War on Christmas

Wait a minute, I'm the most rational poster here!

I'm beginning to think the real problem the people on this thread have is that they don't actually want anyone to enjoy their holidays, instead they only want to wear their Christianity on their sleeve. Selfishness was never a trait I was brought up to cultivate but these people seem to have it in spades.

They want everything done for the sole benefit of christians and if someone objects and asks them to share the spotlight, they start their childish temper tantrums in the form of this war on christmas horse shit.
They want everything done for the sole benefit of christians and if someone objects and asks them to share the spotlight, they start their childish temper tantrums in the form of this war on christmas horse shit.

You and Ravi refuse to actually listen and read the posts here. You enjoy the 'dogma junkie Christian' slant you spew. Once again, try reading (slowly so you comprehend) the posts. Geesh.
O'Reilly may have said he has secular leanings, but he's a Catholic and makes no bones about it.

yes, he just published an entire book on the subject.. What I think O'Reilly tries to do too often and fails, is to be "fair and balanced" when he tries to listen to seculars and see their point of view they mock him and demonize him.. he ought to just be who he is.. a traditional white, catholic irish guy. all 6'7 inches of him..
They want everything done for the sole benefit of christians and if someone objects and asks them to share the spotlight, they start their childish temper tantrums in the form of this war on christmas horse shit.

Excuse me, idiot, I don't recall any Christian objecting to people saying "Happy Hannukkah" or "Happy Kwanza". I don't recall any Christians objecting to being forced to endure the sight of Muslim head scarves or Hindu dots because they can't handle other religions wearing it on their sleeves.

The discussion is about whether or not CHRISTIANS and Christians alone should be allowed to participate in CHRISTMAS by saying "Merry Christmas" because someone might find it "offensive". Even thought it's a CHRISTIAN holiday, we're not supposed to refer to it as such because Ravi and bigots like her think all Christians should be subjugated and the churches shut down.
yes, he just published an entire book on the subject.. What I think O'Reilly tries to do too often and fails, is to be "fair and balanced" when he tries to listen to seculars and see their point of view they mock him and demonize him.. he ought to just be who he is.. a traditional white, catholic irish guy. all 6'7 inches of him..

I find it next to impossible to believe that O'Reilly is secular. I'd like to see the clip.

He's 6'7"? I thought he was 6'4". Can't tell with him behind the desk. Dang tall (to me, lol) either way.
I think somebody is #1, taking his comment out of context, #2, probably misunderstood what the hell he was talking about or #3, is just outright lying.
Excuse me, idiot, I don't recall any Christian objecting to people saying "Happy Hannukkah" or "Happy Kwanza". I don't recall any Christians objecting to being forced to endure the sight of Muslim head scarves or Hindu dots because they can't handle other religions wearing it on their sleeves.

The discussion is about whether or not CHRISTIANS and Christians alone should be allowed to participate in CHRISTMAS by saying "Merry Christmas" because someone might find it "offensive". Even thought it's a CHRISTIAN holiday, we're not supposed to refer to it as such because Ravi and bigots like her think all Christians should be subjugated and the churches shut down.

Allie -- they refuse to actually read what is being written and what we are saying. They immensely enjoy their 'dogma junkie' spin on things, as it gives them pleasure. They don't want to hear what we have to say. They are truly not interested.
I have a co-worker who is a liberal. She will spew the most ridiculous crap, and when I present her with facts which I can cite and date, she stares at me with a vapid expression and tells me I'm lying. I'm lying, because she is too stupid to look things up herself.
Allie -- they refuse to actually read what is being written and what we are saying. They immensely enjoy their 'dogma junkie' spin on things, as it gives them pleasure. They don't want to hear what we have to say. They are truly not interested.
Just the fact that you take Allie's babblings as truth means you are the one that isn't interested in listening. Personally, between thinking that the bunch of you are morons and have no real idea of what Christianity means, I find this annual war on Christmas whine very amusing and I enjoy the fact that most people look upon Republicans that think they way you do as idiots.

Ravi, YOU'RE THE ONE who states that Christians shouldn't be allowed to say "Merry Christmas". You're the one perpetuating the war. Don't you recognize bigotry when you see it?
Just the fact that you take Allie's babblings as truth means you are the one that isn't interested in listening. Personally, between thinking that the bunch of you are morons and have no real idea of what Christianity means, I find this annual war on Christmas whine very amusing and I enjoy the fact that most people look upon Republicans that think they way you do as idiots.


You done reading over my posts yet Ravi? Didn't think so.
They want everything done for the sole benefit of christians and if someone objects and asks them to share the spotlight, they start their childish temper tantrums in the form of this war on christmas horse shit.

haven't we said over and over and over that you may have yer holiday and we may have our christmas???? is there a problem with that..???
I find it next to impossible to believe that O'Reilly is secular. I'd like to see the clip.

He's 6'7"? I thought he was 6'4". Can't tell with him behind the desk. Dang tall (to me, lol) either way.

I would not hold my breath if I were you.. If he said it it's bound to be on you tube.. isn't it?? I'll look. I thought he was 6'7 I'll look that up too..
haven't we said over and over and over that you may have yer holiday and we may have our christmas???? is there a problem with that..???

Willow, they can't hear you cause they have their fingers in their ears and are shouting 'nana nana foo foo'. :tongue:
Do you have a link? How can we know if Oberman wasn't doing an O'Reilly and just doing some fancy editing? (Not doubting you, just wondering).

No I do not have a link.

I think the point I was making is that Oberman WAS doing an O'Reilly.

It didn't take any "fancy" editing, it merely took taking a few sentences out of context of a much longer discussion and then juxtaposing a sentence or two out of ANOITHER entirely different discussion he'd had about another subject entirely a fews months previously.

That IS the intellectually dishonest technique I was complaining about.

OReilly is a fucking jerk.

But that technique is still dishonest.
No I do not have a link.

I think the point I was making is that Oberman WAS doing an O'Reilly.

It didn't take any "fancy" editing, it merely took taking a few sentences out of context of a much longer discussion and then juxtaposing a sentence or two out of ANOITHER entirely different discussion he'd had about another subject entirely a fews months previously.
That IS the intellectually dishonest technique I was complaining about.

OReilly is a fucking jerk.

But that technique is still dishonest.

They all do that if you ask me. I take 'em all with a grain of salt.

for there to be no war on christmas there sure is a war on christmas. :lol::lol::lol:

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