WAR On WOMEN By Republicans

Conservative women realize that the Republican Party does not best represent their interests, but are willing to set that aside because of their overwhelming hatred for blacks and Hispanics.

Asshat, party of one.......your table is ready. Can we freshen your douche for you?

When Dr. Laura was yellinmg N***** N****** N*****, I believe she was saying the same thing that Lee Atwater did when he yelled N***** N***** N*****.

And Sarah Palin was saying the same when she advised Dr. Laura, "Don't retreat, but reload."

Ball just wiffed you.

Trust me, I smelled what you stepped in. Go scrape the moronic shit off of your shoe.
Conservative women realize that the Republican Party does not best represent their interests, but are willing to set that aside because of their overwhelming hatred for blacks and Hispanics.

you are a nasty hateful pos
I'd slap the shit out of you if I could

how damn dare you assume that about ANY WOMAN I don't care where they lean politically
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Asshat, party of one.......your table is ready. Can we freshen your douche for you?

When Dr. Laura was yellinmg N***** N****** N*****, I believe she was saying the same thing that Lee Atwater did when he yelled N***** N***** N*****.

And Sarah Palin was saying the same when she advised Dr. Laura, "Don't retreat, but reload."

Ball just wiffed you.

what about when former KKK member Robert Byrd (D-WVA) was yelling N***** N***** N*****?

I don't see any Democrats following his lead, and he eventually apologized for his youthful actions, as did Atwater.

But Dr. Laura and Sarah Palin are very active in Republican politics, and are not the least remorseful of their acts.
Conservative women realize that the Republican Party does not best represent their interests, but are willing to set that aside because of their overwhelming hatred for blacks and Hispanics.

you are a nasty hateful pos
I'd slap the shit out of you if I could

how damn dare you assume that about ANY WOMAN I don't care where they lean politically

I dared because I backed it up with quotes.
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When Dr. Laura was yellinmg N***** N****** N*****, I believe she was saying the same thing that Lee Atwater did when he yelled N***** N***** N*****.

And Sarah Palin was saying the same when she advised Dr. Laura, "Don't retreat, but reload."

Ball just wiffed you.

what about when former KKK member Robert Byrd (D-WVA) was yelling N***** N***** N*****?

I don't see any Democrats following his lead, and he eventually apologized for his youthful actions, as did Atwater.

But Dr. Laura and Sarah Palin are very active in Republican politics, and are not the least remorseful of their acts.

awww; he apologized for his youthful actions as a KKK member

isnt that nice?

lol what an idiot

oh by the way he wasnt even close to young when he was still using the N-word

try again
Conservative women realize that the Republican Party does not best represent their interests, but are willing to set that aside because of their overwhelming hatred for blacks and Hispanics.

you are a nasty hateful pos
I'd slap the shit out of you if I could

how damn dare you assume that about ANY WOMAN I don't care where they lean politically

I dared because I backled it up with quotes.

your quotes are worth jack shit and that gives you the right to lump in all women who are conservative/Republican
go back to the dailykos...your ugliness is too much for this place
Conservative women realize that the Republican Party does not best represent their interests, but are willing to set that aside because of their overwhelming hatred for blacks and Hispanics.

you are a nasty hateful pos
I'd slap the shit out of you if I could

how damn dare you assume that about ANY WOMAN I don't care where they lean politically

I dared because I backled it up with quotes.

you didnt back up anything race-baiting left-wing loser; you took the quotes of two people; and painted a whole party with them; a whole group of women

you're exactly what you are trying to lecture about; a race-obsessed loser and hypocrite

you can't be taken seriously
you are a nasty hateful pos
I'd slap the shit out of you if I could

how damn dare you assume that about ANY WOMAN I don't care where they lean politically

I dared because I backled it up with quotes.

you didnt back up anything race-baiting left-wing loser; you took the quotes of two people; and painted a whole party with them; a whole group of women

you're exactly what you are trying to lecture about; a race-obsessed loser and hypocrite

you can't be taken seriously
Do you really think I'd make that assertion with quotes from only two Republican women?

The whole of Republican women can be broadbrused until it rids itself of racist spokesmen. You are judged by the company you keep.

It is impossible to whitewash the sayings of Ann Coulter, Laura Ingraham, Sarah Palin, and even Megyn Kelly. And I can google all day to get more.
When Dr. Laura was yellinmg N***** N****** N*****, I believe she was saying the same thing that Lee Atwater did when he yelled N***** N***** N*****.

And Sarah Palin was saying the same when she advised Dr. Laura, "Don't retreat, but reload."

Ball just wiffed you.

what about when former KKK member Robert Byrd (D-WVA) was yelling N***** N***** N*****?

I don't see any Democrats following his lead, and he eventually apologized for his youthful actions, as did Atwater.

But Dr. Laura and Sarah Palin are very active in Republican politics, and are not the least remorseful of their acts.

They have nothing to be remorseful for. Neither did Lee Atwater.
Conservative women realize that the Republican Party does not best represent their interests, but are willing to set that aside because of their overwhelming hatred for blacks and Hispanics.

you are a nasty hateful pos
I'd slap the shit out of you if I could

how damn dare you assume that about ANY WOMAN I don't care where they lean politically

I dared because I backed it up with quotes.

Really? Where?
I dared because I backled it up with quotes.

you didnt back up anything race-baiting left-wing loser; you took the quotes of two people; and painted a whole party with them; a whole group of women

you're exactly what you are trying to lecture about; a race-obsessed loser and hypocrite

you can't be taken seriously
Do you really think I'd make that assertion with quotes from only two Republican women?

The whole of Republican women can be broadbrused until it rids itself of racist spokesmen. You are judged by the company you keep.

It is impossible to whitewash the sayings of Ann Coulter, Laura Ingraham, Sarah Palin, and even Megyn Kelly. And I can google all day to get more.

are you retarded?

you DID make that assertio with the quotes of only two women.
if you are judged by the company you keep what to make of the RACIST PIG OF A PRESIDENT NAMED OBAMA/
after all he did attend a RACIST CHURCH FOR TWENTY YEARS

and is buddies with fellow chicago racists Rev Wright, Khalid Muhammad, Louis Farrakhan; and dont forget domestic terrorist William Ayers

you're simply an idiot

you ARE exactly what you are here trying to lecture about
I dared because I backled it up with quotes.

you didnt back up anything race-baiting left-wing loser; you took the quotes of two people; and painted a whole party with them; a whole group of women

you're exactly what you are trying to lecture about; a race-obsessed loser and hypocrite

you can't be taken seriously
Do you really think I'd make that assertion with quotes from only two Republican women?

The whole of Republican women can be broadbrused until it rids itself of racist spokesmen. You are judged by the company you keep.

It is impossible to whitewash the sayings of Ann Coulter, Laura Ingraham, Sarah Palin, and even Megyn Kelly. And I can google all day to get more.

I haven't seen a single quote of racist speech yet.
anybody can Google leftard; check this out:

1. Gay rights mafia members calling African Americans the n-word after the passage of Proposition 8.

Back in 2008, then Presidential candidate (and African American) Barack Obama inspired many African Americans to come out to the polls to vote for him. In the wake of this historic election of the first President of his race, one might think that most people, especially liberals, would dispense with racially charged language.

However, when Barack Obama was on the ballot in California, so was Proposition 8, the measure that banned gay marriage in that state. It was widely reported that blacks came out to the polls in droves to support a black a Presidential candidate, but those same blacks voted overwhelmingly in favor of Proposition 8.

This didn’t sit too well with the gay rights mafia. At one Prop 8 protest, the n-word was used to described an African American. Aside from the racial epithet, homosexual haters could be heard saying things like “disappointed with black people” and “most black people hate gays.”
2. Sonia Sotomayor’s “wise Latina” comment

Sonia Sotomayor is, unfortunately, a Supreme Court justice. We say “unfortunately” because she is a racist.

Here’s what she said: “I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would, more often than not, reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn’t lived that life.”

If you don’t think that’s racist, then just imagine if we wrote this: “I would hope that a white male with the richness of his experience would, more often than not, reach a better conclusion that a black woman who hasn’t lived that life.”

What would Chris Matthews say about that statement?

The simple fact of the matter is this: Sonia Sotomayor is a racist. She was placed on the Supreme Court by our current President, the liberal Barack Obama.
2. Sonia Sotomayor’s “wise Latina” comment

Sonia Sotomayor is, unfortunately, a Supreme Court justice. We say “unfortunately” because she is a racist.

Here’s what she said: “I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would, more often than not, reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn’t lived that life.”

If you don’t think that’s racist, then just imagine if we wrote this: “I would hope that a white male with the richness of his experience would, more often than not, reach a better conclusion that a black woman who hasn’t lived that life.”

What would Chris Matthews say about that statement?

The simple fact of the matter is this: Sonia Sotomayor is a racist. She was placed on the Supreme Court by our current President, the liberal Barack Obama.
She qualified herslf as a "wise" latinia, which you did not do in your reversal of roles, and she was speaking of a hypothetical case in which a group of judges confer to reach a decision. It is expected for them to have different opinions. They always do.

Do you have an example of Sotomeyer reaching a racist decision?

No, I thought not.
2. Sonia Sotomayor’s “wise Latina” comment

Sonia Sotomayor is, unfortunately, a Supreme Court justice. We say “unfortunately” because she is a racist.

Here’s what she said: “I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would, more often than not, reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn’t lived that life.”

If you don’t think that’s racist, then just imagine if we wrote this: “I would hope that a white male with the richness of his experience would, more often than not, reach a better conclusion that a black woman who hasn’t lived that life.”

What would Chris Matthews say about that statement?

The simple fact of the matter is this: Sonia Sotomayor is a racist. She was placed on the Supreme Court by our current President, the liberal Barack Obama.
She qualified herslf as a "wise" latinia, which you did not do in your reversal of roles, and she was speaking of a hypothetical case in which a group of judges confer to reach a decision. It is expected for them to have different opinions. They always do.

Do you have an example of Sotomeyer reaching a racist decision?

No, I thought not.

yes i do leftard; her "decision" was that a Hispanic woman would come to a "better conclusion" based on nothing but the idiotic assumption that here merely being Hispanic means she has has "richer" expierences than a white man who "hasnt lived life"

what is an idiotic set of parameters like that worth nutjob?

yea; i didnt think so
3. Barack Obama calling his grandmother a “typical white person”

There’s plenty of evidence that Glenn Beck should never have apologized for calling Barack Obama a racist. First, Obama spent 20 years in the church of a racist hatemonger named Jeremiah Wright. He also appointed a racist named Sonia Sotomayor to the Supreme Court (see the previous point).

President Obama has exhibited stereotypical views of the white race. As the Bible says, “out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks.” Obama made the abundance of his heart clear in a radio interview he conducted back in 2008: “The point I was making was not that my grandmother harbors any racial animosity. She doesn’t. But she is a typical white person who, uh, if she sees somebody on the street that she doesn’t know there’s a reaction that’s been been bred into our experiences that don’t go away and that sometimes come out in the wrong way and that’s just the nature of race in our society.”

A “typical white person”?

what is a typical white person left-wing nutjob?
anybody can Google leftard; check this out:

1. Gay rights mafia members calling African Americans the n-word after the passage of Proposition 8.

Back in 2008, then Presidential candidate (and African American) Barack Obama inspired many African Americans to come out to the polls to vote for him. In the wake of this historic election of the first President of his race, one might think that most people, especially liberals, would dispense with racially charged language.

However, when Barack Obama was on the ballot in California, so was Proposition 8, the measure that banned gay marriage in that state. It was widely reported that blacks came out to the polls in droves to support a black a Presidential candidate, but those same blacks voted overwhelmingly in favor of Proposition 8.

This didn’t sit too well with the gay rights mafia. At one Prop 8 protest, the n-word was used to described an African American. Aside from the racial epithet, homosexual haters could be heard saying things like “disappointed with black people” and “most black people hate gays.”

Bad on them.

By the way, how many of them are prominent Dems? I'm guessing none.

Try comparing leaders to leaders.
2. Sonia Sotomayor’s “wise Latina” comment

Sonia Sotomayor is, unfortunately, a Supreme Court justice. We say “unfortunately” because she is a racist.

Here’s what she said: “I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would, more often than not, reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn’t lived that life.”

If you don’t think that’s racist, then just imagine if we wrote this: “I would hope that a white male with the richness of his experience would, more often than not, reach a better conclusion that a black woman who hasn’t lived that life.”

What would Chris Matthews say about that statement?

The simple fact of the matter is this: Sonia Sotomayor is a racist. She was placed on the Supreme Court by our current President, the liberal Barack Obama.
She qualified herslf as a "wise" latinia, which you did not do in your reversal of roles, and she was speaking of a hypothetical case in which a group of judges confer to reach a decision. It is expected for them to have different opinions. They always do.

Do you have an example of Sotomeyer reaching a racist decision?

No, I thought not.

It's utterly racist, you dumb fuck. Only a racist would attempt to defend such a remark.
3. Barack Obama calling his grandmother a “typical white person”

There’s plenty of evidence that Glenn Beck should never have apologized for calling Barack Obama a racist. First, Obama spent 20 years in the church of a racist hatemonger named Jeremiah Wright. He also appointed a racist named Sonia Sotomayor to the Supreme Court (see the previous point).

President Obama has exhibited stereotypical views of the white race. As the Bible says, “out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks.” Obama made the abundance of his heart clear in a radio interview he conducted back in 2008: “The point I was making was not that my grandmother harbors any racial animosity. She doesn’t. But she is a typical white person who, uh, if she sees somebody on the street that she doesn’t know there’s a reaction that’s been been bred into our experiences that don’t go away and that sometimes come out in the wrong way and that’s just the nature of race in our society.”

A “typical white person”?

what is a typical white person left-wing nutjob?
He was talking about white people who fear groups of young black men.

Just my observation, but I believe this message board is riddled with typical white people.

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