WAR On WOMEN By Republicans

this guy should hope the Doctor lands the TARDIS right in front of him and tells him...next stop 1250 AD.....want me to drop you off?.....

This is the dividing line, right there. Those of us who believe fetuses are children are not waging a war on women. We are waging a war on those of you who believe fetuses are not children.

You can throw up all the "war on women" bullshit smoke and mirrors you like, but the murder of what we believe to be children is what this is really all about. We are not attacking women, we are defending the defenseless.

You want everyone to divert their gaze from the child in the womb and make this about the vagina.

No sale.

Ya, it's a war on women, You can dress that up but you can't take it out.


What? You have something to say?

I'm not blinded by anything. Keep your God laws off my body including reproductive health, and your nose out of my business, equal pay for equal work and we will get along fine.

I don't give a flying rats ass about "your" reproductive health

Apparently you are blinded by your "reproductive health" issue :cuckoo:

Well, then you don't grasp the War on Women. Do ya?

So important is your overt feminism and latent lesbianism, you think it necessary to capitalize 'war on women' as though it was some type of national publication or NYT Best Seller.
This so called war on women is a myth.
If it were true, then educational and employment opportunities for women, which are on the rise, would be contracting.
The problem with you feminzis is your thinking is about 2 3/4 feet south of where it should be.

Oh and they drive big SUV's which target small cars fro crushing......oh wait a minute, most of those are driven by white suburban liberal soccer and hockey moms.
Oh well
Oh my! This Reality posting really brought out all of the trolls from out of the woodwork didn't it! Well, I know the truth hurts but just bear with it until your political party can make reparations to women in this country.

Yes yes yes....God forbid anyone disagree with the liberal viewpoint.
Reparations? Fuck off.
Oh my! This Reality posting really brought out all of the trolls from out of the woodwork didn't it! Well, I know the truth hurts but just bear with it until your political party can make reparations to women in this country.


You are a fool
Ah, that really gets you right where you live doesn't it?! :D

Ok, genius, from where does the money come? a special "man tax"?
Who gets to determine the recipients of said largess? What would be the qualifications to receive said bounty?
This ought to be good.
Well, then you don't grasp the War on Women. Do ya?

I do not grasp, that which is a liberal fantasy. I am not a political pawn....thanks.

By denying the existence of issues, you already are one...thanks.
The 'issues' as you refer to them, do exist.
The problem is that said issues are nonsense and a vast majority of the population including women are giving the issue its due attention...with a collective yawn.
I don't know how to break this to you, but that first line is a bit patronizing.

Or did you think you needed to man 'splain it to me?

Its almost like they consider women this giant monolithic block, with no variations in view, all lockstep with the progressive agenda.

Kind of like how they think of black people.

Kinda like they think that if they pluck a woman out of national obscurity and run her as VP, all women would flock to vote for that party................................... :eusa_whistle: And if they do not, they are sexist.
Now you are getting it. See, Obama campaign....
You guys on the left really need some new talking points.

You guys on the right need to come up with 64 electoral votes more than you received in 2012. Where are they coming from? Any idea?

Please note in the graphic about Obama's margin with women, he lost some of those states. Perhaps a few more percentage points in Hillary's column wins the state for her?

Missouri may be in play.

From people who are disgusted with the Following.
I.RS. scandal
VA. scandal
The situation on the Southern border
The situations in Syria, Iraq, and Ukraine
A still sluggish and weak economy

Ahh but you need to win states in electoral math. Show us the math on what 4-5 states are going to flip from 2012 please.

Abortion is, thankfully for the DEMS a gateway issue. I mean do you really care what someone's economic policy may be if they don't think you can make healthcare decisions yourself?

Healthcare decisions? Define that.

Abortion is, thankfully for the DEMS a gateway issue. I mean do you really care what someone's economic policy may be if they don't think you can make healthcare decisions yourself?

you make that statement with a straight face while supporting government control of overall healthcare???

Ironic, isn't it.

Abortion is, thankfully for the DEMS a gateway issue. I mean do you really care what someone's economic policy may be if they don't think you can make healthcare decisions yourself?

Healthcare decisions? Define that.

Decisions made concerning healthcare.
Conservative women realize that the Republican Party does not best represent their interests, but are willing to set that aside because of their overwhelming hatred for blacks and Hispanics.

really?.....so how do you explain all the Conservative/Republican Woman here in S.Cal who have lived among the Hispanics for decades and have even married them and ..."gasp" had kids with them?.....why would they do that with people they hate?....just askin....

People do grant exceptions for others they know quite well. It doesn't always change their perceptions of the larger group.

Thomas Jefferson treated the woman he loved quite differently than his other slaves.

yea you are married to a Mexican but hate all the others...give me a fucking break.....
Abortion is, thankfully for the DEMS a gateway issue. I mean do you really care what someone's economic policy may be if they don't think you can make healthcare decisions yourself?

you make that statement with a straight face while supporting government control of overall healthcare???


When did I do that? Oh you mean the ACA? Where you buy private insurance to see a private physician?

Lord you're a dumbass.

Ehy Sheila, there ain't nothing private about ACA....The government has its thumb placed firmly upon the heads of every insurance company. Government makes all the rules now. Thanks to far left wing nut like you.
ACA is a dismal failure and this is by design.
Any person with a couple brain cells and healthy dose of skepticism knows ACA is simply a precursor to something more evil......Single payer.
Fortunately, there is not enough time left for The Messiah to cobble together another 'bend of over and grab your ankles' to the country.
Who pays yous guys to come around every election year and post this crud???
No one pays "yous" guys uh, we guys, fyi. :lol: It's information that just needs to be spread out more since it is already out there but not everyone may have seen it.

The screeching of a few very loud lefty moon bats such as yourself is not "passing information"....
It is simply loud screeching.
And it is not that fewer people than what makes you comfortable have not seen it, its that most of the people don't care because it just isn't that important. Never was.
you make that statement with a straight face while supporting government control of overall healthcare???


When did I do that? Oh you mean the ACA? Where you buy private insurance to see a private physician?

Lord you're a dumbass.

Ehy Sheila, there ain't nothing private about ACA....The government has its thumb placed firmly upon the heads of every insurance company. Government makes all the rules now. Thanks to far left wing nut like you.
ACA is a dismal failure and this is by design.
Any person with a couple brain cells and healthy dose of skepticism knows ACA is simply a precursor to something more evil......Single payer.
Fortunately, there is not enough time left for The Messiah to cobble together another 'bend of over and grab your ankles' to the country.

Your opinion is noted and giggled at.
I'm glad to hear that...and I would bet a lot of them don't take to kindly watching Obama and his party try to give Illegal immigrants the privilege of Amnesty for doing nothing but invade our country, while they worked to go through the proper channels

way to go Obama and progressive/Democrats..such a fine job you're doing FOR THE OTHER PARTY :lol:

the people around here that actually have the most disdain for Illegals are the American born Hispanics.....they think their "Cousins" as one guy put it makes ALL Hispanics look bad....

I have heard them say that...I hope they're damn angry enough to vote out all these Progressives in power now....I'm not sure we can get through two more years let alone putting Hillary in to pick up where Obama has left off

they wont back Republicans.....they would have if the more racial among the right would have shut their fucking mouths and not made it a racial issue...at work we were talking about Illegal Immigration and there was a few American Born Mexicans in the Conversation and this newer white kid says to one of the Mexican guys....well if you people would learn the language and stop eating up our social services and make yourself legal maybe their would not be as big of a problem......i thought this kid was going to get his ass kicked right there on the floor.... the "Legal" ones get shit like that a lot around here.....if you are Hispanic you must Illegal....what else can you be?...

Secretary Clinton should do better than the President. Bad news for the GOP.

she is to beat up an old....but of course the Democrats cant come up with anything better so put the old beat up nag in....

Age will not be a factor.

it is to me....that is one stressful job....i wont even consider someone her age.....

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