War With Syria: Yea Or Nay?

Do You Support War With Syria?

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War? Hell no. Punitive attack yes. I'd say with cruise missiles. Maybe give Assad half an hour to get out of his palaces lol, and some military infrastructure to- then arm OUR rebels.. Can't let this chemical attack go...

Our rebels :lol:

We don't even know who initiated the chemical attack. How about we find out who did it first before we go around lynching people ?
I would **** to add that syria is not even in the CWC!
COMPLETE game changer imo
War? Hell no. Punitive attack yes. I'd say with cruise missiles. Maybe give Assad half an hour to get out of his palaces lol, and some military infrastructure to- then arm OUR rebels.. Can't let this chemical attack go...With some help from France and UK, and go ahead from the Arab League. Some patience.

u fuckin republucan war monger!
damn right it stinks. We're helping Islamic militants to take over Syria . Do we really need any more evidence than that ? Time to ask ourselves what the real agenda is here. Do we want to risk global war just so Islamic militants can take over Syria ?

I think there is a DEEP agenda behind it. has to be! nithing else makes sense
"...Here's my primary concern: Russia, China and Iran have told us to stay out of it..."

Nuclear warfare should be everyone's concern, but nobody (including the Russians and Chinese, nor we) are going to Go Nuclear over some pissant flashpoint like Syria...

And neither the Russians nor the Chinese can project Conventional Military Muscle like we can...

The Chinese aren't as heavily vested in Syria as the Russians, and they're (1) too far away and (2) lack the logistics assets to deploy on the scale required and (3) are far too pragmatic to Kill the Goose That Layed the Golden Egg... they're too deeply intertwined with our economy to make them want to rumble with us except in the most dire circumstances, and pissant Syria isn't that 'dire' to them, in comparison with Pacific Rim and Southeast and East Asia issues...

The Russians are heavily vested in Syria and they are still a formidable nuclear power but they're still chipping rust off their fleet and building new assets to replace the rusted-over ones that have been lying dormant since the Fall of the Soviet Union in the 1989-1991 timeframe... bottom line, the Russians just can't project Conventional Power like they used to, and, if they were going to jump on us, conventionally, they would have done it in Europe before The Fall, rather than with a military that is merely a pale copy of its former glory days as the muscle of the Soviet Union... they're still a force to be reckoned with, regionally, on a conventional basis, but they aren't anywhere near as 'scary' as they used to be, nor will they be, for quite some time, despite Vlad's desperate efforts to catch-em-back-up again...

OUR conventional military, on the other hand, has been kept in fighting trim and well-staffed with combat veterans and other folks chock-full of real-world experience...

The Iranians, on the other hand, continue to be something of a joke, beyond the realm of regionally-capable ballistic missile technology, and all we'd need to do is sic the Israelis on 'em, to make 'em pee their pants. No, I think they'd like for all of this go away quietly, or to contribute as little as possible, to keep 'em out of trouble, and to give 'em the peace they need to continue to build upon their Revolution...

But... all that being said... and assuming, for the moment, that that snapshot summary was more right than wrong...

Just because we CAN do a thing, does not mean that we SHOULD do a thing...

At present, my own feelings about this are...

Let 'em rot... let 'em go on killing each other... let 'em have a field day... let the Euros handle it for once... it's their backyard.
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War? Hell no. Punitive attack yes. I'd say with cruise missiles. Maybe give Assad half an hour to get out of his palaces lol, and some military infrastructure to- then arm OUR rebels.. Can't let this chemical attack go...

Our rebels :lol:

We don't even know who initiated the chemical attack. How about we find out who did it first before we go around lynching people ?

Not my rebels...these Muslim haters of all things Christian;

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E49R8zMJb5s]Libyan NTC Islamists Destroying British and Commonwealth War Cemetery Benghaz - YouTube[/ame]
damn right it stinks. We're helping Islamic militants to take over Syria . Do we really need any more evidence than that ? Time to ask ourselves what the real agenda is here. Do we want to risk global war just so Islamic militants can take over Syria ?

I think there is a DEEP agenda behind it. has to be! nithing else makes sense

seriously---how long do we tolerate being lied to like this ? There have been a number of people who claim to know of larger agendas but they are all shot down as conspiracy nuts. It might be time to listen to them....
There is no way Obama is going to back any large scale ground forces in Syria. He has talked himself out of that option. He will authorize a few missile strikes, declare a no-fly zone that will probably be unenforced, put US weapons on French planes to fly around for the cameras, and spend more time worrying about Putin than the people of Syria.
So... let me get this straight... the libroids here are actually AGAINST something their MESSIAH is planning on doing? ... :eusa_eh:

Has HELL frozen over?

I know you live in a black and white world, where all liberals are evil totalitarians, and all conservatives are stalwart defenders of the Constitution, but fortunately it's only the fantasy, hate-filled world you live in.
There is no way Obama is going to back any large scale ground forces in Syria. He has talked himself out of that option. He will authorize a few missile strikes, declare a no-fly zone that will probably be unenforced, put US weapons on French planes to fly around for the cameras, and spend more time worrying about Putin than the people of Syria.

we shouldnt do ANYTHING
damn right it stinks. We're helping Islamic militants to take over Syria . Do we really need any more evidence than that ? Time to ask ourselves what the real agenda is here. Do we want to risk global war just so Islamic militants can take over Syria ?

I think there is a DEEP agenda behind it. has to be! nithing else makes sense

seriously---how long do we tolerate being lied to like this ? There have been a number of people who claim to know of larger agendas but they are all shot down as conspiracy nuts. It might be time to listen to them....

damn strait! I just heard the un cant even determine who used the chemicak weapons. dint tell me there isnt a damn agenda! they are fixated on helping radicals take that country over. just wonder why???
There is no way Obama is going to back any large scale ground forces in Syria. He has talked himself out of that option. He will authorize a few missile strikes, declare a no-fly zone that will probably be unenforced, put US weapons on French planes to fly around for the cameras, and spend more time worrying about Putin than the people of Syria.

Clinton ( Bill) said he looked like a pussy so I guess he has to do something. :lol:
Just because we CAN do a thing, does not mean that we SHOULD do a thing...

At present, my own feelings about this are...

Let 'em rot... let 'em go on killing each other... let 'em have a field day... let the Euros handle it for once... it's their backyard.

I may have mentioned this elsewhere but:

And here we have all the myopic, spineless, irresponsible isolationists indulging in the easy refrain of "fuck it, it's not our problem!" Some of y'all must have the memory of a goldfish not to recall what tends to happen when we turn our backs, ignore or avoid problems and let them stew, or count on (of all people) the Europeans to "handle it."

Half-assing it doesn't cut it either. Clinton lobbing a few missiles into some sand or at a baby food factory - or saying "Who's this Bin Laden fellow? No thanks, you keep him" - didn't solve a problem that came back to bite us in the ass. Obama making some empty declarations well after the moment had passed didn't do jack shit for brave Iranians demanding democracy who were gunned down in the street. "Leading from behind" leaves us exactly there, but when the shit hits the fan - and it inevitably does - all those leading in the front will climb all over each other to scurry behind us as they both demand that we act and vilify us for it at the same time.

We are a world leader - the world leader - whether some of you like it or not. A lot of you should have thought of this before electing - twice! - an incompetent, dithering, unqualified one term senator to be Commander in Chief.
It's an internal issue.

A Civil War.

We are not being threatened.

If the EU has issues, let them deal with it with their lives and money. Not ours.
No. Let them continue fighting themselves. Nothing we do will stop it.
"...Here's my primary concern: Russia, China and Iran have told us to stay out of it..."

Nuclear warfare should be everyone's concern, but nobody (including the Russians and Chinese, nor we) are going to Go Nuclear over some pissant flashpoint like Syria...

And neither the Russians nor the Chinese can project Conventional Military Muscle like we can...

The Chinese aren't as heavily vested in Syria as the Russians, and they're (1) too far away and (2) lack the logistics assets to deploy on the scale required and (3) are far too pragmatic to Kill the Goose That Layed the Golden Egg... they're too deeply intertwined with our economy to make them want to rumble with us except in the most dire circumstances, and pissant Syria isn't that 'dire' to them, in comparison with Pacific Rim and Southeast and East Asia issues...

The Russians are heavily vested in Syria and they are still a formidable nuclear power but they're still chipping rust off their fleet and building new assets to replace the rusted-over ones that have been lying dormant since the Fall of the Soviet Union in the 1989-1991 timeframe... bottom line, the Russians just can't project Conventional Power like they used to, and, if they were going to jump on us, conventionally, they would have done it in Europe before The Fall, rather than with a military that is merely a pale copy of its former glory days as the muscle of the Soviet Union... they're still a force to be reckoned with, regionally, on a conventional basis, but they aren't anywhere near as 'scary' as they used to be, nor will they be, for quite some time, despite Vlad's desperate efforts to catch-em-back-up again...

OUR conventional military, on the other hand, has been kept in fighting trim and well-staffed with combat veterans and other folks chock-full of real-world experience...

The Iranians, on the other hand, continue to be something of a joke, beyond the realm of regionally-capable ballistic missile technology, and all we'd need to do is sic the Israelis on 'em, to make 'em pee their pants. No, I think they'd like for all of this go away quietly, or to contribute as little as possible, to keep 'em out of trouble, and to give 'em the peace they need to continue to build upon their Revolution...

But... all that being said... and assuming, for the moment, that that snapshot summary was more right than wrong...

Just because we CAN do a thing, does not mean that we SHOULD do a thing...

At present, my own feelings about this are...

Let 'em rot... let 'em go on killing each other... let 'em have a field day... let the Euros handle it for once... it's their backyard.

Excellent points and I agree. No ne, however, is projecting a nuclear conflict. No one. While the Russians are not the Soviet Union of the 50s-80s, do not make the mistake of thinking they are not a force to be reckoned with. Same thing with Iran. Iran itself currently sports a standing Army of nearly 500,000

Here's one of the major problems with allowing this "thing" to escalate beyond the punitive action of short range missiles: America is "war weary". We have been in one conflict or another for the past 13 years. At the same time, the military, as ordered by the CIC, has began a force-wide draw down.

Our equipment is old. Our military is losing senior enlisted and officers at a rate not seen since the end of WWII. To begin involvement in yet another ToO would be extremely difficult, but could be done.

Yes, our military is combat hardened. but so are these "rebels". They have been at war for 2000 years. They would love to get America, Russia and Iran involved in a full scale confrontation. Tht would bring to fruition plans that were made long before you and I were born.

No, I am all for sitting on the sidelines on this occasion. What is going to happen in Syria is going to happen with or without our involvement. Quite frankly, I don't see losing one DROP of American blood as "worth it".
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So... let me get this straight... the libroids here are actually AGAINST something their MESSIAH is planning on doing? ... :eusa_eh:

Has HELL frozen over?

I know you live in a black and white world, where all liberals are evil totalitarians, and all conservatives are stalwart defenders of the Constitution, but fortunately it's only the fantasy, hate-filled world you live in.

I know what I read here and see in the news, and that is 99.999% of all liberals would let obama shit in their mouth and then tell him thank you, so don't give me any crap about how suddenly they've all become rational human beings, idiot.

I don't live in your world of lies and two faced bull shit.

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