WAR On WOMEN By Republicans

There is no republican war on women. It's a catch phrase that idiots repeat to divide. Divide and conquer is the democrats only strategy. It's effectiveness is based on the fact that democrats think women are dumb and emotional.

what's sad is...

The GOP has a war on women
The GOP hates poor people
The GOP hates seniors
The GOP hate children
The GOP are racists

The GOP only care about the rich.

And people believe that crap and not ONCE say to themselves...

"you know, I don't agree with the GOP, but I know they are, on the most part, well educated, successful people.....they would NEVER be dumb enough to think they can win elections by only caring about the top 2%"

They simply listen to their leaders...and have no personal reasoning whatsoever.

It really is sad.
I find it sad that women are deemed as so naïve and gullible by democratic politicians that they can take any issue and relate it to how republicans have a war on women; and they believe that the women will fall for it. And some do. Not many. But some.

And for those that DO fall for it?

I am curious....what is it like to support a politician that deems you as naïve and gullible?

Like I said, this has been going on since before the Democrats got around to acknowledging it.

You know, there is this assumption that if you eradicate the the ability to obtain abortions safely that the it doesn't occur. If you remove the clinics where both women and men go that they will simply go someplace else. That isn't the case in either situation.

The right wing likes to play an out of sight out of mind game. Most of the democrats are actually neoliberals. For several years there have been issues of women being incarcerated due to a miscarriage. These are all issues .

A bunch of right wing twits and socks that sit on line and say, "It doesn't exist" doesn't make it go away. The naivety lies in thinking that it does.
I find it sad that women are deemed as so naïve and gullible by democratic politicians that they can take any issue and relate it to how republicans have a war on women; and they believe that the women will fall for it. And some do. Not many. But some.

And for those that DO fall for it?

I am curious....what is it like to support a politician that deems you as naïve and gullible?

Like I said, this has been going on since before the Democrats got around to acknowledging it.

You know, there is this assumption that if you eradicate the the ability to obtain abortions safely that the it doesn't occur. If you remove the clinics where both women and men go that they will simply go someplace else. That isn't the case in either situation.

The right wing likes to play an out of sight out of mind game. Most of the democrats are actually neoliberals. For several years there have been issues of women being incarcerated due to a miscarriage. These are all issues .

A bunch of right wing twits and socks that sit on line and say, "It doesn't exist" doesn't make it go away. The naivety lies in thinking that it does.

Just an FYI.....

If an man commits armed robbery out of desperation to feed his family, and he accidentally shoots the store clerk......

The reason the man is going to jail has nothing to do with his trying to feed his family.

SO take your spin, hyperbole and rhetoric and use it on someone else. I will debate. But not with someone who spins.
I strongly disagree with your perception.

I find it sad that women are deemed as so naïve and gullible by democratic politicians that they can take any issue and relate it to how republicans have a war on women; and they believe that the women will fall for it. And some do. Not many. But some.

And for those that DO fall for it?

I am curious....what is it like to support a politician that deems you as naïve and gullible?

Like I said, this has been going on since before the Democrats got around to acknowledging it.

You know, there is this assumption that if you eradicate the the ability to obtain abortions safely that the it doesn't occur. If you remove the clinics where both women and men go that they will simply go someplace else. That isn't the case in either situation.

The right wing likes to play an out of sight out of mind game. Most of the democrats are actually neoliberals. For several years there have been issues of women being incarcerated due to a miscarriage. These are all issues .

A bunch of right wing twits and socks that sit on line and say, "It doesn't exist" doesn't make it go away. The naivety lies in thinking that it does.
Why is that funny to you, moron? Do you NOT know that socialized medicine is a failure? Ask a Canadian doctor why he's living and working in Atlanta, or Chicago, or Dallas. The sicker you are on this type of system - the smaller the "square" of healthcare options available. If you don't know about the square of healthcare - ask a fucking medical student, dingbat.

:smiliehug: It's coming. :lol:

Get back to me after you do some research.
Love the neg reps, your assholish comments and your chickenshit no reply.

No doubt it is coming.

The ACA will not work. The only answer is a one payer system.

Most wont like it....but it will be the only answer.

Thus why the GOP was not nuts to vote to repeal it dozens of times.

They will refer to it in elections to come once the one payer system is implemented.

The ads will be simple...

"we tried to repeal the ACA and look at the result. What will the democrats come up with next that handcuff us?"

It is more expensive to run it the way that it has been historically. There was ample time to fully investigate the ramifications of consolidation. I haven't seen any posts addressing that. At all. There was ample time to address the exploitation of people that needed medical care but were denied because the insurance companies decided who got what. There are no discussions of how privatizing the ambulance services at your locality made the price jump up a good 500 dollars. There are no discussions of how many hospitals do not pay property taxes so that the rest of people pick up the slack. There are no discussions of how many people wound up in the emergency room because they couldn't afford to go to a doctor until it was too late. There are no discussions of how the doctor's offices close at 5 and the only available option is the emergency room. So, when you are reminiscing then don't forget these as well.
I find it sad that women are deemed as so naïve and gullible by democratic politicians that they can take any issue and relate it to how republicans have a war on women; and they believe that the women will fall for it. And some do. Not many. But some.

And for those that DO fall for it?

I am curious....what is it like to support a politician that deems you as naïve and gullible?

Like I said, this has been going on since before the Democrats got around to acknowledging it.

You know, there is this assumption that if you eradicate the the ability to obtain abortions safely that the it doesn't occur. If you remove the clinics where both women and men go that they will simply go someplace else. That isn't the case in either situation.

The right wing likes to play an out of sight out of mind game. Most of the democrats are actually neoliberals. For several years there have been issues of women being incarcerated due to a miscarriage. These are all issues .

A bunch of right wing twits and socks that sit on line and say, "It doesn't exist" doesn't make it go away. The naivety lies in thinking that it does.

Just an FYI.....

If an man commits armed robbery out of desperation to feed his family, and he accidentally shoots the store clerk......

The reason the man is going to jail has nothing to do with his trying to feed his family.

SO take your spin, hyperbole and rhetoric and use it on someone else. I will debate. But not with someone who spins.

Just an FYI, there isn't anything to spin. You are just not capable of grasping it.
Like I said, this has been going on since before the Democrats got around to acknowledging it.

You know, there is this assumption that if you eradicate the the ability to obtain abortions safely that the it doesn't occur. If you remove the clinics where both women and men go that they will simply go someplace else. That isn't the case in either situation.

The right wing likes to play an out of sight out of mind game. Most of the democrats are actually neoliberals. For several years there have been issues of women being incarcerated due to a miscarriage. These are all issues .

A bunch of right wing twits and socks that sit on line and say, "It doesn't exist" doesn't make it go away. The naivety lies in thinking that it does.

Just an FYI.....

If an man commits armed robbery out of desperation to feed his family, and he accidentally shoots the store clerk......

The reason the man is going to jail has nothing to do with his trying to feed his family.

SO take your spin, hyperbole and rhetoric and use it on someone else. I will debate. But not with someone who spins.

Just an FYI, there isn't anything to spin. You are just not capable of grasping it.

There is no war on women. There is however a war on brains and it was lost by the pathetic left and the stupid bullshit like this that they eat up like a horde of dumb ass zombies
Bob Hope on Zombies and Democrats: [ame=http://youtu.be/4a6YdNmK77k]Bob Hope on Zombies and Democrats - YouTube[/ame]
No. Your responses were simply rhetoric. This was indicated when you failed to get around to reading the responses that I had given after your idiocy and when I had already provided answers directly to you.

The war on women was occurring prior to the democrats taking notice. I don't bullshit around. My stance is exactly the same as before. Reproductive health, access to safe abortions and the incarceration of women for miscarriages. Either figure out how to address those issues specifically or get bent.
Maybe if you threaten to hold your breath until you die, you'll get your way.

So, you don't have an argument. Again.
Hey, I know you're upset over the fact that Democrats insist women are nothing more than their genitals.

Tough shit.
I find it sad that women are deemed as so naïve and gullible by democratic politicians that they can take any issue and relate it to how republicans have a war on women; and they believe that the women will fall for it. And some do. Not many. But some.

And for those that DO fall for it?

I am curious....what is it like to support a politician that deems you as naïve and gullible?

I find it sad that women are deemed as so naïve and gullible by democratic politicians that they can take any issue and relate it to how republicans have a war on women; and they believe that the women will fall for it. And some do. Not many. But some.

And for those that DO fall for it?

I am curious....what is it like to support a politician that deems you as naïve and gullible?

Like I said, this has been going on since before the Democrats got around to acknowledging it.

You know, there is this assumption that if you eradicate the the ability to obtain abortions safely that the it doesn't occur. If you remove the clinics where both women and men go that they will simply go someplace else. That isn't the case in either situation.

The right wing likes to play an out of sight out of mind game. Most of the democrats are actually neoliberals. For several years there have been issues of women being incarcerated due to a miscarriage. These are all issues .

A bunch of right wing twits and socks that sit on line and say, "It doesn't exist" doesn't make it go away. The naivety lies in thinking that it does.
Oh, you mean like the naivety that says if we just make more gun laws, criminals will suddenly start obeying them?
If there is a war on women it's already over...the women won.

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