WAR On WOMEN By Republicans

Conservative women realize that the Republican Party does not best represent their interests, but are willing to set that aside because of their overwhelming hatred for blacks and Hispanics.

The race card?

Which came first, the racist or the race baiter?

Not even a fair question, for we know the "race baiter" is merely the racist's weak response to being called out.

You've been looking into a mirror? Finally, you're getting it.
Age will not be a factor.

Of course it will. so will her health. Which to my understanding is not the best.
To believe otherwise would be delusional.
Do you really think this country is going to go from the last two being among the most physically fit men to inhabit the Office to an elderly looking woman who is not in the best of physical heath?
Oh that's right. You're a Hillary fan because you think 'gender first'.

"Your understanding"? Do you have anything to back that up or are you looking into the eyes of Fox News and seeing their soul?

Did you think I was not going to check for sources?
Apparently you are not as smart as I
CURL: Why Hillary Clinton's health matters - Washington Times
Hillary Clinton?s blood clot in her skull, doctors say - The Washington Post
Why did Hillary Clinton wear those glasses after her concussion? - The Washington Post
What is hilarious about your tripe is that you've described the exact same scenario Governor Romney faced. Yet...you voted for him...didn't you? Gosh you are a fucking idiot.

Anyway, HIllary should do much better than Obama with the women's vote giving the Dems an even more sizable advantage. :lol:

Your version of wishful thinking is amusing.
Once again you have shown you are too stupid to realize that you are bashing women as in lockstep for democrat voters.
Is it your contention that women are mind numbed gnats like you who think the alphabet should have but one letter..... "D"

No but when the leader of the GOP calls women who have sex "sluts" and people like you applaud Mr. Limbaugh...that tells you all you need to know about the GOP.

Leader of the GOP?...
IN any event, that is OLD hat. Cast aside.
But if that is what you think the campaign is all about and will be a deciding factor, you have problems.
I expected your neg more than I expected a logical argument from you. And I was correct in doing so.

And "caring less" is is quite contradictory of leaving a neg.

But I don't neg. I do care. And I'm a responsible debater.

One who debates responsively does not make comments such as "typical white people"...

Check the back posts, I was responding to a conservative who
brought up "typical white people."
You reused the term in a derogatory context. Stop trying to worm your way out.
People do grant exceptions for others they know quite well. It doesn't always change their perceptions of the larger group.

Thomas Jefferson treated the woman he loved quite differently than his other slaves.

yea you are married to a Mexican but hate all the others...give me a fucking break.....

That's both surprising and interesting that white women married to minorites tend to be conservative, Please do share your source data with us.

did i say that or did you?......i said explain the Conservative/Republican Woman who are....not all White Woman....nice try though....
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yea you are married to a Mexican but hate all the others...give me a fucking break.....

That's both surprising and interesting that white women married to minorites tend to be conservative, Please do share your source data with us.

did i say that or did you?......i said explain the Conservative/Republican Woman who are....not all White Woman....nice try though....

In that case, I would explain them as anomalies.
You guys on the right need to come up with 64 electoral votes more than you received in 2012. Where are they coming from? Any idea?

Please note in the graphic about Obama's margin with women, he lost some of those states. Perhaps a few more percentage points in Hillary's column wins the state for her?

Missouri may be in play.

Stop with the Helen Reddy " I am woman, hear me roar" bullshit.
I think women are sick and tired of the feminist movement holding them back in the workplace. I think women are sick of democrats telling them what to do and how to think.

Congratulations on going from "Its my understanding" to "I think". You understand nothing and don't make us laugh by insinuating that you ever "think". You're a party hack who can't stand that your demographic is slipping into obscurity and it's only hope for revival is to "understand" and "hope" that your betters want to get onto your sinking ship.

You are really very boring.
My betters? As in 'mind your betters"?
Very arrogant of you.
First you spew these stupid stats that you hope will convince others that Hillary Clinton is as good as elected based on what? That in your mind women will vote in lockstep?
And with this you claim to be 'better" than I?
You'd better check your fire there, missy.
And I like how you carefully couched your inference to "old white guys"....Not only are you a sexist..You're also a racist.
And if you believe that all conservative voters are old, male and white, you' need an education. You should also recognize the fact that you are closed minded.
We are most assuredly through here.
Women apparently are not paying as close attention to what Republicans think of them as they should. The following are just a few of the many more reasons women should not support Conservatives.

You never see liberal women dressed in brain costumes to protest anything.


Liberals seem to think that women are nothing more than their genitals, and that the only issues they're concerned with are abortion and free birth control.

Now, I believe you were saying something stupid about a war on women...?

Is candycorn in that pic?

Where is the person dressed as a lesbians tongue? Why are lezbo's so concerned with reproductive issues when they are not going to have kids anyway.

Someone needs to provide an anatomy lesson to this poor ignorant person and explain she is not wearing a uterus.

It would be awesome if she wore a costume that actually portrayed what she is supporting. A uterus with a fetus being sliced and diced.
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Seriously, why would any intelligent and sane woman vote Republican? In the past it made some sense - but not today's GOP. Even I used to vote Republican as much or more than Democrat - but no more. Reagan cured me of that.
You never see liberal women dressed in brain costumes to protest anything.


Liberals seem to think that women are nothing more than their genitals, and that the only issues they're concerned with are abortion and free birth control.

Now, I believe you were saying something stupid about a war on women...?

Is candycorn in that pic?

Where is the person dressed as a lesbians tongue? Why are lezbo's so concerned with reproductive issues when they are not going to have kids anyway.

Oh, and one more thing: Who sits around one day and says to her friends, "I got an idea, lets go the the Supreme Court building dressed as vagina's?" DUMB!
I knew women won the battle of the sexes the day I saw the first baby changing station in a men's room.

Seriously, why would any intelligent and sane woman vote Republican?

Because they know the difference between a child in the womb and a vagina. And they know how pregnancies happen.

Someone needs to provide an anatomy lesson to this poor ignorant person and explain she is not wearing a uterus.

It would be awesome if she wore a costume that actually portrayed what she is supporting. A uterus with a fetus being sliced and diced.

What about a living fetus being pulled out with pliers and poked in the head with an ice pick.
Conservative women realize that the Republican Party does not best represent their interests, but are willing to set that aside because of their overwhelming hatred for blacks and Hispanics.

you are a nasty hateful pos
I'd slap the shit out of you if I could

how damn dare you assume that about ANY WOMAN I don't care where they lean politically

I dared because I backed it up with quotes.

There were no quotes in your post.

Republican women are Republicans because they reject your premise that they need government handouts and special treatment to feel like women.

Democrats see women as women, Republicans see them as people.

You're the sexists.

The Republicans suck, but that they don't target women with party favors for being women isn't why.
That's both surprising and interesting that white women married to minorites tend to be conservative, Please do share your source data with us.

did i say that or did you?......i said explain the Conservative/Republican Woman who are....not all White Woman....nice try though....

In that case, I would explain them as anomalies.
anything to explain it away instead of just realizing that not all Conservatives are like you and others claim they are....
Seriously, why would any intelligent and sane woman vote Republican? In the past it made some sense - but not today's GOP. Even I used to vote Republican as much or more than Democrat - but no more. Reagan cured me of that.

why would any sane and intelligent PERSON vote for either party?......seriously....
Seriously, why would any intelligent and sane woman vote Republican? In the past it made some sense - but not today's GOP. Even I used to vote Republican as much or more than Democrat - but no more. Reagan cured me of that.

why would any sane and intelligent PERSON vote for either party?......seriously....

Because in many places, the system is rigged by mutual agreement between the two parties to restrict other parties from fully participating. In Oklahoma, we have closed primaries. Third party or independents can't vote in the primaries. Add to that the fact that media outlets very often only let the top two in the polls debate, and the other guys are shut out. There might be other party candidates on the ballot, but you've never heard of them and know little about them. Even if you do...as I do because I like to be informed.....most other people don't know and therefore your candidate doesn't stand a chance. In that event, you can vote on principle for a guy you know doesn't have a snowball's chance in hell of getting elected or you vote for the lesser of two evils and pick the rat bastard who will do the least damage.

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