WAPO poll (Latinos): Trump fav 15 / unfav 82, -67

You missed California. All Hispanic people I know are piss. Anchor babies in their mid 20s never vote before and they will vote this time. I predict a major turn out for Hispanic voters.

California is irrelevant.

The dims could run Kim Jong Un and California would put their EC votes behind him.
Except when they voted Republican in 1986, for Ronald Reagan
Because he was from California.
"82% of Latinos have an unfavorable opinion of Donald Trump."

No poll was needed for this fact.

And this will continue to disadvantage the republican nominee, whomever he or she will be.

82% of Latinos have an unfavorable opinion of Donald Trump.


81% of Blacks have an unfavorable opinion of Trump.

61% of women have an unfavorable opinion of Donald Trump.

Favorable ratings for Clinton, Biden, Trump and Bush - The Washington Post

1,005 adults, MoE = +/-3.5

View attachment 49119

View attachment 49118

Compared to Clinton:

View attachment 49121

68% of Latinos have a FAVORABLE opinion of Clinton. 79% of Blacks have a FAVORABLE opinion of Clinton.


View attachment 49120

She is only slightly underwater with women, 48 to 51, -3.

For Bush, the Latino statistic looks much more promising for a Republican:

View attachment 49123

Among Latinos, 43 fav / 46 unfav is a damned good spread for a Republican.


View attachment 49122

Bush is hurting evenly among males and females.

And Biden:

View attachment 49125

At overall 46/46, Biden is the only one of the four not underwater. He does much better with Whites than Hillary, but not as well with Latinos (49/35).

And:View attachment 49124

His numbers among both genders is very, very consistent.


One month ago, Trump's Latino numbers were 13 approve / 81 disapprove, -68, so both fav AND unfav have ticked up ever so slightly.

You can see other demographics at the link.

But overall fav/unfav:

Biden 46 fav / 46 unfav - TIE
Clinton 45 fav / 53 unfav, -8
Bush 38 fav / 55 unfav, -17
Trump 37 fav / 59 unfav, -21

Now, favorability is not = to electability, but a 67 point hole is hard to climb out of with any demographic group.
I didn't know Bush's unfavorables were higher than Hillary's.

It seems that the good folks at Fox News don't talk about that when they're talking about Hillary's unfavorables.

My brother in law is a former state level lobbyist, and he says I'm overthinking, but it seems like there has to be a reason the GOP is allowing Trump to run wild. He thinks they're not that smart
They cant stop him. I think they are hoping they can buy him.
At least the Tea Party was a rebranding effort for the GOP, and something the GOP could reign back in, save the random loco militia guys.

But Trump is something they can only react to, with no real way to mitigate the potential damage to the 2016 GOP run for the white house.

Trump has negated the advantage Bush or Rubio would have had with Latinos in the general too. Bush has hedged his bet by challenging Trump in ways that will be a disadvantage for him in the primaries.

Reince Preibus has his work cut out for him in trying to keep the GOP primary from spoiling things, like it did in 2012

Indeed. Imagine a nominee Trump 5 days from election day, only leading by 8 points in Utah.... behind in Texas, hopelessly behind in New Mexico, Nevada, Florida....
By far, for me, the most noteworthy warning sign are my ultra right conservative cousins in So California. These people are Fox News Republicans, and they are beside themselves about the attacks on Latinos Trump has thrown out there. In fact...they're turning on any Republican who even implies support for what Trump has said. I watched them turn on their long time heroin Ann Coulter just last week for that.

We haven't begun to see the long term damage yet
I'm shocked at the number of independents going Trump. My son and his inlaws have never voted for either a democrat or a republican, always some third party. Now they are all for Trump.

82% of Latinos have an unfavorable opinion of Donald Trump.


81% of Blacks have an unfavorable opinion of Trump.

61% of women have an unfavorable opinion of Donald Trump.

Favorable ratings for Clinton, Biden, Trump and Bush - The Washington Post

1,005 adults, MoE = +/-3.5

View attachment 49119

View attachment 49118

Compared to Clinton:

View attachment 49121

68% of Latinos have a FAVORABLE opinion of Clinton. 79% of Blacks have a FAVORABLE opinion of Clinton.


View attachment 49120

She is only slightly underwater with women, 48 to 51, -3.

For Bush, the Latino statistic looks much more promising for a Republican:

View attachment 49123

Among Latinos, 43 fav / 46 unfav is a damned good spread for a Republican.


View attachment 49122

Bush is hurting evenly among males and females.

And Biden:

View attachment 49125

At overall 46/46, Biden is the only one of the four not underwater. He does much better with Whites than Hillary, but not as well with Latinos (49/35).

And:View attachment 49124

His numbers among both genders is very, very consistent.


One month ago, Trump's Latino numbers were 13 approve / 81 disapprove, -68, so both fav AND unfav have ticked up ever so slightly.

You can see other demographics at the link.

But overall fav/unfav:

Biden 46 fav / 46 unfav - TIE
Clinton 45 fav / 53 unfav, -8
Bush 38 fav / 55 unfav, -17
Trump 37 fav / 59 unfav, -21

Now, favorability is not = to electability, but a 67 point hole is hard to climb out of with any demographic group.
I didn't know Bush's unfavorables were higher than Hillary's.

It seems that the good folks at Fox News don't talk about that when they're talking about Hillary's unfavorables.

My brother in law is a former state level lobbyist, and he says I'm overthinking, but it seems like there has to be a reason the GOP is allowing Trump to run wild. He thinks they're not that smart
They cant stop him. I think they are hoping they can buy him.
At least the Tea Party was a rebranding effort for the GOP, and something the GOP could reign back in, save the random loco militia guys.

But Trump is something they can only react to, with no real way to mitigate the potential damage to the 2016 GOP run for the white house.

Trump has negated the advantage Bush or Rubio would have had with Latinos in the general too. Bush has hedged his bet by challenging Trump in ways that will be a disadvantage for him in the primaries.

Reince Preibus has his work cut out for him in trying to keep the GOP primary from spoiling things, like it did in 2012

Indeed. Imagine a nominee Trump 5 days from election day, only leading by 8 points in Utah.... behind in Texas, hopelessly behind in New Mexico, Nevada, Florida....
By far, for me, the most noteworthy warning sign are my ultra right conservative cousins in So California. These people are Fox News Republicans, and they are beside themselves about the attacks on Latinos Trump has thrown out there. In fact...they're turning on any Republican who even implies support for what Trump has said. I watched them turn on their long time heroin Ann Coulter just last week for that.

We haven't begun to see the long term damage yet


It is my experience that any group that is so openly demonized tends to develop a very long memory....
Are you one of those people who learned everything they know about Politics from Fox, Rush, Breitbart, Glenn Beck, or anyone from that bunch?

I lived in California in 1986, I live in California now.

This was a great state in 1986. Now, not so much.

Crazy fact - Jerry Brown is the only democrat I've ever voted for in my life - back in 1974.
No one says you should.

But when republicans exhibit only hate and ignorance concerning Hispanics, Hispanic Americans are going to correctly reject the GOP and its candidates.

You and the other Communists exhibit only hate and ignorance concerning white Americans, and whites are 67% of the population.

How do you think that will work out for you, Saul?

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