War on Solstice

happy Soltice ! Don't let anyone tell you
Merry Xmas . It's the solstice !!!
Today is Solstice Season's Greetings day.

Tomorrow will start the Merry Xmas season.

Now THAT I can handle.

Except don't call it XMAS if you're preaching inclusiveness, you asshole. It is a not-too clever backhand to Christians, and we all know it.

So if you don't want us to crap on your solstice, you should try harder not to crap on our Christmas.



We are CHRISTIANS who celebrate CHRISTMAS.
there goes allie :tinfoil: posting up personal pics :eusa_eh:

they give you permission dummy?

How many people do you see in that picture?

hahahahaha It's my picture, of my son. I grant permission to myself to post it.
Imagine who's got ahold of it now.......

Ewwww gross Bode, are you admitting to hoarding pics of children for the purpose of sexual gratification?

Or are you saying that you're going to distribute it?

Most pants-pissing homo child molesters don't find pictures of kids with semi automatic weaponry particularly arousing, however.

Or maybe they do....


^^gives bode a dyke boner
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Now THAT I can handle.

Except don't call it XMAS if you're preaching inclusiveness, you asshole. It is a not-too clever backhand to Christians, and we all know it.

So if you don't want us to crap on your solstice, you should try harder not to crap on our Christmas.



We are CHRISTIANS who celebrate CHRISTMAS.

There seems to be a need to dehumanize practicing Christians.
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allie is one of the most toxic posters on the board and shes pushing xstianity :rofl:

Par for course for all these fake ass Christians. They go to church 2x a year and act as if they are As holy as the pope.

In reality they are terrible people. Jesus himself would spit on them .
Says Timmy who continually falls down the well
You can tell a Jew, Hindu or Buddhist Merry Christmas and they will smile and say thank you.
Only leftists and Muslims freak out and may assault you.
How often has that happened to you? And what did you do to ascertain the person's religion?
Because I know Jews, Hindus, Buddhists, Muslims and leftists.

Unlike you leftists who live in your bubble fantasy worlds of only having your fellow leftists around you, most of us live in the real world and socialize with real people.
there goes allie :tinfoil: posting up personal pics :eusa_eh:

they give you permission dummy?

How many people do you see in that picture?

hahahahaha It's my picture, of my son. I grant permission to myself to post it.
Imagine who's got ahold of it now.......

Ewwww gross Bode, are you admitting to hoarding pics of children for the purpose of sexual gratification?

Or are you saying that you're going to distribute it?

Most pants-pissing homo child molesters don't find pictures of kids with semi automatic weaponry particularly arousing, however.

Or maybe they do....


^^gives bode a dyke boner
Not interested in seeing more of your children.......you aren't very wise to post them all over the internet for Catholic Priests and other unsavories to take and use.
Now THAT I can handle.

Except don't call it XMAS if you're preaching inclusiveness, you asshole. It is a not-too clever backhand to Christians, and we all know it.

So if you don't want us to crap on your solstice, you should try harder not to crap on our Christmas.



We are CHRISTIANS who celebrate CHRISTMAS.

There seems to be a need to dehumanize practicing Christians.
There does? In what ways do you see this "dehumanizing" going on? Are they called "animals"? "chimps"? "beasts"? "garbage"?
You can tell a Jew, Hindu or Buddhist Merry Christmas and they will smile and say thank you.
Only leftists and Muslims freak out and may assault you.
How often has that happened to you? And what did you do to ascertain the person's religion?
Because I know Jews, Hindus, Buddhists, Muslims and leftists.

Unlike you leftists who live in your bubble fantasy worlds of only having your fellow leftists around you, most of us live in the real world and socialize with real people.
So...give us a figure.....how many of those Muslims you know have freaked out and assaulted you? How many of the leftists you know have freaked out and assaulted you?
happy Soltice ! Don't let anyone tell you
Merry Xmas . It's the solstice !!!
Today is Solstice Season's Greetings day.

Tomorrow will start the Merry Xmas season.

Now THAT I can handle.

Except don't call it XMAS if you're preaching inclusiveness, you asshole. It is a not-too clever backhand to Christians, and we all know it.

So if you don't want us to crap on your solstice, you should try harder not to crap on our Christmas.



We are CHRISTIANS who celebrate CHRISTMAS.

Your ignorance has been noted.


Χριστός means “Christ.”

But the history of the word “Xmas” is actually more respectable — and fascinating — than you might suspect. First of all, the abbreviation predates by centuries its use in gaudy advertisements. It was first used in the mid 1500s. X is the Greek letter “chi,” the initial letter in the word Χριστός. And here’s the kicker: Χριστός means “Christ.” X has been an acceptable representation of the word “Christ” for hundreds of years. This device is known as a Christogram. The mas in Xmas is the Old English word for “mass.” (The thought-provoking etymology of “mass” can be found here.) In the same vein, the dignified terms Xpian and Xtian have been used in place of the word “Christian.”
The “X” in “Xmas” — Learn the sacred, 1,000-year-old meaning of the “X” | Dictionary.com Blog
Kill yourself Timmy.

It's the right thing to do.

What did those that went to hell ever do to you!?!

I mean sure Hitler, Stalin and those like them deserve the max amount of torture but even I have my limits and Timmy killing himself would be too much for those in hell!

Oh well!
I know progressives like to celebrate those sort of things, but they've been replaced… lol
Well done, that is indeed the point of the article. Christianity took over a previous festival and rebranded it.
happy Soltice ! Don't let anyone tell you
Merry Xmas . It's the solstice !!!
Today is Solstice Season's Greetings day.

Tomorrow will start the Merry Xmas season.

Now THAT I can handle.

Except don't call it XMAS if you're preaching inclusiveness, you asshole. It is a not-too clever backhand to Christians, and we all know it.

So if you don't want us to crap on your solstice, you should try harder not to crap on our Christmas.



We are CHRISTIANS who celebrate CHRISTMAS.
"We"? I dont think they claim your hateful ass allie. Just sayin'.....
there goes allie :tinfoil: posting up personal pics :eusa_eh:

they give you permission dummy?

How many people do you see in that picture?

hahahahaha It's my picture, of my son. I grant permission to myself to post it.
Imagine who's got ahold of it now.......

Ewwww gross Bode, are you admitting to hoarding pics of children for the purpose of sexual gratification?

Or are you saying that you're going to distribute it?

Most pants-pissing homo child molesters don't find pictures of kids with semi automatic weaponry particularly arousing, however.

Or maybe they do....


^^gives bode a dyke boner
Not interested in seeing more of your children.......you aren't very wise to post them all over the internet for Catholic Priests and other unsavories to take and use.
yeah. SHEESH allie. You were first in line when the brains were handed out but you had to hold the door.

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