War With Syria: Yea Or Nay?

Do You Support War With Syria?

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If someone says yes they better explain themselves.

I say maybe and for the following reasons.

The entire world has agreed that the use of chemical weapons is forbidden. The US really screwed the pooch during the Iraq/Iran war and this is the result. If this gets a pass, more and more chemical weapons will be used. They are cheap and very effective. They also leave a really big mess.

That posted, the President should follow the Constitution on this one.

He should wait until the UN inspections are done. If they show that Chemical Weapons were used, he should come up with a plan for limited action with very specific goals and definable benchmarks.

Once done, he should go to congress and present the case for war..allow robust debate and abide by their decision.

This would be the same Congress that voted for War with Iraq before it was against it?

Sorry, I am against this because even though the use of Chemical Weapons is bad, it is also an internal matter.

And frankly, it isn't like there are a bunch of freedom fighters over there. The guys fighting Assad are just as bad as he is, maybe worse. And definitely aligned with Al Qaeda.

Also, on Chemical Weapons, the "Cutting Edge Weapon of 1914", it is disingenous to lump them in with Nuclear and Biological weapons. But we do. And when someone uses them, we scream "WMD!!!!"

Testimony from victims now strongly suggests it was the rebels, not the Syrian government, that used Sarin Nerve Gas during a recent incident in the revolution-wracked nation, a senior UN diplomat said Monday.
Carla del Ponte, a member of the UN Independent International Commission of Inquiry on Syria, told Swiss TV there were “strong, concrete suspicions but not yet incontrovertible proof,” that rebels seeking to oust Syrian President Bashar al-Assad had used the nerve agent.

Which is what some of us have been saying since the leaked emails from January. Notice no MS "news" outlets in America have repeated this? Gee, I wonder why......



I'm seeing a lot of articles that make military action seem inevitable.

Just as with Iraq, I'm waving my arms, saying "please don't do this".

Doesn't seem to be working. Again.

I'd fully support carpet bombing the entire middle east, but to just bomb Syria for the purpose of helping AQ/MB to gain control ---fuck no.
The Government/Media Complex has its work cut out for it on this one. This War is not currently being supported by the People. They're gonna have to really ramp up that War Propaganda. They have to move those Poll numbers up. So look for 'Assad = Hitler' by the end of the week. Unfortunately, they've proven it works. Heavy saturation of War Propaganda does move Polls in support of Wars. But i guess we'll see if the People buy it this time. Stay tuned.
Tensions rising
Obabble monitoring
Russia warning
China objecting
Iran threatening
Arab world divided
Us military ready to go.

The world under Obabble...not a satisfactory situation.
Tensions rising
Obabble monitoring
Russia warning
China objecting
Iran threatening
Arab world divided
Us military ready to go.

The world under Obabble...not a satisfactory situation.

The result of Obama's naive "outreach to the Muslim world" and "reset with Russia".
Looks like it's going to happen. But it's still worth checking out what USMB thinks.

It probably will but has anyone considered sending this URL to Obama and see if he's after short term bribes from arms dealers or long term votes from Americans?
Looks like it's going to happen. But it's still worth checking out what USMB thinks.

It probably will but has anyone considered sending this URL to Obama and see if he's after short term bribes from arms dealers or long term votes from Americans?

I don't think it's anything more complicated that he's made a threat and now he has to make good on it.
If someone says yes they better explain themselves.

I say maybe and for the following reasons.

The entire world has agreed that the use of chemical weapons is forbidden. The US really screwed the pooch during the Iraq/Iran war and this is the result. If this gets a pass, more and more chemical weapons will be used. They are cheap and very effective. They also leave a really big mess.

That posted, the President should follow the Constitution on this one.

He should wait until the UN inspections are done. If they show that Chemical Weapons were used, he should come up with a plan for limited action with very specific goals and definable benchmarks.

Once done, he should go to congress and present the case for war..allow robust debate and abide by their decision.

This would be the same Congress that voted for War with Iraq before it was against it?

Sorry, I am against this because even though the use of Chemical Weapons is bad, it is also an internal matter.

And frankly, it isn't like there are a bunch of freedom fighters over there. The guys fighting Assad are just as bad as he is, maybe worse. And definitely aligned with Al Qaeda.

Also, on Chemical Weapons, the "Cutting Edge Weapon of 1914", it is disingenous to lump them in with Nuclear and Biological weapons. But we do. And when someone uses them, we scream "WMD!!!!"

It's not internal once they start breaking the geneva conventions and international protocol. Chem/Biological weapons aren't like Nuclear, which has a deterrence because, if used, spells the end of civilization.

We have these international protocols for a reason as well. If they are not enforced, they become meaningless.
Looks like Obama is making a unilateral decision without involving congress. Gee, he used to criticize this sort of thing, but suddenly it's okay.

It needs to be openly discussed. If we get involved in any way, there needs to be a clear reason, a clear goal and approval of congress. I don't give a shit what the U.N. thinks, but our allies, especially those in Arab countries need to have our backs. Why aren't they already taking action?

I don't trust Obama. I think the only reason he wants to get involved is to help his dismal approval rating. His decisions on foreign policy thus far have been in favor of some of the radical Muslims. I still think his loyalties lie in places other than the U.S.

I think Obama will have a lot of opposition, including Dems, if he just decides to do this on his own. Of course, he is a loner anyway and not a good team player.
If he does this unilaterally? TIME to Impeach his ass. FINAL STRAW...

Again, not really.

That horse left the barn a long time ago. Probably when Reagan invaded Grenada without a congressional approval and no one objected.

Since Turkey is already involved in Syria, all he has to do is invoke the NATO Charter, as Turkey is a member of NATO.
Pretty sure Israel will be cleaning up this compassionate war.

Well that's not too much to ask after everyone else has done the heavy lifting.

Not sure what you mean. Syria and Iran may strike Israel if we fire on Syria. Its not going to be a pretty situation.
The only side, party, group, faction, whatever, who stands to gain by having the world believe that Assad is responsible are those who seek to widen the conflict.
Tensions rising
Obabble monitoring
Russia warning
China objecting
Iran threatening
Arab world divided
Us military ready to go.

The world under Obabble...not a satisfactory situation.

The result of Obama's naive "outreach to the Muslim world" and "reset with Russia".

Oh really now.

I guess this has nothing to do with Bush breaking international treaties concerning anti ballistic missiles and unilaterally invading 2 middle eastern countries..right?

Add in downing a couple of Chinese fighter jets in the spy plane incident.

UN suggests that the rebels used the gas. Meanwhile the "official narrative" seems to be hot to ignore that.

News at 11.
Tensions rising
Obabble monitoring
Russia warning
China objecting
Iran threatening
Arab world divided
Us military ready to go.

The world under Obabble...not a satisfactory situation.

The result of Obama's naive "outreach to the Muslim world" and "reset with Russia".

Oh really now.

I guess this has nothing to do with Bush breaking international treaties concerning anti ballistic missiles and unilaterally invading 2 middle eastern countries..right?

Add in downing a couple of Chinese fighter jets in the spy plane incident.


Yeah, if a Republican adminstration were in the White House, these same people would be hysterically eager for a war on Syria and anyone gets in the way --- it would be our DUTY to go to war, lots of screeds about how awful poison gas is, many cut-and-pastes of the Wilfred Owen poem on gas from WWI.

But since a Dem is in the White House, suddenly they are all peaceniks. Sheeeeeeeeeesh.

Conservative speak with forked tongue.
UN suggests that the rebels used the gas. Meanwhile the "official narrative" seems to be hot to ignore that.

News at 11.

The Sheep can only swallow one narrative. Big Brother understands that very well. Like i said, look for the Government/Media Complex to declare 'Assad = Hitler' by the end of the week. The Poll numbers showing support for this farce are in the tank. They'll have to lay the War Propaganda on pretty thick to increase the Poll numbers. Sadly, it's all so predictable. Here we go again.
Yeah, if a Republican adminstration were in the White House, these same people would be hysterically eager for a war on Syria and anyone gets in the way --- it would be our DUTY to go to war, lots of screeds about how awful poison gas is, many cut-and-pastes of the Wilfred Owen poem on gas from WWI.

But since a Dem is in the White House, suddenly they are all peaceniks. Sheeeeeeeeeesh.

Conservative speak with forked tongue.


Yeah, if a Republican adminstration were in the White House, the progressives would be hysterically eager to protest a war on Syria and anyone that supports it--- it would be our DUTY to protest, lots of screeds about how awful war is, many cut-and-pastes of the of the phoney Iraq WMD claims.

But since a Dem is in the White House, suddenly we are all warhawks. Sheeeeeeeeeesh.

Progressives speak with forked tongue
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Karma's a bitch.

It cuts both ways.

It was the Pubs turn in the barrel in 2003.

It's the Dems turn in the barrel in 2013.

With the American People caught in the middle, between the wing-nuts on both ends of the spectrum.

Both parties have plenty of blood on their hands... figuratively, and literally.

Opposite sides of the same, thin, worn-out old coin.
Yeah, if a Republican adminstration were in the White House, these same people would be hysterically eager for a war on Syria and anyone gets in the way --- it would be our DUTY to go to war, lots of screeds about how awful poison gas is, many cut-and-pastes of the Wilfred Owen poem on gas from WWI.

But since a Dem is in the White House, suddenly they are all peaceniks. Sheeeeeeeeeesh.

Conservative speak with forked tongue.


Yeah, if a Republican adminstration were in the White House, the progressives would be hysterically eager to protest a war on Syria and anyone that supports it--- it would be our DUTY to protest, lots of screeds about how awful war is, many cut-and-pastes of the of the phoney Iraq WMD claims.

But since a Dem is in the White House, suddenly we are all warhawks. Sheeeeeeeeeesh.

Progressives speak with forked tongue

Progressive support for attacking Syria isn't all that high.
Yeah, if a Republican adminstration were in the White House, these same people would be hysterically eager for a war on Syria and anyone gets in the way --- it would be our DUTY to go to war, lots of screeds about how awful poison gas is, many cut-and-pastes of the Wilfred Owen poem on gas from WWI.

But since a Dem is in the White House, suddenly they are all peaceniks. Sheeeeeeeeeesh.

Conservative speak with forked tongue.


Yeah, if a Republican adminstration were in the White House, the progressives would be hysterically eager to protest a war on Syria and anyone that supports it--- it would be our DUTY to protest, lots of screeds about how awful war is, many cut-and-pastes of the of the phoney Iraq WMD claims.

But since a Dem is in the White House, suddenly we are all warhawks. Sheeeeeeeeeesh.

Progressives speak with forked tongue

Progressive support for attacking Syria isn't all that high.

So where are all the protests, like this one?

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