War Party Lying US Into Another War

Iran, perceiving threat from West, willing to attack on U.S. soil, U.S. intelligence report finds

"U.S. intelligence agencies believe that Iran is prepared to launch terrorist attacks inside the United States in response to perceived threats from America and its allies, the U.S. spy chief said Tuesday."

Shit, lets also invade Iran under false pretenses.

I mean, we can afford it , we are only in the hole by 15 TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTrillion dollars.

If the natives get restless they will impose martial fucking law.

As Always, Heil Hitler.


Yeah the story they gave about Iran trying to hire the Mexican cartel to kill a Saudi official in the U.S. is lol funny.
The utopia you pacifists seek doesn't exist.

Atta boy, avoid answering any of my questions directly, then resort back to ad hominem.

Ad hominem is about the best argument for a pro-warmongering/nation-building policy, as there's no logical reason for it.
The utopia you pacifists seek doesn't exist.

Atta boy, avoid answering any of my questions directly, then resort back to ad hominem.

Ad hominem is about the best argument for a pro-warmongering/nation-building policy, as there's no logical reason for it.

Fuck nation building. Bomb them back a few decades and let them deal with the aftermath. To the victor go the spoils has been perverted beyond belief. Fuck em
It's all just a sad vicious circle Foreign Policy. Perpetual War for perpetual Peace. Ever notice how we always get the perpetual War, but never get the perpetual Peace? See the pattern here? Time for Americans to figure this stuff out. Engaging in Endless Wars and surrendering our Freedom & Liberties, will not make us 'Safer.' It will actually only achieve the opposite effect. So stop helping the Elite and Military Industial Complex destroy our Nation. Do it for your country.
I think that we cannot sit around and hope that Iran doesn't build a nuclear weapon. I think that once they have the ability to make one, it will be too late to stop them. It is our duty to preserve this planet, at all costs for future generations. Nuclear Proliferation is something worth fighting for if anything is. We must not allow them achieve weapon grade uranium. If they set a bomb off or got a surrogate group to do so, I do not want to be one of those people saying "well I guess we should have done something about it." Nuclear bombs is not something you want to be too late to address.

Yes we can "sit around" and wait till Iran has a nuke or two. Further I would wait till they brag about having said nukes and make some kind of threat to use them. Then and only THEN do we have a right to attack them. So THEN we nuke em back BEFORE the stone age. I don't see the problem. Just What do you think Iran would or could do with a nuke if they had one? Blow up Israel? Israel has had more than enough time to sort out a peace with the Arabs. They have EVERYTHING coming to them that they have been begging for. I don't give a flying crap about Israel. They made thier own bed..let them lie or die in it.

Yea lets nuke an entire nation, and kill millions of innocent people.. that sounds so smart.. are you fucking dumb man? You think that dropping nukes THESE days with how powerful they are, won't be detrimental to the entire world?? And furthermore I could give two shits less WHO Iran decides to blow up with their nuke(s). The fact is that NOBODY deserves to be attacked with a nuke. What an awful invention on mans part..
Iran is surrounded by countries with nukes. Last I checked, the world is quite full of nukes AND hostilities. Yet, only one country has ever nuked another. I wonder who that could have been. :eusa_whistle:

And how many wars has that country fought since then, and dropped nukes?? O last time I checked. Perhaps we learned the error of our ways.
'Perpetual War for perpetual Peace.' It's just the way the Elite and Military Industrial Complex want it. Oh well, another day another War i guess.

Yep, Fighting For Peace Is Like Fucking For Virginity


Yes, endless War = Peace. It really is a wonderful Foreign Policy no? And don't forget, endless War also makes us safer here at home. Oh, and giving up our Freedom & Liberty makes us safer too. Man, what a sad mess. Is there really any hope for this Nation?
War Party Lying US Into Another War

OK, I give up. Which is the war party? Since it hasn't happened yet, I can't tell. Now after the war I can because Republicans will insist the disaster was a success and Democrats will pretend they hadn't lied and supported it before the war. But since we're in the pre-war stage I still can't tell them apart.
Iran, perceiving threat from West, willing to attack on U.S. soil, U.S. intelligence report finds

"U.S. intelligence agencies believe that Iran is prepared to launch terrorist attacks inside the United States in response to perceived threats from America and its allies, the U.S. spy chief said Tuesday."

Shit, lets also invade Iran under false pretenses.

I mean, we can afford it , we are only in the hole by 15 TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTrillion dollars.

If the natives get restless they will impose martial fucking law.

As Always, Heil Hitler.


There is no reason we have to fight a ground war with Iran. We have the technology to wipe them off the earth. My brother and sister have lived when there were no nuclear weapons on the earth. I have not. I grew up with and incredible fear of thermonuclear war. But now, I believe we really need to look again at that possibility. We are no longer the big kid on the block, and true savages are overtaking this planet. The rest of the world now doubts our strength, and proves that doubt to us every day. We need to strut it out and show them. And FWIW, as the crow flies, I live about 10 minutes from Fort Campbell. In the event of a return nuclear volley from some other enemy, I would be vaporized.
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war with Iran is inevitable. We can sit here and whine all we want, but bottom line is America doesn't want them to acquire nukes, and they seem hellbent on producing one.. so you do the math. I am not pro-war, but I am ALL for stopping nuclear proliferation. Those weapons are such a bad mistake, and NO other country needs to acquire new nukes, and moreover the countries that have them, need to start getting rid of them. I know the U.S. and Russia are, with the new round of START Treaty, but this needs to be a global effort. In no way should man posses a weapon that can destroy this planet 100 times over. We were given the gift of this planet and life, and we have NO right to destroy that..what peculiar little creatures we are to be so arrogant, and destructive.
what a load of crap....yet the sheeple keep eating it up.

Every politically controlled educational system will inculcate the doctrine of state supremacy sooner or later. . . . Once that doctrine has been accepted, it becomes an almost superhuman task to break the stranglehold of the political power over the life of the citizen. It has had his body, property and mind in its clutches from infancy. An octopus would sooner release its prey. A tax-supported, compulsory educational system is the complete model of the totalitarian state.

–Isabel Paterson, The God of the Machine (1943)

Iran, perceiving threat from West, willing to attack on U.S. soil, U.S. intelligence report finds

"U.S. intelligence agencies believe that Iran is prepared to launch terrorist attacks inside the United States in response to perceived threats from America and its allies, the U.S. spy chief said Tuesday."

Shit, lets also invade Iran under false pretenses.

I mean, we can afford it , we are only in the hole by 15 TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTrillion dollars.

If the natives get restless they will impose martial fucking law.

As Always, Heil Hitler.


perhaps you should immediately retreat to your bunker before you soil yourself entirely.
Iran, perceiving threat from West, willing to attack on U.S. soil, U.S. intelligence report finds

"U.S. intelligence agencies believe that Iran is prepared to launch terrorist attacks inside the United States in response to perceived threats from America and its allies, the U.S. spy chief said Tuesday."

Shit, lets also invade Iran under false pretenses.

I mean, we can afford it , we are only in the hole by 15 TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTrillion dollars.

If the natives get restless they will impose martial fucking law.

As Always, Heil Hitler.

I do not think it is about starting another war. I believe it is an attempt to back out of the budget control act signed into law in 2011. Some wish to reassign the cuts to areas outside the military by using scare tactics. It is currently being pumped up by the CEO of Defense. This is how it was planned from the beginning. It is a very dangerous thing to keep pushing the poor into a corner. Martial law, well I am not sure the directives of the military will be complied with by true Americans. I can not imagine most of the military will kill or imprison fellow Americans over the issue of money. I dislike in very strong measure some peoples opinions, however I NEVER wish them harm.
Iran, perceiving threat from West, willing to attack on U.S. soil, U.S. intelligence report finds

"U.S. intelligence agencies believe that Iran is prepared to launch terrorist attacks inside the United States in response to perceived threats from America and its allies, the U.S. spy chief said Tuesday."

Shit, lets also invade Iran under false pretenses.

I mean, we can afford it , we are only in the hole by 15 TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTrillion dollars.

If the natives get restless they will impose martial fucking law.

As Always, Heil Hitler.


perhaps you should immediately retreat to your bunker before you soil yourself entirely.

Reps and dems are the ones scared to death, that's why they run to big gov't throwing money at their feet asking them to save us from the big boogeyman. Which for this generation, is muslims.

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