17 of them did not agree that Iraq had WMDs back in 2002. These are people whose job it is to know. This is not the sales clerk at your local Walmart, or the hair bender with the "inside line," or the all knowing taxi driver (see my signature line) sharing whatever dumbass hypothesis crossed their mind.
so you agree no evidence of hacking has been presented. thanks.

Fucking moonbats.. all of them.
The Dems treated a large portion of the voters with disdain and contempt.

Okay, but that isn't the point. The point is that by all indications foreign actors took actions that had some impact in the U.S. Because it appears that is what happened, it is incumbent on our elected leaders to (1) examine the information about it that has been gathered by the intelligence community and (2) take the matter seriously. It is irresponsible and unpatriotic for any elected official or citizen to discount the matter in advance #1.
Two major federal agencies have issued a bombshell joint report showing the proof that the Russian Federation meddled in the general election.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) accused two Russian intelligence services (referred to as “RIS” in the report) in the “Grizzly Steppe” report issued on December 29th of hacking into the Democratic National Committee’s digital infrastructure in the summer of 2015, and again in the spring of 2016. For the sake of brevity, the agencies identified the hackers as Advanced Persistent Threat (APT) 28 and 29.

The report confirmed that the contents of Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta’s email account were obtained via a tactic known as “spearphishing,” in which a malicious code is sent to thousands of different recipients in the hopes that some of them will click, thereby granting a hacker access to sensitive information contained within an email account.
perhaps you can post the piece that states the russians did anything. I bleef that is the argument.
The Dems treated a large portion of the voters with disdain and contempt.

Okay, but that isn't the point. The point is that by all indications foreign actors took actions that had some impact in the U.S. Because it appears that is what happened, it is incumbent on our elected leaders to (1) examine the information about it that has been gathered by the intelligence community and (2) take the matter seriously. It is irresponsible and unpatriotic for any elected official or citizen to discount the matter in advance #1.
oh really, and you have evidence? the POTUS doesn't have that evidence. So how is it you got it before him?
Two major federal agencies have issued a bombshell joint report showing the proof that the Russian Federation meddled in the general election.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) accused two Russian intelligence services (referred to as “RIS” in the report) in the “Grizzly Steppe” report issued on December 29th of hacking into the Democratic National Committee’s digital infrastructure in the summer of 2015, and again in the spring of 2016. For the sake of brevity, the agencies identified the hackers as Advanced Persistent Threat (APT) 28 and 29.

The report confirmed that the contents of Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta’s email account were obtained via a tactic known as “spearphishing,” in which a malicious code is sent to thousands of different recipients in the hopes that some of them will click, thereby granting a hacker access to sensitive information contained within an email account.

What role does the DNC play in the actual election process?

You moonbats exude a special level of stupid.

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