*WARNING* eat of the tree of good and evil and you shall....die


Platinum Member
Nov 29, 2008
The Spirit of the Lord walks with humankind even while 'Adam (red earth)' is asleep (unaware of the eternal spirit within it) in the garden of its own pleasures 'Eden'. The breath (ultimate spirit's eternal seed) that animates the human creates a living being (soul). It is put into the human DNA even though the human is unaware it is there.

The human is unaware of its own sin while it walks in the garden of its own pleasures (it is living in a state of grace while it does its own thing; unaware whether fully or partially that it is created to be a Son of the ultimate Spirit of God).

That piece or portion that is created as an eternal being within is being spiritually awakened. It begins to discover it has a conscience (Eve- that portion of the spiritual mother inside each that is there to teach and show the human how to prosper- breath or show where life is) as the spirit of the eternal Son within it is being awakened.

Now once Adam is awakened with Eve there generally the human is saying "wow I did not know that". The conversation with oneself may go something like this. Hey conscience (Eve) lets find someting good spiritually to eat. (Adam is now 'looking, seeking= drakon = a serpent'). The trees in the garden 'places where spiritual food grows' are all good food but the Lord has told human when you eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil you will surely die. The portion with humankind (serpent) says 'no you won't really die'. The conscience says 'hey this looks like really good food'.

ISIL burns people to death ONCE and its over quickly and we hate them for it.

God burns people forever and we worship him for it.

Blatant blackmail of the worse kind - You bow down to me or I'll fry you for all of eternity.


It seems a shame to me that some people would choose evil in themselves over that which is good and hate the portion of the ultimate Spirit of love within themselves.
Luddly Neddite said:
Thank you for being civil, but that's not what I learned in Sunday school.

So that I am sure I understand what you wrote, I"m going to say it back to you ...

If I do not believe in a god, there is something within me that will cause me to "burn eternally".

Is that what you said?

And, just to let you know, I"m logging off soon but I will come back to this thread tomorrow.

All that hatred exhibited burns spiritually for eternity. As Believers we have options and have been given mercy enough to cast off that old hateful, angry portions of ourselves and press forward to become all that we were initially created to be.

"choosing good or evil"
The concept as well as the reality of "sin" is another area I'm very curious about and honestly do not understand.
I believe that most people do not "sin". For the most part, people live within the law though I guess that's not necessarily what is meant by sinning.
Believers say 'we all sin" but I just don't see it. Day to day, I don't sin. I don't harm others and in fact go out of my way not to harm others. How do I sin? How do YOU sin?
For that matter, what is "sin" as opposed to breaking the law?

Some pretty indepth questions you have asked here. Over the years I have asked myself some of the same questions. I think that is where it lies though, within one's own heart and mind. There is the law of God and there are the Commands. The Commandments are pretty straight forward with the Thou shall not's.... and that which is added Love one another. I find myself it is pretty hard to love some people though. It will be up to you to examine yourself to determine how you sin. For me I discovered it had to do with my own faith through the years. It is a rather lengthly story so I cannot go into all here in these quick posts. Nor would I be able to fully describe it all sufficiently.

Daily I am sure I have some sinful thoughts. In fact I have no doubt I have sinful thoughts when I think of some things locally here where we live and what some people have done here and continue to do daily. The better portion of that thought process though is having no doubt justice will ultimately become manifest.

From what I have personally seen here I do not agree with you that people follow the law either. That would be the law of man and the spiritual laws both. If people followed the law one should be able to leave a hand shovel in their front yard and know it would be there when they return. That is not the case. I watched out of my upstairs one day an older guy dressed nice enough walking down the street. He walked over to where I had replanted a few tulips, reached down and was helping himself to my little shovel. He could not see me but I saw him. I spoke, "Please put that back I use it". He dropped it and scurried off down the road. He no longer walked down our street after that. He would go a block over to do his daily walks and of course he would also bad mouth those terrible peole that lived in the corner house (us). Were his actions sinful?
That piece or portion that is created as an eternal being within is being spiritually awakened.
As spiritual beings, 'god like' creations we also bring forth what we think and speak. I'll watch the youtubes on this subject later. It looks interesting thank you.
The link is for the book section of AMAZON. Interesting book, easy reading, deep meaning.
This one is also quite interesting: http://www.amazon.com/Man-Metaphysi...-1&keywords=man+and+metaphysics&tag=ff0d01-20
The Spirit of the Lord walks with humankind even while 'Adam (red earth)' is asleep (unaware of the eternal spirit within it) in the garden of its own pleasures 'Eden'. The breath (ultimate spirit's eternal seed) that animates the human creates a living being (soul). It is put into the human DNA even though the human is unaware it is there.

The human is unaware of its own sin while it walks in the garden of its own pleasures (it is living in a state of grace while it does its own thing; unaware whether fully or partially that it is created to be a Son of the ultimate Spirit of God).

That piece or portion that is created as an eternal being within is being spiritually awakened. It begins to discover it has a conscience (Eve- that portion of the spiritual mother inside each that is there to teach and show the human how to prosper- breath or show where life is) as the spirit of the eternal Son within it is being awakened.

Now once Adam is awakened with Eve there generally the human is saying "wow I did not know that". The conversation with oneself may go something like this. Hey conscience (Eve) lets find someting good spiritually to eat. (Adam is now 'looking, seeking= drakon = a serpent'). The trees in the garden 'places where spiritual food grows' are all good food but the Lord has told human when you eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil you will surely die. The portion with humankind (serpent) says 'no you won't really die'. The conscience says 'hey this looks like really good food'.

ISIL burns people to death ONCE and its over quickly and we hate them for it.

God burns people forever and we worship him for it.

Blatant blackmail of the worse kind - You bow down to me or I'll fry you for all of eternity.


It seems a shame to me that some people would choose evil in themselves over that which is good and hate the portion of the ultimate Spirit of love within themselves.
Luddly Neddite said:
Thank you for being civil, but that's not what I learned in Sunday school.

So that I am sure I understand what you wrote, I"m going to say it back to you ...

If I do not believe in a god, there is something within me that will cause me to "burn eternally".

Is that what you said?

And, just to let you know, I"m logging off soon but I will come back to this thread tomorrow.

All that hatred exhibited burns spiritually for eternity. As Believers we have options and have been given mercy enough to cast off that old hateful, angry portions of ourselves and press forward to become all that we were initially created to be.

"choosing good or evil"
The concept as well as the reality of "sin" is another area I'm very curious about and honestly do not understand.
I believe that most people do not "sin". For the most part, people live within the law though I guess that's not necessarily what is meant by sinning.
Believers say 'we all sin" but I just don't see it. Day to day, I don't sin. I don't harm others and in fact go out of my way not to harm others. How do I sin? How do YOU sin?
For that matter, what is "sin" as opposed to breaking the law?

Some pretty indepth questions you have asked here. Over the years I have asked myself some of the same questions. I think that is where it lies though, within one's own heart and mind. There is the law of God and there are the Commands. The Commandments are pretty straight forward with the Thou shall not's.... and that which is added Love one another. I find myself it is pretty hard to love some people though. It will be up to you to examine yourself to determine how you sin. For me I discovered it had to do with my own faith through the years. It is a rather lengthly story so I cannot go into all here in these quick posts. Nor would I be able to fully describe it all sufficiently.

Daily I am sure I have some sinful thoughts. In fact I have no doubt I have sinful thoughts when I think of some things locally here where we live and what some people have done here and continue to do daily. The better portion of that thought process though is having no doubt justice will ultimately become manifest.

From what I have personally seen here I do not agree with you that people follow the law either. That would be the law of man and the spiritual laws both. If people followed the law one should be able to leave a hand shovel in their front yard and know it would be there when they return. That is not the case. I watched out of my upstairs one day an older guy dressed nice enough walking down the street. He walked over to where I had replanted a few tulips, reached down and was helping himself to my little shovel. He could not see me but I saw him. I spoke, "Please put that back I use it". He dropped it and scurried off down the road. He no longer walked down our street after that. He would go a block over to do his daily walks and of course he would also bad mouth those terrible peole that lived in the corner house (us). Were his actions sinful?

Wading through all of that ...

I don't see any indication that I "sin" or that most people "sin".

I believe its an artificial construct designed to frighten people into believing in a god.
Wading through all of that ...

I don't see any indication that I "sin" or that most people "sin".

I believe its an artificial construct designed to frighten people into believing in a god.

People should not be frightened into believing in God. Rather, belief in a loving God is an invitation. The definition of sin is missing the mark--or the ideal. We are invited to live life to the fullest, again by loving God and our fellow man. We often fail in doing the most loving thing--which does not often equate to doing the hateful thing. It simply means we often miss the ideal. When this happens, God does not threaten us with hell, rather He encourages us to try again.

As for the tree of knowledge of good and evil: Genesis tells us God created the world and saw it was good. Mankind began taking the good things of the world and using them for evil (i.e., knowledge of good and evil). Arguably, we humans are the best things in the world, and if we begin to use ourselves for evil, we surely sin and kill what is good within us. We become enslaved in sin, rather than living in freedom from sin. We are taught that we can always turn away from sin (repent) and God will forgive and restore us to living in His love for love's purposes.

As you see, there is no need to be frightened into believing in God.

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