WaPo editorial...Maybe we should just let teachers rape students.

KG is already changing the subject in her own thread, and it's only on page 2. Oh well. What choice did she have? Once Pole Rider chimed in with his obsession over gays and pedophiles (projecting like a pro), there really wasn't much more to say.
Pub,ic schools have become a haven for child molesters. They were protected by administrators until the left got judges into position of protecting them. Now it' s making sure children understand the normalcy of sexual contact and the importance of not telling parents.
This is a terrible case, particularly for society and even more so for the child.

Nonetheless, child predation is much higher in cult like Christian reactionary groups than in society as a whole.

What the fuck does this have to do with the OP? Even if it is true, should we just ignore the age of consent? Did your reflexive tendency to side with all things progressive force you to respond before you considered the implications?
I agree that sex perverts who prey on children, from progressives to regressives and particularly so-called Christians, who are supposed to protect and nurture children, should be removed from the face of the earth.

If this statement was true you would not have defended an an opinion piece calling for the end to criminalizing sex with children.
nobody asked you what you thought, fake. And nobody cares.

Sorry, princess: you will be held accountable for your comments. We all agree that pedophiles, whoever they are, should be removed. Pedophiles are primarily heterosexuals who come from all religious and non-religious as well as all political and non-political backgrounds.

These are facts. Among those facts, many pedophiles come from mainstream churches and religious cults.

Why is that? Because predators, whether pedophiles or cats, hunt where the prey is.

Pedophiles, by definition, are not heterosexual.
Actually, they can be, and often are, both.

Pedophilia just isn't a sexual orientation. It's a depraved compulsion that generally is created by child sexual abuse of the pedo.
California had to close an entire school because it was so full of child molesters. Miramonte Elementary School was closed for a year.
NAMBLA is part of the democrat party base and it operates in the open. It should be a vilified as the KKK but damn it homosexual predators still vote so the DNC embraces them.
Nope, progressives aren't interested in preying upon children. Not at all:

"Earlier this week we talked about the shocking case out in Wyoming Montana where a 49 year old school teacher, Stacey Rambold, received a thirty day jail sentence for raping a 14 year old student who later killed herself."

"But against all belief, Betsy seems to think that the sentence Rambold received was a bit too harsh.
Sex between students and teachers should not be a crime
…our society needs to have an uncensored dialogue about the reality of sex in schools.
As protesters decry the leniency of Rambold’s sentence — he will spend 30 days in prison after pleading guilty to raping 14-year-old Cherice Morales, who committed suicide at age 16 — I find myself troubled for the opposite reason. I don’t believe that all sexual conduct between underage students and teachers should necessarily be classified as rape, and I believe that absent extenuating circumstances, consensual sexual activity between teachers and students should not be criminalized. While I am not defending Judge G. Todd Baugh’s comments about Morales being “as much in control of the situation” — for which he has appropriately apologized — tarring and feathering him for attempting to articulate the context that informed his sentence will not advance this much-needed dialogue."

"This wasn’t some “Romeo and Juliette” situation where we need to dance around the difficult questions of young people engaging in sex too early with their Main Squeeze after one of them barely passes the age of adulthood. This teacher is a middle aged pedophile, plain and simple. Does that sound judgmental and harsh? Good. Because that’s the name we give to older men (or women in some cases) who have sex with children. And that 14 year old was a child, no matter how “old” she may have acted."

Wapo editorial: Maybe we should just let teachers rape students « Hot Air

Sex between students and teachers should not be a crime - The Washington Post

I'm sorry to see someone who used his teacher power as a free fire zone to rape a child and got off with a wrist slap. If the punishment is in accordance with Montana state law, however, that's that, as sorrowful as it is for the girl's family to lose her and see the wrong done to her go virtually unpunished.
WaPo editorial...Maybe we should just let teachers rape students.

As usual you’re a liar.

Nowhere in the article does the author advocate teachers ‘raping’ students. Nowhere in the article is the author identified as a 'progressive,' or someone speaking for 'progressives.'

Indeed, the author considers the fact that indiscriminate prosecution often ends up being unintentionally harmful to the persons the laws are attempting to protect:

The point is that there is a vast and extremely nuanced continuum of sexual interactions involving teachers and students, ranging from flirtation to mutual lust to harassment to predatory behavior. Painting all of these behaviors with the same brush sends a damaging message to students and sets the stage for hypocrisy and distortion of the truth.

The article’s author also acknowledges the appropriateness of statutory rape doctrine, and offers that the utilization of such laws may not be desirable in all cases:

Laws related to statutory rape are in place to protect children, but the issue of underage sex, and certainly of sex between students and teachers, may be one in which the law of unintended consequences is causing so much damage that society needs to reassess.

Calling for a review and reassessment of how statutory rape laws are implemented in certain circumstances is reasonable, and again, in no way suggests that teachers should be allowed to ‘rape’ students with impunity.
WaPo editorial...Maybe we should just let teachers rape students.

As usual you’re a liar.

Nowhere in the article does the author advocate teachers ‘raping’ students. Nowhere in the article is the author identified as a 'progressive,' or someone speaking for 'progressives.'

Indeed, the author considers the fact that indiscriminate prosecution often ends up being unintentionally harmful to the persons the laws are attempting to protect:

The point is that there is a vast and extremely nuanced continuum of sexual interactions involving teachers and students, ranging from flirtation to mutual lust to harassment to predatory behavior. Painting all of these behaviors with the same brush sends a damaging message to students and sets the stage for hypocrisy and distortion of the truth.
The article’s author also acknowledges the appropriateness of statutory rape doctrine, and offers that the utilization of such laws may not be desirable in all cases:

Laws related to statutory rape are in place to protect children, but the issue of underage sex, and certainly of sex between students and teachers, may be one in which the law of unintended consequences is causing so much damage that society needs to reassess.
Calling for a review and reassessment of how statutory rape laws are implemented in certain circumstances is reasonable, and again, in no way suggests that teachers should be allowed to ‘rape’ students with impunity.

Of course it does.

But you will deny that's what it really says because that's what progressives do.
Remember libs, something worse than aids is inevitable and it will decimate you guys and you will have nobody to blame but yourselves

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