What a christmas present !!!

Learn the law.

I will always bow to your superior dildo knowledge. Lenny is the Yoda of the dildo world.

I'm really pro-choice Tammy.

You don't like the laws of a state? You can choose to pick your ass up and move!

Unbelievable how ignorant folks can be about such things.

Why does this miracle birth threaten you so much ?
Cant you just be happy for them ?

Given that it actually did happen, which is seriously doubtable....................

Why is it a "miracle"?

Do you believe everything you read in tabloids?

Well if it didnt happen you would have unearthed the evidence by now.
So it did happen.
What a strange world you live in where you can deny facts because you dont like the messanger.
Well if it didnt happen you would have unearthed the evidence by now.
So it did happen.
What a strange world you live in where you can deny facts because you dont like the messanger.

Your Uncle Saul is very proud of you.

He'd be even prouder if you learned to spell and punctuate.

Birthdays one day apart? That would mean they had sex 2 days in a row. I didn't think that was possible. I have always been told no. I thought it was a law or something.

True story. Several years back I was having sleep problems so the Dr. put me on Ambien. That stuff is crazy.
One morning my wife rolled over and asked me what had gotten into me as (apparently) we had had sex every night for 2 weeks. I remembered NONE of it.
True story. Several years back I was having sleep problems so the Dr. put me on Ambien. That stuff is crazy.
One morning my wife rolled over and asked me what had gotten into me as (apparently) we had had sex every night for 2 weeks. I remembered NONE of it.

That shit is EVIL! I've heard so many really frightening stories about side effects from people I know who have taken it.

True story. Several years back I was having sleep problems so the Dr. put me on Ambien. That stuff is crazy.
One morning my wife rolled over and asked me what had gotten into me as (apparently) we had had sex every night for 2 weeks. I remembered NONE of it.
I have a friend who ownes a small motel. He said some nude guy showed up at the front desk wanting towels. The next day, the guy said he didn't remember any of it.
I don't see what's so special about birth when it literally has happened billions of times.

it seems pretty mundane to me.

Here, two so-called "Catholic" so-called "fathers", giving fathers day "homily" about what a "miracle" it was that they conned a woman into having a child for them.


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