WARNING, This Subject Might Get Touchy!

36 out 46 members of the Congressional Black Caucus are co-sponsors of The Equality Act.

The LCCHR has stated they look forward to the passage of this bill or similar legislation.

The idea that their is wide spread opposition to The Equality Act from the black organizations doesn't seem to be very accurate.
36 out 46 members of the Congressional Black Caucus are co-sponsors of The Equality Act.

The LCCHR has stated they look forward to the passage of this bill or similar legislation.

The idea that their is wide spread opposition to The Equality Act from the black organizations doesn't seem to be very accurate.
Most of what I ave read has the opposition coming from the outside like Sharpton.
36 out 46 members of the Congressional Black Caucus are co-sponsors of The Equality Act.

The LCCHR has stated they look forward to the passage of this bill or similar legislation.

The idea that their is wide spread opposition to The Equality Act from the black organizations doesn't seem to be very accurate.
Dark Furry thinks "some" means "all". Until he clears that gap in his education nothing rational you say will register with him.
36 out 46 members of the Congressional Black Caucus are co-sponsors of The Equality Act.

The LCCHR has stated they look forward to the passage of this bill or similar legislation.

The idea that their is wide spread opposition to The Equality Act from the black organizations doesn't seem to be very accurate.
Most of what I ave read has the opposition coming from the outside like Sharpton.
Do you think "Sharpton" means "all" as well?
36 out 46 members of the Congressional Black Caucus are co-sponsors of The Equality Act.

The LCCHR has stated they look forward to the passage of this bill or similar legislation.

The idea that their is wide spread opposition to The Equality Act from the black organizations doesn't seem to be very accurate.
Most of what I ave read has the opposition coming from the outside like Sharpton.
Do you think "Sharpton" means "all" as well?
"At a time in our country when African Americans are seeing a rollback of critical rights -- we're losing ground on voting rights, for example -- there is an understandable concern, a legitimate fear, that we can't afford to lose any more ground," he acknowledged. "So the first principle for my colleagues, as well as African American leaders is to do no harm. We need to make sure that we do no harm to the hard-fought and hard-won equality and rights that currently exist for people of all races, colors and different faiths."
Here's The Next Major Fight For The LGBT Community

"But other key civil rights groups have yet to declare support for the Equality Act. Many groups have expressed concern over enacting LGBT non-discrimination protections by amending the Civil Rights Act, which they said could open up the historic law to dangerous poison-pill amendments or expanded religious accommodations if the legislation reaches the floor of the House and Senate. - See more at: Will civil rights groups come to support Equality Act?"
Will civil rights groups come to support Equality Act?
36 out 46 members of the Congressional Black Caucus are co-sponsors of The Equality Act.

The LCCHR has stated they look forward to the passage of this bill or similar legislation.

The idea that their is wide spread opposition to The Equality Act from the black organizations doesn't seem to be very accurate.
Most of what I ave read has the opposition coming from the outside like Sharpton.

"We cannot be part-time advocates for justice. When we fail to stand up to tyranny, we leave an opening for an attack on our own civil rights. The issue is not about being gay or straight but about the civil rights of Americans who are seeking to have the same rights and protections as their brothers and sisters across this great nation." March 2013

Al Sharpton is supporter of gay rights. I can't seem to find his opposition to The Equality Act anywhere.
36 out 46 members of the Congressional Black Caucus are co-sponsors of The Equality Act.

The LCCHR has stated they look forward to the passage of this bill or similar legislation.

The idea that their is wide spread opposition to The Equality Act from the black organizations doesn't seem to be very accurate.
Most of what I ave read has the opposition coming from the outside like Sharpton.
Do you think "Sharpton" means "all" as well?
"At a time in our country when African Americans are seeing a rollback of critical rights -- we're losing ground on voting rights, for example -- there is an understandable concern, a legitimate fear, that we can't afford to lose any more ground," he acknowledged. "So the first principle for my colleagues, as well as African American leaders is to do no harm. We need to make sure that we do no harm to the hard-fought and hard-won equality and rights that currently exist for people of all races, colors and different faiths."
Here's The Next Major Fight For The LGBT Community

"But other key civil rights groups have yet to declare support for the Equality Act. Many groups have expressed concern over enacting LGBT non-discrimination protections by amending the Civil Rights Act, which they said could open up the historic law to dangerous poison-pill amendments or expanded religious accommodations if the legislation reaches the floor of the House and Senate. - See more at: Will civil rights groups come to support Equality Act?"
Will civil rights groups come to support Equality Act?

Exactly, I mentioned that earlier. The idea that black organizations do not support this bill b/c The Civil Rights Act belongs solely to them is inaccurate.
36 out 46 members of the Congressional Black Caucus are co-sponsors of The Equality Act.

The LCCHR has stated they look forward to the passage of this bill or similar legislation.

The idea that their is wide spread opposition to The Equality Act from the black organizations doesn't seem to be very accurate.
Most of what I ave read has the opposition coming from the outside like Sharpton.
Do you think "Sharpton" means "all" as well?
"At a time in our country when African Americans are seeing a rollback of critical rights -- we're losing ground on voting rights, for example -- there is an understandable concern, a legitimate fear, that we can't afford to lose any more ground," he acknowledged. "So the first principle for my colleagues, as well as African American leaders is to do no harm. We need to make sure that we do no harm to the hard-fought and hard-won equality and rights that currently exist for people of all races, colors and different faiths."
Here's The Next Major Fight For The LGBT Community

"But other key civil rights groups have yet to declare support for the Equality Act. Many groups have expressed concern over enacting LGBT non-discrimination protections by amending the Civil Rights Act, which they said could open up the historic law to dangerous poison-pill amendments or expanded religious accommodations if the legislation reaches the floor of the House and Senate. - See more at: Will civil rights groups come to support Equality Act?"
Will civil rights groups come to support Equality Act?
Where does that say Sharpton is against LBGT's being included in the equality act and where does it tell you Sharpton = all Blacks?
36 out 46 members of the Congressional Black Caucus are co-sponsors of The Equality Act.

The LCCHR has stated they look forward to the passage of this bill or similar legislation.

The idea that their is wide spread opposition to The Equality Act from the black organizations doesn't seem to be very accurate.
Most of what I ave read has the opposition coming from the outside like Sharpton.
Do you think "Sharpton" means "all" as well?
"At a time in our country when African Americans are seeing a rollback of critical rights -- we're losing ground on voting rights, for example -- there is an understandable concern, a legitimate fear, that we can't afford to lose any more ground," he acknowledged. "So the first principle for my colleagues, as well as African American leaders is to do no harm. We need to make sure that we do no harm to the hard-fought and hard-won equality and rights that currently exist for people of all races, colors and different faiths."
Here's The Next Major Fight For The LGBT Community

"But other key civil rights groups have yet to declare support for the Equality Act. Many groups have expressed concern over enacting LGBT non-discrimination protections by amending the Civil Rights Act, which they said could open up the historic law to dangerous poison-pill amendments or expanded religious accommodations if the legislation reaches the floor of the House and Senate. - See more at: Will civil rights groups come to support Equality Act?"
Will civil rights groups come to support Equality Act?
Where does that say Sharpton is against LBGT's being included in the equality act and where does it tell you Sharpton = all Blacks?
Vol. 111, No. 1 - ‎Magazine
..."and 48 percent of Democrats supported legal rights for gay and lesbian couples. ...The Leadership Conference on Civil Rights has expressed support as well. ... Al Sharpton and Carol Moseley Braun, a former U.S. Senator from Illinois, have ... who oppose gay marriage do not favor a constitutional amendment to ban it."
36 out 46 members of the Congressional Black Caucus are co-sponsors of The Equality Act.

The LCCHR has stated they look forward to the passage of this bill or similar legislation.

The idea that their is wide spread opposition to The Equality Act from the black organizations doesn't seem to be very accurate.
Most of what I ave read has the opposition coming from the outside like Sharpton.
Do you think "Sharpton" means "all" as well?
"At a time in our country when African Americans are seeing a rollback of critical rights -- we're losing ground on voting rights, for example -- there is an understandable concern, a legitimate fear, that we can't afford to lose any more ground," he acknowledged. "So the first principle for my colleagues, as well as African American leaders is to do no harm. We need to make sure that we do no harm to the hard-fought and hard-won equality and rights that currently exist for people of all races, colors and different faiths."
Here's The Next Major Fight For The LGBT Community

"But other key civil rights groups have yet to declare support for the Equality Act. Many groups have expressed concern over enacting LGBT non-discrimination protections by amending the Civil Rights Act, which they said could open up the historic law to dangerous poison-pill amendments or expanded religious accommodations if the legislation reaches the floor of the House and Senate. - See more at: Will civil rights groups come to support Equality Act?"
Will civil rights groups come to support Equality Act?
Where does that say Sharpton is against LBGT's being included in the equality act and where does it tell you Sharpton = all Blacks?
Vol. 111, No. 1 - ‎Magazine
..."and 48 percent of Democrats supported legal rights for gay and lesbian couples. ...The Leadership Conference on Civil Rights has expressed support as well. ... Al Sharpton and Carol Moseley Braun, a former U.S. Senator from Illinois, have ... who oppose gay marriage do not favor a constitutional amendment to ban it."
I still dont see where Sharpton = all Blacks and I still dont see a quote. All is see is where you hacked your unlinked source to make it look mildly interesting. Can you bold it for me?

‘Hypocrites’: Sharpton Blasts Black Pastors Who Won’t Support Obama Over His Gay Marriage Stance
Actually of course, its whites who think they're above all others.

Its not as though only whites can be bigots. Bigots come in all colors, sizes and religions. Whites, like that kkk types on this board, don't like equality for any group but themselves.


Same with others - white, black, brown, yellow, polka-dotted - who feel that way. For example, ever hear of that asshole phony sheriff in Maricopa county AZ? Among true Americans, he's known as Joe The Hoe. Hopefully, he'll die soon but in the meantime, all decent human beings are and should fight every sleazy, corrupt, stinking thing he does.

Don't you agree?
You are TOTALLY off topic AND using FOUL speech in the CDZ.
Please refrain and respect CDZ rules. Thank you.
Speaking of foul speech...only an idiot with an agenda refer to Black people as "Negroes."
Don't even bother trying to excuse your bigotry, until you grow up and deal with that, stop trying to enter into intellectually honest discussions.
Just writing this to CDZ specs might be hard but the topic is VERY interesting.

Okay you have the civil rights bill passed many years ago okay? And Obama and the democrats were looking to add the "LGBT" community to the bill when a little issue came up.

Okay here is where it gets touchy. Seems the Negro's OBJECT to any change in the civil rights bill because they view it as THEIR bill.

"The bill’s proposed route to ending bias against the LGBT community has attracted some controversy from some civil rights groups. The bill,introduced by congressional Democrats in July, would amend the 1964 Civil Rights Act to include LGBT people. Civil rights organizations such as the NAACP and the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights have expressed hesitance to support altering the historic civil rights legislation."

So now you have one minority seeking to quash another minorities rights. This is going to be a problem.

"Civil rights leaders like Henderson have expressed concern that amending the Civil Rights Act could open the door to amendments that aren’t in line with the original intent of the bill, according to LGBT news outlet The Washington Blade. The Obama administration seems well aware of these concerns: As recently as early October, Earnest told reporters that the bill was still being “carefully reviewed” by the White House."

That bill is the path to equal rights in housing and protection and jobs to the LGBT group. And YOU are a democrat running for office and your largest minority group does NOT want the smaller minority group included with them under equality laws and protections.

If you write ANOTHER law just for them that makes a separate but equal law that does NOT fit your platform. So you tell me how do you solve this without upsetting your base and NOT making a separate but equal law?

Same-Sex Marriage Was Just the Start: White House Champions Equality Bill
Weird how "some civil rights groups" turns into all Black people. Youre one of the bigger dumbfucks on the board but this one takes the cake. :laugh:
It just happens to be the Negro group that is sniveling. Read the link and see for yourself boy.

I just read the link. As usual, you put an odd right wing spin to what was actually said. It's perfectly reasonable to expect racist right wingers to try to push amendments that don't fit the original intent of the law. There is nothing in the link or anywhere else that says blacks are opposed to equal rights for the LGBT community. As usual, your twisting of facts are equal to another blatant lie. Of course that is what is normally expected form Mr. 214
36 out 46 members of the Congressional Black Caucus are co-sponsors of The Equality Act.

The LCCHR has stated they look forward to the passage of this bill or similar legislation.

The idea that their is wide spread opposition to The Equality Act from the black organizations doesn't seem to be very accurate.
Most of what I ave read has the opposition coming from the outside like Sharpton.

Asclepias States pretty clear he does NOT support changing the amendment.


Quite the opposite:

"I salute President Obama's support of expansion of the Civil Rights Act to include the LGBT community, just as I salute the students at the University of Missouri and Yale who are also dealing with racial issues on campus. We must organize and win as one, or else it all becomes footnotes of rhetoric in the American historic record of these times.
Justice for all, or there simply is no justice."

From Mizzou to LGBT Rights: Justice for All
There should be NO protected classes in a free society.

While I agree, the only reason protected classes were required is that the free society wasn't so free for some people. That being said, I would love to see all these protected classifications vanish into a puff of smoke.
Protected and suspect classes of persons exist as a consequence of bigotry and racism being codified into law, where such measures are enacted predicated solely to disadvantage a given class of persons.

When bigotry and racism are eliminated, the need for protected and suspect classes of persons will likewise end.

One shouldn't hold his breath.

Bigotry and racism are never going to be eliminated though. Besides, the protected classifications cover almost every American.

I wonder if the self righteous far left ever considered that there is acrimony towards some people simply because the law somehow 'protects' them and not us.

What law would that be that protects "them" and not "us"?
There should be NO protected classes in a free society.

While I agree, the only reason protected classes were required is that the free society wasn't so free for some people. That being said, I would love to see all these protected classifications vanish into a puff of smoke.
Protected and suspect classes of persons exist as a consequence of bigotry and racism being codified into law, where such measures are enacted predicated solely to disadvantage a given class of persons.

When bigotry and racism are eliminated, the need for protected and suspect classes of persons will likewise end.

One shouldn't hold his breath.

Bigotry and racism are never going to be eliminated though. Besides, the protected classifications cover almost every American.

I wonder if the self righteous far left ever considered that there is acrimony towards some people simply because the law somehow 'protects' them and not us.

What law would that be that protects "them" and not "us"?

That was my point earlier. The law is not meant to protect only whites, only blacks, only brown, yellow, gay, straight, etc.

The argument above seems to be that it should only protect certain whites. The rest of us need to work against that.
Just writing this to CDZ specs might be hard but the topic is VERY interesting.

Okay you have the civil rights bill passed many years ago okay? And Obama and the democrats were looking to add the "LGBT" community to the bill when a little issue came up.

Okay here is where it gets touchy. Seems the Negro's OBJECT to any change in the civil rights bill because they view it as THEIR bill.

"The bill’s proposed route to ending bias against the LGBT community has attracted some controversy from some civil rights groups. The bill,introduced by congressional Democrats in July, would amend the 1964 Civil Rights Act to include LGBT people. Civil rights organizations such as the NAACP and the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights have expressed hesitance to support altering the historic civil rights legislation."

So now you have one minority seeking to quash another minorities rights. This is going to be a problem.

"Civil rights leaders like Henderson have expressed concern that amending the Civil Rights Act could open the door to amendments that aren’t in line with the original intent of the bill, according to LGBT news outlet The Washington Blade. The Obama administration seems well aware of these concerns: As recently as early October, Earnest told reporters that the bill was still being “carefully reviewed” by the White House."

That bill is the path to equal rights in housing and protection and jobs to the LGBT group. And YOU are a democrat running for office and your largest minority group does NOT want the smaller minority group included with them under equality laws and protections.

If you write ANOTHER law just for them that makes a separate but equal law that does NOT fit your platform. So you tell me how do you solve this without upsetting your base and NOT making a separate but equal law?

Same-Sex Marriage Was Just the Start: White House Champions Equality Bill
You know...if you really had that 214 IQ you would remember that when the Civil Rights bill first became law, there were those civil rights leaders who objected to it being used for women's rights or migrant workers' rights too. It's human nature to somehow think your struggle is unique.

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