WAR On WOMEN By Republicans

How many casualties in this so called war?

As pointed out earlier, the democrats have a confirmed kill - Teddy drowned a pregnant girlfriend - to the delight of democrats.

Want to see a war on women, check out how David Letterman treated Sarah Palin. Actually, look at how ANY leftist treats her.

Look at how Jon Stewart or ANY leftist treats Michelle Malkin.

The fact is, democrats have a policy that women better know their place, kowtowing to the far left. or Letterman will call for their under aged daughters to be raped, to the wild approval of democrats everywhere.
I'll wait until you read through the shit.

I have. It's garbage as usual.

When you get an argument together, get back to me.

I have an argument - the left wages a war on women by engaging in the vile slander and libel against any woman who dares think for herself and hold opinions in contrast to party dogma.

The most vile words ever spoken against women come from leftists against women like;

Sarah Palin
Ann Coulter
Michelle Bachman
Michelle Malkin
Star Parker

This is the real war on women, the one that says women MUST conform to ideas put forth by the party, or be savaged by the corrupt party press.

Have you EVER condemned your party for the vile attacks it launches against women who dare hold views that differ from party dogma? Did you condemn Letterman when he called for the rape of a 14 year old girl, because the girl's mother was a Republican? Or did you instead applaud, with glee that an enemy of the party would be savaged?
I'll wait until you read through the shit.

I have. It's garbage as usual.

When you get an argument together, get back to me.

This discussion bores me, because there really isn't an argument for you to make. Thus discussing it, is like debating the moon is made of cheese. It's old real fast.

I'll give you this post, but no promises on anything more.

Link one is an opinion poll. We've been over this. Opinion doesn't automatically mean it's true. If I make a poll that you are an idiot, and the majority say you are, does that automatically mean it's true? Of course not. Opinion, is just that. Opinion.

The second link, was to a partisan hack site 'all things democrat', in which the very first article on the web site, was an attack on Sarah Palin.... which last I checked... was a woman.

So as proof of a Republican 'war on women', democrats write an article attacking a woman.

Instantly discredited.

The third link has nothing to do with women at all. It has to do with having proper ID. Well crap, you have to have proper ID for everything else, but in this case, it's magically an attack on Women.

If people showed up to buy a gun, without their legal name on their ID, would the left be quick to say it shouldn't be required?

Fourth link is another opinion poll. Let's have a poll on whether Disir should be banned from the forum. If the majority agree you should, would that make that opinion right?

The Fifth link, is in reference to the Violence Against Women Act, which had bi-partisan support and was passed under a Republican congress.

It's really hard for you to claim there's a Republican War on Women, when it was Republicans who passed the bill in 1994, and a Republican congress that passed it in 2013.

The only thing you can say, is that Republicans debated the bill. Well duh. That's what we want, is congress actually debating it. You would rather mindless lemmings in Congress that mindlessly pass stuff?

The debate centered on how effective the law was.
What?s Wrong with the Violence Against Women Act? | TIME.com
The intent of these laws was to spur a culture change in law enforcement, which had a long history of declining to intervene in domestic violence situations. But some say mandatory arrest discourages some women from reporting domestic violence because they fear their partners—sometimes a family’s sole earner—will be automatically arrested and thrown in jail.

Domestic violence victims who avoid calling the police or seeking other help can put themselves in even more danger. A 2007 Harvard study found that the rate of intimate partner homicide is higher in states that have mandatory arrest laws on the books. Paradoxically, it appears VAWA may have had a much greater effect on the rate of women killing their partners (down 40% between 1995 and 2008) than on men killing their partners (down just 7% in the same period). Women may be less likely to kill their partners when an aggressive police response is readily available, but it appears the threat of arrest and prosecution has done little to dissuade abusive men from killing. In addition, in some cases, victims themselves are taken into police custody because of mandatory arrest laws. Police on the scene may not be able to determine who is the primary aggressor in a violent episode and may feel compelled to arrest both parties if they have probable cause.

Is the fact that now victims of domestic violence are being jailed because the police can't determine who was the aggressor, something that needs debated? Is the fact that now women are not reporting domestic violence, something that needs debated?

I say yes. Because I am a thinking rational adults, that is more worried about actual results, than a mythical war on women.

The Sixth link, is yet another "people who vote, should not need proper ID". I wonder if that applies to Conceal and Carry laws? Can I just put "Joe Blow" on my CCW, and run around with a 9mm?

The Seventh link, was absolutely hilarious. I would encourage all men to read it. How dare men act like men. Darn those men. Blasted stupid men.

You women.... seriously. Get a life lol.

The last and final link, has to do with a comment made by Dick Black.

Without getting into the hysteria, the accusations, the mythical statements he never said, and all the other fabricated crap the left came up with surrounding this.....

Here is his statement:

“How on earth you could validly get a conviction of a husband-wife rape when they’re living together, sleeping in the same bed, she’s in a nightie, and so forth, there’s no injury, there’s no separation or anything.”

Now instead of having the knee-JERK reaction typical of a leftist, let's try and consider the question as an adult.

You and me, are in the jury box. In court is a man and a women. They have been married for 20 years. He is totally fine. She is totally fine. No injuries. No marks. No evidence of any kind. They were sleeping in the same bad. They were both found in their sleep ware.

She says "he raped me".

So now.... how do you convict? Is that all the evidence you need? Because she said so? Does that also apply to the reverse? He says "She raped me", and that's all you need?

Remember equality under the law, so you can't have a standard the applies to her only, and not him. Or the other way around.

So Mr Black has a question for you the jury member, 'How on earth you could validly get a conviction'?

If you can answer that, I'd love to hear your answer.

Regardless, his comment is not a 'war on women', and even if it was, plenty of Democrats have also said far more stupid things. You don't seem to blame the entire democrat party for one individuals statements, and nor should you do so with Republicans.

I'll be waiting for your answer.
I don't know how to break this to you, but that first line is a bit patronizing.

Or did you think you needed to man 'splain it to me?

You are blinded by the fact that the left is using your so called status as a minority for political reasons


I'm not blinded by anything. Keep your God laws off my body including reproductive health, and your nose out of my business, equal pay for equal work and we will get along fine.

If you want voters and politicians out of your bedroom, then don't allow taxpayers to pay for contraception. It would appear if you can already afford a flat screen television, laptop, cell phones, iPads, ... that some women have their priorities out of whack. Start being responsible for your own choices that you do with your body, and take on some financial responsibility yourself. You do not see guys looking to anyone else to pay for their gym membership, here is your chance to demonstrate that you can be responsible for your own needs as well - with all this need for more "equality" that is being boasted.
I have. It's garbage as usual.

When you get an argument together, get back to me.

I have an argument - the left wages a war on women by engaging in the vile slander and libel against any woman who dares think for herself and hold opinions in contrast to party dogma.

The most vile words ever spoken against women come from leftists against women like;

Sarah Palin
Ann Coulter
Michelle Bachman
Michelle Malkin
Star Parker

This is the real war on women, the one that says women MUST conform to ideas put forth by the party, or be savaged by the corrupt party press.

Have you EVER condemned your party for the vile attacks it launches against women who dare hold views that differ from party dogma? Did you condemn Letterman when he called for the rape of a 14 year old girl, because the girl's mother was a Republican? Or did you instead applaud, with glee that an enemy of the party would be savaged?

Oh there absolutely is a war on women.... specifically a war on Republican women. As long as you shut up, follow the party line, and stay at the Democrat polls, you are wonderful.

The moment you think independently of Hilliary Clinton and Crowd, you are a tramp to be shut up, and put away.
:lol: It's coming.
You know how you like to pretend you're smart?

You're not.

I'm smart enough to realize that you don't have an argument. You know it. It is because you don't have an argument that you have resorted to several posts saying absolutely nothing. You are not witty or clever. You're an imbecile that is not interested in debate but rather an attempt to continuously harass people to silence them. So, that they don't speak about it all.
You're boring as hell.
I understand that you're bitter because the Democratic Party insists you're nothing more than a vagina, interested ONLY in consequence-free sex funded by the taxpayers.

But you're lashing out at the wrong people. Conservatives see women as people...not a body part. People with a very wide range of interests and values.

The "conservative war on women" was invented by people who want to manipulate you and make you angry, hoping you won't question them, their motives, or their statements. They count on the foolish and ignorant to dutifully repeat what they're told to say.

Does that sound like people who care about you as an individual? All they want is your vote. And they'll say anything to get it.

So far, you're proving them right about you. Aren't you better than that?
Its almost like they consider women this giant monolithic block, with no variations in view, all lockstep with the progressive agenda.

Kind of like how they think of black people.

they do the same thing to black people, homosexuals, now they're working on the brown people

you see they aren't INDIVIDUALS to a Democrat...they are seen as groups who can't make it IN LIFE without them..

that's why I don't why anyone would belong to party who see's them as nothing but VICTIMS...it's offensive

most Hispanics dont buy the bullshit that the Democrats feed them...they know they are looked as votes not people.....they know the "Elites" of the party dont want them moving next door.....they get that....they dont have a lot of Respect for the party and many of the people who run it....its the "Lessor of 2 Evils thing....
What's truly the bull around here is the lie that Democrats don't care about Hispanics/Latinos. In effect, they are the *only* political party that Does Care enough to respect them and treat them like the decent citizens of this country that they truly are. By comparison, Republicans just continue to throw them under the bus, do not help them in any way, shape, or form and constantly stand in their way of progress and then they wonder why Hispanics/Latinos overwhelmingly go to the Democratic side and Vote Democratic! Just look at the denigrating term "brown people" that they are using. That is very derogatory as they are members of the White race, for your information. Hispanic/Latino is not a race. It is an *Ethnicity.* So, is it any wonder that they fully support the Democratic Party in GRATITUDE of the truly good way they are treated and as a repudiation of Republican policies and the terrible treatment they get from them.
Who pays yous guys to come around every election year and post this crud???
No one pays "yous" guys uh, we guys, fyi. :lol: It's information that just needs to be spread out more since it is already out there but not everyone may have seen it.

The screeching of a few very loud lefty moon bats such as yourself is not "passing information"....
It is simply loud screeching.
And it is not that fewer people than what makes you comfortable have not seen it, its that most of the people don't care because it just isn't that important. Never was.
Oh but it is important, in fact, more than you would ever care to realize or acknowledge.
No one pays "yous" guys uh, we guys, fyi. :lol: It's information that just needs to be spread out more since it is already out there but not everyone may have seen it.

The screeching of a few very loud lefty moon bats such as yourself is not "passing information"....
It is simply loud screeching.
And it is not that fewer people than what makes you comfortable have not seen it, its that most of the people don't care because it just isn't that important. Never was.
Oh but it is important, in fact, more than you would ever care to realize or acknowledge.

No one gives a damn or believes you. If they did you wouldn't be on the verge of losing the Senate.

Democrats used to insult Black people by claiming that they were too ignorant to obtain a photo I.D. when every person in modern society has one. Now the radical left has the nerve to claim that wonderful women in Texas are too stupid to obtain a photo I.D.. If it wasn't for lies the radical left would have nothing to say. As a matter of fact the perceived democrat candidate for president is the freaking symbol of not only the war on women but the effort to keep Americans so stupid that they forgot the sleaze bag Arkansas misfits we had to put up with during the 90's. Look it up, Hillary's effort to ruin the life of every woman who was molested by her husband is on record in the sleaze bag "bimbo eruption squad" that left wing journalists giggled about.
Hillary is too feeble to be president. She's got brain damage and she's a drunk. Surely, the democrats can do better.
Conservative women realize that the Republican Party does not best represent their interests, but are willing to set that aside because of their overwhelming hatred for blacks and Hispanics.

Mind readers of the world unite!

"N***** N***** N******" Dr. Laura

"Shukin' and jivin" Sarah Palin

"If we took away women's right to vote, we'd never have to worry about another Democratic president. It's kind of a pipe dream.It's a personal fantasy of mine, but I don't think it's going to happen. And it is a good way of making the point that women are voting so stupidly, at least single women." Ann Coulter

You don't have to read their minds.

No, sweetie, we just aren't so self-absorbed that we miss the fact that our own personal, selfish desires aren't synonymous with "public good and general welfare". Nor do we think it's a "war on" anyone to observe reality and comment on it. The reality is that women were given the vote, and - as a group - subsequently proved that there were actually good and logical reasons they - again, as a group - were not up to using the responsibility wisely and in the best interests of the community at large.

If leftist women think that's a "war on" them, then perhaps they should call a cease-fire in THEIR war on common sense and personal responsibility, and stop voting like the bunch of brainless twats looking for a daddy to take care of them, exactly the way those who opposed suffrage SAID they would.

The only war true conservatives have going politically is a war on stupidity, incompetence, laziness, and lack of personal responsibility. If you find yourself in the crosshairs in THAT war, then you might want to re-evaluate where you're standing.
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What is hilarious about your tripe is that you've described the exact same scenario Governor Romney faced. Yet...you voted for him...didn't you? Gosh you are a fucking idiot.

Anyway, HIllary should do much better than Obama with the women's vote giving the Dems an even more sizable advantage. :lol:

Your version of wishful thinking is amusing.
Once again you have shown you are too stupid to realize that you are bashing women as in lockstep for democrat voters.
Is it your contention that women are mind numbed gnats like you who think the alphabet should have but one letter..... "D"

No but when the leader of the GOP calls women who have sex "sluts" and people like you applaud Mr. Limbaugh...that tells you all you need to know about the GOP.

Nice try, but all you're doing is showing why leftist women are every bit the ignorant, fluffheaded walking twats that they whine about men thinking they are. The DNC sent you marching orders - "Rush said you were a slut for having sex!" - and you just headed out, frothing at the mouth, no research or thought necessary. Find out what Rush REALLY said? Perish forbid! Someone is suggesting that you shouldn't spread your legs for all comers! Charge!!!!

Can't imagine how you can look at disgraces to femininity like yourself and not wonder how anyone could NOT declare war on your ilk being seen as representative of all women. Tell us again how the only political issue that matters to women is their unfettered access to the ability to be cheap penis receptacles for lousy men.

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