WAR On WOMEN By Republicans

I am a liberal and a feminist. This is what I want to see: Identify the problem, resolve the problem, tell me what can be accomplished, tell me what can't be accomplished, tell me what the obstacles are. This needs to occur on the local, state and national level.

Okay, let's go down that road...

The problems.... Liberalism and Feminism, which are really the same thing.

What needs to be accomplished..... A return to morals, values, and gender roles.

What can be accomplished.... A return to a Patriarchal society which demands that both Men and women maintain their proper places in life.

What can't be accomplished.... A forced agreement that those are the proper roles for people. We can require complaince and acceptance of the roles but cannot force agreement with them (which is fine).

What are the obstacles.... 50 years of educational and societal malaise which have allowed the idea that Men and women are different only in gender-specific reproductive organs. A growing lack of logic and values in society. The growing idea of what one wants to do compared to what one should do. An increase in emotionalism in society.

How can these be overcome.... Legislation forcing people to enact proper roles. Reform of educational and employment systems to properly separate Male and female members and to remove preferential treatment for females.

You are correct that this needs to happen at every level of both Government and Society.

Legislation forcing people to enact proper roles.

Govt Control.....nothing like it....you should take a vacation to N.Korea....Dennis Rodman said its nice this time of year....
Define liberal and feminism.

Liberal: Non-traditional. One who believes that emotions and desires are more important than Tradition, Values, and Morality.

Feminist: A Liberal of the female gender.

Metrosexual: A Liberal of the male gender.

That's right, I remember you. You are the one that supports slavery. Right?

this guy should hope the Doctor lands the TARDIS right in front of him and tells him...next stop 1250 AD.....want me to drop you off?.....
Ok. I have one last question on this issue before I take off. You realize that slavery, in all ages, did not allow those that were free to earn enough to not engage in criminal activity, right? Thus, you have a never ending cycle or an entire class that is enslaved. This is what you are after, correct?

I have no problem with a caste system, Disir. In fact, it's the type of society that I would prefer, given an option. YES, even knowing that there is a high probability that I would end up at the lower end of the social ladder. A place for everyone and everyone in their place.

I actually enjoy being a worker rather than a decision maker. I turned down an opportunity about 5 years ago to become a Supervisor/Manager because I didn't want to deal with the headaches and hassles of that sort of work. My only complaint is when the Supervisory/Management level cannot actually come up with a workable plan of action for getting things done.

in other words....you are a follower....
Conservative women realize that the Republican Party does not best represent their interests, but are willing to set that aside because of their overwhelming hatred for blacks and Hispanics.

really?.....so how do you explain all the Conservative/Republican Woman here in S.Cal who have lived among the Hispanics for decades and have even married them and ..."gasp" had kids with them?.....why would they do that with people they hate?....just askin....

I'm not blinded by anything. Keep your God laws off my body including reproductive health, and your nose out of my business, equal pay for equal work and we will get along fine.

I agree, the government has no business paying for birth control or abortions, it is none of their business. I also agree with the equal pay for equal work but this current administration cares nothing about that, they won't fix the problem at the White House, let alone anywhere else.

Both of the above birth control and abortions fall under reproductive health care.

Not sure what you are saying, you want people out of your business including your reproductive health.

I was agreeing with you, are you agreeing or disagreeing?
they do the same thing to black people, homosexuals, now they're working on the brown people

you see they aren't INDIVIDUALS to a Democrat...they are seen as groups who can't make it IN LIFE without them..

that's why I don't why anyone would belong to party who see's them as nothing but VICTIMS...it's offensive

most Hispanics dont buy the bullshit that the Democrats feed them...they know they are looked as votes not people.....they know the "Elites" of the party dont want them moving next door.....they get that....they dont have a lot of Respect for the party and many of the people who run it....its the "Lessor of 2 Evils thing....

I'm glad to hear that...and I would bet a lot of them don't take to kindly watching Obama and his party try to give Illegal immigrants the privilege of Amnesty for doing nothing but invade our country, while they worked to go through the proper channels

way to go Obama and progressive/Democrats..such a fine job you're doing FOR THE OTHER PARTY :lol:

the people around here that actually have the most disdain for Illegals are the American born Hispanics.....they think their "Cousins" as one guy put it makes ALL Hispanics look bad....

Secretary Clinton should do better than the President. Bad news for the GOP.

she is to beat up an old....but of course the Democrats cant come up with anything better so put the old beat up nag in....

the made her a loser once lets hope she loses big time and she THEN can thank all her base for their fickle loyalty and passing her up the FIRST TIME....If I were her I'd tell them to go to hell, but she loves power too much so I doubt that will happen

she should have been the one running back then not Obama....he wasnt ready for this.....but he was a more Politically Correct choice.....
Conservative women realize that the Republican Party does not best represent their interests, but are willing to set that aside because of their overwhelming hatred for blacks and Hispanics.

really?.....so how do you explain all the Conservative/Republican Woman here in S.Cal who have lived among the Hispanics for decades and have even married them and ..."gasp" had kids with them?.....why would they do that with people they hate?....just askin....

People do grant exceptions for others they know quite well. It doesn't always change their perceptions of the larger group.

Thomas Jefferson treated the woman he loved quite differently than his other slaves.
most Hispanics dont buy the bullshit that the Democrats feed them...they know they are looked as votes not people.....they know the "Elites" of the party dont want them moving next door.....they get that....they dont have a lot of Respect for the party and many of the people who run it....its the "Lessor of 2 Evils thing....

I'm glad to hear that...and I would bet a lot of them don't take to kindly watching Obama and his party try to give Illegal immigrants the privilege of Amnesty for doing nothing but invade our country, while they worked to go through the proper channels

way to go Obama and progressive/Democrats..such a fine job you're doing FOR THE OTHER PARTY :lol:

the people around here that actually have the most disdain for Illegals are the American born Hispanics.....they think their "Cousins" as one guy put it makes ALL Hispanics look bad....

I have heard them say that...I hope they're damn angry enough to vote out all these Progressives in power now....I'm not sure we can get through two more years let alone putting Hillary in to pick up where Obama has left off
Women apparently are not paying as close attention to what Republicans think of them as they should. The following are just a few of the many more reasons women should not support Conservatives.

You never see liberal women dressed in brain costumes to protest anything.


Liberals seem to think that women are nothing more than their genitals, and that the only issues they're concerned with are abortion and free birth control.

Now, I believe you were saying something stupid about a war on women...?

Secretary Clinton should do better than the President. Bad news for the GOP.

she is to beat up an old....but of course the Democrats cant come up with anything better so put the old beat up nag in....

the made her a loser once lets hope she loses big time and she THEN can thank all her base for their fickle loyalty and passing her up the FIRST TIME....If I were her I'd tell them to go to hell, but she loves power too much so I doubt that will happen

What is hilarious about your tripe is that you've described the exact same scenario Governor Romney faced. Yet...you voted for him...didn't you? Gosh you are a fucking idiot.

Anyway, HIllary should do much better than Obama with the women's vote giving the Dems an even more sizable advantage. :lol:
Nothing that I know of.

? Huh? What problem don't I acknowledge?

It's a rather small sample using two colleges. It was done online only. They won a cookie for participating. The NCVS, as well as this one, may have under reporting or over reporting.

Except the NCVS survey is consistent with many similar surveys.
Are 20 percent of women sexually assaulted before they graduate college? | PolitiFact

So, those are the issues that he raised and then went overboard and screwed it up.
Yeah, he went "overboard" - right. Date rapists do that a lot, too.

Koss broke it down this way: the FBI’s Uniform Crime Statistics equal what gets reported to police, the Justice Department’s National Crime Victimization Survey equals what people disclose to surveyors, and academic research surveys are "what people tell to nongovernmental entities when survey authors have the freedom to phrase the questions as they think best as scholars."
I'm pulling that out for a reason. The FBI's UCR Statistics are also incomplete. Not all police departments report them. It's voluntary. Further, these are reports not convictions. Easy peasy example:
Prosecutor: UCR stats don't tell full story | ThisWeek Community News

Is George Will a date rapist?
You guys on the left really need some new talking points.

You guys on the right need to come up with 64 electoral votes more than you received in 2012. Where are they coming from? Any idea?

Please note in the graphic about Obama's margin with women, he lost some of those states. Perhaps a few more percentage points in Hillary's column wins the state for her?

Missouri may be in play.
When a party has to stoop this low and OPENLY use(class warfare, pitting people in this country against each other) to try and get voters, you know they are worthless and EVIL

They all took an oath to represent ALL THE PEOPLE BUT that isn't the Democrat party

If you don't think like they do, you all can go to hell AND they will say you have a WAR on WOMEN, a war on homsexuals, a war on blacks...their new one is a doozy, you all have a war on BROWN PEOPLE

they're base is no better, brainwashed stooges who passes it on for them

We didn't agree before this. We won't agree afterwards. Pretending that there aren't issues is just as partisan. The right wing engages in it just as much. It's just as superficial and just as pathetic.

What I dislike from either side is the screaming with no game plan or resolution except donations or petitions. The let's tap into inner rage or create faux rage game. It runs the risk of emotional exhaustion. Both sides play it. Both sides fall into the used car dealer gold tooth smile game.

I am a liberal and a feminist. This is what I want to see: Identify the problem, resolve the problem, tell me what can be accomplished, tell me what can't be accomplished, tell me what the obstacles are. This needs to occur on the local, state and national level.

There is a war on women. Yes, there is a class war. It's real.

There is no war on women, but you can say, you liberal, feminist, Democrats/progressives DO have a war on CHILDREN as you stand up proudly for any women to get rid of their OFFSPRING through abortion...Your war has killed, 55 MILLION babies who would of developed into- children-adults who would of been American citizens...Now your party is in a big rush for their IMMIGRATION REFORM and will replace all them millions aborted with Illegal Immigrants (oh excuse me, they are now called, Migrants) who broke our laws right from the get go, so they should be fine upstanding citizens...and now they are allowing thousands (gang members to year old children) how they walked here is amazing, isn't it? and they're from third world country to invade us right as we speak.

so this made up war on women, is a ruse to cover for the real war going right now and it's ON US American citizens...

Why must you play this silly game of this Democrat party? you think they care if you abort all your offspring? hell no they can be REPLACED as we see happening NOW and these kids can be molded into good little Democrat party zombie voters...YOU'LL all be tossed off to the side on day and ask how the hell did we let this happen

Ok. Your stupidity is overwhelming. It's like mind numbing shit. Back on ignore you go.
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You guys on the left really need some new talking points.

You guys on the right need to come up with 64 electoral votes more than you received in 2012. Where are they coming from? Any idea?

Please note in the graphic about Obama's margin with women, he lost some of those states. Perhaps a few more percentage points in Hillary's column wins the state for her?

Missouri may be in play.

From people who are disgusted with the Following.
I.RS. scandal
VA. scandal
The situation on the Southern border
The situations in Syria, Iraq, and Ukraine
A still sluggish and weak economy
Liberal: Non-traditional. One who believes that emotions and desires are more important than Tradition, Values, and Morality.

Feminist: A Liberal of the female gender.

Metrosexual: A Liberal of the male gender.

That's right, I remember you. You are the one that supports slavery. Right?

this guy should hope the Doctor lands the TARDIS right in front of him and tells him...next stop 1250 AD.....want me to drop you off?.....

Fetuses aren't children

This is the dividing line, right there. Those of us who believe fetuses are children are not waging a war on women. We are waging a war on those of you who believe fetuses are not children.

You can throw up all the "war on women" bullshit smoke and mirrors you like, but the murder of what we believe to be children is what this is really all about. We are not attacking women, we are defending the defenseless.

You want everyone to divert their gaze from the child in the womb and make this about the vagina.

No sale.

Ya, it's a war on women, You can dress that up but you can't take it out.
I agree, the government has no business paying for birth control or abortions, it is none of their business. I also agree with the equal pay for equal work but this current administration cares nothing about that, they won't fix the problem at the White House, let alone anywhere else.

Both of the above birth control and abortions fall under reproductive health care.

Not sure what you are saying, you want people out of your business including your reproductive health.

I was agreeing with you, are you agreeing or disagreeing?

My tax money goes in as well, I want the tax dollars to cover it. Got it?

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