War on Christmas

Nice find!

yea, and it's a good thing Joe is the kind of guy who wears christianity on his sleeve while having the power to cut off mics or you might have heard chris bring up a few points that never sits well with the usual fragile dogma junkies.
The discussion is about whether or not CHRISTIANS and Christians alone should be allowed to participate in CHRISTMAS by saying "Merry Christmas" because someone might find it "offensive". Even thought it's a CHRISTIAN holiday, we're not supposed to refer to it as such because Ravi and bigots like her think all Christians should be subjugated and the churches shut down.

So now christians are not allowed to say Merry Christmas? This is rich! Where exactly did this happen? Who is stopping YOU from saying Merry Christmas??? That is the most asinine assertion I have seen on this thread but it is not surprising.
haven't we said over and over and over that you may have yer holiday and we may have our christmas???? is there a problem with that..???

If that is the case then what is the problem? Why are you whining about this "war on christmas"??
yea, and it's a good thing Joe is the kind of guy who wears christianity on his sleeve while having the power to cut off mics or you might have heard chris bring up a few points that never sits well with the usual fragile dogma junkies.

chris never shut his rude mouth so the other guy could be heard..
show me where I whined??? alls I said was Merry Christmas..:lol:

You know, instead of making these ridiculous assertions, which do NOTHING other than divide us during a season of sharing and joy...........

You say "tomato", I say "tomatto". Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays should BOTH be allowed.

For crying out loud, most of you are being pretty fucking selfish with this. What about the person who the season is REALLY about? You know......Yeshua. Personally? Even though it's a time to celebrate His birth, I really don't think that He would be offended by "Happy Holidays", because after all, there are lots of holidays this month, as well as they are supposed to be joyous.

WTF.......you've never heard of "Live and Let Live"?
There's a war on Quanza, too but you don't hear Black people whining about it.

You mean Kwanzaa? It's a non-religious holiday celebrated by blacks which celebrates family, community, and culture. It's celebrated December 26 - January 1. What would the black people be whinning about exactly (if they were going to whine)?
You know, instead of making these ridiculous assertions, which do NOTHING other than divide us during a season of sharing and joy...........

You say "tomato", I say "tomatto". Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays should BOTH be allowed.

For crying out loud, most of you are being pretty fucking selfish with this. What about the person who the season is REALLY about? You know......Yeshua. Personally? Even though it's a time to celebrate His birth, I really don't think that He would be offended by "Happy Holidays", because after all, there are lots of holidays this month, as well as they are supposed to be joyous.

WTF.......you've never heard of "Live and Let Live"?

how many times do I have to tell you it's okay for you to say Happy Holidays and for me to say Merry Christmas!!! What is yer problem exactly???
how many times do I have to tell you it's okay for you to say Happy Holidays and for me to say Merry Christmas!!! What is yer problem exactly???

My problem is that too many people take extreme positions on this particular subject.

But......then again, what else could we expect with the current idiot that we have in the White House.
So now christians are not allowed to say Merry Christmas? This is rich! Where exactly did this happen? Who is stopping YOU from saying Merry Christmas??? That is the most asinine assertion I have seen on this thread but it is not surprising.

No the 'dogma junkie' crap is the most asinine assertion heard on this thread. I should go count the number of times it's been used on this thread alone. I'll bet money that someone will use it after reading this post.

Since you ignored my previous post I thought I'd repost it here for you to read. Nice dodge on my question btw.

Originally Posted by YWN666
I keep hearing that we're supposedly offended by Christmas and that was never the problem.

What exactly is the problem?

In a situation where one person is greeting another and has no idea what religious belief the person has, what is the harm in using a generic Happy Holiday? Do you expect that Merry Christmas should be used as a greeting for everyone of every religious belief?

NO -- have you NOT been paying any attention? Obviously not. We do not want it to be exclusively 'Merry Christmas' because that excludes those who do not believe. You, however, want it to just be 'Happy Holidays' as you think this is being all inclusive. IT ISN'T. It excludes the majority who do believe and who want Merry Christmas. Get it? Use whatever term you wish but don't yap because we want to do the same.

Let's try once again. No one is saying 'it must be Merry Christmas or nothing' NO ONE. What we're saying is 'Merry Christmas should be included'. Now, when your beloved door greeters at Wal-mart are doing their job I have no problem with them saying to me 'Happy Holidays'. I return the sentiment with 'Merry Christmas to you too'. What we object to is the complete removal of Christ/religion/Christmas in anything other than a church. What is the problem you have with a Nativity display in a store? What is the problem with calling this holiday what it is - - - Christmas? What exactly is your complaint? Are you this put-out if Hanukah or Kwanza is mentioned?

From reading some other threads you've posted in I understand your non-belief. I also get that your idea of Christmas is Santa and presents and candy canes. If this is true then to you Christmas is alive and well. It isn't the commerical aspect of Christmas that is being chipped away, it is the religious one. Having Christ and any religious aspect of Christmas removed from anything public is where the war is being waged. Having this religious aspect in public is not shoving religion or God down anyone's throat; if you do not believe then do not participate. Embrace your holiday as you wish and let us do the same.
My problem is that too many people take extreme positions on this particular subject.

But......then again, what else could we expect with the current idiot that we have in the White House.

now thaaaaaaaaaaaaaat's really a stretch to blame yer war on Christmas on Boooosh,, war in Iraq yes but war on Christmas??? Not so much..

now I can't be any more agreeable or less extreme than to say either or is okay by me.. I personally like Merry Christmas..
What exactly is the problem?

NO -- have you NOT been paying any attention? Obviously not. We do not want it to be exclusively 'Merry Christmas' because that excludes those who do not believe. You, however, want it to just be 'Happy Holidays' as you think this is being all inclusive.

Bullshit. That is NOT my position and never has been.
I repeatedly said that greeters in stores were given the discretion to decide which greeting to use if they knew that a specific customer celebrated a certain holiday. That's why I told someone here to announce that they celebrated christmas when they walked in the store so the greeter could avoid his temper tantrum by wishing him a Happy Holiday.
The Happy Holiday greeting was to be used only if the greeter did not know anything about the customer. I NEVER said that Merry Christmas should not be allowed. I said it shouldn't be the only greeting used just to satisfy a few selfish christians.
now thaaaaaaaaaaaaaat's really a stretch to blame yer war on Christmas on Boooosh,, war in Iraq yes but war on Christmas??? Not so much..

now I can't be any more agreeable or less extreme than to say either or is okay by me.. I personally like Merry Christmas..

Stretch? Not really, or didn't you notice the climate of fear and terrorism that Bush used to get us into Iraq? Plenty of fear all around, and some people figured out how to use that fear to get others to take extreme positions also.

Remember the campaign?
One of those people YWN is Bill O'Reilly. He's one of the dirtbags that takes an extreme position, and expects everyone else to jump too.
Stretch? Not really, or didn't you notice the climate of fear and terrorism that Bush used to get us into Iraq? Plenty of fear all around, and some people figured out how to use that fear to get others to take extreme positions also.

Remember the campaign?

alls I can say is you supersensitive types scare easily,, Bush never scared me, he musta scared those whoosie congresscritters though huh? and you think saying Merry Christmas is a position of fear! call 1-800-HELP-ME :lol:
One of those people YWN is Bill O'Reilly. He's one of the dirtbags that takes an extreme position, and expects everyone else to jump too.

Yep, although I think at least part of his motive is to get attention. I don't think he really gives much of a shit about who says Christmas and who doesn't.
By the way, O'Reilly was on Letterman last year and launched into his "war on christmas" tirade and Lettermen put him in his place to the cheers of the crowd.
You said "newp! we don't shop for Holiday's if they don't say Christmas they can stuff it!"

That's whining.

hell no it ain't,,, it's called taking a stand.... what? you want me to join those idiots at Walmart? Now that's some serious Holiday shopping there pal..

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