Trump Magic Bullet?

No, it's just that the lack of such an announcement does leave it more open to speculation that he was hit by something else.

Usually this is where the right wing starts guffawing and squawking and mocking the FBI as a source.

But not this time.
It was a bullet

I have my own eyes. The FBI part was for low IQ persons like you and rightwinger
There are increasing questions about whether Trump was struck by a bullet or shrapnel
FBI Director Wray acknowledged the FBI still can’t be sure.
FBI is investigating the path of the bullet and where it ended up

Do you still trust the FBI? Do you really?

Many US state and local law enforcement agencies are refusing to share vital information with the Federal Bureau of Investigation( FBI )due to concerns that it has become partisan and politicized, according to a whistleblower report submitted to Congress.

The 230-page report was compiled by an alliance of retired and active-duty agents and analysts, who spoke to more than 30 “independent, highly credible” sources across the US.

Sources :

1. US police no longer trust FBI – report — RT World News – US police no longer trust FBI – report



If government agencies are politicized, it can have serious consequences for the functioning of a democracy. When agencies are influenced by political motivations rather than operating independently and impartially, it can lead to a lack of transparency, erosion of public trust, and unfair treatment of citizens.

Politicization can also result in decisions being made based on loyalty to a particular party or ideology rather than on evidence-based analysis, leading to ineffective policies and mismanagement of public resources. This can further polarize society and contribute to the breakdown of democratic norms.

To address politicization of government agencies, it is essential to uphold principles of independence, professionalism, and accountability. Implementing safeguards such as clear guidelines for appointments, merit-based selection processes, and oversight mechanisms can help ensure that agencies operate in the public interest rather than serving narrow political agendas.

Maintaining a strong culture of professionalism and adherence to ethical standards can also help prevent politicization and preserve the integrity of government institutions. :)
Right, just like Paul Pelosi. Or Sandyhook.

Are you kidding? The funniest thing to me about the left wing conspiracies about this -- which are thin and not well-attended -- is how it all reminds me of what the Trump wing does, en masse and in lockstep, every single time anything happens.
So while I do laugh at the moxy, when you guys excoriate them for it, I kind of don't mind. Take the medicine.
1. Paul Pelosi was attacked by a nut looking for Nancy. Not an assassination of Paul.
Kavanaugh was similarly targeted by a nut but the SS stopped him. Attempted assassination.
Sandy Hook was a stupid mom giving her crazy kid an AR. Not an assassination.

2. The Trump wing does not twist facts. Democrats are the serial liars. No Sandy Hook lies. No Paul Pelosi lies.
3rd shot. Live or recorded is irrelevant.

In fact, the video is much more accurate than any eyewitness could ever be.
I saw it on TV in real time via closeup.

Trump said "take a look at...", turned his head to look at the screen, then his ear was hit, bang, hand goes to ear and he ducks, bang, bang, bang...he was on the deck for the 3rd shot.
Your statement is that of a fool. Character is everything in a leader. Trump has none.
No recent presidents after Papa Bush had any character either.
Trump has leadership skills and understands economics and business. He graduated from Wharton.
We need president to get the US out of fiscal trouble. More of the disastrous Biden/Harris policies is moronic.
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