War on Christmas

I have thought this often and think it still, that without a bogeyman the entire conservative movement would vanish. There is nothing to this so called war on Christmas but there are lots of conspiratorial signs and lots of soldiers ready to battle - but battle what? It seems a foe be they real or imaginary is required or nothing else exists. Think only of the devil and the uses that poor imaginary image has for so many?

A common enemy unites them. They manufacture some ridiculous cause and then select a scapegoat and that's all it takes to energize the gullible sheep into a frenzy. Then they hold out their hands and collect money from the gullible sheep to fight this boogeyman and get rich in the process.
It seems a rather simple concept thats if the words " MERRY CHRISTMAS" as so bothersome to anyone as an individual then simply avoid those places that display it. Further, there are just as many so called vanilla holiday type locations for one to visit that would offer just as many options for someone that is turned off by the Christian implications of the word. However for me, It goes something like this it is the sentiment that matters the most, if it Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, Happy Honika, Happy Kwanzaa, or whatever if it comes from the heart of a person and has meaning really thats all that matters and if your heart is so hard that you cannot accept a greeting meant as a way of wishing you well and good, then my suggestion is to close your ears. and your eye's as your heart is already closed. As for the rest of you, have a Merry Christmas and may the blessings of the holidays fall on your family this season and the New Year.....
It seems a rather simple concept thats if the words " MERRY CHRISTMAS" as so bothersome to anyone as an individual then simply avoid those places that display it.

That is not even the point.
That is not even the point.

YWN, I'm well aware of what the stated points of people are that have an issue with the words Merry Christmas being displayed in public places as well as what the implications of the words have to some. My point is very simple, in this case this holiday is a Chistian Holiday that is celebrated the world over and has been clebrated in this nation since it's inception. If the word's are so distastful to those that do not like them simply find a location that does not display them. I have heard all the arguments over this seperation of Church and State issue whatever you want to bring up over it, however I hardly see where the words Merry Christmas on display or any of the other issues associated with this come even close to the Govt. mandating a state sponsored religion as defined by this.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

In fact by limiting or prohibiting the displays of Merry Christmas one can argue that states and locations are not paying much attention to the constitution. The bottom line here is this, if those words which are meant actually to convey a peaceful and well meaning greeting to others is so offensive to some then I submit that they do have options and one of them is not to pay attention to them.
Not a single person on this board attempting to create the lie that there is some kind of war on Christmas gives a rat's ass what greeters say to them.

This is a NON issue, just like so many issues the right wing nuts on this board bring up.

This is a variant on the Christians as VICTIMS myth that some right wingers want us to believe.

The right creates nonsensical issues like this because they desperate do NOT want to discuss real issues.

In our state capital, we now have a "holiday" tree, a nativity and a sign that says "Religion is but a myth and superstition that hardens hearts and enslaves minds."

Me, I'd rather do without Christmas at all than to have someone post a sign saying that I'm hard hearted and stupid for believing in God.

Not only is there a war on Christmas, there is a war on Christians. Last year, for the first time ever, I sent out Christmas cards with a religious message in them. I was so angry at those who are against our FEDERAL holiday. This year I was going to go with a more secular card, but now, after this sign posted in our state capital, which, as far as I'm concerned is a hate crime, I'm going to put religious messages on this years Christmas cards too.

I could handle as sign that says "There is no God", but to insult everyone of us who have a religion, that's hate, right there.

When someone pushes me, I tend to push back. I know it's not very Christian of me, but if I don't push back, pretty soon I won't be able to express my belief at all.
In our state capital, we now have a "holiday" tree, a nativity and a sign that says "Religion is but a myth and superstition that hardens hearts and enslaves minds."

Me, I'd rather do without Christmas at all than to have someone post a sign saying that I'm hard hearted and stupid for believing in God.

Not only is there a war on Christmas, there is a war on Christians. Last year, for the first time ever, I sent out Christmas cards with a religious message in them. I was so angry at those who are against our FEDERAL holiday. This year I was going to go with a more secular card, but now, after this sign posted in our state capital, which, as far as I'm concerned is a hate crime, I'm going to put religious messages on this years Christmas cards too.

I could handle as sign that says "There is no God", but to insult everyone of us who have a religion, that's hate, right there.

When someone pushes me, I tend to push back. I know it's not very Christian of me, but if I don't push back, pretty soon I won't be able to express my belief at all.

You must be in Washington State! poor dear! I feel for ya! you live in the very heart of moonbathaven!
In our state capital, we now have a "holiday" tree, a nativity and a sign that says "Religion is but a myth and superstition that hardens hearts and enslaves minds."

Me, I'd rather do without Christmas at all than to have someone post a sign saying that I'm hard hearted and stupid for believing in God. and if yer on this board you are also an idiot, a moron, and vewy vewy vewy selfish

Not only is there a war on Christmas, there is a war on Christians. Last year, for the first time ever, I sent out Christmas cards with a religious message in them. I was so angry at those who are against our FEDERAL holiday. This year I was going to go with a more secular card, but now, after this sign posted in our state capital, which, as far as I'm concerned is a hate crime, I'm going to put religious messages on this years Christmas cards too.

I could handle as sign that says "There is no God", but to insult everyone of us who have a religion, that's hate, right there.

When someone pushes me, I tend to push back. I know it's not very Christian of me, but if I don't push back, pretty soon I won't be able to express my belief at all.

Merry Christmas AgainS
im sure the dogma junkie xmas card revenge will land your holiday greeting strait into the garbage can. Lord knows how that would be a hate crime though..
im sure the dogma junkie xmas card revenge will land your holiday greeting strait into the garbage can. Lord knows how that would be a hate crime though..

What, you think it's okay to put up a sign that calls every religious person in the world hard hearted and stupid????

"Religion is but a myth and superstition that hardens hearts and enslaves minds."

How can that not be a hate crime?
What, you think it's okay to put up a sign that calls every religious person in the world hard hearted and stupid????

"Religion is but a myth and superstition that hardens hearts and enslaves minds."

How can that not be a hate crime?

it's not a hate crime because it's largely true. dogma junkies do not fall on the side of science and they sure as fuck don't have a reputation for the kind of open armed consideration and acceptance that jebus was fond of mentioning. Indeed, you people don't have a record, from moses to jesus to now, of soft hearts or free minds. Need evidence? Ask a door greeter at target about petty faith. Ask a fag in Cali about superstitions that stager human rights. passive aggressive retorts via xmas cards would result in probably the same kind of immediate solution as you'd come up with if you opened my xmas card as saw anton levay throwing goat horns at you in the name of solstice greetings.

just saying.
In our state capital, we now have a "holiday" tree, a nativity and a sign that says "Religion is but a myth and superstition that hardens hearts and enslaves minds."

Me, I'd rather do without Christmas at all than to have someone post a sign saying that I'm hard hearted and stupid for believing in God.

Not only is there a war on Christmas, there is a war on Christians. Last year, for the first time ever, I sent out Christmas cards with a religious message in them. I was so angry at those who are against our FEDERAL holiday. This year I was going to go with a more secular card, but now, after this sign posted in our state capital, which, as far as I'm concerned is a hate crime, I'm going to put religious messages on this years Christmas cards too.

I could handle as sign that says "There is no God", but to insult everyone of us who have a religion, that's hate, right there.

When someone pushes me, I tend to push back. I know it's not very Christian of me, but if I don't push back, pretty soon I won't be able to express my belief at all.
Fact of the matter Againsheila, most people are ingnorant of the love of Christ and what he stands for in a true Christians life. Jesus the Christ came to abolish the bondage chains of religious dogma. Jesus the Christ is a way of life a personal relationship of HIS love and a standard of accountibility. Always remember Againsheila if there's nothing to your relationship with Jesus the Christ then why are they trying to dismantle and debunk it in every facet of American life, you know why?, because the required standard accountibility sears their rotten conscious, plain and simple "out of sight out of mind" hands down... The countless removels of 100 and 150 year old established Ten Commandments displays in public court houses all over the USA, not to mention uprooted Christian Crosses, Nativity scenes and Christmas trees... Never ever saleout,,, to give up what you believe is to saleout your soul, the best BIBLE, Christian example or idea of Christianity the world will ever see is the one they see in your life style.......:eek:

Oh and Merry Christmas
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Fact of the matter Againsheila, most people are ingnorant of the love of Christ and what he stands for in a true Christians life. Jesus the Christ came to abolish the bondage chains of religious dogma. Jesus the Christ is a way of life a personal relationship of HIS love and a standard of accountibility. Always remember Againsheila if there's nothing to your relationship with Jesus the Christ then why are they trying to dismantle and debunk it in every facet of American life, you know why?, because the required standard accountibility sears their rotten conscious, plain and simple "out of sight out of mind" hands down... The countless removels of 100 and 150 year old established Ten Commandments displays in public court houses all over the USA, not to mention uprooted Christian Crosses, Nativity scenes and Christmas trees... Never ever saleout,,, to give up what you believe is to saleout your soul, the best BIBLE, Christian example or idea of Christianity the world will ever see is the one they see in your life style.......:eek:

Oh and Merry Christmas

no one cares about your trite bullshit. we are all well versed in the rhetoric. we dont need door greeters to back up what your own testimony fails to do: convey some bullshit infatuation with a jewish ghost. You people are like watching "it's a wonderful life" for the 30th time on xmas eve. You'd call it a hate crime that someone might turn the channel looking for something more interesting and intellectually fulfilling.
If the word's are so distastful to those that do not like them simply find a location that does not display them.

Where is this war please? Where are the people who find a simply salutation distasteful?

Show me the war on Christmas, I have never seen any sign of it.

The only signs of a war on Christmas that I see, are the nitwits claiming that it exists.
What, you think it's okay to put up a sign that calls every religious person in the world hard hearted and stupid????

"Religion is but a myth and superstition that hardens hearts and enslaves minds."

How can that not be a hate crime?
Againsheila as ive told many on these message boards ignore Shogun any fool can see this guy's obviously not shuffling with a full deck and blasphemous at best.:eek:
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Where is this war please? Where are the people who find a simply salutation distasteful?

Show me the war on Christmas, I have never seen any sign of it.

The only signs of a war on Christmas that I see, are the nitwits claiming that it exists.
The links below speak volumes for themselves in the war on the removal of the Ten Commandments, Christams Trees, Nativity scenes and just about every other Christian symbol thunkable???
Vandalism of Nativity Scene a disappointment
Posting the Ten Commandments in schools, etc: Year 2002
CNN.com - Ten Commandments monument moved - Nov. 14, 2003
Activist: 'Immediately remove' City Hall nativity scene | greenbaypressgazette.com | Green Bay Press-Gazette
Green Bay Councilman Asks Mayor to Remove Nativity Scene
Family ordered to remove nativity scene from yard
firstamendmentcenter.org: news
Extremist demands for removal of cross and demolition of Christian statutes in mission schools

If this dont do it for ya, you may need to see professional help with a CAT scan:eek:
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Againsheila as ive told many on these message boards ignore Shogun any fool can see this guy's obviously not shuffling with a full deck.:eek:

whatsa matter? Did my allegory hit a little too close to home? Facts are facts, dude. don't cry on my shoulder because you can't escape the reality of your outmoded faith.
Where is this war please? Where are the people who find a simply salutation distasteful?

Show me the war on Christmas, I have never seen any sign of it.

The only signs of a war on Christmas that I see, are the nitwits claiming that it exists.
I passed by Walmart the other day and I saw people writhing and moaning on the ground in front of the nativity scene. I just stepped over them and bravely shopped there anyway.

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