WAR On WOMEN By Republicans

Ok. I have one last question on this issue before I take off. You realize that slavery, in all ages, did not allow those that were free to earn enough to not engage in criminal activity, right? Thus, you have a never ending cycle or an entire class that is enslaved. This is what you are after, correct?

I have no problem with a caste system, Disir. In fact, it's the type of society that I would prefer, given an option. YES, even knowing that there is a high probability that I would end up at the lower end of the social ladder. A place for everyone and everyone in their place.

I actually enjoy being a worker rather than a decision maker. I turned down an opportunity about 5 years ago to become a Supervisor/Manager because I didn't want to deal with the headaches and hassles of that sort of work. My only complaint is when the Supervisory/Management level cannot actually come up with a workable plan of action for getting things done.

And you speak with the luxury of not being at the bottom. Further, in your world there would always be someone lower than you.
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That's right, I remember you. You are the one that supports slavery. Right?

this guy should hope the Doctor lands the TARDIS right in front of him and tells him...next stop 1250 AD.....want me to drop you off?.....

Fetuses aren't children

This is the dividing line, right there. Those of us who believe fetuses are children are not waging a war on women. We are waging a war on those of you who believe fetuses are not children.

You can throw up all the "war on women" bullshit smoke and mirrors you like, but the murder of what we believe to be children is what this is really all about. We are not attacking women, we are defending the defenseless.

You want everyone to divert their gaze from the child in the womb and make this about the vagina.

No sale.

Ya, it's a war on women, You can dress that up but you can't take it out.

Do you really think I'd make that assertion with quotes from only two Republican women?

The whole of Republican women can be broadbrused until it rids itself of racist spokesmen. You are judged by the company you keep.

It is impossible to whitewash the sayings of Ann Coulter, Laura Ingraham, Sarah Palin, and even Megyn Kelly. And I can google all day to get more.

Could care less what a baby killer, Islamist appeaser, tax moocher person and his whole party think. See how that broad brush generalization thing works asshat? You've been appropriately negged for being a moron.
I expected your neg more than I expected a logical argument from you. And I was correct in doing so.

And "caring less" is is quite contradictory of leaving a neg.

But I don't neg. I do care. And I'm a responsible debater.

Sure you are.....and I'm sure your mom also tells you that you sing like an angel and that you're special too.
You guys on the left really need some new talking points.

You guys on the right need to come up with 64 electoral votes more than you received in 2012. Where are they coming from? Any idea?

Please note in the graphic about Obama's margin with women, he lost some of those states. Perhaps a few more percentage points in Hillary's column wins the state for her?

Missouri may be in play.

From people who are disgusted with the Following.
I.RS. scandal
VA. scandal
The situation on the Southern border
The situations in Syria, Iraq, and Ukraine
A still sluggish and weak economy

Damn it man.......you were told NOT to look behind the curtain!!!
Legislation forcing people to enact proper roles.

Govt Control.....nothing like it....you should take a vacation to N.Korea....Dennis Rodman said its nice this time of year....

Nah. I prefer Iran.

this guy should hope the Doctor lands the TARDIS right in front of him and tells him...next stop 1250 AD.....want me to drop you off?.....

That would be perfectly fine with me.

in other words....you are a follower....

In other words I'm one who believes that systems and traditions exist for a reason, and sees no need to look outside them.
And you speak with the luxury of not being at the bottom. Further, in your world there would always be someone lower than you.

That is a twist of Fate and nothing more, Disir. I could have just as easily been born a woman, or even more easily my medical conditions could have left me little more than a vegetable. Them's the breaks. Who knows, next time I might come back as a woman. You never know, and it's not your nor my place to waste time considering it.
Is the treatment Democrats showed Sarah Palin the model for how women are supposed to be treated in their world? If so, shove it up your ass Libberhoids. You don't treat a woman that way.
Is the treatment Democrats showed Sarah Palin the model for how women are supposed to be treated in their world? If so, shove it up your ass Libberhoids. You don't treat a woman that way.

oh yeah, they treat all people like shit if they are a Republican
and their care for women, you see it with how they treat Mrs. Palin, a former Governor, same goes if they are black, they have a name for them remember, It's Uncle Tom
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Is the treatment Democrats showed Sarah Palin the model for how women are supposed to be treated in their world? If so, shove it up your ass Libberhoids. You don't treat a woman that way.

oh yeah, they treat all people like shit if they are a Republican
and their care for women, you see it with how they treat Mrs. Palin, a former Governor, same goes if they are black, they have a name for them remember, It's Uncle Tom

Like Elliot Spitzer?
Maybe Anthony Weiner can be the Democrapic Spokeman on women's issues.

Maybe they can exhume Ted Kennedy's dead perverted ass for further effect.
I don't know how to break this to you, but that first line is a bit patronizing.

Or did you think you needed to man 'splain it to me?

You are blinded by the fact that the left is using your so called status as a minority for political reasons


I'm not blinded by anything. Keep your God laws off my body including reproductive health, and your nose out of my business, equal pay for equal work and we will get along fine.

Ahhhhh.. always the good little victim. Keep it up honey.

Maybe Anthony Weiner can be the Democrapic Spokeman on women's issues.

Maybe they can exhume Ted Kennedy's dead perverted ass for further effect.

Yeah, the left always ignores the Lion's wonderful treatment of Mary Jo Kopechne.
And who could forget the groping, grabbing, lying under oath, disbarred, impeached, adultering grandaddy of them all... Bill Clinton?
I don't know how to break this to you, but that first line is a bit patronizing.

Or did you think you needed to man 'splain it to me?

You are blinded by the fact that the left is using your so called status as a minority for political reasons


I'm not blinded by anything. Keep your God laws off my body including reproductive health, and your nose out of my business, equal pay for equal work and we will get along fine.
Define 'reproductive health'..
Question: have you ever been denied 'female' treatment by your doctor of choice?
One concept on which we agree.....that is government keeping its nose out of our business.
Oh, on average, women make more than men.
Women make up 56.7% of all earners of BA/BS degrees

'Scuse me....What was that whine about pay?
It's a load of crap.
War on Women?

What a load of horseshit. But then I know a load or horseshit when I hear it. Apprarantly others don't.
You are blinded by the fact that the left is using your so called status as a minority for political reasons


I'm not blinded by anything. Keep your God laws off my body including reproductive health, and your nose out of my business, equal pay for equal work and we will get along fine.

I don't give a flying rats ass about "your" reproductive health

Apparently you are blinded by your "reproductive health" issue :cuckoo:
Yep....Its another liberal feminist 'cause' to gin up support for democrat candidates.
Most liberal women do their thinking with their lady parts.

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