War as a Means of Manipulating the Public Consciousness of the US Population

Alexandre Fedorovski

Gold Member
Dec 9, 2017
What unites a nation? Natural disaster or ... war...

When Bill Clinton was threatened with being removed from power, his wife, Hillary, advised and then insisted on the start of the bombing of Yugoslavia.

When someone in the White House decided the results of the trial of the President in Congress over Trump are unpredictable and there is a potential threat of impeachment, someone advised the President to unleash a small but victorious war in the Middle East, eliminating the last opponent of the Jewish nationalist state of Israel.

I think it's not odd watching history repeat itself...

Trump fell in love with power, and what can’t you do in the name of love, even if you have to sacrifice the lives of people ?!

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Project for the New American Century

The Project for the New American Century (PNAC) was a neo-conservative think tank (1997 to 2006) that had strong ties to the American Enterprise Institute. PNAC's web site said it was "established in the spring of 1997" as "a non-profit, educational organization whose goal is to promote American global leadership."

PNAC's policy document, "Rebuilding America's Defences," openly advocated for total global military domination. Many PNAC members held highest-level positions in the George W. Bush administration. The Project was an initiative of the New Citizenship Project (501c3). [1]

In 2009 two of PNAC's founders, William Kristol and Robert Kagan, began what some termed "PNAC 2.0," The Foreign Policy Initiative.

PNAC.info - Exposing the Project for the New American Century - An examination of the neoconservative foreign policy approach and its consequences for America and the world.

John Pilger reveals the American plan: a new Pearl Harbour

John Pilger reveals the American plan: a new Pearl Harbour
Two years ago a project set up by the men who now surround George W Bush said what America needed was a “catastrophic and catalysing event”.
A very strange biased Impeachment and Democrats siding with terrorists unites a country behind President Trump.

Thanks for that!

What unites a nation? Natural disaster or ... war...

When Bill Clinton was threatened with being removed from power, his wife, Hillary, advised and then insisted on the start of the bombing of Yugoslavia.

When someone in the White House decided the results of the trial of the President in Congress over Trump are unpredictable and there is a potential threat of impeachment, someone advised the President to unleash a small but victorious war in the Middle East, eliminating the last opponent of the Jewish nationalist state of Israel.

I think it's not odd watching history repeat itself...

Trump fell in love with power, and what can’t you do in the name of love, even if you have to sacrifice the lives of people ?!

Clinton bombing Kosovo..........LOL..........the only thing we were ticked at back then was why did we wait so long.................

After Somalia he was gun shy..........he waited a long time to deal with it...............In the interim the UN went in and set up Safe Havens...............then when the Serbs came they were ordered to stand down and allow the people there to be hauled off and executed in mass.

They did a whole bunch of them in a stadium...........These people thought they were protected by UN forces...........which is why the U.S. went in under NATO command...............

Clinton finally did the right thing there............and stopped the Genocide..........
A very strange biased Impeachment and Democrats siding with terrorists unites a country behind President Trump.

Thanks for that!

What unites a nation? Natural disaster or ... war...

When Bill Clinton was threatened with being removed from power, his wife, Hillary, advised and then insisted on the start of the bombing of Yugoslavia.

When someone in the White House decided the results of the trial of the President in Congress over Trump are unpredictable and there is a potential threat of impeachment, someone advised the President to unleash a small but victorious war in the Middle East, eliminating the last opponent of the Jewish nationalist state of Israel.

I think it's not odd watching history repeat itself...

Trump fell in love with power, and what can’t you do in the name of love, even if you have to sacrifice the lives of people ?!

I think the Democrats have been too long beating themselves up trying to catch the President in some small error they can put in a fishbowl, but the fish aren't biting. And if they were in hurt before, I think they're digging themselves in deeper in deeper.

Here we have a little-known terrorist who has worked almost invisibly to the public for 40 years killing our soldiers in Afghanistan and Iraq. For some reason, he only made it to one of the "lists" of terrorists on our radar 20 years ago, but when I heard he'd killed enough of our soldiers to be a target, he'd probably already masterminded the killings of thousands of his own people and hundreds (if not thousands) of Americans as well, until the same picture kept showing up on our satellite visuals, until it was "Sole-who?" Then the realization sunk in, this was for real, the guy was not known for many years to any but our military, and he was almost invisible to them in his whereabouts by the time they realized the threat he was to our soldiers in particular. Our generals had to have presidential permission to take him out though, because he was a popular terrorist in at least 2 countries, even though in one of the countries, he took out a lot of his country's people, and our soldiers when we tried to find him. His elusiveness was likely his own doing, because he knew his count of killings but could control his disappearances like a pro.

I hope our Democrats and the press will simmer down once it sinks in how many Americans this guy is known for a fact to have ordered the heinous deaths of, and many a widow and child in America has wept over the grave of their beloved lost family man. I have a picture in my signature now that shows a child who lost a loved one, and it grabs me by the heartstrings, because it tells the story of how hard it must be for a son to loose his best friend and father all on the same day, and he visits the tombstone over his beloved dad's remains, trying to be strong and not to cry this time.

I hope our Democrat representatives will review the pictures of those Soleimani killed and lay off the idiot remarks some of them are spewing to the already get-trump press which is also spewing inanities with false senarios attached. If they look at the pictures, maybe something will touch their heart that tells them, they are mistaken this time, because the hurt has been going on for 20 years, same player, and his name was Soleimani, widow-maker and orphan-maker. Not to mention the widowers who lost a wife. If they skip the pictures, all they need see is this one below, and multiply it x1000. Then they will understand why President Trump said "Do it." That little fist on his left hand says it all. It's clinched, but he doesn't have his Dad's hand to hold with it. And it's hard.
What unites a nation? Natural disaster or ... war...

When Bill Clinton was threatened with being removed from power, his wife, Hillary, advised and then insisted on the start of the bombing of Yugoslavia.

When someone in the White House decided the results of the trial of the President in Congress over Trump are unpredictable and there is a potential threat of impeachment, someone advised the President to unleash a small but victorious war in the Middle East, eliminating the last opponent of the Jewish nationalist state of Israel.

I think it's not odd watching history repeat itself...

Trump fell in love with power, and what can’t you do in the name of love, even if you have to sacrifice the lives of people ?!

I don' think Kosovo helped or hurt Clinton on impeachment it over (ending February 12, 1999). According to Wikipedia: The NATO bombing of Yugoslavia was the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation's (NATO) military operation against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia during the Kosovo War. The air strikes lasted from March 24, 1999 to June 10, 1999.
The Democrats simply do not care about how much damage they do to this country because damaging our country is what they live for every day.

Party, Agenda, and Ideology is all they care about.

Their entire platform is “Fundamental Transformation of America” which is now rebranded as “Structural Change.” Same shit, different assholes.

To Structurally change something already built, you have to demolish it and remake it .

That is what they are about 24-7, 365!

A very strange biased Impeachment and Democrats siding with terrorists unites a country behind President Trump.

Thanks for that!

What unites a nation? Natural disaster or ... war...

When Bill Clinton was threatened with being removed from power, his wife, Hillary, advised and then insisted on the start of the bombing of Yugoslavia.

When someone in the White House decided the results of the trial of the President in Congress over Trump are unpredictable and there is a potential threat of impeachment, someone advised the President to unleash a small but victorious war in the Middle East, eliminating the last opponent of the Jewish nationalist state of Israel.

I think it's not odd watching history repeat itself...

Trump fell in love with power, and what can’t you do in the name of love, even if you have to sacrifice the lives of people ?!

I think the Democrats have been too long beating themselves up trying to catch the President in some small error they can put in a fishbowl, but the fish aren't biting. And if they were in hurt before, I think they're digging themselves in deeper in deeper.

Here we have a little-known terrorist who has worked almost invisibly to the public for 40 years killing our soldiers in Afghanistan and Iraq. For some reason, he only made it to one of the "lists" of terrorists on our radar 20 years ago, but when I heard he'd killed enough of our soldiers to be a target, he'd probably already masterminded the killings of thousands of his own people and hundreds (if not thousands) of Americans as well, until the same picture kept showing up on our satellite visuals, until it was "Sole-who?" Then the realization sunk in, this was for real, the guy was not known for many years to any but our military, and he was almost invisible to them in his whereabouts by the time they realized the threat he was to our soldiers in particular. Our generals had to have presidential permission to take him out though, because he was a popular terrorist in at least 2 countries, even though in one of the countries, he took out a lot of his country's people, and our soldiers when we tried to find him. His elusiveness was likely his own doing, because he knew his count of killings but could control his disappearances like a pro.

I hope our Democrats and the press will simmer down once it sinks in how many Americans this guy is known for a fact to have ordered the heinous deaths of, and many a widow and child in America has wept over the grave of their beloved lost family man. I have a picture in my signature now that shows a child who lost a loved one, and it grabs me by the heartstrings, because it tells the story of how hard it must be for a son to loose his best friend and father all on the same day, and he visits the tombstone over his beloved dad's remains, trying to be strong and not to cry this time.

I hope our Democrat representatives will review the pictures of those Soleimani killed and lay off the idiot remarks some of them are spewing to the already get-trump press which is also spewing inanities with false senarios attached. If they look at the pictures, maybe something will touch their heart that tells them, they are mistaken this time, because the hurt has been going on for 20 years, same player, and his name was Soleimani, widow-maker and orphan-maker. Not to mention the widowers who lost a wife. If they skip the pictures, all they need see is this one below, and multiply it x1000. Then they will understand why President Trump said "Do it." That little fist on his left hand says it all. It's clinched, but he doesn't have his Dad's hand to hold with it. And it's hard.
Lol, when you kill a top Iranian general and then you’re like “don’t threaten us”
"The United States just spent Two Trillion Dollars on Military Equipment. We are the biggest and by far the BEST in the World! If Iran attacks an American Base, or any American, we will be sending some of that brand new beautiful equipment their way...and without hesitation!" - Trump just now
Wonder why young men fight old men's wars? Poor men fight rich men's wars? The ignorant fight the peseudo-intellectuals wars?
Clinton bombing Kosovo..........LOL..........the only thing we were ticked at back then was why did we wait so long.................

After Somalia he was gun shy..........he waited a long time to deal with it...............In the interim the UN went in and set up Safe Havens...............then when the Serbs came they were ordered to stand down and allow the people there to be hauled off and executed in mass.

They did a whole bunch of them in a stadium...........These people thought they were protected by UN forces...........which is why the U.S. went in under NATO command...............

Clinton finally did the right thing there............and stopped the Genocide..........

But did God, as if having chosen the Jewish people, give Jews the right to kill the OTHERS and rule the world ???

Please confirm God's certificate of killing handled to Jews
Why stop at Bill Clinton? It's all about democrat politics. Woodrow Wilson campaigned against sending "our boys" into foreign conflicts but he sent the Dough-Boys to save France from the Hun. FDR was so frantic to get America out of the Great Depression after his first two terms that he invited a Japanese attack. Harry Truman sent troops to Korea on an illegal executive order. JFK used the CIA to raise, train and equip an illegal Cuban invasion army and LBJ created a fake crisis to send troops to Vietnam.
Why stop at Bill Clinton? It's all about democrat politics. Woodrow Wilson campaigned against sending "our boys" into foreign conflicts but he sent the Dough-Boys to save France from the Hun. FDR was so frantic to get America out of the Great Depression after his first two terms that he invited a Japanese attack. Harry Truman sent troops to Korea on an illegal executive order. JFK used the CIA to raise, train and equip an illegal Cuban invasion army and LBJ created a fake crisis to send troops to Vietnam.

These fuckers don't know history!
"The United States just spent Two Trillion Dollars on Military Equipment. We are the biggest and by far the BEST in the World! If Iran attacks an American Base, or any American, we will be sending some of that brand new beautiful equipment their way...and without hesitation!" - Trump just now

I have to admit that the “propensity to kill ”the "OTHERS" and to bully the enemy is a national trait of a significant part of the Americans and almost the entire political elite of the country.

The roots of this severe psychological problem lie in the war of the so-called Anglo-Saxons in Ireland, in the Crusades, in the genocide of 100 million American Indians, in the War for Independence and in the Civil war as well as in the tragic history of the Jewish people, which undoubtedly hardened them over four millennia of enslavement, bullying and persecution.

All this, perhaps, formed already innate archetypes of aggressive mass consciousness (including tolerance for violence itself).

Almost every day we are shown photographs of emaciated Jews in Nazi camps, but prisoners of war's camps both of the North and the South were practically no different from the Nazi ones. Well, yes - there were no gas chambers and crematoria. The fact that more Americans died from wounds and exhaustion than at the battlefields in these camps speaks for itself ...

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