War on Christmas

Hey Ravi, did you notice something when Katrina hit?

The 9th Ward was DESTROYED........however.........Burbon Street (you know, the one with all the gays and sex, and drinking and debauchery?), was damaged VERY LITTLE.

I don't think it's so much that God smote the "unholy people", as it is that He smote the tight-assed individuals who claimed to know what He was thinking.
That must be akin to that same as, "Judgement begins at the house of God first"
Yeah.......and the people that mis-interpret this stuff kinda get their asses handed to them.

Remember Ted Haggard? Jerry Falwell? All the others?
Hey Ravi, did you notice something when Katrina hit?

The 9th Ward was DESTROYED........however.........Burbon Street (you know, the one with all the gays and sex, and drinking and debauchery?), was damaged VERY LITTLE.

I don't think it's so much that God smote the "unholy people", as it is that He smote the tight-assed individuals who claimed to know what He was thinking.

The people of Somalia must be great sinners.
That matter has already been decided by the Supreme Court and my comments agree with their decisions and again, your assertion that the holiday bothers me shows that you do not understand what I have been saying.

Whose freedom am I denying and exactly how am I doing that? Your assertion is nonsense.

Posting a Merry Christmas sign is prohibiting free exercise???

Apples and oranges. Coke is not a religion so your silly argument fails.

Your opinions are wrong when it comes to the Constitution. The government has been forbidden from endorsing any religion by the Sup Ct and that idea has been reinforced in dozens of decision by the Court.

While I respect your opinion it is in the end just that an opinion and like mine even though it differs to a large degree, it seems you fail to comprehend what my post actually say's. So I will be more direct so in the spirit of the holiday's , Chirstmas, and several other names that anyone wishes to apply to it it will perhaps come across you. Let's see, where too begin, I think by posting the ACTUAL Amendment to the constitution I made it quite clear what the constitution says and have made NO claim that the government should be endorsing a state religion so your assertion as to my opnion as no merit whatsoever. ( I put that in bold as to leave no doubt in your mind as to my position on that ). As to the agrument on the Coke Machine vs. a sign that says Merry Christmas it was to illustrate a state sponsored "endorsement" of it's brand by actually placing the Coke Machine in the lobby, and therefor because of it's authority under law the brand name is given legal weight simply by being in that location. Your assertion that I somehow equated Coke as a religion is comepletely off the mark and shows a lack of critical thinking skills when it comes to this topic. To answer your question as to the prohibiting of the free exercise clause is actually a very simple one. If you as a taxpayer pay taxes to any state, local, or Federal Govt. that in turn makes use of those funds for public facilities and then denies you the right to exercise your right to freedom of religion by posting a "Merry Christmas" sign in a lobby, hallway, yard , etc. they are ( here is the keyword "in my opnion") denying you the free exercise thereof according to the constitution. Not a hard concept to get a grasp on , but obviously if your of the opinion that this is not the case, or choose to ignore that part of the amendment then of course I can see where it might be confusing. What else was your assertion?, " How is the prevention of posting those signs somehow preventing that? paraphrased" Well that should be pretty easy to understand as I pointed out above. The bottom line here though as I pointed out in my last posting. is that these are just opinions and much like a movie one mans nonsense is another mans nobel prize.

Cantwell v. Connecticut (1940)

In overturning a conviction for disturbing the peace, held that the Free Exercise Clause applies to state as well as federal actions.

City of Boerne v. Flores (1997)

Ruled that Congress lacks the power to substitute its judgment for that of the federal judiciary on the norms of religious liberty that states must obey.

Sherbert v. Verner (1963)

Ruled that a South Carolina unemployment policy forcing an employee to choose between her faith’s Saturday Sabbath and eligibility for unemployment benefits violated the Free Exercise Clause.

There are just as many Free Exercise cases as well so, when you decide to dismiss out of hand as nonsense an argument I suggest you take the time to actually read the constitution before doing so.
it won't rub off on ya I promise, you don't get it by osmosis either! keep up the good fight. folks
depends soley on to whom I am speaking:lol::lol::lol: really you won't get cooties,, it won't rub off on ya.... yer gonna be all right,, trust me,, you will survive Christmas!!! :lol::lol:

You people have a knack for unintentionally confirming our assessments of your childish behavior. Thanks.
You people have a knack for unintentionally confirming our assessments of your childish behavior. Thanks.

you okay there buddy? you ain't expired from a christian breathing on ya or nuttin? Jez checking! you'll be all right..:lol:
If you don’t like how a business does business then don’t do business with it.

I was pointing out to Sheila that Christmas is not the only religious holiday in December - there are others to consider which she did not. I wasn't saying that I didn't like the way the store did business.
I can hear the plaintive tones in your voice. let's be clear here.

NO ONE is proposing that churches be denied the right to put up whatever display they wish on their private property. The "impositions" you have described are all assertions of a specific creed on shared public property. And, that seems to be an imposition on others, in that context.

So, the "war" on christmas isn't really a war at all, just a clarification of WHERE Christmas celebrations belong, and where they don't.

To pretend otherwise is disingenuous.

Christmas being a federal holiday, your thesis that Christmas decorations do not belong in government buildings seems, well, absurd.

Why should Christmas decorations not be in federal buildings, besides the fact that they offend atheists?
Christmas being a federal holiday, your thesis that Christmas decorations do not belong in government buildings seems, well, absurd.

Why should Christmas decorations not be in federal buildings, besides the fact that they offend atheists?

It's government endorsement of religion that is forbidden by the Constitution. The fact that Christmas is a federal holiday is irrelevant.

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