WAR On WOMEN By Republicans

Conservative women realize that the Republican Party does not best represent their interests, but are willing to set that aside because of their overwhelming hatred for blacks and Hispanics.

Mind readers of the world unite!

"N***** N***** N******" Dr. Laura

"Shukin' and jivin" Sarah Palin

"If we took away women's right to vote, we'd never have to worry about another Democratic president. It's kind of a pipe dream.It's a personal fantasy of mine, but I don't think it's going to happen. And it is a good way of making the point that women are voting so stupidly, at least single women." Ann Coulter

You don't have to read their minds.

Actually, you do. There are millions of conservative women. You cite a few quotes from a few women with no link to context. Please keep trying, though. I hear tin foil amplifies the thought waves, makes them easier to read.
What is hilarious about your tripe is that you've described the exact same scenario Governor Romney faced. Yet...you voted for him...didn't you? Gosh you are a fucking idiot.

Anyway, HIllary should do much better than Obama with the women's vote giving the Dems an even more sizable advantage. :lol:

Your version of wishful thinking is amusing.
Once again you have shown you are too stupid to realize that you are bashing women as in lockstep for democrat voters.
Is it your contention that women are mind numbed gnats like you who think the alphabet should have but one letter..... "D"

No but when the leader of the GOP calls women who have sex "sluts" and people like you applaud Mr. Limbaugh...that tells you all you need to know about the GOP.

Limbaugh? He's a voice on the radio, not the leader of the GOP. I just love it when someone outside the group insists they know more about the group than the people on the inside.
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Ahh but you need to win states in electoral math. Show us the math on what 4-5 states are going to flip from 2012 please.

Show something that proves they won't right now Obama has about the same approval rating Bush did in his second term and that cost the Republicans in the midterms which will likely happen to the Democrats as well. After that it cost them the Whitehouse one party rarely wins the Presidency three elections in a row unless things are going very well for the country or the current President is very popular neither is the case here.

So you're appealing to the old "Anything is possible" nonsense.

Reality check; the Presidency is decided in modern day by about 9-11 swing states.


And you could add in IN and NC perhaps.

Thrill us all for a moment and point out any other blue state that will swing to red in 2016. There are none. There are likely no red states that will swing to blue with the possible exception of Arkansas. In 2016 politics the die is cast. Those states above are the ones that will pick our next President. Could 4 or 5 swing to the GOP? Perhaps. But it's unlikely given the demographics that the GOP has worked very hard in alienating.
As opposed to your nothing changes nonsense. You think because the war on women talking point worked in 2012 it will work again in 2016? If the Democratic nominee is seen as Obamas third term no amount of war on women talking points will help them don't believe it look no farther than 2008 when John McCain got branded as Bush's third term.
Seriously, why would any intelligent and sane woman vote Republican? In the past it made some sense - but not today's GOP. Even I used to vote Republican as much or more than Democrat - but no more. Reagan cured me of that.

why would any sane and intelligent PERSON vote for either party?......seriously....

Because in many places, the system is rigged by mutual agreement between the two parties to restrict other parties from fully participating. In Oklahoma, we have closed primaries. Third party or independents can't vote in the primaries. Add to that the fact that media outlets very often only let the top two in the polls debate, and the other guys are shut out. There might be other party candidates on the ballot, but you've never heard of them and know little about them. Even if you do...as I do because I like to be informed.....most other people don't know and therefore your candidate doesn't stand a chance. In that event, you can vote on principle for a guy you know doesn't have a snowball's chance in hell of getting elected or you vote for the lesser of two evils and pick the rat bastard who will do the least damage.

its up to the people of this Country to change that....you know the controlled "Party" people wont be any help so its going to up to those of us who are not controlled and are sick and tired of these 2 useless parties keeping everyone else out of the running......
Yes we see how the hatred from the far left pours out when women step out from the far left religion.

You women have "rights" as long as you stay in the place the far left has set up for you other wise you will be subject to abuse.

Yep the whole reason to vote for left and stay a political slave.
Show something that proves they won't right now Obama has about the same approval rating Bush did in his second term and that cost the Republicans in the midterms which will likely happen to the Democrats as well. After that it cost them the Whitehouse one party rarely wins the Presidency three elections in a row unless things are going very well for the country or the current President is very popular neither is the case here.

So you're appealing to the old "Anything is possible" nonsense.

Reality check; the Presidency is decided in modern day by about 9-11 swing states.


And you could add in IN and NC perhaps.

Thrill us all for a moment and point out any other blue state that will swing to red in 2016. There are none. There are likely no red states that will swing to blue with the possible exception of Arkansas. In 2016 politics the die is cast. Those states above are the ones that will pick our next President. Could 4 or 5 swing to the GOP? Perhaps. But it's unlikely given the demographics that the GOP has worked very hard in alienating.
As opposed to your nothing changes nonsense. You think because the war on women talking point worked in 2012 it will work again in 2016? If the Democratic nominee is seen as Obamas third term no amount of war on women talking points will help them don't believe it look no farther than 2008 when John McCain got branded as Bush's third term.

You're right on the first part; not so correct about the second part. The issues do change from election to election. That much is correct. But lets look at what the GOP has done since 2012 to engender (pun intended) themselves toward women:

From October 2012, here is TEA Party dreamboat Marco Rubio about the LLFPA:

On the Sunday talk show circuit, Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) criticized the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act as nothing more a giveaway to trial lawyers.

"Just because they call a piece of legislation an equal pay bill doesn't make it so," he said on ABC's "This Week." "In fact, much of this legislation is, in many respects, nothing but an effort to help trial lawyers collect their fees and file lawsuits, which may not contribute at all whatsoever to increasing pay equity in the workplace."

Yeah, winning lawsuits for women does nothing to get them equal pay. Sell that in Toledo.

New, more restrictive abortion laws have sprung up in the following states in the last 3 years:



Mostly, they are in states where you have GOP governors willing to sign the laws.

But on the plus side, the GOP plan will cut a few million more from the deficit than the Democrats plan...as if anyone cares that the deficit is $16T instead of $17T.

It really is like shooting fish in a barrel. Bring me more fish; they're all dead Amigo.
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Your version of wishful thinking is amusing.
Once again you have shown you are too stupid to realize that you are bashing women as in lockstep for democrat voters.
Is it your contention that women are mind numbed gnats like you who think the alphabet should have but one letter..... "D"

No but when the leader of the GOP calls women who have sex "sluts" and people like you applaud Mr. Limbaugh...that tells you all you need to know about the GOP.

Limbaugh? He's a voice on the radio, not the leader of the GOP. I just love it when someone outside the group insists they know more about the group than the people on the inside.

Really? Who is the leader of the GOP...John Boehner? You really want to play that card?
I don't know how to break this to you, but that first line is a bit patronizing.

Or did you think you needed to man 'splain it to me?

Its almost like they consider women this giant monolithic block, with no variations in view, all lockstep with the progressive agenda.

Kind of like how they think of black people.

Kinda like they think that if they pluck a woman out of national obscurity and run her as VP, all women would flock to vote for that party................................... :eusa_whistle: And if they do not, they are sexist.
If you can find me anyone who said people are sexist for not voting for Palin, that'd be great.

Meanwhile, back in reality, we pointing out sexism aimed at Palin because it was sexist.

Or do you not see a problem with these quotes?
For all these reasons, I have put together a quick survey of sexist comments from Eschaton and Democratic Underground threads. They are not the majority of the harsh Palin comments and not even a significant minority. But they appeared not to provoke any discussion or any disagreement.

Sarah Palin talks like a beauty pagent queen.

She says a lot of words in order to look all intelligent and stuff in order to fill out the time a person of normal IQ would take to answer the question...


she thought she was pulling of a cunning stunt with her announcement.


she thought she was pulling of a cunning stunt with her announcement.



I'm disappointed. I thought all that beauty pageant stage walking Palin did would have better prepared her for this epic fail.


Yeah, maybe Carrie Prejean can co-host with Sarah. They seem like they have a lot in common.


Let's put it this way.

Sarah Palin is probably a sexual object in the sense of most porn starlets.

Good sex (there is no other kind) but you want her out of your bed before the cock crows, because the thought of having to make small talk with her over breakfast repulses you no end.


Palin's not hot. She's actually pretty dick deflating, in an ignorant-stupid-moralistic way. Sorry, but she's a typical 40 - something GOP woman that thinks with that push-up bra, tummy tuck panty hose, and makeup from hell that she still has it.

she doesn't.


She has 6 pounds of cake on her face, is unbelievably stupid, arrogant, and mean, and probably smells pretty bad.

Yeah - a real doll.


"She has 6 pounds of cake on her face, is unbelievably stupid, arrogant, and mean, and probably smells pretty bad.

Yeah - a real doll."

Guys pay extra for all that.


so Palin found a clever way to piss off the MSM in a big way before the long week-end

man, waht a bitch!


she gets on national tv and rambles for 20 minutes...but don't talk about her

And do we get a great shot of her tits? NO!!!!!


I could've straightened her out with a good, hard spanking, but Cindy wouldn't let me.

Now look what's happened . . .
John McCain |


UPDATE: Palin changed her mind again. She's quitting, again.


TOP STORY: Palin changed her mind a third time. She's staying. For now.

Praise Jeebus!


No one should be surprised Sarah didn't serve her full term.

She didn't go full term with Trigg either.


Child services should remove those children from the "care" of their obviously insane mother. She's on par with that woman who gave birth into a toilet.


I felt a lot of pity for her family today. Why did they have to there when she rambled on and on, for so long? Can't she do something by herself?


So you need a disabled infant more than a disabled infant needs you? WTF?

That poor baby sure has his work cut for himself, propping up that damn bawling woman. I wonder if Angelina Jolie is up for a rescue mission.

I mean...seriously. It's disturbing.


Word is that Sarah has developed a fascination for fashionable clothes since the election and she is driving the Palin household towards bankruptcy. Todd has insisted that she peddle her ass to the highest bidder or get out.


palin's pregnant with levi's love child.


I hope she can become a spokesperson for drilling in ANWR now, and helping this country become independent of foreign oil.

She should pose naked on a drilling rig.


Taking bets how long before Palin poses for Playboy......


Maybe she's pregnant again

Possible names:

Twig, Swig, Swag, Cog, Bunk, Tweet


Does this mean she'll finally go away???

I am so sick of Drama Queen Barbie.


Th asshole is going to be a constant reminder of what you can do with NO qualifications

Goodbye you whore.


Go ahead and tell me why these don't count because they're message board posters.
Women apparently are not paying as close attention to what Republicans think of them as they should. The following are just a few of the many more reasons women should not support Conservatives.

You never see liberal women dressed in brain costumes to protest anything.


Liberals seem to think that women are nothing more than their genitals, and that the only issues they're concerned with are abortion and free birth control.

Now, I believe you were saying something stupid about a war on women...?

Is candycorn in that pic?
I think so. She's the one that thinks she's entitled to something for free that others have paid for.

Oh, wait...

To you, someone being female, black, gay, etc is just a chance to exploit and divide. Women, blacks, gays, etc. all benefit from less government.

What you don't grasp is that women, blacks, gays, etc. are all ... wait for it .... people. Which is why you are the one who has a problem with women.
Liberals are unable to see people as individuals. They're nothing but faceless members of voting blocs.

And Gaea help the person who sets foot out of the cubbyhole the left has placed him in. Liberals hate people who think for themselves.
No but when the leader of the GOP calls women who have sex "sluts" and people like you applaud Mr. Limbaugh...that tells you all you need to know about the GOP.

Limbaugh? He's a voice on the radio, not the leader of the GOP. I just love it when someone outside the group insists they know more about the group than the people on the inside.

Really? Who is the leader of the GOP...John Boehner? You really want to play that card?

Limbaugh has no title in the GOP, collects no paycheck from it. I thought that was patently obvious to all but the most obtuse. Oh wait, there is the whole conspiracy angle, you know, the one where the terminally ill-informed believe that every morning Rush picks up the phone and informs all the public bigwigs of the party what they're supposed to say and do for the day. :badgrin:
You guys on the right need to come up with 64 electoral votes more than you received in 2012. Where are they coming from? Any idea?

Please note in the graphic about Obama's margin with women, he lost some of those states. Perhaps a few more percentage points in Hillary's column wins the state for her?

Missouri may be in play.

Stop with the Helen Reddy " I am woman, hear me roar" bullshit.
I think women are sick and tired of the feminist movement holding them back in the workplace. I think women are sick of democrats telling them what to do and how to think.

Congratulations on going from "Its my understanding" to "I think". You understand nothing and don't make us laugh by insinuating that you ever "think". You're a party hack who can't stand that your demographic is slipping into obscurity and it's only hope for revival is to "understand" and "hope" that your betters want to get onto your sinking ship.
You have a vagina costume, don't you?
Stop with the Helen Reddy " I am woman, hear me roar" bullshit.
I think women are sick and tired of the feminist movement holding them back in the workplace. I think women are sick of democrats telling them what to do and how to think.

Congratulations on going from "Its my understanding" to "I think". You understand nothing and don't make us laugh by insinuating that you ever "think". You're a party hack who can't stand that your demographic is slipping into obscurity and it's only hope for revival is to "understand" and "hope" that your betters want to get onto your sinking ship.

You are really very boring.
My betters? As in 'mind your betters"?
Very arrogant of you.
I call it factual but to each their own.

First you spew these stupid stats that you hope will convince others that Hillary Clinton is as good as elected based on what?
Never said such thing. I said that she will likely get more of the women's vote than your President.

What I did say about the General Election is that the GOP needs to come up with 64 flips in the electoral college and, to date, nobody has come up with the formula by which they will regardless of whether it is Hillary running or not.

That in your mind women will vote in lockstep?
Actually when you asked if I thought that, I said no. I did say that the GOP gives women zero reason to support them which is also factual.

And with this you claim to be 'better" than I?
The facts speak for themselves; I usually supply a source for my contentions and base my punditry on more than "I think" and "From what I hear". I think that a woman will get more votes from women than a man did. Gee, what a shocking thing to say...right? And, to top it off, I want to talk politics in a political forum.

You'd better check your fire there, missy.
Missy? I couldn't have made the case that you're 3 generations behind the times better than you just did.

And I like how you carefully couched your inference to "old white guys"....Not only are you a sexist..You're also a racist.
Never said it. But since you brought it up, CBS News chief politcal correspondent John Dickerson said that there are 109 minority/majority districts in the US Congerss. Of those 109, Democrats were elected in 99 of them. Apparently minorities have determined who better represents their interest.

And if you believe that all conservative voters are old, male and white, you' need an education.
The programming sometimes works on the weak minded youngsters as well; agreed. Has Obama taken your guns yet? No? I'm sure he's on his way.

You should also recognize the fact that you are closed minded.
We are most assuredly through here.

Translation...you've gotten your ass kicked yet again and have left the debate hall. Happens every time.

Need more fish on Aisle 2.
Limbaugh? He's a voice on the radio, not the leader of the GOP. I just love it when someone outside the group insists they know more about the group than the people on the inside.

Really? Who is the leader of the GOP...John Boehner? You really want to play that card?

Limbaugh has no title in the GOP, collects no paycheck from it. I thought that was patently obvious to all but the most obtuse. Oh wait, there is the whole conspiracy angle, you know, the one where the terminally ill-informed believe that every morning Rush picks up the phone and informs all the public bigwigs of the party what they're supposed to say and do for the day. :badgrin:

How cute you think so.

So, who is the head of the GOP again...John Boehner?
you are a nasty hateful pos
I'd slap the shit out of you if I could

how damn dare you assume that about ANY WOMAN I don't care where they lean politically

I dared because I backed it up with quotes.

There were no quotes in your post.

Republican women are Republicans because they reject your premise that they need government handouts and special treatment to feel like women.

Democrats see women as women, Republicans see them as people.

You're the sexists.

The Republicans suck, but that they don't target women with party favors for being women isn't why.

I quoted Dr. Laura's N***** N***** N***** incident, and Sarah Palin's support of it.

Also quoted Ann Coulter where she wanted to remove the right to vote from women. That wasn't a racist comment, but it does seem to belie your belief that Reps see women as people and Dems don't.

Quoted Palin again on her shuckin' and jivin' comment.

She's a national leader. Perhaps you've heard of her? She's frequently mentioned as a presidential candidate.

I'd say her opinion carries a little weight in her party ...more so than yours.

One other quote I was going to work in somewhere, was Colin Powell's "Dark Vein of Intolerance" speech. What do you think that was about?

You might not know of it because it didn't get much play on Fox.
Really? Who is the leader of the GOP...John Boehner? You really want to play that card?

Limbaugh has no title in the GOP, collects no paycheck from it. I thought that was patently obvious to all but the most obtuse. Oh wait, there is the whole conspiracy angle, you know, the one where the terminally ill-informed believe that every morning Rush picks up the phone and informs all the public bigwigs of the party what they're supposed to say and do for the day. :badgrin:

How cute you think so.

So, who is the head of the GOP again...John Boehner?

There is no nominee for president at this time, and Boehner doesn't have the confidence of the rank and file, so you may have to go with Reince Priebus if you want a face to bash. Right now, there's a sea change coming in leadership. At any rate, it's certainly not Rush.
"This is what I want to see: Identify the problem, resolve the problem, tell me what can be accomplished, tell me what can't be accomplished, tell me what the obstacles are. This needs to occur on the local, state and national level.

There is a war on women. Yes, there is a class war. It's real."
WHAT "problem"?....
With your radical posturing, you create your own obstacles.
"War on women" is just another political buzz term created to shore up a political base.
The term does not have standing to be preceded by "The"...There is no "the war on women"....Its a made up term. So you can forget it....Wanna know why? Because nobody cares.
You claim you despise extremism from both the right and the left. Yet you label yourself a liberal feminist. I cannot think of a group of people who are more extreme than a bunch of liberal feminists.
So please. Take your bullshit to another whiny little lib bank. We're no longer accepting your deposits.

Keep thinking that!:up:

Because by the time you get around to reading all of my posts. You will realize that you don't have jack shit.
And you can keep screaming about this alleged war. That and 50 cents gets you a senior coffee at Burger King
Reading your posts? Are you really that self important and narcissistic?
Remember, progressives think "being a progressive" is an accomplishment worthy of putting on their resumes and that gives their opinions the weight of fact.
did i say that or did you?......i said explain the Conservative/Republican Woman who are....not all White Woman....nice try though....

In that case, I would explain them as anomalies.
anything to explain it away instead of just realizing that not all Conservatives are like you and others claim they are....

You asked me to explain, and then criticized me for explaining. Did you just have a brain fart?

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