Warming of oceans due to climate change is unstoppable, say US scientists

You've got it all figured out Frank. Who needs lab work.?

Sucks when the science fails your theory.

Real scientists get a new theory, AGWCult just adjust the data

I still haven't heard an explanation from you. If the imaginary CO2 warming has cause a .4 or .9 degrees increase in temperature with 90% of the warming absorbed by the ocean, then should an experiment with only air cause a 25-50 degree increase in temperature?

The laws of thermal dynamics are a bitch, aren't they! We would also see wild out of control swings on land... which are not happening..:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
why do you hate science?

because you bathe in lies to protect failed ideas

Yes, the AGWcult is protecting their failed ideas; they alter data and accuse skeptics of being "Deniers!" that's as anti-science as it gets
You've got it all figured out Frank. Who needs lab work.?

Sucks when the science fails your theory.

Real scientists get a new theory, AGWCult just adjust the data

I still haven't heard an explanation from you. If the imaginary CO2 warming has cause a .4 or .9 degrees increase in temperature with 90% of the warming absorbed by the ocean, then should an experiment with only air cause a 25-50 degree increase in temperature?

The laws of thermal dynamics are a bitch, aren't they! We would also see wild out of control swings on land... which are not happening..:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

They just keep lying and lying and lying and altering data and just plain don't give a fuck anymore about anything even in the same universe as science

"But one must say clearly that we redistribute de facto the world's wealth by climate policy" -- AGWCult Motto as set forth by IPCC
The laws of thermal dynamics are a bitch, aren't they!

Thermal dynamics? Haven't we all already had a good laugh at you for that one? Didn't you notice? The term is THERMODYNAMICS. One word. And you wouldn't know the laws of thermo if they bit you in the ass.

Pretty damn funny that you should pretend to have studied the topic and don't even know the name.

Hey, hyuk hyuk, that kow-koolus class was tough, wunt it?
The laws of thermal dynamics are a bitch, aren't they!

Thermal dynamics? Haven't we all already had a good laugh at you for that one? Didn't you notice? The term is THERMODYNAMICS. One word. And you wouldn't know the laws of thermo if they bit you in the ass.

Pretty damn funny that you should pretend to have studied the topic and don't even know the name.

Hey, hyuk hyuk, that kow-koolus class was tough, wunt it?

So, no answer on the basic energy budget.

How can the "AGW" energy heat the oceans as you describe when that energy would heat the air 25 to 50 degrees?

Any answer? Want to find more typos?
So, you've decided to reject the contention that the ocean absorbs 90% of the warming we've experienced. Do you realize that is based on simple calculations on MEASURED temperatures - on the amount of energy required to heat the atmosphere as it has heated and the amount of energy required to heat the oceans as they have heated. No guessing. No models. No vague theories. Just take measurements and do the math. But you want to reject it. Got it. You must be that Frank fellow we've heard so much about.
What can YOU prove will happen?

Why do SO many deniers think science needs to PROVE shit? Wait! I got it! Because there is a strong correlation between denying AGW and science ignorance.
Hey Sheep

I never denied that the climate is warming slightly and I never said people have nothing to do with it

All I have ever said is that all the dire predictions that have been made have not come to pass.

So why on earth should I believe any of the latest dire predictions such as the ones you make?

If the earth is a couple degrees warmer we'll be just fine.
LOL the warmers IGNORE the fact that the prediction from 1900 was that the earth would warm 1 degree.
So, you've decided to reject the contention that the ocean absorbs 90% of the warming we've experienced. Do you realize that is based on simple calculations on MEASURED temperatures - on the amount of energy required to heat the atmosphere as it has heated and the amount of energy required to heat the oceans as they have heated. No guessing. No models. No vague theories. Just take measurements and do the math. But you want to reject it. Got it. You must be that Frank fellow we've heard so much about.

Not rejecting it, just want you to explain how it is you have zero lab experiments showing how CO2 causes the warming.

If the combined warming is .4 (or .9) degrees where the oceans absorbs 90% of this imaginary warming, than an all air system should show a 25-50 degree increase.

I'll wait
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I have tons of lab experiments showing that CO2 causes warming and I've posted the results here repeatedly. The problem here is that besides being stupid, you lie.
I have tons of lab experiments showing that CO2 causes warming and I've posted the results here repeatedly. The problem here is that besides being stupid, you lie.

You post charts with no temperature axis, Ricky Retardo.
I have tons of lab experiments showing that CO2 causes warming and I've posted the results here repeatedly. The problem here is that besides being stupid, you lie.

You post charts with no temperature axis, Ricky Retardo.

You're the very idea of what you say he is...There isn't a more worth while thing for humanity to do then science...We should fund it far more then we do.

There's a lot of dumb things humanity takes part in but this isn't one of them.
Frank, what is a watt?

If it takes 700 times the energy to heat equal volume of water compared to air, assuming a 120PPM addition of CO2 raised temperature .4 degrees, then you'd expect a lab experiment to show 120PPM of CO2 increasing air temperature 25 degrees.

Watt will Crick do next to avoid attempting to provide an answer
I have tons of lab experiments showing that CO2 causes warming and I've posted the results here repeatedly. The problem here is that besides being stupid, you lie.

You post charts with no temperature axis, Ricky Retardo.

You're the very idea of what you say he is...There isn't a more worth while thing for humanity to do then science...We should fund it far more then we do.

There's a lot of dumb things humanity takes part in but this isn't one of them.

Fund it, sure. But fund real science and not a scam
So, you've decided to reject the contention that the ocean absorbs 90% of the warming we've experienced. Do you realize that is based on simple calculations on MEASURED temperatures - on the amount of energy required to heat the atmosphere as it has heated and the amount of energy required to heat the oceans as they have heated. No guessing. No models. No vague theories. Just take measurements and do the math. But you want to reject it. Got it. You must be that Frank fellow we've heard so much about.

Not rejecting it, just want you to explain how it is you have zero lab experiments showing how CO2 causes the warming.

If the combined warming is .4 (or .9) degrees where the oceans absorbs 90% of this imaginary warming, than an all air system should show a 25-50 degree increase.

I'll wait


^ Crick realizes all too late that the math sinks his theory

Watt's up with Crick?

Why isn't he answering?

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