War on the Rich: Best Idea in the History of Man.

Ok - I've got to ask. How exactly was any money that Deltex made at the expense of the poor? It's always fall down hilarious when communists claim that the poor are somehow being "exploited" because I went to work this morning and they chose not to :eusa_doh:
I don't know what Deltex is. Neither do I really care. Also, if you don't know that the poor are always exploited, I don't think I could tell you anything to change your mind. Also, I'm not a communist. I'm a National Socialist. The type of person who, for example, thinks the government should have a national health care system like they do in the rest of the civilized world.
You were arguing with Deltex1 for 3 weeks now and you (and I quote) "don't know what Deltex is"? :lmao:

Deltex is someone you have been arguing with on this board. And you said to him that he needed to remember that any money he made was at the expense of the poor. I would like to know how exactly Deltex getting up and going to work every day is somehow "at the expense of the poor".

It is astounding how you have been conditioned to think. Someone taught you this insanity at a young age and you've never once stopped to question any of it. Money is not earned "at the expense of the poor". When I get up and go to work, I'm not doing anything to the poor. I'm not hurting them. I'm not taking advantage of them. I'm not affecting them in any way. But I guess when you're on the wrong side of the facts, a false narrative is necessary....
Deltex "1." I thought you were talking abour some company or something. As to what he does, it doesn't matter. Everything done in this country is at the expense of the poor. When I was on welfare, they used to make me take class on how to beg for a job. Do you suppose that anybody beffing for a job is going to get a fair deal? And look at coal miners who used to work and live in company towns. Those companies really had those workers by the balls. Making them buy what they needed in company stores and keeping them in perpetual debt.

Also, when I was on welfare, the govonor at the time threw me and around 83,000 other people out on the street. Guess what. It didn't do shit for the job market! Next, nobody conditioned me to think in any particular way. Just about everything I say originated in my own mind. It is you who have been conditioned to think in a certain way. Another thing is that what you're doing IS hurting the poor. Because whatever it is you do, chances are that two other people could be helping you do it. But I don't suppose you would be interested in splitting your wages with them.

So help me to understand your logic here. Do you eat at the expense of the hungry? Because whatever it is that you eat, you could easily split it three ways and two other people could eat.
I receive food stamps. If there are hungry AMERICANS out there, they should receive at least what I do. And the government should do whatever it takes to pay for them.
Ok. And did you divide those food stamps into thirds and distribute them among two other hungry people? Better yet, did you shop with those food stamps and then deliver 2/3 of that food to people laying on the streets hungry?
I receive food stamps. If there are hungry AMERICANS out there, they should receive at least what I do. And the government should do whatever it takes to pay for them.
Two questions:

1.) Why should the government do it? You live (if I understood correctly) in the great state of Texas. A massive state with vast resources. So why don't you go out and kill some deer and feed the hungry? Think of how good that would feel to serve your fellow man. Think of the relationships you would develop with those that you served and how grateful they would be towards you.

2.) The government should do "whatever" it takes? What if it took eliminating 75% of the hungry people because the government simply didn't have the resources to feed them all? Would you volunteer? Would you be first in line to make sure someone else could survive and eat? Because that happened under Joseph Stalin in "national socialist" U.S.S.R you know (as well as many other countries).
What I said was clear enough. If you didn't see it, don't blame me. Also, you say that if you don't like the way you are being treated, you have the freedom to quit. What kind of dreamworld do you live in. There aren't that many jobs out there.

Actually, there are millions of jobs out there right now. It's so funny how you keep screaming at people about "dreamworlds" and "being high" when literally everything you say is 100% inaccurate. Go out to Monster.com right now and do a search with no parameters. Hundreds of thousands of jobs will come back. Now do the same thing on Careerbuilder.com, LinkedIn, and the thousands of other jobs sites on there and you will see the same thing.

But here's the thing. You keep ignoring what I've said because I'm kicking your ass in this debate with facts. I didn't say "quit your job and find a new one". I said "quit your job and SELL YOUR LABOR". I said, create your own job. But you have to ignore that because you don't have an intelligent response (being a communist, you never do). I said, "if you're a plumber, then sell your labor to the public for the price you think is fair for your labor". Nobody has to work for someone else. Everybody has the freedom to work for themselves and sell their labor to the public for whatever price they want to set.

Next, there is no such thing as a "true capitalist" system. But capitalist systems collapsed in just about every capitalist system that ever existed at one time or another.

Um...no....it hasn't. Which is why you are unable to name even one nation that collapsed under true capitalism (meanwhile, I can name dozens of nations that collapsed under the system you advocate for because it has a 100% failure rate world wide).

It would have happened again here if the government didn't bail out the criminals that caused it.

Except that we don't have capitalism in this nation. When Bill Clinton signed the 1997 Community Re-Investment Act which essentially forced banks to give loans to people who couldn't afford them (because that's what idiot socialism does), he collapsed the U.S. economy and we once again had to bailout the ignorant left-wing policies that continue to create failure world-wide. People who couldn't afford the loans were unable to pay them back (shocking!) and that caused banks to lose tons of money. They had to lay off workers who then could no longer afford their homes. And all of these homes on the market caused the value of homes to plummet (basic supply & demand). As always, idiot socialism caused collapse.

Now if you want me to name a capitalist system that failed to the level of "The Road Warrior" status. Then no, I can't name one.

Exactly. You can't name one because capitalism creates prosperity while socialism creates poverty. The first honest and accurate thing you've said.

As far as Germany's Fascist system, it collapsed because of war. Not because of the economic policies of that system. As for your, "bottom line," here is the bottom line. We don't live in a democracy. We live in a plutocracy. Almost all laws and regulations are written for the benefit of the rich. I think it was Calvin Coolidge who said, "The business of government IS business." You have to be high to think that approach doesn't leave the poor in the dust.

Nobody is "left in the dust" and nobody is a victim in America. We are each free to pursue anything we want to pursue. If someone chooses not to pursue success, that's the right. But they must be forced to live with the results.

Furthermore, how is welfare (passed into law) "for the benefit of the rich"? How are food-stamps (passed into law) "for the benefit of the rich"? How is Social Security (passed into law) "for the benefit of the rich"? Again, you just continue to make stuff up because you can't support your position with facts.

Then you say people aren't forced to take out loans. Yes. You must be high. Sure, you can go without having a car. Nobody is "forcing" you take out a loan to get one. But take it from somebody who lives in a city with no grocery store within the city limits. Not having a car sucks really bad.

Oh, no doubt. It absolutely does. But why do you have to take a loan for a car? Why can't you save up a few grand and purchase a used car? If you want the $70K BMW, I don't want to hear you whine about the loan.

Furthermore, I have personally financed vehicles through the dealership for 0% financing. That's right, not one cent of interest. So where is the problem here (other than the fact that you want to play the victim to support your communist position)?

Also, nobody would "force" somebody to take a loan to pay for life saving medical treatment. They are free to die.

Absolutely! Or they are free to take the loan (be thankful that such an option was available), and pay it back. Again, where is the problem here?

As to your "broom" analogy, you really go off the deep end there.

Why? Because you're so unhinged you can't articulate why it is that you believe a person borrowing a broom should be expected to give it back but somebody borrowing money should not be expected to give it back lest they be a "slave"??

As to your thing about the civil war, it was right wing republican like philosophy that caused Southern plantation owners to bring negroes to this country as slaves.

LMAO!!! Now that's funny stuff right there. Republicans made Democrats bring slaves to America and then keep them? And they made Democrats love slavery so much that they made Democrats start a war with their own country because they refused to relinquish slavery (just as you are doing right now by demanding that other people should labor for your benefit)?!?

As to my, "left wing" logic, I will put it up against "right wing" logic any day. For example, back in the 18 or early 1900's, some thugs working for mine owners in Colorado shot up a strikers camp with women and children in it. There was also an instance years later where about 20 hired thugs shot a couple cops to death on the steps of a courthouse. Because they were hired by rich people, nothing was ever done about it. Turn your head an look up asshole. Do you see the guillotine balde?

And that differs from left-wing labor union thugs lead by the mafia how? You know, when they would go around attacking (sometimes killing) business owners, voters, and anyone who would cross the line during strikes to work? Yeah, nice try my friend, but the left has a much longer and uglier history of violence.

In fact, I'm done even talking to your stupid ass. If there is anything else that you had to say, consider it answered with your end of the argument losing.

Well of course. If I were beat this soundly in a debate, I wouldn't want to continue either.
You have never kicked my ass in any debate. If you think you did, it is another example of you being high and living in a dream world. As for employment,do you think I just got off the boat. I don't need to go to the internet. All I need to do is pick up a paper and look in the nearly deserted want ads. Also, for every job you mention, there are probably thousands of people for each job. Another thing is that if you were to look at the percentage of collage graduates that can't find work, you would probably be shocked.

It's also interesting how you suggest that somebody wave their magic wand and "sell their labor." If it were that easy you idiot, nobody would be unemployed. Now it's your turn to tell me that most people are just too lazy. What as moron. As to collapsed systems, you are just to stupid to understand what I said. For example, I told you that because of the failure of France's investment in the Panama Canal, they suffered what they said was the greatest economic collapse in human history. No it's your turn to tell me that it was actually a little bump in the road.

As for being "left in the dust," take your opinions and stick them up your ass. I was "left in the dust." So don't piss on my shoes and tell me it's raining. By the way, you can take your holy word, "free," and stick it up your ass also. As for buying a car, even a used, beat up old one, you apparently don't have the slightest concept of what being poor means.

I quickly looked over the rest of what you had to say. But it was too easy to debunk. Just like everything else you said. Mayme you should try unloading your flaued mojo on somebidy a little less use to seeing through bullshit.

I think you have some serious anger management issues Cult. First of all, where is any "flawed mojo" when one points out that used vehicles can be purchased for just a few thousand dollars and new vehicles can often be purchased for 0% financing? That's not "mojo". That is called fact.

Second, it actually is quite easy to sell your labor. What is hard is having the guts to do it, taking that kind of risk, and then managing to do it against competitors. And that is why many people don't do it. But that is also why I take issue with the left-wing loons. They want someone else to take all of the risk, have all of the guts, go out and start the business, and then expect them to split all of the rewards with the left-wing loons. It takes a serious horses-ass to propose such a thing.
I don't have anger management issues. I am just annoyed by stupidity. Take your car financing thing. That has shit to do with shit. Some years ago, my brother in law offered to GIVE me a car. The main reason I didn't take it is that I will only accept charity if it is absolutely necessary. The second reason is that I couldn't even afford a car that is free.

Going back a bit firther, you said that the bank failures were caused by Bill Clinton forcing banks to give poor people loans. Funny, I didn't think that you could smoke LSD. Nobody can force banks to give out loans to people who can't pay them back. Besides, I don't think it's possible for the government to inact any regulation that lawyers can't worm their way around or find loopholes in. The reason the banks failed was because they wanted to give loans to poor people who couldn't pay them back. One of the places where Clinton really screwed up was in fact when he repealed the Glass-Steagall act.

As to selling your labor, I already told you that reality doesn't back up your claim. And just as I predicted, you basically say that people are just too lazy. What a surprise! Though there is a grain of truth to what you say about being able to sell your labor. There are places where you can see prostitutes all over the place selling their ass. Though these days, a lot of them can offer sex for money on the internet. For somebody who basically said there is nothing wrong with people dying if they didn't want to take out a loan for medical treatment, what I have to say no doubt is going to fall on deaf ears. But people having to prostitute themselves to get by isn't a good thing.
I found work everywhere I went. But it was all shit. Now if I had done it here and had a parent's basement to live in for a while until I got things going, maybe things would have turned out a little differently.

I left home at seventeen.
Whats your skill set? I didnt start on my money maker skill set until around 21.
So I was pushing thirty by the time I made truly decent money.
You keep saying you cant find a job but you give no background.
If you're thirty years old and dont have a a career or skill of some kind you better find one quick because it can take years before you start making decent money.
This thread isn't about me. Its about the filthy, corrupt, dog eat dog capitalist system we have in this country.

So you're a jealous,bitter failure who refuses to admit you fucked your life up by ignoring the need for a career until it was to late.

Is this the only argument you guys have in your toolbox? I feel like I'm constantly watching reruns. I'm way more successful than most and I would agree with him that our dog eat dog capitalist system is fucked up and corrupted possibly beyond redemption.

Funny...I've never heard anyone who is a success complain about our system.
It's usually those who are bitter about failure.
I found work everywhere I went. But it was all shit. Now if I had done it here and had a parent's basement to live in for a while until I got things going, maybe things would have turned out a little differently.

I left home at seventeen.
Whats your skill set? I didnt start on my money maker skill set until around 21.
So I was pushing thirty by the time I made truly decent money.
You keep saying you cant find a job but you give no background.
If you're thirty years old and dont have a a career or skill of some kind you better find one quick because it can take years before you start making decent money.
This thread isn't about me. Its about the filthy, corrupt, dog eat dog capitalist system we have in this country.

So you're a jealous,bitter failure who refuses to admit you fucked your life up by ignoring the need for a career until it was to late.

Is this the only argument you guys have in your toolbox? I feel like I'm constantly watching reruns. I'm way more successful than most and I would agree with him that our dog eat dog capitalist system is fucked up and corrupted possibly beyond redemption.

Well thats pretty strange. It's usually the failures who complain about our system.
I personally dont have a single problem with it other than getting the shit taxed out of me.
You just haven't been listening to the right people. Like me. As far as getting taxed, I don't remember if I shoued you this.
tax graph.jpg
I don't know what Deltex is. Neither do I really care. Also, if you don't know that the poor are always exploited, I don't think I could tell you anything to change your mind. Also, I'm not a communist. I'm a National Socialist. The type of person who, for example, thinks the government should have a national health care system like they do in the rest of the civilized world.
You were arguing with Deltex1 for 3 weeks now and you (and I quote) "don't know what Deltex is"? :lmao:

Deltex is someone you have been arguing with on this board. And you said to him that he needed to remember that any money he made was at the expense of the poor. I would like to know how exactly Deltex getting up and going to work every day is somehow "at the expense of the poor".

It is astounding how you have been conditioned to think. Someone taught you this insanity at a young age and you've never once stopped to question any of it. Money is not earned "at the expense of the poor". When I get up and go to work, I'm not doing anything to the poor. I'm not hurting them. I'm not taking advantage of them. I'm not affecting them in any way. But I guess when you're on the wrong side of the facts, a false narrative is necessary....
Deltex "1." I thought you were talking abour some company or something. As to what he does, it doesn't matter. Everything done in this country is at the expense of the poor. When I was on welfare, they used to make me take class on how to beg for a job. Do you suppose that anybody beffing for a job is going to get a fair deal? And look at coal miners who used to work and live in company towns. Those companies really had those workers by the balls. Making them buy what they needed in company stores and keeping them in perpetual debt.

Also, when I was on welfare, the govonor at the time threw me and around 83,000 other people out on the street. Guess what. It didn't do shit for the job market! Next, nobody conditioned me to think in any particular way. Just about everything I say originated in my own mind. It is you who have been conditioned to think in a certain way. Another thing is that what you're doing IS hurting the poor. Because whatever it is you do, chances are that two other people could be helping you do it. But I don't suppose you would be interested in splitting your wages with them.

So help me to understand your logic here. Do you eat at the expense of the hungry? Because whatever it is that you eat, you could easily split it three ways and two other people could eat.
I receive food stamps. If there are hungry AMERICANS out there, they should receive at least what I do. And the government should do whatever it takes to pay for them.
Ok. And did you divide those food stamps into thirds and distribute them among two other hungry people? Better yet, did you shop with those food stamps and then deliver 2/3 of that food to people laying on the streets hungry?
You are more of a rott talker than you are a rottweiler. I already told you what my thoughts on food stamps were.
I receive food stamps. If there are hungry AMERICANS out there, they should receive at least what I do. And the government should do whatever it takes to pay for them.
Two questions:

1.) Why should the government do it? You live (if I understood correctly) in the great state of Texas. A massive state with vast resources. So why don't you go out and kill some deer and feed the hungry? Think of how good that would feel to serve your fellow man. Think of the relationships you would develop with those that you served and how grateful they would be towards you.

2.) The government should do "whatever" it takes? What if it took eliminating 75% of the hungry people because the government simply didn't have the resources to feed them all? Would you volunteer? Would you be first in line to make sure someone else could survive and eat? Because that happened under Joseph Stalin in "national socialist" U.S.S.R you know (as well as many other countries).
First of all, I live in Michigan. Next, is there no end to your stupidity? If I could afford a gun, I would rather shoot nigg.., mexicans or jews than deer. That would do much more for the poor than shooting deer. Also, Stalin was a dick. Hitler on the other hand was a god.
You have never kicked my ass in any debate.

Everyone has.
In your dreams. Insulting people isn't winning arguments.

Oh really? And just what good is it for you to be a Nazi? That automatically renders your argument invalid.
I don't have a Hitler avatar to be insulting. I have it because Hitler was a GOD! He may have made mistakes. But he stood for one thing that was far above all other considerations. White People!
You have never kicked my ass in any debate.

Everyone has.
In your dreams. Insulting people isn't winning arguments.

Oh really? And just what good is it for you to be a Nazi? That automatically renders your argument invalid.
I don't have a Hitler avatar to be insulting. I have it because Hitler was a GOD! He may have made mistakes. But he stood for one thing that was far above all other considerations. White People!

You are certifiably insane.
I found work everywhere I went. But it was all shit. Now if I had done it here and had a parent's basement to live in for a while until I got things going, maybe things would have turned out a little differently.

I left home at seventeen.
Whats your skill set? I didnt start on my money maker skill set until around 21.
So I was pushing thirty by the time I made truly decent money.
You keep saying you cant find a job but you give no background.
If you're thirty years old and dont have a a career or skill of some kind you better find one quick because it can take years before you start making decent money.
This thread isn't about me. Its about the filthy, corrupt, dog eat dog capitalist system we have in this country.

So you're a jealous,bitter failure who refuses to admit you fucked your life up by ignoring the need for a career until it was to late.
There ya go again. Trying to make this about me.

You're the one crying like a little bitch. If you dont like it here you're free to move to cuba the socialist paradise.
You are the one who is crying like a bitch to keep everything you think you are entitled to. Also, it's you who should have a picture of "hedonism bot" for an avarar. "Let them eat cake." Right? Another thing is that I will try to improve things where I am. Not go to other parts of the world where they didn't have me as a leader.
You have never kicked my ass in any debate.

Everyone has.
In your dreams. Insulting people isn't winning arguments.

Oh really? And just what good is it for you to be a Nazi? That automatically renders your argument invalid.
I don't have a Hitler avatar to be insulting. I have it because Hitler was a GOD! He may have made mistakes. But he stood for one thing that was far above all other considerations. White People!

You are certifiably insane.

Stupid is a better label...
Everyone has.
In your dreams. Insulting people isn't winning arguments.

Oh really? And just what good is it for you to be a Nazi? That automatically renders your argument invalid.
I don't have a Hitler avatar to be insulting. I have it because Hitler was a GOD! He may have made mistakes. But he stood for one thing that was far above all other considerations. White People!

You are certifiably insane.

Stupid is a better label...

Who says he isn't both?
I left home at seventeen.
Whats your skill set? I didnt start on my money maker skill set until around 21.
So I was pushing thirty by the time I made truly decent money.
You keep saying you cant find a job but you give no background.
If you're thirty years old and dont have a a career or skill of some kind you better find one quick because it can take years before you start making decent money.
This thread isn't about me. Its about the filthy, corrupt, dog eat dog capitalist system we have in this country.

So you're a jealous,bitter failure who refuses to admit you fucked your life up by ignoring the need for a career until it was to late.
There ya go again. Trying to make this about me.

You're the one crying like a little bitch. If you dont like it here you're free to move to cuba the socialist paradise.
You are the one who is crying like a bitch to keep everything you think you are entitled to. Also, it's you who should have a picture of "hedonism bot" for an avarar. "Let them eat cake." Right? Another thing is that I will try to improve things where I am. Not go to other parts of the world where they didn't have me as a leader.

I've got zero reason to cry you ignorant fuck. I retired at 46.
And yes let them eat cake..or shit for all I care.
You need some serious mental help. But look at the bright side,it should be cheap if they go by size...because you're a mental midget.
Rich people say that if you take money away from them, they won't be able to create as many jobs. But what it really means is that if you take money from them, they will be stuck with getting $1000 dollar chips at the casino instead of $10,000 dollar chips. The reality in this country is that the rich keep getting richer and the poor keep getting poorer. And what of whatever goods and services the wealthy get. They have more money to pay for them. That puts those things even farther out of the reach of the common people. Unfortunately, the voice of the rich in this country is louder than a foghorn. But the cries of the poor are little more than a whisper.
pretty pathetic envy there dude. what the rich need to do is to unite and use their power to crush people who spew the crap you do.
What I said was clear enough. If you didn't see it, don't blame me. Also, you say that if you don't like the way you are being treated, you have the freedom to quit. What kind of dreamworld do you live in. There aren't that many jobs out there.

Actually, there are millions of jobs out there right now. It's so funny how you keep screaming at people about "dreamworlds" and "being high" when literally everything you say is 100% inaccurate. Go out to Monster.com right now and do a search with no parameters. Hundreds of thousands of jobs will come back. Now do the same thing on Careerbuilder.com, LinkedIn, and the thousands of other jobs sites on there and you will see the same thing.

But here's the thing. You keep ignoring what I've said because I'm kicking your ass in this debate with facts. I didn't say "quit your job and find a new one". I said "quit your job and SELL YOUR LABOR". I said, create your own job. But you have to ignore that because you don't have an intelligent response (being a communist, you never do). I said, "if you're a plumber, then sell your labor to the public for the price you think is fair for your labor". Nobody has to work for someone else. Everybody has the freedom to work for themselves and sell their labor to the public for whatever price they want to set.

Next, there is no such thing as a "true capitalist" system. But capitalist systems collapsed in just about every capitalist system that ever existed at one time or another.

Um...no....it hasn't. Which is why you are unable to name even one nation that collapsed under true capitalism (meanwhile, I can name dozens of nations that collapsed under the system you advocate for because it has a 100% failure rate world wide).

It would have happened again here if the government didn't bail out the criminals that caused it.

Except that we don't have capitalism in this nation. When Bill Clinton signed the 1997 Community Re-Investment Act which essentially forced banks to give loans to people who couldn't afford them (because that's what idiot socialism does), he collapsed the U.S. economy and we once again had to bailout the ignorant left-wing policies that continue to create failure world-wide. People who couldn't afford the loans were unable to pay them back (shocking!) and that caused banks to lose tons of money. They had to lay off workers who then could no longer afford their homes. And all of these homes on the market caused the value of homes to plummet (basic supply & demand). As always, idiot socialism caused collapse.

Now if you want me to name a capitalist system that failed to the level of "The Road Warrior" status. Then no, I can't name one.

Exactly. You can't name one because capitalism creates prosperity while socialism creates poverty. The first honest and accurate thing you've said.

As far as Germany's Fascist system, it collapsed because of war. Not because of the economic policies of that system. As for your, "bottom line," here is the bottom line. We don't live in a democracy. We live in a plutocracy. Almost all laws and regulations are written for the benefit of the rich. I think it was Calvin Coolidge who said, "The business of government IS business." You have to be high to think that approach doesn't leave the poor in the dust.

Nobody is "left in the dust" and nobody is a victim in America. We are each free to pursue anything we want to pursue. If someone chooses not to pursue success, that's the right. But they must be forced to live with the results.

Furthermore, how is welfare (passed into law) "for the benefit of the rich"? How are food-stamps (passed into law) "for the benefit of the rich"? How is Social Security (passed into law) "for the benefit of the rich"? Again, you just continue to make stuff up because you can't support your position with facts.

Then you say people aren't forced to take out loans. Yes. You must be high. Sure, you can go without having a car. Nobody is "forcing" you take out a loan to get one. But take it from somebody who lives in a city with no grocery store within the city limits. Not having a car sucks really bad.

Oh, no doubt. It absolutely does. But why do you have to take a loan for a car? Why can't you save up a few grand and purchase a used car? If you want the $70K BMW, I don't want to hear you whine about the loan.

Furthermore, I have personally financed vehicles through the dealership for 0% financing. That's right, not one cent of interest. So where is the problem here (other than the fact that you want to play the victim to support your communist position)?

Also, nobody would "force" somebody to take a loan to pay for life saving medical treatment. They are free to die.

Absolutely! Or they are free to take the loan (be thankful that such an option was available), and pay it back. Again, where is the problem here?

As to your "broom" analogy, you really go off the deep end there.

Why? Because you're so unhinged you can't articulate why it is that you believe a person borrowing a broom should be expected to give it back but somebody borrowing money should not be expected to give it back lest they be a "slave"??

As to your thing about the civil war, it was right wing republican like philosophy that caused Southern plantation owners to bring negroes to this country as slaves.

LMAO!!! Now that's funny stuff right there. Republicans made Democrats bring slaves to America and then keep them? And they made Democrats love slavery so much that they made Democrats start a war with their own country because they refused to relinquish slavery (just as you are doing right now by demanding that other people should labor for your benefit)?!?

As to my, "left wing" logic, I will put it up against "right wing" logic any day. For example, back in the 18 or early 1900's, some thugs working for mine owners in Colorado shot up a strikers camp with women and children in it. There was also an instance years later where about 20 hired thugs shot a couple cops to death on the steps of a courthouse. Because they were hired by rich people, nothing was ever done about it. Turn your head an look up asshole. Do you see the guillotine balde?

And that differs from left-wing labor union thugs lead by the mafia how? You know, when they would go around attacking (sometimes killing) business owners, voters, and anyone who would cross the line during strikes to work? Yeah, nice try my friend, but the left has a much longer and uglier history of violence.

In fact, I'm done even talking to your stupid ass. If there is anything else that you had to say, consider it answered with your end of the argument losing.

Well of course. If I were beat this soundly in a debate, I wouldn't want to continue either.
You have never kicked my ass in any debate. If you think you did, it is another example of you being high and living in a dream world. As for employment,do you think I just got off the boat. I don't need to go to the internet. All I need to do is pick up a paper and look in the nearly deserted want ads. Also, for every job you mention, there are probably thousands of people for each job. Another thing is that if you were to look at the percentage of collage graduates that can't find work, you would probably be shocked.

It's also interesting how you suggest that somebody wave their magic wand and "sell their labor." If it were that easy you idiot, nobody would be unemployed. Now it's your turn to tell me that most people are just too lazy. What as moron. As to collapsed systems, you are just to stupid to understand what I said. For example, I told you that because of the failure of France's investment in the Panama Canal, they suffered what they said was the greatest economic collapse in human history. No it's your turn to tell me that it was actually a little bump in the road.

As for being "left in the dust," take your opinions and stick them up your ass. I was "left in the dust." So don't piss on my shoes and tell me it's raining. By the way, you can take your holy word, "free," and stick it up your ass also. As for buying a car, even a used, beat up old one, you apparently don't have the slightest concept of what being poor means.

I quickly looked over the rest of what you had to say. But it was too easy to debunk. Just like everything else you said. Mayme you should try unloading your flaued mojo on somebidy a little less use to seeing through bullshit.

I think you have some serious anger management issues Cult. First of all, where is any "flawed mojo" when one points out that used vehicles can be purchased for just a few thousand dollars and new vehicles can often be purchased for 0% financing? That's not "mojo". That is called fact.

Second, it actually is quite easy to sell your labor. What is hard is having the guts to do it, taking that kind of risk, and then managing to do it against competitors. And that is why many people don't do it. But that is also why I take issue with the left-wing loons. They want someone else to take all of the risk, have all of the guts, go out and start the business, and then expect them to split all of the rewards with the left-wing loons. It takes a serious horses-ass to propose such a thing.
I don't have anger management issues. I am just annoyed by stupidity. Take your car financing thing. That has shit to do with shit. Some years ago, my brother in law offered to GIVE me a car. The main reason I didn't take it is that I will only accept charity if it is absolutely necessary. The second reason is that I couldn't even afford a car that is free.

Going back a bit firther, you said that the bank failures were caused by Bill Clinton forcing banks to give poor people loans. Funny, I didn't think that you could smoke LSD. Nobody can force banks to give out loans to people who can't pay them back. Besides, I don't think it's possible for the government to inact any regulation that lawyers can't worm their way around or find loopholes in. The reason the banks failed was because they wanted to give loans to poor people who couldn't pay them back. One of the places where Clinton really screwed up was in fact when he repealed the Glass-Steagall act.

As to selling your labor, I already told you that reality doesn't back up your claim. And just as I predicted, you basically say that people are just too lazy. What a surprise! Though there is a grain of truth to what you say about being able to sell your labor. There are places where you can see prostitutes all over the place selling their ass. Though these days, a lot of them can offer sex for money on the internet. For somebody who basically said there is nothing wrong with people dying if they didn't want to take out a loan for medical treatment, what I have to say no doubt is going to fall on deaf ears. But people having to prostitute themselves to get by isn't a good thing.
Interesting. In an illegal and immoral context, selling your labor is completely practical in your mind. But in a legal and moral context, selling your labor is an impossibility that no human could ever over come.

That post right there epitomizes the mind-set of the left.
You were arguing with Deltex1 for 3 weeks now and you (and I quote) "don't know what Deltex is"? :lmao:

Deltex is someone you have been arguing with on this board. And you said to him that he needed to remember that any money he made was at the expense of the poor. I would like to know how exactly Deltex getting up and going to work every day is somehow "at the expense of the poor".

It is astounding how you have been conditioned to think. Someone taught you this insanity at a young age and you've never once stopped to question any of it. Money is not earned "at the expense of the poor". When I get up and go to work, I'm not doing anything to the poor. I'm not hurting them. I'm not taking advantage of them. I'm not affecting them in any way. But I guess when you're on the wrong side of the facts, a false narrative is necessary....
Deltex "1." I thought you were talking abour some company or something. As to what he does, it doesn't matter. Everything done in this country is at the expense of the poor. When I was on welfare, they used to make me take class on how to beg for a job. Do you suppose that anybody beffing for a job is going to get a fair deal? And look at coal miners who used to work and live in company towns. Those companies really had those workers by the balls. Making them buy what they needed in company stores and keeping them in perpetual debt.

Also, when I was on welfare, the govonor at the time threw me and around 83,000 other people out on the street. Guess what. It didn't do shit for the job market! Next, nobody conditioned me to think in any particular way. Just about everything I say originated in my own mind. It is you who have been conditioned to think in a certain way. Another thing is that what you're doing IS hurting the poor. Because whatever it is you do, chances are that two other people could be helping you do it. But I don't suppose you would be interested in splitting your wages with them.

So help me to understand your logic here. Do you eat at the expense of the hungry? Because whatever it is that you eat, you could easily split it three ways and two other people could eat.
I receive food stamps. If there are hungry AMERICANS out there, they should receive at least what I do. And the government should do whatever it takes to pay for them.
Ok. And did you divide those food stamps into thirds and distribute them among two other hungry people? Better yet, did you shop with those food stamps and then deliver 2/3 of that food to people laying on the streets hungry?
You are more of a rott talker than you are a rottweiler. I already told you what my thoughts on food stamps were.
No, actually you didn't. Should we take your refusal to answer as admission that you exploited the poor by gorging at their expense? I think it's quite clear here that never once did you divide your supply three ways with two others in need.

Typical hypocrisy of the lefties in this nation. What's your's is theirs, what's their's is their's. It is why Barack Obama crows about "being your brothers keeper" while hoarding tens of millions of dollars and leaving his own aunt, his own brother, and his own nephew in poverty.
I receive food stamps. If there are hungry AMERICANS out there, they should receive at least what I do. And the government should do whatever it takes to pay for them.
Two questions:

1.) Why should the government do it? You live (if I understood correctly) in the great state of Texas. A massive state with vast resources. So why don't you go out and kill some deer and feed the hungry? Think of how good that would feel to serve your fellow man. Think of the relationships you would develop with those that you served and how grateful they would be towards you.

2.) The government should do "whatever" it takes? What if it took eliminating 75% of the hungry people because the government simply didn't have the resources to feed them all? Would you volunteer? Would you be first in line to make sure someone else could survive and eat? Because that happened under Joseph Stalin in "national socialist" U.S.S.R you know (as well as many other countries).
First of all, I live in Michigan. Next, is there no end to your stupidity? If I could afford a gun, I would rather shoot nigg.., mexicans or jews than deer. That would do much more for the poor than shooting deer. Also, Stalin was a dick. Hitler on the other hand was a god.

Wow.... just....wow. It all makes sense now. Best of luck to you my friend (believe me - you are going to need it). You are in for a long and miserable life.
It is interes
This thread isn't about me. Its about the filthy, corrupt, dog eat dog capitalist system we have in this country.

So you're a jealous,bitter failure who refuses to admit you fucked your life up by ignoring the need for a career until it was to late.
There ya go again. Trying to make this about me.

You're the one crying like a little bitch. If you dont like it here you're free to move to cuba the socialist paradise.
You are the one who is crying like a bitch to keep everything you think you are entitled to. Also, it's you who should have a picture of "hedonism bot" for an avarar. "Let them eat cake." Right? Another thing is that I will try to improve things where I am. Not go to other parts of the world where they didn't have me as a leader.

I've got zero reason to cry you ignorant fuck. I retired at 46.
And yes let them eat cake..or shit for all I care.
You need some serious mental help. But look at the bright side,it should be cheap if they go by size...because you're a mental midget.
It is interesting being insulted by somebody who is an intellectual worm compared to me. I have written many threads. With the exception of some actress whore dating a negro, nobody has ever successfully refuted anything I have ever said. And you call me a mental midget. What a laugh!!!
Rich people say that if you take money away from them, they won't be able to create as many jobs. But what it really means is that if you take money from them, they will be stuck with getting $1000 dollar chips at the casino instead of $10,000 dollar chips. The reality in this country is that the rich keep getting richer and the poor keep getting poorer. And what of whatever goods and services the wealthy get. They have more money to pay for them. That puts those things even farther out of the reach of the common people. Unfortunately, the voice of the rich in this country is louder than a foghorn. But the cries of the poor are little more than a whisper.
pretty pathetic envy there dude. what the rich need to do is to unite and use their power to crush people who spew the crap you do.
It isn't about envy. It's about fairness. As for the rich crushing people like me, they have already done that. That's why we live in a Plutocracy and not a Democracy. Not that my opinion of a democracy is very high.
What is it that you find so incredible. That I have dignity? Well I would rather lead a "miserable" life with it than a "happy" life without it.

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