WAR CRIME: U.S. Strike In Afghanistan Kills Doctors And Patients In Hospital...

War is messy...if you'd served, you'd know that.

It's laughable that so many liberals had the exact opposite opinion when Bush was in office. I'm sure most of you recall the daily body count of our troops and the outrage when any non-military person in another country was killed. Collateral damage was unacceptable to the left.

War is hell, but then so is an Obama presidency.
War is messy...if you'd served, you'd know that.
It's laughable that so many liberals had the exact opposite opinion when Bush was in office. I'm sure most of you recall...the outrage when any non-military person in another country was killed. Collateral damage was unacceptable to the left.

War is hell, but then so is an Obama presidency.

It would be laughable if it weren't so sad and pathetic that Ms Clementine
confuses war in Afghanistan with war in Iraq,

Afghanistan: we are there because the 9/11 terrorists were there

that said, Obama and Bush are no different in that they get to sit in the CinC's chair while beatches get to sit at the computer console and keyboard
Progressives can be left, right, center-right,

Obama is no leftist, but make no mistake about it, he is a Progressive who leans left


Then why are there no liberals or progressives in his Cabinet?

And the only thing close to a liberal bill was the ACA and he took out the one thing that made it a liberal bill, which was the "public option".

He continues the neocon foreign policy agenda.

Obama lost the left a long time ago.
Yeah, pay-offs pretty much sum up the UN at this point. It's incredibly corrupt. Everyone knows the U.S. owns it. Just about any other nation on earth, would be held accountable for such an atrocity.

I really wasn't considering paying off the UN. I was considering how much it was going to cost the taxpayers to give monetary restitution to the families of the doctors, nurses, and patients we killed.

I hear ya. But there will be no War Crimes prosecutions. The U.S. owns the UN.

:cuckoo: Rubber Room here we come. Conspiracies? The UN often goes against the wishes of the US

Just about any other nation on earth would be held accountable for this kind of horrific atrocity. Yet the U.S. won't be. I wonder why.

Held accountable? What world are you living in?

Again, just about any other nation would be held accountable for such a brutal atrocity. Why won't the U.S. be? I'll let you figure that out for yourself.
Progressives can be left, right, center-right,

Obama is no leftist, but make no mistake about it, he is a Progressive who leans left


Then why are there no liberals or progressives in his Cabinet?

And the only thing close to a liberal bill was the ACA and he took out the one thing that made it a liberal bill, which was the "public option".

He continues the neocon foreign policy agenda.

Obama lost the left a long time ago.
There was public support for the public option, but not political support. get a clue.
Obama was trying to get a bill passed, not lose a fight and get to stand on principle. Ideologues like you NEVER get anything done. You remind me of the protesters who never accomplish anything , yet pat themselves on the back :rofl:

The left was stupid to back Obama, and Dante said so before the election. and if you believe Obama is no different than the Neocons you do not live in the real world.

I think you confuse progressivism with far left whackery

and look at the avatar you have? That moron comedian who screamed a lot? :lol: you advertise: "Look at me! I am not to be taken seriously." Then look at your screen name. What a dope
Again, just about any other nation would be held accountable for such a brutal atrocity. Why won't the U.S. be? I'll let you figure that out for yourself.

your definition of 'accountability' is one most normal people would find repulsive and funny all at the same time
Again, just about any other nation would be held accountable for such a brutal atrocity. Why won't the U.S. be? I'll let you figure that out for yourself.

your definition of 'accountability' is one most normal people would find repulsive and funny all at the same time

Translation: You're all for other nations being held accountable for such atrocities. But the U.S. should never be held accountable for anything.
Again, just about any other nation would be held accountable for such a brutal atrocity. Why won't the U.S. be? I'll let you figure that out for yourself.

your definition of 'accountability' is one most normal people would find repulsive and funny all at the same time

Translation: You're all for other nations being held accountable for such atrocities. But the U.S. should never be held accountable for anything.
why are you so pathetic when it comes to the USA?
Again, just about any other nation would be held accountable for such a brutal atrocity. Why won't the U.S. be? I'll let you figure that out for yourself.

your definition of 'accountability' is one most normal people would find repulsive and funny all at the same time

Translation: You're all for other nations being held accountable for such atrocities. But the U.S. should never be held accountable for anything.
why are you so pathetic when it comes to the USA?

Back at ya.
There was public support for the public option, but not political support. get a clue.
And Obama didn't lobby for any.

Obama was trying to get a bill passed, not lose a fight and get to stand on principle. Ideologues like you NEVER get anything done. You remind me of the protesters who never accomplish anything , yet pat themselves on the back :rofl:
You remind me of someone who likes to hear themselves talk.

The left was stupid to back Obama, and Dante said so before the election.
Speaking of yourself in the 3rd person? How arrogant.

and if you believe Obama is no different than the Neocons you do not live in the real world.
I didn't say that. I said his foreign policy is the neocon agenda.

I think you confuse progressivism with far left whackery
I think you got comprehension issues.

and look at the avatar you have? That moron comedian who screamed a lot? :lol: you advertise: "Look at me! I am not to be taken seriously." Then look at your screen name. What a dope
That has more to do with you, than it does me.
Code pink will show up at the White House to make a citizens arrest any min now..

It's no longer a relevant influential organization. It was only relevant because the Democrats used it to bash DA BOOOOOSH. It's no longer useful to the Democrats. They're doing all the bombing & killing now. Everything's cool. Bye bye Code Pink.

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