WAR On WOMEN By Republicans

I apologize to all Conservative women in advance.

This is a good example of why women should never have been given the vote!

As much as I hate to say it, you're right. There aren't enough women who take seriously their responsibility to society via their votes to make it a good idea, much the same as there would not be enough teenagers who would vote responsibly to make it a good idea to give the vote to people over 15.

Truthfully, though, I think much of the problem could be solved by limiting the franchise in ways other than gender, so that votes are cast by people who are more likely to be motivated by civic responsibility.
You guys on the left really need some new talking points.

You guys on the right need to come up with 64 electoral votes more than you received in 2012. Where are they coming from? Any idea?

Please note in the graphic about Obama's margin with women, he lost some of those states. Perhaps a few more percentage points in Hillary's column wins the state for her?

Missouri may be in play.

Stop with the Helen Reddy " I am woman, hear me roar" bullshit.
I think women are sick and tired of the feminist movement holding them back in the workplace. I think women are sick of democrats telling them what to do and how to think.

I'm personally tired of being told that a tiny handful of loudly-whinging broads - half of whom are embittered dykes - represent me simply because they happen to have the same reproductive system.
Seriously, why would any intelligent and sane woman vote Republican? In the past it made some sense - but not today's GOP. Even I used to vote Republican as much or more than Democrat - but no more. Reagan cured me of that.

Why wouldn't we? There's nothing intelligent or sane about supporting a party that treats us like mindless cockholsters, and that's exactly what the Democrats think of women, treat them like, and encourage them to act like.

Oh Gawd!!

Not this stoopid shit again!!!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::2up:

Could somebody please find this idiot something meaningful in her life????!:coffee:

Dollar to a stale donut the OP is a feminist bulldog.....they always start these threads. Hate men......ugly as sin.......and miserable as hell.
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Take a gander here >>>

These types are exactly the types that start these war on women threads........connect the dots on the rest s0ns. The feminist bulldogs are amongst the most hideous human beings.......in more ways than one!!:2up: Social oddballs all.........if all men died tomorrow, they'd all get together and throw a party.

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Oh........the women in the picture had vagina costumes. You're just a vagina.

Well, that's interesting.

A liberal woman using "vagina" as an insult. There really is no end to liberal hypocrisy, is there?

Did you have an argument to present?

Everyone else got his point. Thanks for proving yet again that leftists like their women with their brains off and their legs open.
The reality is that women were given the vote...
You're right, we did "give" you the vote, and we stopped beating you, mostly, and we allowed you not to stay barefoot and pregnant for life, and to work, and to drive, and we stopped swatting your bottom just because you were bent over filing papers, and we passed laws that said even though we were married to you we could still be charged with rape, and all of that because women very unlike you, much braver than you, gave a shit, stood up for what mattered, and took all the abuse necessary for as long as necessary so that you could call those who follow in their footsteps, stupid twats...

Well, if we're going to buy that skank birth control and abortions to help her get laid, maybe we should throw in government-supplied bottles of tequila, too.

*studies picture*

Lots and LOTS of tequila.
The reality is that women were given the vote...
You're right, we did "give" you the vote, and we stopped beating you, mostly, and we allowed you not to stay barefoot and pregnant for life, and to work, and to drive, and we stopped swatting your bottom just because you were bent over filing papers, and we passed laws that said even though we were married to you we could still be charged with rape, and all of that because women very unlike you, much braver than you, gave a shit, stood up for what mattered, and took all the abuse necessary for as long as necessary so that you could call those who follow in their footsteps, stupid twats...

^^^ like I say.......the feminist bulldogs love to troll in these threads.
The reality is that women were given the vote...
You're right, we did "give" you the vote, and we stopped beating you, mostly, and we allowed you not to stay barefoot and pregnant for life, and to work, and to drive, and we stopped swatting your bottom just because you were bent over filing papers, and we passed laws that said even though we were married to you we could still be charged with rape, and all of that because women very unlike you, much braver than you, gave a shit, stood up for what mattered, and took all the abuse necessary for as long as necessary so that you could call those who follow in their footsteps, stupid twats...
^^^ like I say.......the feminist bulldogs love to troll in these threads.
That's not trolling sweetcheeks, that's a take-down from a man who actually lived through it. I know what she doesn't, and never will.
Torch, Conservative women understand that Politics is not the venue they should be paying attention to. Their time is much better spent taking care of the children and the home than worrying about politics or current events. That's what she has a father, boyfriend, or husband for.

Torch, Conservative women understand that Politics is not the venue they should be paying attention to. Their time is much better spent taking care of the children and the home than worrying about politics or current events. That's what she has a father, boyfriend, or husband for.

At home making beds, breads, and babies, the GOP way.
Oh my! This Reality posting really brought out all of the trolls from out of the woodwork didn't it! Well, I know the truth hurts but just bear with it until your political party can make reparations to women in this country.

The elections prove what we are saying: women vote democratic because the democrats support women's issues.
The reality is that women were given the vote...
You're right, we did "give" you the vote, and we stopped beating you, mostly, and we allowed you not to stay barefoot and pregnant for life, and to work, and to drive, and we stopped swatting your bottom just because you were bent over filing papers, and we passed laws that said even though we were married to you we could still be charged with rape, and all of that because women very unlike you, much braver than you, gave a shit, stood up for what mattered, and took all the abuse necessary for as long as necessary so that you could call those who follow in their footsteps, stupid twats...

^^^ like I say.......the feminist bulldogs love to troll in these threads.

Too bad for the penis-envy dykes out there that THEY didn't give me the vote, or anything else. Nor are they and their "I'm a woman, pity me and give me things because my vagina is a birth defect that means I can't take care of myself like a man" sobbing the heirs of Susan B. Anthony and the other suffragettes. Truth to tell, if those women could see what today's women were going to do with their votes, they'd most likely just say, "Never mind" and head back to the kitchen. They sure as hell weren't marching and fighting for leftist broads to vote for President as though they're trying to get picked up in a singles bar a half-hour before last call.

Anyone who doesn't want to be called a stupid twat need only stop acting like one. As long as leftie women are appearing on Capitol Hill for the "important right" to have the government supply them with the means to be some player's one-night stand . . . hey, I calls 'em like I sees 'em, sweetie pie.
You're right, we did "give" you the vote, and we stopped beating you, mostly, and we allowed you not to stay barefoot and pregnant for life, and to work, and to drive, and we stopped swatting your bottom just because you were bent over filing papers, and we passed laws that said even though we were married to you we could still be charged with rape, and all of that because women very unlike you, much braver than you, gave a shit, stood up for what mattered, and took all the abuse necessary for as long as necessary so that you could call those who follow in their footsteps, stupid twats...

^^^ like I say.......the feminist bulldogs love to troll in these threads.

Too bad for the penis-envy dykes out there that THEY didn't give me the vote, or anything else. Nor are they and their "I'm a woman, pity me and give me things because my vagina is a birth defect that means I can't take care of myself like a man" sobbing the heirs of Susan B. Anthony and the other suffragettes. Truth to tell, if those women could see what today's women were going to do with their votes, they'd most likely just say, "Never mind" and head back to the kitchen. They sure as hell weren't marching and fighting for leftist broads to vote for President as though they're trying to get picked up in a singles bar a half-hour before last call.

Anyone who doesn't want to be called a stupid twat need only stop acting like one. As long as leftie women are appearing on Capitol Hill for the "important right" to have the government supply them with the means to be some player's one-night stand . . . hey, I calls 'em like I sees 'em, sweetie pie.

Why do you never buy a woman a wristwatch as a gift? Because there's always a clock in the kitchen.

The funny thing is, my mother raised me to respect girls and women. What she neglected to mention was that some of them, like you, are just worthless *****. I guess she figured I'd figure that out, which I did. Just calling it like I see it...
Women by the Numbers

From the U.S. Census Bureau

Source: U.S. Census Bureau

161 million

The number of females in the U.S. as of December 2013. The number of males was 156.1 million.

2 to 1

At 85 and older, the approximate ratio by which women outnumbered men in 2012 (3.9 million to 2.0 million).


74.8 million

The number of females 16 and older who participated in the civilian labor force in 2012. Women comprised 47.4 percent of the civilian labor force in 2012.


Percent of employed females 16 and over in 2012 (annual average) who worked in management, professional and related occupations, compared with 34.7 percent of employed males in the same year (annual average).


1.6 million

Number of female veterans in the United States in 2012.



The median annual earnings of women 15 or older who worked year-round, full time in 2012. In comparison, the median annual earnings of men were $49,398.


The amount that female year-round, full time workers earned in 2012 for every dollar their male counterparts earned. This ratio was statistically unchanged from 2011.


11.3 million

Number of women college students in fall 2012. Women comprised 56.8 percent of all college students.


Percent of women 25 and older who had obtained a bachelor's degree or more as of 2012.


Percentage of women 18 and older with an alternative educational credential — such as professional certifications, licenses and educational — not statistically different from men. However, women had higher rates of alternative credentials than men at the bachelor's degree and advanced degree levels.


Among people with advanced degrees, the percentage of women who held educational certificates compared with 12 percent of men; 51 percent of women held professional certifications or licenses compared with 43 percent of men.



Percentage of female citizens 18 and older who reported voting in the 2012 presidential election, in comparison to 59.7 percent of their male counterparts.


85.4 million

Estimated number of mothers in the U.S. in 2009.


Average number of children that women 40 to 44 had given birth to as of 2010, down from 3.1 children in 1976, the year the Census Bureau began collecting such data.

The percentage of women in this age group who had given birth was 81 percent in 2010, down from 90 percent in 1976.


66 million

Number of married women 18 and older (including those who were separated or had an absent spouse) in 2013.

5.2 million

Number of stay-at-home mothers nationwide in 2013; compared with 214,000 stay-at-home fathers

There are 5 million more women in the US than men. 64% of women voted in the last election, as opposed to 60% of men. 55% of women voted for Obama. These stats show that the majority of women vote democratic and that their votes count a lot. Ignoring this is only going to hurt the GOP in every election.
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That's not trolling sweetcheeks, that's a take-down from a man who actually lived through it. I know what she doesn't, and never will.

Just judging from the 'persona' you portray here, I don't think you know what a take-down is, or that you're much of a man if any at all.

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