War Drums: U.S. Sends Ships, Planes To Persian Gulf As Tension Mounts...

Lol... ahhh... These boards are full of stupid people I tell you. I bet you're even so lost morally you will think up some bullshit way to spin your position rather than reflect on how far you have fallen.

Between this and your hilarious sig I might offer one of my children to you as a potential spouse or a slave.
An admission that your attempt to Google failedPresidents are never criticized for moving the fleet

Not sure whether you are 11 or 12 years old, but Clinton bombed country after country and suffered almost ZERO attacks from the media for it. Try educating yourself, monkey.

Try to stay on subject moron

Show me where Bush was criticized for moving ships
I supported the liberation of Kuwait. Last I heard, Daddy Bush had an R after his name

My response to your sig:

A liberal, a CEO and a cons enter a room with 10 cookies. The liberal says: I'll use a gov't program to evenly distribute the cookies, and then takes 9 of them.

They break apart on the floor into crumbs as he tries to count them - but can't count, given his lousy public school education.

The lib then says to both: "oh, there's one more, you guys can split that one, but I'll have to tax it to help pay for the government program that distributes cookies..."
Complete bullshitNotice how none of those countries and the UN did not support the Bush invasion? Hans Blix told him there were no WMDs and he could prove it if he had more time. Bush invaded so that he could not be proven wrongBiggest blunder in US history

I did not support the iraq invasion at all, iran should have been attacked and its regime liquidated then.

As for my claims see how Bush Sr (whom you allegedly supported) described it:

Bush 41 Decries NYTimes Unfair Coverage of his Son (VIDEO) « MsUnderestimated


« Defending and Advancing Freedom Commentary Magazine

"The intelligence service of just about every Western nation believed that Iraq had such weapons, and Iraq’s deceitful response to Security Council resolutions suggested that it was trying to conceal them."
Wait, let me get this straight. As long as it's a Democrat Flexing US power, and attempting to police the world. You Libs are ok with it?

Don't get me wrong I am glad Obama is playing tough with Iran, Just think it's rather Ironic that Libs like it too. Find it real hard to believe you would feel the same way if Obama had an R after his name.

'Party Before Country.' That sums it up for the Obamabot Dems on this Board. They'll defend anything their Dear Leader/Democrats do. They're only 'Anti-War' when the other side has the power. Right now, Obamabot Dems are the biggest Chickenhawk assholes in the country. But same ole same ole i guess. Nothing ever changes.

Hey hack, would you rather Bush be CIC and put boots on the ground in Iran? It appears Obama has already sent in cyber troops; putting our Navy in international waters seems a prudent move based on what is at stake.
Complete bullshitNotice how none of those countries and the UN did not support the Bush invasion? Hans Blix told him there were no WMDs and he could prove it if he had more time. Bush invaded so that he could not be proven wrongBiggest blunder in US history

I did not support the iraq invasion at all, iran should have been attacked and its regime liquidated then.

As for my claims see how Bush Sr (whom you allegedly supported) described it:

Bush 41 Decries NYTimes Unfair Coverage of his Son (VIDEO) « MsUnderestimated


« Defending and Advancing Freedom Commentary Magazine

"The intelligence service of just about every Western nation believed that Iraq had such weapons, and Iraq’s deceitful response to Security Council resolutions suggested that it was trying to conceal them."

When Daddy Bush had the opportunity to invade Iraq, he wisely passed on the opportunity. There were more WMDs in 1990 than there were in 2003.
I supported the liberation of Kuwait. Last I heard, Daddy Bush had an R after his name

My response to your sig:

A liberal, a CEO and a cons enter a room with 10 cookies. The liberal says: I'll use a gov't program to evenly distribute the cookies, and then takes 9 of them.

They break apart on the floor into crumbs as he tries to count them - but can't count, given his lousy public school education.

The lib then says to both: "oh, there's one more, you guys can split that one, but I'll have to tax it to help pay for the government program that distributes cookies..."

Wow...how creative

The only problem you have is answering who in our society ends up with all the cookies and who ends up with the crumbs?
When Daddy Bush had the opportunity to invade Iraq, he wisely passed on the opportunity. There were more WMDs in 1990 than there were in 2003.

When he passed up deposing saddam it made even more people hate us, as the kurds who were promised support against saddam were massacred - BTW saddam used WMD to murder thousands of them. It undermined the US' credibility even further, that it does not stand by its allies when times get tough.

As for whether there were more or less WMD in 1990 vs. 2003, how exactly would anyone in 2003 have known that or not, unless they invaded?

The only problem you have is answering who in our society ends up with all the cookies and who ends up with the crumbs?

The ones who work hard and adapt get the cookies. The public union employees, the lazy, and those who want handouts get the crumbs - which is just as it should be.

My cookie jar is full and overflowing, how's yours?
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When Daddy Bush had the opportunity to invade Iraq, he wisely passed on the opportunity. There were more WMDs in 1990 than there were in 2003.

When he passed up deposing saddam it made even more people hate us, as the kurds who were promised support against saddam were massacred - BTW saddam used WMD to murder thousands of them. It undermined the US' credibility even further, that it does not stand by its allies when times get tough.

As for whether there were more or less WMD in 1990 vs. 2003, how exactly would anyone in 2003 have known that or not, unless they invaded?

The only problem you have is answering who in our society ends up with all the cookies and who ends up with the crumbs?

The ones who work hard and adapt get the cookies. The public union employees, the lazy, and those who want handouts get the crumbs - which is just as it should be.

My cookie jar is full and overflowing, how's yours?

You posted it on the internet, it must be true. Next time you need help call your banker or insurance salesperson - you wouldn't want your home or family saved by a public employee. Those cops, fire fighters and EMT are so stupid and overpaid they'll even run into harms way to save a bigot.
When Daddy Bush had the opportunity to invade Iraq, he wisely passed on the opportunity. There were more WMDs in 1990 than there were in 2003.

When he passed up deposing saddam it made even more people hate us, as the kurds who were promised support against saddam were massacred - BTW saddam used WMD to murder thousands of them. It undermined the US' credibility even further, that it does not stand by its allies when times get tough.

As for whether there were more or less WMD in 1990 vs. 2003, how exactly would anyone in 2003 have known that or not, unless they invaded?

The only problem you have is answering who in our society ends up with all the cookies and who ends up with the crumbs?

The ones who work hard and adapt get the cookies. The public union employees, the lazy, and those who want handouts get the crumbs - which is just as it should be.

My cookie jar is full and overflowing, how's yours?

Daddy Bush knew Iraq was a hornets nest and that if we invaded Iraqs problems would become our problems. Baby Bush was prepping to invade Iraq as soon as he took office all he needed was a reason...whether it was true or not

Asshole actually thought we would be treated as liberators
You posted it on the internet, it must be true. Next time you need help call your banker or insurance salesperson - you wouldn't want your home or family saved by a public employee. Those cops, fire fighters and EMT are so stupid and overpaid they'll even run into harms way to save a bigot.

You mean like these thieves whose votes were bought by officials running for office:


$239,000 Conductor Among M.T.A.’s 8,000 Six-Figure Workers
Published: June 2, 2010

In an era of generous municipal salaries and union-friendly overtime rules, it may not come as a complete shock that there are thousands of Metropolitan Transportation Authority employees — 8,074, to be precise — who made $100,000 or more last year."

Or these cops:

66 Port Authority police officers made more than $200K in 2011 | NJ.com

66 Port Authority police officers made more than $200K in 2011
Published: Friday, December 09, 2011, 4:06 PM
Updated: Friday, December 09, 2011, 5:32 PM

"Payroll figures released today by the Port Authority show 66 police officers have made more than $200,000 so far in 2011, thanks to overtime that in many cases has doubled their salaries."


Are those the cops I should call? Get real, fuckhead and educate yourself before posting and proving your stupidity next time.
You posted it on the internet, it must be true. Next time you need help call your banker or insurance salesperson - you wouldn't want your home or family saved by a public employee. Those cops, fire fighters and EMT are so stupid and overpaid they'll even run into harms way to save a bigot.

You mean like these thieves whose votes were bought by officials running for office:


$239,000 Conductor Among M.T.A.’s 8,000 Six-Figure Workers
Published: June 2, 2010

In an era of generous municipal salaries and union-friendly overtime rules, it may not come as a complete shock that there are thousands of Metropolitan Transportation Authority employees — 8,074, to be precise — who made $100,000 or more last year."

Or these cops:

66 Port Authority police officers made more than $200K in 2011 | NJ.com

66 Port Authority police officers made more than $200K in 2011
Published: Friday, December 09, 2011, 4:06 PM
Updated: Friday, December 09, 2011, 5:32 PM

"Payroll figures released today by the Port Authority show 66 police officers have made more than $200,000 so far in 2011, thanks to overtime that in many cases has doubled their salaries."


Are those the cops I should call? Get real, fuckhead and educate yourself before posting and proving your stupidity next time.

Yea...like those overpaid thieves who ran into the World Trade Center
Yea...like those overpaid thieves who ran into the World Trade Center

Yes, let's extoll overpaid thieves by raising a one-time event that is part of their core responsibility.

A soldier has to stand watch duty at 2:00 am, should we celebrate that with a parade and a ridiculous salary too?

Until the psychotic far left starts returning to reality, and understands that the public at large will no longer tolerate this fucking BS of overpaid public union employees, they will continue to endure one Scott Walker victory after another, in WI, and lots of places elsewhere.
Wait, let me get this straight. As long as it's a Democrat Flexing US power, and attempting to police the world. You Libs are ok with it?

Don't get me wrong I am glad Obama is playing tough with Iran, Just think it's rather Ironic that Libs like it too. Find it real hard to believe you would feel the same way if Obama had an R after his name.

This is alittle more that just flexing muscle. Iran has threatened to hit US bases.
Wait, let me get this straight. As long as it's a Democrat Flexing US power, and attempting to police the world. You Libs are ok with it?

Don't get me wrong I am glad Obama is playing tough with Iran, Just think it's rather Ironic that Libs like it too. Find it real hard to believe you would feel the same way if Obama had an R after his name.

This is alittle more that just flexing muscle. Iran has threatened to hit US bases.

No. they said they could hit them.
Wait, let me get this straight. As long as it's a Democrat Flexing US power, and attempting to police the world. You Libs are ok with it?

Don't get me wrong I am glad Obama is playing tough with Iran, Just think it's rather Ironic that Libs like it too. Find it real hard to believe you would feel the same way if Obama had an R after his name.

'Party Before Country.' That sums it up for the Obamabot Dems on this Board. They'll defend anything their Dear Leader/Democrats do. They're only 'Anti-War' when the other side has the power. Right now, Obamabot Dems are the biggest Chickenhawk assholes in the country. But same ole same ole i guess. Nothing ever changes.

Hey hack, would you rather Bush be CIC and put boots on the ground in Iran? It appears Obama has already sent in cyber troops; putting our Navy in international waters seems a prudent move based on what is at stake.

It is termed, "Shadow War".
Wait, let me get this straight. As long as it's a Democrat Flexing US power, and attempting to police the world. You Libs are ok with it?

Don't get me wrong I am glad Obama is playing tough with Iran, Just think it's rather Ironic that Libs like it too. Find it real hard to believe you would feel the same way if Obama had an R after his name.

This is alittle more that just flexing muscle. Iran has threatened to hit US bases.

No. they said they could hit them.

still works.
Yea...like those overpaid thieves who ran into the World Trade Center

Yes, let's extoll overpaid thieves by raising a one-time event that is part of their core responsibility.

A soldier has to stand watch duty at 2:00 am, should we celebrate that with a parade and a ridiculous salary too?

Until the psychotic far left starts returning to reality, and understands that the public at large will no longer tolerate this fucking BS of overpaid public union employees, they will continue to endure one Scott Walker victory after another, in WI, and lots of places elsewhere.

You only get killed once

How quickly the right forgets the lessons of 9-11

It only happened once....what a despicable response
That's odd

I supported the liberation of Kuwait. Last I heard, Daddy Bush had an R after his name

Sure ya did. Sure ya did. :eusa_liar:

Sure I did, sure I did

I also supported baby Bush in his invasion of Afghanistan. I only jumped ship when he abandoned the war on terror to invade Iraq

You lie. You and your fellow Dems did not support the first Gulf War. And why? Because an 'R' was in there.' So like i said, you're not fooling anyone. You may think most have forgotten, but they haven't. You're a very disingenuous person.
Sure ya did. Sure ya did. :eusa_liar:

Sure I did, sure I did

I also supported baby Bush in his invasion of Afghanistan. I only jumped ship when he abandoned the war on terror to invade Iraq

You lie. You and your fellow Dems did not support the first Gulf War. And why? Because an 'R' was in there.' So like i said, you're not fooling anyone. You may think most have forgotten, but they haven't. You're a very disingenuous person.

You are joking right?

I call bullshit...show me how many Democrats voted against the Liberation of Kuwait

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