War on Christmas

it's not a hate crime because it's largely true. dogma junkies do not fall on the side of science and they sure as fuck don't have a reputation for the kind of open armed consideration and acceptance that jebus was fond of mentioning. Indeed, you people don't have a record, from moses to jesus to now, of soft hearts or free minds. Need evidence? Ask a door greeter at target about petty faith. Ask a fag in Cali about superstitions that stager human rights. passive aggressive retorts via xmas cards would result in probably the same kind of immediate solution as you'd come up with if you opened my xmas card as saw anton levay throwing goat horns at you in the name of solstice greetings.

just saying.

Hey Shoe -- you lied. You said there were greeters at Wal-mart. I went there today and much to my disappointment, no one greeted me at the door. :( But, the cashier did wish me a Merry Christmas. Twice! :tongue:

You're lying about Target too, they don't have door greeters either.

So the $64,000 question is . . . what stores actually hire people to greet customers at the door and wish them Merry/Happy/Seasons anything?
The question is: if the allow one can they Constitutionally not allow them all without discriminating based on content?

No they can't and that's the problem. With the thousands of different religions allowing every religion to put up a display would be impractical. There would be no room left on the Town Hall lawn. You'd also probably have disagreements on which display got he best location on the Town Hall lawn.

The best and fairest solution is to not allow any displays. There is ample opportunity for people to have their own displays on private property so there is no need for a government display (unless someone is trying to force their religion on others).

You might remember Ex-Judge Roy Moore with his 10 commandments monument on courthouse grounds. When he was told to remove it, someone suggested that he put monuments to other religions next to his to make it legal and he refused saying that the 10 commandments were the only rules to live by and christianity was the only true religion. What a moron.
Hey Shoe -- you lied. You said there were greeters at Wal-mart. I went there today and much to my disappointment, no one greeted me at the door. :( But, the cashier did wish me a Merry Christmas. Twice! :tongue:

You're lying about Target too, they don't have door greeters either.

So the $64,000 question is . . . what stores actually hire people to greet customers at the door and wish them Merry/Happy/Seasons anything?

The man who was trampled to death at WalMart was a greeter
Ywn because I choose to make a point as to the merits of the usage of the words Merry Christmas, does not mean I do not understand what YOU and others happen to be discussing. As a matter of fact my original post did not directly address anyone and was expressing an opinion much as yours does with the your interpretation of my opinion on the constitutional merits of the holiday. I suggest that if the holiday bothers you so much then petition your Gov. office to have it removed on the grounds that it celebrates a religion on who's principles this nation was founded upon.

That matter has already been decided by the Supreme Court and my comments agree with their decisions and again, your assertion that the holiday bothers me shows that you do not understand what I have been saying.

I've always found it interesting that people who demand Freedoms louder than others are very willing to deny them quickly if it does not fit in the molds they happen to believe in.

Whose freedom am I denying and exactly how am I doing that? Your assertion is nonsense.

As for your Supreme Court cases on Church and State , your correct there are many examples of them, however as my earlier post indicated simply posting a Merry Christmas sign can be seen as prohibiting the free exercise thereof.

Posting a Merry Christmas sign is prohibiting free exercise???

If someone believes that by posting a Merry Christmas sign that the local Govt. is somehow passing a state sponsored religion then they must also believe that when a Govt. puts a coke machine in the lobby of the local city hall they are somehow forcing citizens to drink coke.

Apples and oranges. Coke is not a religion so your silly argument fails.

Both are equally as crazy and all it takes is an individual to make the choice. So while I appreciate your opinion, they are your opinions and like mine while different it has nothing at all to do with my not understanding your previous conversation.

Your opinions are wrong when it comes to the Constitution. The government has been forbidden from endorsing any religion by the Sup Ct and that idea has been reinforced in dozens of decision by the Court.
Typical self interpretation, of selective links, comon do better than that:eusa_whistle:

Will I be wasting my time with you if I refute each one individually?

The majority of the links dealt with religious displays on government property, so those arguments are false right off the bat. The rest I can read through but I won't waste my time if you will just deny all of my explanations.
Your a bonafide idiot as i expected and you think i seek your pitty lmao boy your barking up the wrong tree:eusa_whistle:

Is there some reason you're not addressing the points I made? You chastise me for not refuting every one of the links you posted and now you're ignoring the points I made by calling me an idiot and running.
Originally Posted by YWN666 View Post
Bullshit. That is NOT my position and never has been.
I repeatedly said that greeters in stores were given the discretion to decide which greeting to use if they knew that a specific customer celebrated a certain holiday. That's why I told someone here to announce that they celebrated christmas when they walked in the store so the greeter could avoid his temper tantrum by wishing him a Happy Holiday.
The Happy Holiday greeting was to be used only if the greeter did not know anything about the customer. I NEVER said that Merry Christmas should not be allowed. I said it shouldn't be the only greeting used just to satisfy a few selfish christians.

By George I think she's got it . . . .

That has been my position since the very beginning, Bub. Where have you been?
Well I see the excludeds are still whining about Christmas.. Poor poor excludeds..

Merry Merry Merry Christmas!
Personally, I couldn't possibly care less what greeting stores use, and anyone who does seems to me to exhibit a good deal of insecurity in one direction or another (religious belief v. lack of it).
Who knew that a supposed holiday to celebrate Jesus's birthday using Pagan rituals would be so controversial?
In other words, if I object to you shoving you religion down my throat on PUBLIC PROPERTY, I have declared war on your religion holiday?

Is that your complaint?

shoving down throat boy what a drama queen.

a manager, a christmas tree, a yuletide carol,,===shoving down throat,, jeez there's lots to be upset about but,, Christmas??? wow,,
shoving down throat boy what a drama queen.

a manager, a christmas tree, a yuletide carol,,===shoving down throat,, jeez there's lots to be upset about but,, Christmas??? wow,,

There is a church on every corner in my town. That isn't sufficient property for you to erect a manger on?
There is a church on every corner in my town. That isn't sufficient property for you to erect a manger on?

what's yer point??? long as they allow you your message what's the harm? look,, or don't look,, it's just that simple.
what's yer point??? long as they allow you your message what's the harm? look,, or don't look,, it's just that simple.

Is your faith so puny that you need the secular state to prop it up? Or, can it exist singularly in your heart, without such impositions on other people?

I guess I missed the part in Matthew 5 where Jesus says, "And make sure you post the ten commandments in every courtroom and a manger at every city hall."

I'd like you to explain to me why you NEED those things in those locations. Your post makes it sound like it's really no big deal, so why the furor? I'm quite certain that in every small town in America, there is a church within a block of city hall with a front lawn wide enough for a manger....So, why the indignation over moving the manger there?
Is your faith so puny that you need the secular state to prop it up? Or, can it exist singularly in your heart, without such impositions on other people?

I guess I missed the part in Matthew 5 where Jesus says, "And make sure you post the ten commandments in every courtroom and a manger at every city hall."

I'd like you to explain to me why you NEED those things in those locations. Your post makes it sound like it's really no big deal, so why the furor? I'm quite certain that in every small town in America, there is a church within a block of city hall with a front lawn wide enough for a manger....So, why the indignation over moving the manger there?

give me something besides yer talking points. and Merry Merry Christmas..
Personally, I couldn't possibly care less what greeting stores use, and anyone who does seems to me to exhibit a good deal of insecurity in one direction or another (religious belief v. lack of it).

I think it's a bit hypocritical of stores to sell Christmas decorations, Christmas trees, push the idea of purchasing Christmas presents and all the while substituted the word "holiday" for Christmas.

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