WAR On WOMEN By Republicans

Oh my! This Reality posting really brought out all of the trolls from out of the woodwork didn't it! Well, I know the truth hurts but just bear with it until your political party can make reparations to women in this country.

LOL. If either side deserves to be paid back for anything it's Men deserving to be paid back for 100 years of Feminism, not the other way around. Women were never designed to be treated as Men's equals. They don't have the capabilities to do so.

You're right, sweetie. Being YOUR equal would definitely be a come-down for me.

The truly scary part: he's NOT a troll. He is dead serious.

I've read through your posts. You don't really have an argument. You have presented me with a bunch of snide remarks and attempts to insult. Get an argument and get back to me. :smiliehug:

Then you haven't been paying attention. You lost your mind on this thread way back. Now you're lashing out and arguing just to argue.
Face it, your premise is bupkis.

No. Your responses were simply rhetoric. This was indicated when you failed to get around to reading the responses that I had given after your idiocy and when I had already provided answers directly to you.

The war on women was occurring prior to the democrats taking notice. I don't bullshit around. My stance is exactly the same as before. Reproductive health, access to safe abortions and the incarceration of women for miscarriages. Either figure out how to address those issues specifically or get bent.
Maybe if you threaten to hold your breath until you die, you'll get your way.
You filthy trash demand we stay out of your bedroom and that it's your body, etc. Then when we refuse to pay YOUR bill you claim we are having a war on women.

You're very sick creatures.
Then you haven't been paying attention. You lost your mind on this thread way back. Now you're lashing out and arguing just to argue.
Face it, your premise is bupkis.

No. Your responses were simply rhetoric. This was indicated when you failed to get around to reading the responses that I had given after your idiocy and when I had already provided answers directly to you.

The war on women was occurring prior to the democrats taking notice. I don't bullshit around. My stance is exactly the same as before. Reproductive health, access to safe abortions and the incarceration of women for miscarriages. Either figure out how to address those issues specifically or get bent.
Maybe if you threaten to hold your breath until you die, you'll get your way.

So, you don't have an argument. Again.
:lol: It's coming.

Why is that funny to you, moron? Do you NOT know that socialized medicine is a failure? Ask a Canadian doctor why he's living and working in Atlanta, or Chicago, or Dallas. The sicker you are on this type of system - the smaller the "square" of healthcare options available. If you don't know about the square of healthcare - ask a fucking medical student, dingbat.
:lol: It's coming.

Why is that funny to you, moron? Do you NOT know that socialized medicine is a failure? Ask a Canadian doctor why he's living and working in Atlanta, or Chicago, or Dallas. The sicker you are on this type of system - the smaller the "square" of healthcare options available. If you don't know about the square of healthcare - ask a fucking medical student, dingbat.

:smiliehug: It's coming. :lol:

Get back to me after you do some research.
Love the neg reps, your assholish comments and your chickenshit no reply.
I find it sad that women are deemed as so naïve and gullible by democratic politicians that they can take any issue and relate it to how republicans have a war on women; and they believe that the women will fall for it. And some do. Not many. But some.

And for those that DO fall for it?

I am curious....what is it like to support a politician that deems you as naïve and gullible?
There is no republican war on women. It's a catch phrase that idiots repeat to divide. Divide and conquer is the democrats only strategy. It's effectiveness is based on the fact that democrats think women are dumb and emotional.

:lol: It's coming.

Why is that funny to you, moron? Do you NOT know that socialized medicine is a failure? Ask a Canadian doctor why he's living and working in Atlanta, or Chicago, or Dallas. The sicker you are on this type of system - the smaller the "square" of healthcare options available. If you don't know about the square of healthcare - ask a fucking medical student, dingbat.

:smiliehug: It's coming. :lol:

Get back to me after you do some research.
Love the neg reps, your assholish comments and your chickenshit no reply.

No doubt it is coming.

The ACA will not work. The only answer is a one payer system.

Most wont like it....but it will be the only answer.

Thus why the GOP was not nuts to vote to repeal it dozens of times.

They will refer to it in elections to come once the one payer system is implemented.

The ads will be simple...

"we tried to repeal the ACA and look at the result. What will the democrats come up with next that handcuff us?"

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