WAR On WOMEN By Republicans

really?.....so how do you explain all the Conservative/Republican Woman here in S.Cal who have lived among the Hispanics for decades and have even married them and ..."gasp" had kids with them?.....why would they do that with people they hate?....just askin....

People do grant exceptions for others they know quite well. It doesn't always change their perceptions of the larger group.

Thomas Jefferson treated the woman he loved quite differently than his other slaves.

yea you are married to a Mexican but hate all the others...give me a fucking break.....

That's both surprising and interesting that white women married to minorites tend to be conservative, Please do share your source data with us.
When Dr. Laura was yellinmg N***** N****** N*****, I believe she was saying the same thing that Lee Atwater did when he yelled N***** N***** N*****.

And Sarah Palin was saying the same when she advised Dr. Laura, "Don't retreat, but reload."

Ball just wiffed you.

what about when former KKK member Robert Byrd (D-WVA) was yelling N***** N***** N*****?

I don't see any Democrats following his lead, and he eventually apologized for his youthful actions, as did Atwater.

But Dr. Laura and Sarah Palin are very active in Republican politics, and are not the least remorseful of their acts.

No...They just no longer use sheets. With the liberal agenda, everything is about race.
Conservative women realize that the Republican Party does not best represent their interests, but are willing to set that aside because of their overwhelming hatred for blacks and Hispanics.

Mind readers of the world unite!
Conservative women realize that the Republican Party does not best represent their interests, but are willing to set that aside because of their overwhelming hatred for blacks and Hispanics.

The race card?

Which came first, the racist or the race baiter?

Not even a fair question, for we know the "race baiter" is merely the racist's weak response to being called out.
2. Sonia Sotomayor’s “wise Latina” comment

Sonia Sotomayor is, unfortunately, a Supreme Court justice. We say “unfortunately” because she is a racist.

Here’s what she said: “I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would, more often than not, reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn’t lived that life.”

If you don’t think that’s racist, then just imagine if we wrote this: “I would hope that a white male with the richness of his experience would, more often than not, reach a better conclusion that a black woman who hasn’t lived that life.”

What would Chris Matthews say about that statement?

The simple fact of the matter is this: Sonia Sotomayor is a racist. She was placed on the Supreme Court by our current President, the liberal Barack Obama.
She qualified herslf as a "wise" latinia, which you did not do in your reversal of roles, and she was speaking of a hypothetical case in which a group of judges confer to reach a decision. It is expected for them to have different opinions. They always do.

Do you have an example of Sotomeyer reaching a racist decision?

No, I thought not.

Her very discussion of race in describing herself as a member of a group is the racist statement.
Let us back track for a moment.
Suppose Justice Alito has described himself as a "wise Caucasian man" do you think that would not generate howls of protest from those on the political left? Do you not think Alito would not instantly be labeled racist?
Both of the above birth control and abortions fall under reproductive health care.

Not sure what you are saying, you want people out of your business including your reproductive health.

I was agreeing with you, are you agreeing or disagreeing?

My tax money goes in as well, I want the tax dollars to cover it. Got it?

The best way to accomplish that is to let you keep the money in the first place so you can take care of yourself.
3. Barack Obama calling his grandmother a “typical white person”

There’s plenty of evidence that Glenn Beck should never have apologized for calling Barack Obama a racist. First, Obama spent 20 years in the church of a racist hatemonger named Jeremiah Wright. He also appointed a racist named Sonia Sotomayor to the Supreme Court (see the previous point).

President Obama has exhibited stereotypical views of the white race. As the Bible says, “out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks.” Obama made the abundance of his heart clear in a radio interview he conducted back in 2008: “The point I was making was not that my grandmother harbors any racial animosity. She doesn’t. But she is a typical white person who, uh, if she sees somebody on the street that she doesn’t know there’s a reaction that’s been been bred into our experiences that don’t go away and that sometimes come out in the wrong way and that’s just the nature of race in our society.”

A “typical white person”?

what is a typical white person left-wing nutjob?
He was talking about white people who fear groups of young black men.

Just my observation, but I believe this message board is riddled with typical white people.
And is even more riddled with racists such as yourself.
BTW, if one is walking alone and sees 4 hip hopping homies headed their way, it is not racism which gives them pause and perhaps take a different path, it is self preservation.
Now watch this everybody
That's right, I remember you. You are the one that supports slavery. Right?

this guy should hope the Doctor lands the TARDIS right in front of him and tells him...next stop 1250 AD.....want me to drop you off?.....

Fetuses aren't children

This is the dividing line, right there. Those of us who believe fetuses are children are not waging a war on women. We are waging a war on those of you who believe fetuses are not children.

You can throw up all the "war on women" bullshit smoke and mirrors you like, but the murder of what we believe to be children is what this is really all about. We are not attacking women, we are defending the defenseless.

You want everyone to divert their gaze from the child in the womb and make this about the vagina.

No sale.

Ya, it's a war on women, You can dress that up but you can't take it out.

Stop playing victim when no one's victimizing you. It just makes you look bad.
And who could forget the groping, grabbing, lying under oath, disbarred, impeached, adultering grandaddy of them all... Bill Clinton?

Up until Bubba, it was considered bad form for the most powerful man in the office to have sex with the least powerful woman in the office. Something about a consensual relationship being impossible under those circumstances. Now, because of him, we have the one free grope rule. Bob Packwood was sent packing for groping, even though he stopped when asked to. Of course, he didn't have Larry Flynt running interference for him.
She qualified herslf as a "wise" latinia, which you did not do in your reversal of roles, and she was speaking of a hypothetical case in which a group of judges confer to reach a decision. It is expected for them to have different opinions. They always do.

Do you have an example of Sotomeyer reaching a racist decision?

No, I thought not.

yes i do leftard; her "decision" was that a Hispanic woman would come to a "better conclusion" based on nothing but the idiotic assumption that here merely being Hispanic means she has has "richer" expierences than a white man who "hasnt lived life"

what is an idiotic set of parameters like that worth nutjob?

yea; i didnt think so
No. Her example was aspirational: she hoped that she would be wise. Not racist. The qualifying word is "wise', which you keep leaving out of your argument. I suppose Rush's original one did too.

Bullshit..if she stopped at "wise" no problem. When she crossed the line into race, she exposed her racism. That she differentiates people like herself from other based on race.
Bad on them.

By the way, how many of them are prominent Dems? I'm guessing none.

Try comparing leaders to leaders.

you're guessing; and scratching and clawing for relevence; in your lame defense of left-wing hypocrisy

idiots and hypocrites
I'm not really guessing. What I'm saying is, if they were pominent Dems, you would name them. But you can't.

Just as, alas, I can't name the republicans who booed the Iraq war vet during the primary debate.

But I can name the number of republican candidates who chastised those boo-birds!

That was 0.
You stepped in it. You admit your racism here.
Stop deflecting. You are only making it worse for yourself.
Now, admit you don't like white people and let's move on.
Conservative women realize that the Republican Party does not best represent their interests, but are willing to set that aside because of their overwhelming hatred for blacks and Hispanics.

Mind readers of the world unite!

"N***** N***** N******" Dr. Laura

"Shukin' and jivin" Sarah Palin

"If we took away women's right to vote, we'd never have to worry about another Democratic president. It's kind of a pipe dream.It's a personal fantasy of mine, but I don't think it's going to happen. And it is a good way of making the point that women are voting so stupidly, at least single women." Ann Coulter

You don't have to read their minds.
No. Her example was aspirational: she hoped that she would be wise. Not racist. The qualifying word is "wise', which you keep leaving out of your argument. I suppose Rush's original one did too.

Then what was the point of adding the qualifier "Latina" to the sentence? If it wasn't relevant, she shouldn't have said it. However, she was trying to say the Senate should approve her precisely because she is a Latina. In other words, she's a racist.

Did confirmation hinge on her being found a racist? Obviousely not, as she received the majority of white votes at the senate.

Which senators found her to be a racist?

A higher proportion of Republicans actually voted to confirm her than did Democrats on Alito. That must indicate something!

yeah..it indicates that there is truth to the idea that when faced with one of these choices whites often cave for fear of being labeled as racist.
This is why Barack Obama is POTUS. The proof in is in the exit polls of both 2012 and 2008 . But for the white suburban moderates voting for Obama, he'd have lost in '08 and again in 2012.
That vote was mainly out of fear or being called racist by neighbors and friends or out of white guilt.
Now, we have all been treated to the rantings of liberal blacks and Hispanics about their version of white guilt. And their conclusion that the ONLY reason whites vote for minority candidates IS due to white guilt...Of course that is just another weapon in the arsenal of these so called minority leaders. it's really a load of crap. And there are tons of examples where black or Latino candidates got the support of whites based on qualifications or representation of the same or similar ideas.
Now, what does this have to do with Sotomayor's confirmation? If I have to explain it to you, you're not paying attention.
Oh, this is not intended to be a discussion. I digress. Post back to me on this and you're posting to air. In other words, I'm not going to respond. I have said my piece. That's that.
You guys on the right need to come up with 64 electoral votes more than you received in 2012. Where are they coming from? Any idea?

Please note in the graphic about Obama's margin with women, he lost some of those states. Perhaps a few more percentage points in Hillary's column wins the state for her?

Missouri may be in play.

From people who are disgusted with the Following.
I.RS. scandal
VA. scandal
The situation on the Southern border
The situations in Syria, Iraq, and Ukraine
A still sluggish and weak economy

Ahh but you need to win states in electoral math. Show us the math on what 4-5 states are going to flip from 2012 please.

Show something that proves they won't right now Obama has about the same approval rating Bush did in his second term and that cost the Republicans in the midterms which will likely happen to the Democrats as well. After that it cost them the Whitehouse one party rarely wins the Presidency three elections in a row unless things are going very well for the country or the current President is very popular neither is the case here.
Do you really think I'd make that assertion with quotes from only two Republican women?

The whole of Republican women can be broadbrused until it rids itself of racist spokesmen. You are judged by the company you keep.

It is impossible to whitewash the sayings of Ann Coulter, Laura Ingraham, Sarah Palin, and even Megyn Kelly. And I can google all day to get more.

Could care less what a baby killer, Islamist appeaser, tax moocher person and his whole party think. See how that broad brush generalization thing works asshat? You've been appropriately negged for being a moron.
I expected your neg more than I expected a logical argument from you. And I was correct in doing so.

And "caring less" is is quite contradictory of leaving a neg.

But I don't neg. I do care. And I'm a responsible debater.

One who debates responsively does not make comments such as "typical white people"...
Women apparently are not paying as close attention to what Republicans think of them as they should. The following are just a few of the many more reasons women should not support Conservatives.

You never see liberal women dressed in brain costumes to protest anything.


Liberals seem to think that women are nothing more than their genitals, and that the only issues they're concerned with are abortion and free birth control.

Now, I believe you were saying something stupid about a war on women...?

Is candycorn in that pic?

Secretary Clinton should do better than the President. Bad news for the GOP.

she is to beat up an old....but of course the Democrats cant come up with anything better so put the old beat up nag in....

Age will not be a factor.

Of course it will. so will her health. Which to my understanding is not the best.
To believe otherwise would be delusional.
Do you really think this country is going to go from the last two being among the most physically fit men to inhabit the Office to an elderly looking woman who is not in the best of physical heath?
Oh that's right. You're a Hillary fan because you think 'gender first'.

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