WAR On WOMEN By Republicans

she is to beat up an old....but of course the Democrats cant come up with anything better so put the old beat up nag in....

the made her a loser once lets hope she loses big time and she THEN can thank all her base for their fickle loyalty and passing her up the FIRST TIME....If I were her I'd tell them to go to hell, but she loves power too much so I doubt that will happen

What is hilarious about your tripe is that you've described the exact same scenario Governor Romney faced. Yet...you voted for him...didn't you? Gosh you are a fucking idiot.

Anyway, HIllary should do much better than Obama with the women's vote giving the Dems an even more sizable advantage. :lol:

Your version of wishful thinking is amusing.
Once again you have shown you are too stupid to realize that you are bashing women as in lockstep for democrat voters.
Is it your contention that women are mind numbed gnats like you who think the alphabet should have but one letter..... "D"
From people who are disgusted with the Following.
I.RS. scandal
VA. scandal
The situation on the Southern border
The situations in Syria, Iraq, and Ukraine
A still sluggish and weak economy

Ahh but you need to win states in electoral math. Show us the math on what 4-5 states are going to flip from 2012 please.

Show something that proves they won't right now Obama has about the same approval rating Bush did in his second term and that cost the Republicans in the midterms which will likely happen to the Democrats as well. After that it cost them the Whitehouse one party rarely wins the Presidency three elections in a row unless things are going very well for the country or the current President is very popular neither is the case here.

So you're appealing to the old "Anything is possible" nonsense.

Reality check; the Presidency is decided in modern day by about 9-11 swing states.


And you could add in IN and NC perhaps.

Thrill us all for a moment and point out any other blue state that will swing to red in 2016. There are none. There are likely no red states that will swing to blue with the possible exception of Arkansas. In 2016 politics the die is cast. Those states above are the ones that will pick our next President. Could 4 or 5 swing to the GOP? Perhaps. But it's unlikely given the demographics that the GOP has worked very hard in alienating.
she is to beat up an old....but of course the Democrats cant come up with anything better so put the old beat up nag in....

Age will not be a factor.

Of course it will. so will her health. Which to my understanding is not the best.
To believe otherwise would be delusional.
Do you really think this country is going to go from the last two being among the most physically fit men to inhabit the Office to an elderly looking woman who is not in the best of physical heath?
Oh that's right. You're a Hillary fan because you think 'gender first'.

"Your understanding"? Do you have anything to back that up or are you looking into the eyes of Fox News and seeing their soul?
the made her a loser once lets hope she loses big time and she THEN can thank all her base for their fickle loyalty and passing her up the FIRST TIME....If I were her I'd tell them to go to hell, but she loves power too much so I doubt that will happen

What is hilarious about your tripe is that you've described the exact same scenario Governor Romney faced. Yet...you voted for him...didn't you? Gosh you are a fucking idiot.

Anyway, HIllary should do much better than Obama with the women's vote giving the Dems an even more sizable advantage. :lol:

Your version of wishful thinking is amusing.
Once again you have shown you are too stupid to realize that you are bashing women as in lockstep for democrat voters.
Is it your contention that women are mind numbed gnats like you who think the alphabet should have but one letter..... "D"

No but when the leader of the GOP calls women who have sex "sluts" and people like you applaud Mr. Limbaugh...that tells you all you need to know about the GOP.

To you, someone being female, black, gay, etc is just a chance to exploit and divide. Women, blacks, gays, etc. all benefit from less government.

What you don't grasp is that women, blacks, gays, etc. are all ... wait for it .... people. Which is why you are the one who has a problem with women.
Could care less what a baby killer, Islamist appeaser, tax moocher person and his whole party think. See how that broad brush generalization thing works asshat? You've been appropriately negged for being a moron.
I expected your neg more than I expected a logical argument from you. And I was correct in doing so.

And "caring less" is is quite contradictory of leaving a neg.

But I don't neg. I do care. And I'm a responsible debater.

One who debates responsively does not make comments such as "typical white people"...

Check the back posts, I was responding to a conservative who
brought up "typical white people."
I apologize to all Conservative women in advance.

This is a good example of why women should never have been given the vote!
Actually, I believe all would be voters should be required to pass a citizenship test prior to registering to vote.
You guys on the left really need some new talking points.

You guys on the right need to come up with 64 electoral votes more than you received in 2012. Where are they coming from? Any idea?

Please note in the graphic about Obama's margin with women, he lost some of those states. Perhaps a few more percentage points in Hillary's column wins the state for her?

Missouri may be in play.

Stop with the Helen Reddy " I am woman, hear me roar" bullshit.
I think women are sick and tired of the feminist movement holding them back in the workplace. I think women are sick of democrats telling them what to do and how to think.
We didn't agree before this. We won't agree afterwards. Pretending that there aren't issues is just as partisan. The right wing engages in it just as much. It's just as superficial and just as pathetic.

What I dislike from either side is the screaming with no game plan or resolution except donations or petitions. The let's tap into inner rage or create faux rage game. It runs the risk of emotional exhaustion. Both sides play it. Both sides fall into the used car dealer gold tooth smile game.

I am a liberal and a feminist. This is what I want to see: Identify the problem, resolve the problem, tell me what can be accomplished, tell me what can't be accomplished, tell me what the obstacles are. This needs to occur on the local, state and national level.

There is a war on women. Yes, there is a class war. It's real.

There is no war on women, but you can say, you liberal, feminist, Democrats/progressives DO have a war on CHILDREN as you stand up proudly for any women to get rid of their OFFSPRING through abortion...Your war has killed, 55 MILLION babies who would of developed into- children-adults who would of been American citizens...Now your party is in a big rush for their IMMIGRATION REFORM and will replace all them millions aborted with Illegal Immigrants (oh excuse me, they are now called, Migrants) who broke our laws right from the get go, so they should be fine upstanding citizens...and now they are allowing thousands (gang members to year old children) how they walked here is amazing, isn't it? and they're from third world country to invade us right as we speak.

so this made up war on women, is a ruse to cover for the real war going right now and it's ON US American citizens...

Why must you play this silly game of this Democrat party? you think they care if you abort all your offspring? hell no they can be REPLACED as we see happening NOW and these kids can be molded into good little Democrat party zombie voters...YOU'LL all be tossed off to the side on day and ask how the hell did we let this happen

Ok. Your stupidity is overwhelming. It's like mind numbing shit. Back on ignore you go.
Yes. When faced with an opponent with a compelling viewpoint in opposition to yours, you leave the room. And for good measure you slam the door as loudly as possible.
You're such a weakling.
You guys on the left really need some new talking points.

You guys on the right need to come up with 64 electoral votes more than you received in 2012. Where are they coming from? Any idea?

Please note in the graphic about Obama's margin with women, he lost some of those states. Perhaps a few more percentage points in Hillary's column wins the state for her?

Missouri may be in play.

Stop with the Helen Reddy " I am woman, hear me roar" bullshit.
I think women are sick and tired of the feminist movement holding them back in the workplace. I think women are sick of democrats telling them what to do and how to think.

Congratulations on going from "Its my understanding" to "I think". You understand nothing and don't make us laugh by insinuating that you ever "think". You're a party hack who can't stand that your demographic is slipping into obscurity and it's only hope for revival is to "understand" and "hope" that your betters want to get onto your sinking ship.
Both of the above birth control and abortions fall under reproductive health care.

Not sure what you are saying, you want people out of your business including your reproductive health.

I was agreeing with you, are you agreeing or disagreeing?

My tax money goes in as well, I want the tax dollars to cover it. Got it?

Nobody cares what you want.
If you want YOUR dollars to go to something, write a check.
Who the hell are you to demand the money of others to pay for YOUR choices.
Could care less what a baby killer, Islamist appeaser, tax moocher person and his whole party think. See how that broad brush generalization thing works asshat? You've been appropriately negged for being a moron.
I expected your neg more than I expected a logical argument from you. And I was correct in doing so.

And "caring less" is is quite contradictory of leaving a neg.

But I don't neg. I do care. And I'm a responsible debater.

Sure you are.....and I'm sure your mom also tells you that you sing like an angel and that you're special too.

Best thing to come along since perforated paper towels!!!
When did I do that? Oh you mean the ACA? Where you buy private insurance to see a private physician?

Lord you're a dumbass.

Ehy Sheila, there ain't nothing private about ACA....The government has its thumb placed firmly upon the heads of every insurance company. Government makes all the rules now. Thanks to far left wing nut like you.
ACA is a dismal failure and this is by design.
Any person with a couple brain cells and healthy dose of skepticism knows ACA is simply a precursor to something more evil......Single payer.
Fortunately, there is not enough time left for The Messiah to cobble together another 'bend of over and grab your ankles' to the country.

Your opinion is noted and giggled at.

It's not my opinion.
Read quotes by Obama and other socialist/progressives. Their ultimate goal is single payer.

I'm not blinded by anything. Keep your God laws off my body including reproductive health, and your nose out of my business, equal pay for equal work and we will get along fine.
Define 'reproductive health'..
Question: have you ever been denied 'female' treatment by your doctor of choice?
One concept on which we agree.....that is government keeping its nose out of our business.
Oh, on average, women make more than men.
Women make up 56.7% of all earners of BA/BS degrees

'Scuse me....What was that whine about pay?
It's a load of crap.
Yet, when we control for each of these factors, women still tended to earn less than their male peers did. Within a number of occupations, women already earned less than men earned just one year out of college. Among teachers, for example, women earned 89 percent of what men earned. In business and management occupations, women earned 86 percent of what men earned; similarly, in sales occupations, women earned just 77 percent of what their male peers earned. When we compare the earnings of men and
women who reported working the same number of hours, men earned more than women did. For example, among those who reported working 40 hours per week, women earned 84 percent of what men earned. Among those who reported working 45 hours per week, women’s earnings were 82 percent of men’s. Finally, when we control for economic sector,
again men typically earned more than women did. In the two largest economic sectors—the for-profit and government sectors—men earned significantly more than women did one year after college graduation. Occupation, hours worked, and economic sector help us understand the pay gap, but these differences do not fully explain it.

Reproductive health includes everything to do with reproductive organs at all ages. So, uterine fibroids, fallopian tubes. STDs, ovarian cancer, breast cancer, uterine cancer, endometriosis, contraceptives, prenatal care, antenatal care, abortions, sterilization, perimenopause, menopause, hormones, etc. The whole nine yards.

Denial comes in several forms: Insurance, cash, access to clinics, etc. Hence the reason that the whole bullshit towards Planned Parenthood was ...........bullshit. Legally, they could not use federal dollars for abortions but that didn't stop the lies spewed.
Your source "empowering women since 1881"....Well, you know where the credibility gap lies.
As far as that list is concerned, reproductive means just that. The act of conceiving and gestating a child.
A female outside of hr reproductive years or has no intention of bearing children is generally treated as a normal medical patient.
Now, I find it quite alarming that you or anyone else for that matter would claim that women are being "denied" medical care. Maybe in some 3rd world shit hole or Muslim country, yes. I believe that is a possibility.
But not here.
The fact is you want it for free. And so you throw together this long list of maladies related to women only to support your claim of a right to free birth control and free abortions claiming these are reproductive rights issues.
They're not. Birth control and in most abortion they are CHOICE issues.
I don't give a flying rats ass about "your" reproductive health

Apparently you are blinded by your "reproductive health" issue :cuckoo:
Yep....Its another liberal feminist 'cause' to gin up support for democrat candidates.
Most liberal women do their thinking with their lady parts.

I'm not a Democrat.

Outcry in America as pregnant women who lose babies face murder charges | World news | The Guardian
No.....Your ideology is liberal. And that's enough.
We didn't agree before this. We won't agree afterwards. Pretending that there aren't issues is just as partisan. The right wing engages in it just as much. It's just as superficial and just as pathetic.

What I dislike from either side is the screaming with no game plan or resolution except donations or petitions. The let's tap into inner rage or create faux rage game. It runs the risk of emotional exhaustion. Both sides play it. Both sides fall into the used car dealer gold tooth smile game.

I am a liberal and a feminist. This is what I want to see: Identify the problem, resolve the problem, tell me what can be accomplished, tell me what can't be accomplished, tell me what the obstacles are. This needs to occur on the local, state and national level.

There is a war on women. Yes, there is a class war. It's real.
"This is what I want to see: Identify the problem, resolve the problem, tell me what can be accomplished, tell me what can't be accomplished, tell me what the obstacles are. This needs to occur on the local, state and national level.

There is a war on women. Yes, there is a class war. It's real."
WHAT "problem"?....
With your radical posturing, you create your own obstacles.
"War on women" is just another political buzz term created to shore up a political base.
The term does not have standing to be preceded by "The"...There is no "the war on women"....Its a made up term. So you can forget it....Wanna know why? Because nobody cares.
You claim you despise extremism from both the right and the left. Yet you label yourself a liberal feminist. I cannot think of a group of people who are more extreme than a bunch of liberal feminists.
So please. Take your bullshit to another whiny little lib bank. We're no longer accepting your deposits.

Keep thinking that!:up:

Because by the time you get around to reading all of my posts. You will realize that you don't have jack shit.
And you can keep screaming about this alleged war. That and 50 cents gets you a senior coffee at Burger King
Reading your posts? Are you really that self important and narcissistic?

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