WAR On WOMEN By Republicans

Conservative women realize that the Republican Party does not best represent their interests, but are willing to set that aside because of their overwhelming hatred for blacks and Hispanics.

The race card?

Which came first, the racist or the race baiter?

Not even a fair question, for we know the "race baiter" is merely the racist's weak response to being called out.

Progressive dictionary:

RACIST: Someone who says something a progressive doesn't like, but can't rationally argue against.

It's a surrender, basically.
Mind readers of the world unite!

"N***** N***** N******" Dr. Laura

"Shukin' and jivin" Sarah Palin

"If we took away women's right to vote, we'd never have to worry about another Democratic president. It's kind of a pipe dream.It's a personal fantasy of mine, but I don't think it's going to happen. And it is a good way of making the point that women are voting so stupidly, at least single women." Ann Coulter

You don't have to read their minds.

Actually, you do. There are millions of conservative women. You cite a few quotes from a few women with no link to context. Please keep trying, though. I hear tin foil amplifies the thought waves, makes them easier to read.

My point is simple: If those millions of women did not agree with Dr. Laura and Sarah Palin, they would not be Republicans.

And how much context do you need to understand N***** N***** N*****?
might not know of it because it didn't get much play on Fox.

I watch the only news channel worth watching, CNBC. You can't think, process or debate, so rather than argue logically, anyone you're debating must be programmed by Rush or Fox, you know that because that's what DNC programmed you to say...
Limbaugh? He's a voice on the radio, not the leader of the GOP. I just love it when someone outside the group insists they know more about the group than the people on the inside.

Really? Who is the leader of the GOP...John Boehner? You really want to play that card?

Limbaugh has no title in the GOP, collects no paycheck from it. I thought that was patently obvious to all but the most obtuse. Oh wait, there is the whole conspiracy angle, you know, the one where the terminally ill-informed believe that every morning Rush picks up the phone and informs all the public bigwigs of the party what they're supposed to say and do for the day. :badgrin:
They're projecting their own inability to form opinions on others.

They can't comprehend that some people don't need to be told what to think.
My point is simple: If those millions of women did not agree with Dr. Laura and Sarah Palin, they would not be Republicans.
By this stunning non-logic, all Democrats are racist:

"You'd find these potentates from down in Africa, you know, rather than eating each other, they'd just come up and get a good square meal in Geneva." -- Fritz Hollings (D, S.C.)

"I mean, you’ve got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy.” -- Joe Biden (referring to Barack Obama)

All Democrats are anti-Semitic:

"You f*cking Jew b@stard." -- Hillary Clinton

“Jews — that’s J-E-W-S.” -- State Senator Bill McKinney explaining why his daughter Cynthia lost in 2002

All Democrats are sexist:

"I mean, he spent a couple million dollars folding towels on TV to prove he’s an honorary girl. We appreciate that.” -- Mass Dem Party Chairman John Walsh

“You have to lift their skirts to find out if they are women. You sure can’t find out by how they vote.” -- Rep. Janis Baird Sontany, D-Nashville

Now, sputter in an amusing yet futile fashion that these quotes don't mean anything.
In that case, I would explain them as anomalies.
anything to explain it away instead of just realizing that not all Conservatives are like you and others claim they are....

You asked me to explain, and then criticized me for explaining. Did you just have a brain fart?

so im not allowed to comment on what you said?....you dont want to admit that not all conservatives are like you are categorizing them as, so you explain it away as an anomaly...there are plenty of Republican/Conservatives who do not HATE Minorities like so many of you on the Left believe....but then you just might be one of those who dont question what they are told....you just nod your head and say....ok.......
So you're appealing to the old "Anything is possible" nonsense.

Reality check; the Presidency is decided in modern day by about 9-11 swing states.


And you could add in IN and NC perhaps.

Thrill us all for a moment and point out any other blue state that will swing to red in 2016. There are none. There are likely no red states that will swing to blue with the possible exception of Arkansas. In 2016 politics the die is cast. Those states above are the ones that will pick our next President. Could 4 or 5 swing to the GOP? Perhaps. But it's unlikely given the demographics that the GOP has worked very hard in alienating.
As opposed to your nothing changes nonsense. You think because the war on women talking point worked in 2012 it will work again in 2016? If the Democratic nominee is seen as Obamas third term no amount of war on women talking points will help them don't believe it look no farther than 2008 when John McCain got branded as Bush's third term.

You're right on the first part; not so correct about the second part. The issues do change from election to election. That much is correct. But lets look at what the GOP has done since 2012 to engender (pun intended) themselves toward women:

From October 2012, here is TEA Party dreamboat Marco Rubio about the LLFPA:

On the Sunday talk show circuit, Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) criticized the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act as nothing more a giveaway to trial lawyers.

"Just because they call a piece of legislation an equal pay bill doesn't make it so," he said on ABC's "This Week." "In fact, much of this legislation is, in many respects, nothing but an effort to help trial lawyers collect their fees and file lawsuits, which may not contribute at all whatsoever to increasing pay equity in the workplace."

Yeah, winning lawsuits for women does nothing to get them equal pay. Sell that in Toledo.

New, more restrictive abortion laws have sprung up in the following states in the last 3 years:



Mostly, they are in states where you have GOP governors willing to sign the laws.

But on the plus side, the GOP plan will cut a few million more from the deficit than the Democrats plan...as if anyone cares that the deficit is $16T instead of $17T.

It really is like shooting fish in a barrel. Bring me more fish; they're all dead Amigo.
Just more talking points keep believing everyone is going to buy into it again you may get a very rude surprise first this November and again in 2016. The left is going down the exact same road the right went down in 2006 and 2008 and you either can't or won't see it.
"N***** N***** N******" Dr. Laura

"Shukin' and jivin" Sarah Palin

"If we took away women's right to vote, we'd never have to worry about another Democratic president. It's kind of a pipe dream.It's a personal fantasy of mine, but I don't think it's going to happen. And it is a good way of making the point that women are voting so stupidly, at least single women." Ann Coulter

You don't have to read their minds.

Actually, you do. There are millions of conservative women. You cite a few quotes from a few women with no link to context. Please keep trying, though. I hear tin foil amplifies the thought waves, makes them easier to read.

My point is simple: If those millions of women did not agree with Dr. Laura and Sarah Palin, they would not be Republicans.

Nonsense. Republicans differ greatly in their opinions, unlike democrats who march in lockstep and won't express a contrary thought to save their lives.

And how much context do you need to understand N***** N***** N*****?

When she supposedly said it, in response to what, and in what setting. You know, context. Also, if she really did say it, did she walk it back, apologize, or double down like democrats do? I mean, if you're afraid to post the context, perhaps it's because you know it will detract from your carefully painted illusion.
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Actually, you do. There are millions of conservative women. You cite a few quotes from a few women with no link to context. Please keep trying, though. I hear tin foil amplifies the thought waves, makes them easier to read.

My point is simple: If those millions of women did not agree with Dr. Laura and Sarah Palin, they would not be Republicans.

Nonsense. Republicans differ greatly in their opinions, unlike democrats who march in lockstep and won't express a contrary thought to save their lives.

And how much context do you need to understand N***** N***** N*****?

When she supposedly said it, in response to what, and in what setting. You know, context. Also, if she really did say it, did she walk it back, apologize, or double down like democrats do? I mean, if you're afraid to post the context, perhaps it's because you know it will detract from your carefully painted illusion.


Not sure what you are saying, you want people out of your business including your reproductive health.

I was agreeing with you, are you agreeing or disagreeing?

My tax money goes in as well, I want the tax dollars to cover it. Got it?

The best way to accomplish that is to let you keep the money in the first place so you can take care of yourself.

Universal health care is coming.

I've read through your posts. You don't really have an argument. You have presented me with a bunch of snide remarks and attempts to insult. Get an argument and get back to me. :smiliehug:
And you speak with the luxury of not being at the bottom. Further, in your world there would always be someone lower than you.

That is a twist of Fate and nothing more, Disir. I could have just as easily been born a woman, or even more easily my medical conditions could have left me little more than a vegetable. Them's the breaks. Who knows, next time I might come back as a woman. You never know, and it's not your nor my place to waste time considering it.

It's the second time that you have laid out the same argument. It must have some bearing on your thinking.
Limbaugh has no title in the GOP, collects no paycheck from it. I thought that was patently obvious to all but the most obtuse. Oh wait, there is the whole conspiracy angle, you know, the one where the terminally ill-informed believe that every morning Rush picks up the phone and informs all the public bigwigs of the party what they're supposed to say and do for the day. :badgrin:

How cute you think so.

So, who is the head of the GOP again...John Boehner?

There is no nominee for president at this time, and Boehner doesn't have the confidence of the rank and file, so you may have to go with Reince Priebus if you want a face to bash. Right now, there's a sea change coming in leadership. At any rate, it's certainly not Rush.

When a prominent republican takes him on I will believe you; until then he's your leader. As for Princess Phebus...she's basically a joke.
As opposed to your nothing changes nonsense. You think because the war on women talking point worked in 2012 it will work again in 2016? If the Democratic nominee is seen as Obamas third term no amount of war on women talking points will help them don't believe it look no farther than 2008 when John McCain got branded as Bush's third term.

You're right on the first part; not so correct about the second part. The issues do change from election to election. That much is correct. But lets look at what the GOP has done since 2012 to engender (pun intended) themselves toward women:

From October 2012, here is TEA Party dreamboat Marco Rubio about the LLFPA:

On the Sunday talk show circuit, Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) criticized the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act as nothing more a giveaway to trial lawyers.

"Just because they call a piece of legislation an equal pay bill doesn't make it so," he said on ABC's "This Week." "In fact, much of this legislation is, in many respects, nothing but an effort to help trial lawyers collect their fees and file lawsuits, which may not contribute at all whatsoever to increasing pay equity in the workplace."

Yeah, winning lawsuits for women does nothing to get them equal pay. Sell that in Toledo.

New, more restrictive abortion laws have sprung up in the following states in the last 3 years:



Mostly, they are in states where you have GOP governors willing to sign the laws.

But on the plus side, the GOP plan will cut a few million more from the deficit than the Democrats plan...as if anyone cares that the deficit is $16T instead of $17T.

It really is like shooting fish in a barrel. Bring me more fish; they're all dead Amigo.
Just more talking points keep believing everyone is going to buy into it again you may get a very rude surprise first this November and again in 2016. The left is going down the exact same road the right went down in 2006 and 2008 and you either can't or won't see it.

Wrong yet again. My what a streak you have going...

The GOP should do very well in the mid-terms and take the Senate. As for 2016; it's anybody's guess. If the GOP does win it won't be on the basis of women turning out in droves to support those that call them "sluts".

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