WAR On WOMEN By Republicans

Abortion is, thankfully for the DEMS a gateway issue. I mean do you really care what someone's economic policy may be if they don't think you can make healthcare decisions yourself?

Healthcare decisions? Define that.

The government has decided not only must you buy health insurance, the government is going to tell you exactly what kind of coverage you have to have.

And if you like the doctor you already have, too bad, period. If you like the insurance you already have, too bad, period.

So much for "choice".
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she is to beat up an old....but of course the Democrats cant come up with anything better so put the old beat up nag in....

the made her a loser once lets hope she loses big time and she THEN can thank all her base for their fickle loyalty and passing her up the FIRST TIME....If I were her I'd tell them to go to hell, but she loves power too much so I doubt that will happen

What is hilarious about your tripe is that you've described the exact same scenario Governor Romney faced. Yet...you voted for him...didn't you? Gosh you are a fucking idiot.

Anyway, HIllary should do much better than Obama with the women's vote giving the Dems an even more sizable advantage. :lol:

LOTS of Women dont like Hillary....even Democrats....
Women apparently are not paying as close attention to what Republicans think of them as they should. The following are just a few of the many more reasons women should not support Conservatives.

If the Republicans want to know why they are out of touch with women all they need to do is read George Will's column George Will: Colleges become the victims of progressivism - The Washington Post. He uses this moronic argument:

1) A survey of women at two universities indiciates 20% of them are sexually assaulted at some point while attending college and only 12% of those assaults are reported.

2) Because police statitistics for sexual assualts on campus only don't correlate with those statistics - the girls must by lying!

Will completely ignores the fact that most of the time a woman in college is sexually assaulted it is off campus. He also ignores the harsh reality that the police dont' always record reported instances of sexual assault. My wife had to go to the police three times before they took her complaint for rape. In fact, the first time she went one of the officers she spoke to admitted to being a date rapist himself "Oh, I've done that!"

He does this because he hates women and is trying to frame a case against them. He probably sexually assaulted a woman himself (the 20% who are sexually assaulted have assailants, right) - and has some guilt issues with it.

"If the Republicans want to know why they are out of touch"
And YOU are?.....Please explain how you consider yourself an 'expert' on women's issues.

"Will completely ignores the fact that most of the time a woman in college is sexually assaulted it is off campus. He also ignores the harsh reality that the police dont' always record reported instances of sexual assault. My wife had to go to the police three times before they took her complaint for rape. In fact, the first time she went one of the officers she spoke to admitted to being a date rapist himself "Oh, I've done that!"
George Will ignores nothing.
His piece specifically discusses ON CAMPUS issues.
The fact that because Will's column does not follow the narrative, you felt it necessary to inject unrelated issues. Off campus....could be 10 feet or 10 miles outside the boundaries of the campus. Your premise is nonsense. It seeks to include all sexual assaults on all women who just happen to be college students at the time of the incident.

. "He probably sexually assaulted a woman himself"....Oh? And you have proof of this? Or one shred of evidence? Police report? How about an unsubstantiated accusation? Something....Or is it you feel you have license to make such a filthy claim against George Will simply because he carries a conservative ideology?
I have no clue why I even bother responding to your radical pap.
Married women vote Republican more often than democrat.
And your MessiahRushie explains why.

July 22, 2008
RUSH: So women who get divorced get dumber 'cause there's no smart guy around to keep 'em in line politically. Married women are obviously smarter. Married women are obviously more conservative. Single, divorced, widowed, separated women, no man around, the brain goes south.

You are blinded by the fact that the left is using your so called status as a minority for political reasons


I'm not blinded by anything. Keep your God laws off my body including reproductive health, and your nose out of my business, equal pay for equal work and we will get along fine.
Define 'reproductive health'..
Question: have you ever been denied 'female' treatment by your doctor of choice?
One concept on which we agree.....that is government keeping its nose out of our business.
Oh, on average, women make more than men.
Women make up 56.7% of all earners of BA/BS degrees

'Scuse me....What was that whine about pay?
It's a load of crap.
Yet, when we control for each of these factors, women still tended to earn less than their male peers did. Within a number of occupations, women already earned less than men earned just one year out of college. Among teachers, for example, women earned 89 percent of what men earned. In business and management occupations, women earned 86 percent of what men earned; similarly, in sales occupations, women earned just 77 percent of what their male peers earned. When we compare the earnings of men and
women who reported working the same number of hours, men earned more than women did. For example, among those who reported working 40 hours per week, women earned 84 percent of what men earned. Among those who reported working 45 hours per week, women’s earnings were 82 percent of men’s. Finally, when we control for economic sector,
again men typically earned more than women did. In the two largest economic sectors—the for-profit and government sectors—men earned significantly more than women did one year after college graduation. Occupation, hours worked, and economic sector help us understand the pay gap, but these differences do not fully explain it.

Reproductive health includes everything to do with reproductive organs at all ages. So, uterine fibroids, fallopian tubes. STDs, ovarian cancer, breast cancer, uterine cancer, endometriosis, contraceptives, prenatal care, antenatal care, abortions, sterilization, perimenopause, menopause, hormones, etc. The whole nine yards.

Denial comes in several forms: Insurance, cash, access to clinics, etc. Hence the reason that the whole bullshit towards Planned Parenthood was ...........bullshit. Legally, they could not use federal dollars for abortions but that didn't stop the lies spewed.
Married women vote Republican more often than democrat.
And your MessiahRushie explains why.

July 22, 2008
RUSH: So women who get divorced get dumber 'cause there's no smart guy around to keep 'em in line politically. Married women are obviously smarter. Married women are obviously more conservative. Single, divorced, widowed, separated women, no man around, the brain goes south.



Cause meet effect.
When a party has to stoop this low and OPENLY use(class warfare, pitting people in this country against each other) to try and get voters, you know they are worthless and EVIL

They all took an oath to represent ALL THE PEOPLE BUT that isn't the Democrat party

If you don't think like they do, you all can go to hell AND they will say you have a WAR on WOMEN, a war on homsexuals, a war on blacks...their new one is a doozy, you all have a war on BROWN PEOPLE

they're base is no better, brainwashed stooges who passes it on for them

We didn't agree before this. We won't agree afterwards. Pretending that there aren't issues is just as partisan. The right wing engages in it just as much. It's just as superficial and just as pathetic.

What I dislike from either side is the screaming with no game plan or resolution except donations or petitions. The let's tap into inner rage or create faux rage game. It runs the risk of emotional exhaustion. Both sides play it. Both sides fall into the used car dealer gold tooth smile game.

I am a liberal and a feminist. This is what I want to see: Identify the problem, resolve the problem, tell me what can be accomplished, tell me what can't be accomplished, tell me what the obstacles are. This needs to occur on the local, state and national level.

There is a war on women. Yes, there is a class war. It's real.
"This is what I want to see: Identify the problem, resolve the problem, tell me what can be accomplished, tell me what can't be accomplished, tell me what the obstacles are. This needs to occur on the local, state and national level.

There is a war on women. Yes, there is a class war. It's real."
WHAT "problem"?....
With your radical posturing, you create your own obstacles.
"War on women" is just another political buzz term created to shore up a political base.
The term does not have standing to be preceded by "The"...There is no "the war on women"....Its a made up term. So you can forget it....Wanna know why? Because nobody cares.
You claim you despise extremism from both the right and the left. Yet you label yourself a liberal feminist. I cannot think of a group of people who are more extreme than a bunch of liberal feminists.
So please. Take your bullshit to another whiny little lib bank. We're no longer accepting your deposits.

Secretary Clinton should do better than the President. Bad news for the GOP.

HA! Every so often you throw that blob of mud at the wall....It's not going to stick...
That is unless you are willing to stipulate that women are a mindless monolithic group who eagerly wait to vote in lockstep with democrats...
Is that your thinking?.....
Just answer the question. Don't try to dodge it. You set your own trap.
the made her a loser once lets hope she loses big time and she THEN can thank all her base for their fickle loyalty and passing her up the FIRST TIME....If I were her I'd tell them to go to hell, but she loves power too much so I doubt that will happen

What is hilarious about your tripe is that you've described the exact same scenario Governor Romney faced. Yet...you voted for him...didn't you? Gosh you are a fucking idiot.

Anyway, HIllary should do much better than Obama with the women's vote giving the Dems an even more sizable advantage. :lol:

LOTS of Women dont like Hillary....even Democrats....

True. See 2008 if anyone doesn't believe Harry.

I would say the same thing about Governor Romney where the GOP was concerned. Yet he got 47% of the vote and, if I recall, got more votes than Senator McCain. You put a D next to the name of a warm bucket of spit (or an R) and they get 40% in the general election.

As for Hillary, I offer 2 things. Even though she ran into a buzz saw that raised outlandish amounts of money, she went to a convention in Denver where she could have called for a floor fight and stirred up her supporters to get a brokered convention. Instead, she endorsed Obama and healed the fractured party. This probably mended a few fences. Additionally, she won't make the same mistakes this time that she made in 2008.

I'm not blinded by anything. Keep your God laws off my body including reproductive health, and your nose out of my business, equal pay for equal work and we will get along fine.

I don't give a flying rats ass about "your" reproductive health

Apparently you are blinded by your "reproductive health" issue :cuckoo:
Yep....Its another liberal feminist 'cause' to gin up support for democrat candidates.
Most liberal women do their thinking with their lady parts.

I'm not a Democrat.

Outcry in America as pregnant women who lose babies face murder charges | World news | The Guardian

Secretary Clinton should do better than the President. Bad news for the GOP.

HA! Every so often you throw that blob of mud at the wall....It's not going to stick...
That is unless you are willing to stipulate that women are a mindless monolithic group who eagerly wait to vote in lockstep with democrats...
Is that your thinking?.....
Just answer the question. Don't try to dodge it. You set your own trap.

Does the map bother you? It should if you're backing the GOP in a national election. Keep in mind the large margins didn't always result in an Obama win. So could Arizona flip if Senator/Secretary/former FLOTUS Clinton gets the nomination? We'll see, I believe.

As for the question; no. But the GOP gives women who think for themselves little reason to support them.

Does the GOP support the Lilly Ledbetter act? No.
Does the GOP constantly introduce and enact laws that restrict a woman's right to choose? Yes.
Do elected Democrats fight for a woman's right to choose and seek to overturn these idiotic laws (some even dictate how many parking spaces a clinic needs to have)? Yes.
Va. Health Board meeting on abortion-clinic rules draws strong opinions from public - The Washington Post

So that is why you see women supporting Obama (and presumably Hillary) by double digits in a lot of states--especially battleground states.

It should bother you. That you act like it doesn't is amusing.

I'm not blinded by anything. Keep your God laws off my body including reproductive health, and your nose out of my business, equal pay for equal work and we will get along fine.

I agree, the governmnet has no business paying for birth control or abortions, it is none of their business. I also agree with the equal pay for equal work but this current administration cares nothing about that, they won't fix the problem at the White House, let alone anywhere else.

Both of the above birth control and abortions fall under reproductive health care.

So you say.
The general consensus held by the majority of the population and the insurance industry states these are issues of CHOICE.
You don't get to make CHOICES then expect others to pay for the consequences.
You are PRO CHOICE, are you not? I'll take that as a 'yes'....Therefore your premise is a contradiction.
Both of the above birth control and abortions fall under reproductive health care.

Birth control and abortion are both anti-reproductive. Preventing a baby or killing a baby has nothing to do with actual health care.
Medical Uses of the Birth Control Pill


Besides birth control, there are many medical benefits of birth control pills.
Before taking birth control pills, talk to your health care provider about side effects, risks and benefits of the Pill.
Birth control pills can help irregular periods, PCOS, endometriosis, acne, menstrual cramps, and low estrogen conditions.

Adolescent girls and young women are often prescribed birth control pills for irregular or absent menstrual periods, menstrual cramps, acne, PMS, endometriosis, and for Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. Girls who are diagnosed with PCOS are often prescribed oral contraceptives to lower their hormone levels and regulate their menstrual periods.

Birth control pills (sometimes called “the Pill”, oral contraceptive pills-OCP's, or hormonal pills) contain one or two types of synthetic (man-made) female hormones, estrogen and/or progestin. Similar hormones are normally made by the ovaries. There are many different types of oral contraceptive pills.

What kinds of medical conditions can be helped with birth control pills?

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS): is a hormonal imbalance which causes irregular menstrual periods, acne, and excess hair growth. Birth control pills work by lowering certain hormone levels to regulate menstrual periods. When hormone levels are decreased to normal, acne and hair growth often improve.

Endometriosis: Most girls with endometriosis have cramps or pelvic pain during their menstrual cycle. Birth control pills are often prescribed continuously to treat endometriosis and work by temporarily preventing periods. Since periods can cause pain for young women with endometriosis, stopping periods will usually improve cramps and pelvic pain.

Lack of periods (“amenorrhea”) from low weight, stress, excessive exercise, or damage to the ovaries from radiation or chemotherapy: With any of these conditions, the hormone “estrogen” is not made in normal amounts by the body. Birth control pills may be prescribed to replace estrogen, which helps to regulate the menstrual cycle. For girls whose menstrual periods are irregular (too few - or not at all), birth control pills can help to regulate the menstrual cycle to every 28 days and provide the body with normal amounts of estrogen. Normal estrogen levels are important for healthy bones.

Menstrual Cramps: When over-the-counter medications don't help with severe cramps, birth control pills may be the solution because they prevent ovulation and lighten periods.

Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS): Symptoms of PMS such as mood swings, breast soreness, and bloating, along with acne can occur up to 2 weeks before a young women's period. Birth control pills may be prescribed to stop ovulation and keep hormone levels balanced. Symptoms may improve, particularly when oral contraceptive pills are prescribed continuously.

Heavy Menstrual Periods: Birth control pills can reduce the amount and length of menstrual bleeding.

Acne: For moderate to severe acne, which over-the-counter and prescription medications haven't cured, birth control pills may be prescribed. The hormones in the Pill can help stop acne from forming. Be patient though, since it takes several months for birth control pills to work.

Other Medical Benefits

Because there is less menstrual bleeding when taking birth control pills, you are less likely to get anemia (low number of red blood cells, which carry oxygen from the lungs to the tissues). Birth control pills also lower your chance of getting endometrial (lining of the uterus) cancer, ovarian cancer, and ovarian cysts.
Medical Uses of the Birth Control Pill

Hmmmmmmmmm...........list of top ten things that I thought that I would never post about. :lol:

You want to start with this or should I go ahead and discuss abortion?

Ahh here we go....The old 'back door' to free access to the pill.
Look genius, no one denies the non target use of the pill for certain female medical issues.
So, as long as you stipulate that a women must be first diagnosed with one of these medical conditions then have the pill prescribed be her physician for that purpose only. And not an end around to unfettered free access to the pill on someone else's dime for unprotected sex. Deal?
When a party has to stoop this low and OPENLY use(class warfare, pitting people in this country against each other) to try and get voters, you know they are worthless and EVIL

They all took an oath to represent ALL THE PEOPLE BUT that isn't the Democrat party

If you don't think like they do, you all can go to hell AND they will say you have a WAR on WOMEN, a war on homsexuals, a war on blacks...their new one is a doozy, you all have a war on BROWN PEOPLE

they're base is no better, brainwashed stooges who passes it on for them

We didn't agree before this. We won't agree afterwards. Pretending that there aren't issues is just as partisan. The right wing engages in it just as much. It's just as superficial and just as pathetic.

What I dislike from either side is the screaming with no game plan or resolution except donations or petitions. The let's tap into inner rage or create faux rage game. It runs the risk of emotional exhaustion. Both sides play it. Both sides fall into the used car dealer gold tooth smile game.

I am a liberal and a feminist. This is what I want to see: Identify the problem, resolve the problem, tell me what can be accomplished, tell me what can't be accomplished, tell me what the obstacles are. This needs to occur on the local, state and national level.

There is a war on women. Yes, there is a class war. It's real.
"This is what I want to see: Identify the problem, resolve the problem, tell me what can be accomplished, tell me what can't be accomplished, tell me what the obstacles are. This needs to occur on the local, state and national level.

There is a war on women. Yes, there is a class war. It's real."
WHAT "problem"?....
With your radical posturing, you create your own obstacles.
"War on women" is just another political buzz term created to shore up a political base.
The term does not have standing to be preceded by "The"...There is no "the war on women"....Its a made up term. So you can forget it....Wanna know why? Because nobody cares.
You claim you despise extremism from both the right and the left. Yet you label yourself a liberal feminist. I cannot think of a group of people who are more extreme than a bunch of liberal feminists.
So please. Take your bullshit to another whiny little lib bank. We're no longer accepting your deposits.

Keep thinking that!:up:

Because by the time you get around to reading all of my posts. You will realize that you don't have jack shit.
I am a liberal and a feminist. This is what I want to see: Identify the problem, resolve the problem, tell me what can be accomplished, tell me what can't be accomplished, tell me what the obstacles are. This needs to occur on the local, state and national level.

Okay, let's go down that road...

The problems.... Liberalism and Feminism, which are really the same thing.

What needs to be accomplished..... A return to morals, values, and gender roles.

What can be accomplished.... A return to a Patriarchal society which demands that both Men and women maintain their proper places in life.

What can't be accomplished.... A forced agreement that those are the proper roles for people. We can require complaince and acceptance of the roles but cannot force agreement with them (which is fine).

What are the obstacles.... 50 years of educational and societal malaise which have allowed the idea that Men and women are different only in gender-specific reproductive organs. A growing lack of logic and values in society. The growing idea of what one wants to do compared to what one should do. An increase in emotionalism in society.

How can these be overcome.... Legislation forcing people to enact proper roles. Reform of educational and employment systems to properly separate Male and female members and to remove preferential treatment for females.

You are correct that this needs to happen at every level of both Government and Society.

Define liberal and feminism.

Just a minute there miss fussy britches....In an earlier post, YOU described yourself as a "liberal" and a "feminist".....If you cannot define these terms yourself, how is it you can claim membership in either or both groups?
Okay, let's go down that road...

The problems.... Liberalism and Feminism, which are really the same thing.

What needs to be accomplished..... A return to morals, values, and gender roles.

What can be accomplished.... A return to a Patriarchal society which demands that both Men and women maintain their proper places in life.

What can't be accomplished.... A forced agreement that those are the proper roles for people. We can require complaince and acceptance of the roles but cannot force agreement with them (which is fine).

What are the obstacles.... 50 years of educational and societal malaise which have allowed the idea that Men and women are different only in gender-specific reproductive organs. A growing lack of logic and values in society. The growing idea of what one wants to do compared to what one should do. An increase in emotionalism in society.

How can these be overcome.... Legislation forcing people to enact proper roles. Reform of educational and employment systems to properly separate Male and female members and to remove preferential treatment for females.

You are correct that this needs to happen at every level of both Government and Society.

Define liberal and feminism.

Just a minute there miss fussy britches....In an earlier post, YOU described yourself as a "liberal" and a "feminist".....If you cannot define these terms yourself, how is it you can claim membership in either or both groups?

Yawn...........I'll be back later when you have managed to catch up.

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