War Criminal SecState Kerry: Bomb bomb bomb bomb bomb Iran


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
First of all, who is Kerry embalmer? Did the botox make him ghostly white?


"I committed the same kind of atrocities as thousands of other soldiers have committed in that I took part in shootings in free-fire zones. I conducted harassment and interdiction fire. I used 50-caliber machine guns, which we were granted and ordered to use, which were our only weapon against people. I took part in search-and-destroy missions, in the burning of villages. All of this is contrary to the laws of warfare, all of this is contrary to the Geneva Conventions. . .” -- John Kerry, Self admitted War Criminal, Obama;s SecState and now on the WarPath with Iran

Hiding behind the UN, "But the president has been absolutely clear that his policy and the policy of the international community, it's not just his, the international community has spoken and that's why the sanctions are in place and it's up to Iran..."

Secretary of State John Kerry Interview with Martha Raddatz from Doha Transcript - ABC News

No more War for oil!
Democrat's and Republican's have the same goals but speak with different rhetoric in order to provide Americans with an "illusion of choice".
What's the point of this post? Of course we are going to have another war. That's how this form of govenment maintains control of its population. They create enemies, then fear, and then huddled gestures of unity.
I thought "the worm" was the new sec of state now that's he's best buds with Kim Jong Un. "he's a great guy and wants Obama to call him."

Sucked the air right out of Kerry that's why he's so pale.
What's the point of this post? Of course we are going to have another war. That's how this form of govenment maintains control of its population. They create enemies, then fear, and then huddled gestures of unity.

We are not creating an enemy with Iran. We have given them everything in negotiations including nuclear research centrifuges that would allow them to learn how to miniaturize nuclear warheads to fit onto missiles & make nuclear bombs. They replaced their negotiator with a religious hard liner & rejected any western secularism in favor of extreme Islamic religious war. They want nothing short of a ready arsenal of fully functional nuclear weapons. Their leader leads their people in chants of death to America & death to Israel. We are their great satin & sworn enemy. The people & their leaders have said Iran wants the 12th Imadi's return to stop Israel Zionism. Iran proudly sponsors terror on Israel & will use force against them.
Is Bush to blame Libberhoids?

Is he to blame for Iran seeking nuclear weapons? No, he's not.

Is he responsible for making Iran the dominant power in the Middle East and breathing new life into the control of the Mullahs? Yes, he is. Our muddling around in Afghanistan and Iraq hasn't done anything but empower the Iranian's and raise their status from back-water, religious basket case to power, influence and authority throughout the whole region.
Democrat's and Republican's have the same goals but speak with different rhetoric in order to provide Americans with an "illusion of choice".
A nuclear armed Iran isn't a partisan issue. Nobody wants that but Iran. Nor should they.
Iran will have 1 Nuke to Israel's 400+.

Besides, China is talking with Iran about Nukes so America should not interfere and mess up negotiations.

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