warming of the world ocean

The more recent the article, the worst the warming is, and the more it exceeds the predictions.

Oceans Warming Faster : Discovery News : Discovery Channel

Oceans Warming Faster Than Realized
Marlowe Hood

Heating Up June 18, 2008 -- The world's oceans have warmed 50 percent faster over the last 40 years than previously thought due to climate change, Australian and U.S. climate researchers reported Wednesday.

Higher ocean temperatures expand the volume of water, contributing to a rise in sea levels that is submerging small island nations and threatening to wreak havoc in low-lying, densely-populated delta regions around the globe.

The study, published in the British journal Nature, adds to a growing scientific chorus of warnings about the pace and consequences rising oceans.

It also serves as a corrective to a massive report issued last year by the Nobel-winning http://www.ipcc.ch/UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), according to the authors.
Global Warming to Create "Permanent" Ocean Dead Zones?

Global Warming to Create "Permanent" Ocean Dead Zones?
Ker Than
for National Geographic News

January 28, 2009
Fish and other marine life could be left gasping for breath in oxygen-poor oceans for thousands of years to come if global warming continues unchecked, scientists warn in a new study.

While previous studies have established a link between climate change and low-oxygen areas known as "dead zones," new computer simulations by Danish researchers suggest the dead zones could persist for millennia and lead to a considerable purge and restructuring of ocean life.

"Dead Zones" Multiplying Fast, Coastal Water Study Says (August 14, 2008)
Global Warming Fast Facts
"Any increase in dead zones from global warming will last for thousands of years. They will be a permanent fixture" of our oceans, said lead researcher Gary Shaffer of the University of Copenhagen.

The new model tracked the effects of global warming on ocean dead zones in the eastern Pacific and northern Indian oceans for the next 100,000 years
Warmer and more acid.

Acidic oceans: Warming's 'evil twin' - Climate Change- msnbc.com

But carbon dissolving in oceans also forms carbonic acid, raising waters' acidity that damages all manner of hard-shelled creatures, and setting off a chain reaction that threatens the food chain supporting marine life, including the lumbering sea mammals along the 276-mile coast of the California sanctuary and the rest of the U.S. West Coast.

By 2100, a recent U.N. report predicts, some 70 percent of cold water corals — a key refuge and feeding ground for commercially popular fish that also are food for the seals and otters — will be exposed to the harmful effects.

Ocean acidity could increase 150 percent just by mid-century, according to the report by the Secretariat of the U.N. Convention on Biological Diversity.

Nothing like it in 20 million years
"This dramatic increase is 100 times faster than any change in acidity experienced in the marine environment over the last 20 million years, giving little time for evolutionary adaptation within biological systems," it said
AP on record ocean warming: “Breaking heat records in water is more ominous as a sign of global warming than breaking temperature marks on land.” « Climate Progress

AP on record ocean warming: “Breaking heat records in water is more ominous as a sign of global warming than breaking temperature marks on land.”
August 21, 2009
[Update: I'm posting a longer version of the AP story below.]

It’s not news to CP readers (see here), but the AP’s Seth Borenstein delivers the big news to the rest of the nation with his short piece, “In hot water: World’s ocean temps warmest recorded.”

And we need all the warnings we can get given that humans are not like slowly boiling frogs, we are like slowly boiling brainless frogs.

Here’s an extended excerpt of the full story:

July was the hottest the world’s oceans have been in almost 130 years of record-keeping.

The average water temperature worldwide was 17 C, according to the National Climatic Data Center, the branch of the U.S. government that keeps world weather records. June was only slightly cooler, while August could set another record, scientists say. The previous record was set in July, 1998, during a powerful El Nino weather pattern.

Meteorologists said there’s a combination of forces at work: A natural El Nino system just getting started on top of worsening man-made global warming, and a dash of random weather variations. The resulting ocean heat is already harming threatened coral reefs. It could also hasten the melting of Arctic sea ice and help hurricanes strengthen
Midnight, do you want more? I can find it very easily. So how about some reputable sources supporting your point of view. Talk show junkies don't count.
Midnight, do you want more? I can find it very easily. So how about some reputable sources supporting your point of view. Talk show junkies don't count.
None of the spam you just posted resembles in any way you're saying "I was wrong."

When are we going to see that?

And when are you going to answer the rest of my questions?
Midnight, do you want more? I can find it very easily. So how about some reputable sources supporting your point of view. Talk show junkies don't count.

neither do fraudulent scientists who throw away data to serve a political purpose. Mann and Jones anyone?
Climate Progress is about as reputable a source as the Onion.
You asked a question on which I should waste my time?

You consider really good questions a waste of your time which as a AGW religious zealot you should be spending spamming the scripture.

The questions were:
The Argo's measured and proved ocean COOLING, not warming. AND NOAA and NASA are stalling on FOIA requests for raw data. Have been stonewalling it for years.

That's part of science? You're okay with it?
You're okay with this stonewalling of requests for the raw data? You're okay with scientists "losing" or outright destroying raw data rather than giving it up as the FOIA LAW requires?

See how insecure your little cult is? It cannot stand up to even the most rudimentary of examinations.

You are a fucking fraud, an online snake-oil salesman for this religious cult.
You asked a question on which I should waste my time?

You consider really good questions a waste of your time which as a AGW religious zealot you should be spending spamming the scripture.

The questions were:
The Argo's measured and proved ocean COOLING, not warming. AND NOAA and NASA are stalling on FOIA requests for raw data. Have been stonewalling it for years.

That's part of science? You're okay with it?
You're okay with this stonewalling of requests for the raw data? You're okay with scientists "losing" or outright destroying raw data rather than giving it up as the FOIA LAW requires?

See how insecure your little cult is? It cannot stand up to even the most rudimentary of examinations.

You are a fucking fraud, an online snake-oil salesman for this religious cult.

Honestly, why do you bother with this retard?

He is worthy of ridicule and scorn only.
You asked a question on which I should waste my time?

You consider really good questions a waste of your time which as a AGW religious zealot you should be spending spamming the scripture.

The questions were:
The Argo's measured and proved ocean COOLING, not warming. AND NOAA and NASA are stalling on FOIA requests for raw data. Have been stonewalling it for years.

That's part of science? You're okay with it?
You're okay with this stonewalling of requests for the raw data? You're okay with scientists "losing" or outright destroying raw data rather than giving it up as the FOIA LAW requires?

See how insecure your little cult is? It cannot stand up to even the most rudimentary of examinations.

You are a fucking fraud, an online snake-oil salesman for this religious cult.

Honestly, why do you bother with this retard?

He is worthy of ridicule and scorn only.
This IS ridicule and scorn.
The oceans are on acid?

We quantify the interannual-to-decadal variability of the heat content...
You Global Warmist Extremists need to keep your false religion to yourselves. I fully support your freedom to worship your Global Warming God Al Gore, but keep it in your G.W. Churches.

Climate Change, just like any religion, is not based of facts and so it is a "belief system".
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