Warmest March on record according to the Japanese Meteorological Agency

It's related to his smart waves/photons idea. A warm body stops radiating if a warmer body moves nearby. Nearby meaning anywhere, apparently.

You never stop lying do you...even to yourself. The whole smart waves photons idea is your creation, resulting from your own intellectual failure.....just like now, trying to impose time and distance on to a photon that experiences neither.
It's related to his smart waves/photons idea. A warm body stops radiating if a warmer body moves nearby. Nearby meaning anywhere, apparently.

You never stop lying do you...even to yourself. The whole smart waves photons idea is your creation, resulting from your own intellectual failure.....just like now, trying to impose time and distance on to a photon that experiences neither.

Tell me toddster...if you have a body radiating out in all directions and you bring another, warmer body into physical contact with it, do you still believe it is transferring energy into the warmer body it is in contact with?
Here is the thinking I don't understand: If GHGs can't backradiate, water would be in the same category.

Water, unlike all other so called greenhouse gasses can absorb and retain energy rather than absorb and immediately emit. Water absorbs and retains but no so called greenhouse gas radiates back to the surface except during rare inversions where the surface is cooler than the local atmosphere.
A warm body stops radiating if a warmer body moves nearby. Nearby meaning anywhere, apparently.
Here is the thinking I don't understand: If GHGs can't backradiate, water would be in the same category. If that's the case, Earth would radiate almost all it's surface thermal energy to space. Under equilibrium where the earth radiation output was the same as the sun radiation input, that would make the earth surface very cold (I read minus 40 degrees C). That would be an interesting question for him to answer. Or maybe he has already conjured up an answer somewhere.

You haven't heard his gravity warms the atmosphere theory yet. Apparently it's been proven. Somewhere.

Tell me Ian, if the mass of an atmosphere can't generate heat, why is the bottom of the troposphere of Uranus warmer than the bottom of the troposphere here on earth on a planet that is arguably the coldest place in the solar system? It certainly isn't a greenhouse effect at work...and it isn't the Kelvin–Helmholtz mechanism at work....so why if not the mass of the atmosphere?
Oh damn. I don't want to go through another whacko theory discovered in some blog. If true we will have to have government laws against obesity because that significantly raises the earths mass to higher altitudes.

Interesting....the results of over 800 repeatable experiments can't even make a scratch on the dogma of the greenhouse effect.
God are you stupid.

The way you rattle this shit off (and it is ALL shit) how could you get the idea that the atmosphere, sitting there doing nothing, could generate energy? Doesn't that ring any bells for you? Conservation.....of.... c'mon, I know you've heard of it.

You are nothing but a fooking troll.
Note to SSDD: Here is an example of thermal energy from a cold substance hitting a warmer substance.

The cosmic ray background (CRB) was discovered with a radio telescope. The CRB is a cold 2.725 deg K. Radio telescopes are at ambient outdoor temperatures, averaging 15 deg C. The CRB reflects from the much warmer parabola dish to a ruby maser at the focal point.

This illustrates that thermal energy from a cold substance can strike a much warmer substance and be detected to have done so.

Sorry. but it doesn't. Funny how willing people are to fool themselves with their instrumentation. A radio telescope was used to first record CMB. A radio telescope tunes to varying resonance frequencies of an antenna which, in turn creates an electrical signal which then gets amplified in order to create a recording over a particular frequency or spectrum.

Then that recording is matched up to a black body spectrum in accordance with Plank's law and the peak of that recording is used to determine the temperature from which a radiance can be determined, again, using Plank's law. The recorded spectrum is being translated, using Plank's law into a radiance which is measured in W/m2.

A radio spectrum is being recorded and from that a radiance is being computed....similar in many ways to the so called measurements of back radiation....no actual measurement is being made...the measurements are artifacts of mathematical models...not actual measurements of radiation.
God are you stupid.

The way you rattle this shit off (and it is ALL shit) how could you get the idea that the atmosphere, sitting there doing nothing, could generate energy? Doesn't that ring any bells for you? Conservation.....of.... c'mon, I know you've heard of it.

You are nothing but a fooking troll.

You think the atmosphere is doing nothing? Interesting. You don't think pressure constitutes work?
The cosmic ray background (CRB) was discovered with a radio telescope. The CRB is a cold 2.725 deg K. Radio telescopes are at ambient outdoor temperatures, averaging 15 deg C. The CRB reflects from the much warmer parabola dish to a ruby maser at the focal point.

This illustrates that thermal energy from a cold substance can strike a much warmer substance and be detected to have done so.

Sorry. but it doesn't. Funny how willing people are to fool themselves with their instrumentation. A radio telescope was used to first record CMB. A radio telescope tunes to varying resonance frequencies of an antenna which, in turn creates an electrical signal which then gets amplified in order to create a recording over a particular frequency or spectrum.

Then that recording is matched up to a black body spectrum in accordance with Plank's law and the peak of that recording is used to determine the temperature from which a radiance can be determined, again, using Plank's law. The recorded spectrum is being translated, using Plank's law into a radiance which is measured in W/m2.

A radio spectrum is being recorded and from that a radiance is being computed....similar in many ways to the so called measurements of back radiation....no actual measurement is being made...the measurements are artifacts of mathematical models...not actual measurements of radiation.[/QUOTE]

That is the stupidest line of shit I have ever seen

Signal level in receivers is measured with a voltmeter you ignorant twit.

God are you stupid. And a FUCKING troll to boot.
Funny how willing people are to fool themselves

Or just lie, because THEY ARE TROLLS.

Sorry crick, but you appear far more of a troll than I ever could. At least I attempt to explain my points in my own words...you on the other hand never attempt to explain your position...you constantly dance around and move the subject so you don't have to answer...anyone who has seen Ian mop the floor with you knows , and has seen this to be true.
That is the stupidest line of shit I have ever seen

Signal level in receivers is measured with a voltmeter you ignorant twit.

God are you stupid. And a FUCKING troll to boot.

Go learn something crick....of what use is an instrument, or instrument data to you if you don't even know what the instrument is measuring.
You think the atmosphere is doing nothing? Interesting. You don't think pressure constitutes work?

You DO? Oh jesus.[/QUOTE]

So you do think the atmosphere is really doing nothing? OK. Laughing my ass off at you, but OK.
Have you ever noticed the coldest nights in winter are nights when the sky is clear?
And that cloudy nights tend to be warmer? That's back radiation.

No, that is the effect of water vapor actually absorbing and holding energy...it is the only greenhouse gas capable of doing so.

Something holding energy thousands of feet away makes it warmer on the ground?
Please explain further.
It's related to his smart waves/photons idea. A warm body stops radiating if a warmer body moves nearby. Nearby meaning anywhere, apparently.

You never stop lying do you...even to yourself. The whole smart waves photons idea is your creation, resulting from your own intellectual failure.....just like now, trying to impose time and distance on to a photon that experiences neither.

The whole smart waves photons idea is your creation

A wave that can tell the temperature of every particle it could posibly touch, anywhere in the universe, all at once....that's not a smart wave?

Just how much information is that? That has to be more than any supercomputer.
That's why a photon from our sun won't radiate toward a star a million light years away that will go supernova in 1,000,000 years.

Again....meaningless argument. You are still trying to impose your perspective on an entity that does not experience the universe in the same way as you...time and distance are meaningless terms when discussing an entity that experiences neither.

Because zero distance means a photon can predict the temperature of something in the future. LOL!

Zero difference and zero time mean that "future" is a meaningless term.

"future is a meaningless term" ≠ "a photon knows the temperature of every particle is can see, all at once"
It's related to his smart waves/photons idea. A warm body stops radiating if a warmer body moves nearby. Nearby meaning anywhere, apparently.

You never stop lying do you...even to yourself. The whole smart waves photons idea is your creation, resulting from your own intellectual failure.....just like now, trying to impose time and distance on to a photon that experiences neither.

Tell me toddster...if you have a body radiating out in all directions and you bring another, warmer body into physical contact with it, do you still believe it is transferring energy into the warmer body it is in contact with?

As soon as you explain how conduction transfers energy, I'll point out where you're confused.
Note to SSDD: Here is an example of thermal energy from a cold substance hitting a warmer substance.

The cosmic ray background (CRB) was discovered with a radio telescope. The CRB is a cold 2.725 deg K. Radio telescopes are at ambient outdoor temperatures, averaging 15 deg C. The CRB reflects from the much warmer parabola dish to a ruby maser at the focal point.

This illustrates that thermal energy from a cold substance can strike a much warmer substance and be detected to have done so.

Sorry. but it doesn't. Funny how willing people are to fool themselves with their instrumentation. A radio telescope was used to first record CMB. A radio telescope tunes to varying resonance frequencies of an antenna which, in turn creates an electrical signal which then gets amplified in order to create a recording over a particular frequency or spectrum.

Then that recording is matched up to a black body spectrum in accordance with Plank's law and the peak of that recording is used to determine the temperature from which a radiance can be determined, again, using Plank's law. The recorded spectrum is being translated, using Plank's law into a radiance which is measured in W/m2.

A radio spectrum is being recorded and from that a radiance is being computed....similar in many ways to the so called measurements of back radiation....no actual measurement is being made...the measurements are artifacts of mathematical models...not actual measurements of radiation.

A radio spectrum is being recorded and from that a radiance is being computed....not actual measurements of radiation.

A radio wave isn't actually radiation?
What is it?
yes I am, he's way over my head. I'm logical, and you fail logic. And, to the dummy me, you still haven't answered the question. Can we go fifteen more pages or you can simply acknowledge you have no proof?

Does cold make warm warmer.?

Of course not. Put an ice cube in your warm Coke. See for yourself.
well son, my argument is that the cooler atmosphere cannot warm the surface. I ask for proof. None is given.

well son, my argument is that the cooler atmosphere cannot warm the surface.

Yes, we're all aware of your low IQ.

I ask for proof. None is given.

Does the 70 degree blanket you cover yourself with at night make you feel warmer? Why?

Yes, we're all aware of your low IQ.
Well, since you're so much more smarter than me, show me evidence of back radiation, you know where the cold atmosphere pushes IR waves back to the surface. Funny how the internet sources can't seem to provide an experiment. But hey, I'm no scientist and I have a low IQ, but damn if I can figure out why it's cold in the desert at night with CO2 above it. strange.

Does the 70 degree blanket you cover yourself with at night make you feel warmer? Why

because it is made of cotton, covers me at night when I'm cold and makes me warm. BTW, mine is 66 degrees before I use it. It isn't made of CO2 so I don't understand the anomaly. Perhaps it's due to my low IQ I bet ya.

Well, since you're so much more smarter than me, show me evidence of back radiation,

Have you ever noticed the coldest nights in winter are nights when the sky is clear?
And that cloudy nights tend to be warmer? That's back radiation.

but damn if I can figure out why it's cold in the desert at night with CO2 above it.

That's the lack of clouds. Glad you understand.

because it is made of cotton, covers me at night when I'm cold and makes me warm.

Something cooler makes you warm? Don't tell SSDD.

Have you ever noticed the coldest nights in winter are nights when the sky is clear?
And that cloudy nights tend to be warmer? That's back radiation.

water vapor not CO2 first off, and do the clouds imply back radiation exists, or the heat cannot escape through the denseness of the cloud acting like a lower atmosphere.

Something cooler makes you warm? Don't tell SSDD
So, the temperature under the blanket is merely my body heat, no hotter, same as hair on top of your head if you're lucky to still have some. I doubt the blanket gets warmer and it merely restricts outbound heat. Not similar to CO2. So you would have to prove to me that CO2 acts like a blanket and not a blanket acts like CO2. My whole concern is based on CO2 claims, not all atmospheric behavior. Do you have evidence that CO2 causes back radiation or slows down IR's exit to space.

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