WAR On WOMEN By Republicans

What a narrow minded and ignorant statement.

Many blacks and whites who were born during the Depression were birthed by midwifes, as well as today in certain parts of this country. There is no official record of the birth therefore it's impossible for them to meet 5 he new voting ID requirements. Others, the poor you so disdain, simply can't afford it.

Put down that wide brush, mkay?

Really, dimwit? You REALLY think the laws haven't already made provisions for the circumstances of people born in the 1930s by now? You really think those people have lived all these decades without any sort of ID? How the fuck do you think they're getting Social Security checks and Medicare?

Stop talking, I beg you. Any more ignorance is bound to cause some sort of tear in the fabric of space and time with the sheer force of its stupidity.

Please feel free to show me, with links, the efforts states have made to alleviate both points I made.

yeah. I know you can't, [MENTION=14617]Cecilie1200[/MENTION].

All your excuses hasn't stopped illegal immigrants, who can't speak English and carry with them no records of birth, from obtaining a state's drivers license with a photo paid by the taxpayer. Some states even offer them free medical and education. If illegals are already capable of obtaining all this, what makes you think a voter ID from LEGAL citizens is so hard to obtain? Do you really want to cling unto your racist remarks as your best excuse against voter ID? Surely you can do a lot better than this, as you are losing this argument.

Democrats used to insult Black people by claiming that they were too ignorant to obtain a photo I.D. when every person in modern society has one. Now the radical left has the nerve to claim that wonderful women in Texas are too stupid to obtain a photo I.D.. If it wasn't for lies the radical left would have nothing to say. As a matter of fact the perceived democrat candidate for president is the freaking symbol of not only the war on women but the effort to keep Americans so stupid that they forgot the sleaze bag Arkansas misfits we had to put up with during the 90's. Look it up, Hillary's effort to ruin the life of every woman who was molested by her husband is on record in the sleaze bag "bimbo eruption squad" that left wing journalists giggled about.

What a narrow minded and ignorant statement.

Many blacks and whites who were born during the Depression were birthed by midwifes, as well as today in certain parts of this country. There is no official record of the birth therefore it's impossible for them to meet 5 he new voting ID requirements. Others, the poor you so disdain, simply can't afford it.

Put down that wide brush, mkay?

My grandmother was born at home, delivered by a midwife. She managed to get any and all ID needed for voting with no trouble. My wife cannot get her birth certificate. She also managed to get any and all ID needed for voting with no trouble. Stupidity and laziness are NOT virtues!
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Democrats used to insult Black people by claiming that they were too ignorant to obtain a photo I.D. when every person in modern society has one. Now the radical left has the nerve to claim that wonderful women in Texas are too stupid to obtain a photo I.D.. If it wasn't for lies the radical left would have nothing to say. As a matter of fact the perceived democrat candidate for president is the freaking symbol of not only the war on women but the effort to keep Americans so stupid that they forgot the sleaze bag Arkansas misfits we had to put up with during the 90's. Look it up, Hillary's effort to ruin the life of every woman who was molested by her husband is on record in the sleaze bag "bimbo eruption squad" that left wing journalists giggled about.

What a narrow minded and ignorant statement.

Many blacks and whites who were born during the Depression were birthed by midwifes, as well as today in certain parts of this country. There is no official record of the birth therefore it's impossible for them to meet 5 he new voting ID requirements. Others, the poor you so disdain, simply can't afford it.

Put down that wide brush, mkay?

Pull up to any black neighborhood and offer a $100 bill to anyone who can produce a valid ID and watch how easily people can get them.

Hell--offer a $100 bill and you could probably BUY an ID!
Conservative women don't need help from the government or legislation to succeed in life ... So any political twist on the idea of Conservative women and any War on Women is absolute bullshit!

Equal Pay ...
Screw equal pay ... I want to get paid what I am worth according to the job I do.
Working for a corporation I made promotions at twice the rate or better than my male co-workers.
I earned more money than my male counterparts while holding the same position ... Because I could do the job better, more efficiently and at a lower cost to the organization.

I own my own business now, but when in the workforce I never wanted to make the same as men ... I wanted to earn more than they did and was successful in doing so.

Vore ID Laws ...
Progresive Liberals attempt to throw women in with the rest of the stupid dumbasses that cannot seem to be able to get a valid picture ID.
Conservative women can obtian proper ID ... We know where the DMV is and can drive ourselves.

Violence Against Women ...
Lock and Load Bitch ... The 2nd Amendment applies to everyone.
If you let men treat you like shit .. They will in some cases.
Dump the bums ... And if they take joy in threatening you or beating you and you are uncomfortable around firearms ... A baseball bat works just as well.

Women apparently are not paying as close attention to what Republicans think of them as they should

Yes, you respect women and treat them as equals, even better than equals. Well, as long as they're good little liberals who agree with your every political view, otherwise you crush them as the useless bitches that they are.

Here's a dime, buy a clue. You don't respect women unless you respect them regardless of whether or not they agree with you.
The GOP needs women, and that means respecting their needs, all of them, including birth control, which should be covered in health care plans.
Number of laws proposed by Republicans related to women's reproduction - 2,000.

Number of laws proposed by Republicans related to men's reproduction - 0.
Number of laws proposed by Republicans related to women's reproduction - 2,000.

Number of laws proposed by Republicans related to men's reproduction - 0.

Number of people who care what you post - 0 (including your mother).
Conservative women don't need help from the government or legislation to succeed in life ... So any political twist on the idea of Conservative women and any War on Women is absolute bullshit!

Equal Pay ...
Screw equal pay ... I want to get paid what I am worth according to the job I do.
Working for a corporation I made promotions at twice the rate or better than my male co-workers.
I earned more money than my male counterparts while holding the same position ... Because I could do the job better, more efficiently and at a lower cost to the organization.

I own my own business now, but when in the workforce I never wanted to make the same as men ... I wanted to earn more than they did and was successful in doing so.

Vore ID Laws ...
Progresive Liberals attempt to throw women in with the rest of the stupid dumbasses that cannot seem to be able to get a valid picture ID.
Conservative women can obtian proper ID ... We know where the DMV is and can drive ourselves.

Violence Against Women ...
Lock and Load Bitch ... The 2nd Amendment applies to everyone.
If you let men treat you like shit .. They will in some cases.
Dump the bums ... And if they take joy in threatening you or beating you and you are uncomfortable around firearms ... A baseball bat works just as well.

Aye. Be sure to put at least one 60 penny nail on the end of it just to emphasis the seriousness of the offense.
A lot of Republican women will be voting Democrat in November.

Then they really aren't Republican are they?
They are married to Republican men, and usually vote with their husbands.

Not this November. It's one of the keys to Democratic victory. Along with Hispanics, college-age, Blacks, and single women.

And sane Republicans who are tired of know-nothing cavemen running their party.

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