Warren Commission was correct........Oswald acted alone

That’s what happened
Only if you disingenuously ignore or deny Ruby's own comments on his role in shooting Oswald (or the statement of one of his dancers).
And why would anyone without absolute proof to the contrary do that? To perpetuate a lie, obviously.

The only theory that makes sense. Any theory that he was a paid assasin would have to account for him being at Western Union.
Not paid....threatened. Forced. Compelled. Coerced.

I’m sorry Mr Mafia man......I meant to kill Oswald but I walked across the street to send money to one of my strippers

Who would have thought they would bring him down in the ten minutes I was gone?
This all only makes sense if you believe Ruby just showed up at Dallas police HQ for some reason and was surprised to find out Lee Oswald was being held there as the alleged killer of the president. The crime of the century right there in Dallas and Ruby is somehow unaware of it? Pure bullshit!

And that a so called "smirk" drove him to shoot Oswald in a rage in front of all the world to see, an action that was purely suicidal and an inexplicable act of lunacy. It's all on film. Produce that so called smirk.

Or maybe Ruby had all sorts of contacts among the police (who certainly didn't stop him from entering the garage, wandering around and working his way towards the only possible path out for Oswald) and he knew exactly when Oswald would be transferred and he easily made a simple transaction (which could have been cancelled at any point
should time run out) before entering the police garage and shooting Oswald.

I can't emphasize enough how pathetic and patently false your little story is.
That’s what happened
Only if you disingenuously ignore or deny Ruby's own comments on his role in shooting Oswald (or the statement of one of his dancers).
And why would anyone without absolute proof to the contrary do that? To perpetuate a lie, obviously.

The only theory that makes sense. Any theory that he was a paid assasin would have to account for him being at Western Union.
Not paid....threatened. Forced. Compelled. Coerced.

I’m sorry Mr Mafia man......I meant to kill Oswald but I walked across the street to send money to one of my strippers

Who would have thought they would bring him down in the ten minutes I was gone?
This all only makes sense if you believe Ruby just showed up at Dallas police HQ for some reason and was surprised to find out Lee Oswald was being held there as the alleged killer of the president. The crime of the century right there in Dallas and Ruby is somehow unaware of it? Pure bullshit!

And that a so called "smirk" drove him to shoot Oswald in a rage in front of all the world to see, an action that was purely suicidal and an inexplicable act of lunacy. It's all on film. Produce that so called smirk.

Or maybe Ruby had all sorts of contacts among the police (who certainly didn't stop him from entering the garage, wandering around and working his way towards the only possible path out for Oswald) and he knew exactly when Oswald would be transferred and he easily made a simple transaction (which could have been cancelled at any point
should time run out) before entering the police garage and shooting Oswald.

I can't emphasize enough how pathetic and patently false your little story is.

Ruby was forced to kill Oswald?


He had no chance of killing Oswald without being shot or captured

What are you going to threaten him with?
Ruby was forced to kill Oswald?

He was compelled by mobsters. working alongside the CIA.

He had no chance of killing Oswald without being shot or captured

What are you going to threaten him with?
How about harming someone he loved?
Or how about making an offer he couldn't refuse himself.

As far as the aftermath of killing someone in front of the whole nation (I saw it myself in real time on a little television set in the kitchen while my mother did dishes and we got ready for church) I have to imagine he was assured big time lawyers would get him off with a slap on the wrist for someone who would be seen as a national hero, killing that Commie creep rat Lee Oswald.
In any case he was in no position to say no. I direct you again to the words of Jack Ruby, that I have cited at least twice already.
Ruby was forced to kill Oswald?

He was compelled by mobsters. working alongside the CIA.

He had no chance of killing Oswald without being shot or captured

What are you going to threaten him with?
How about harming someone he loved?
Or how about making an offer he couldn't refuse himself.

As far as the aftermath of killing someone in front of the whole nation (I saw it myself in real time on a little television set in the kitchen while my mother did dishes and we got ready for church) I have to imagine he was assured big time lawyers would get him off with a slap on the wrist for someone who would be seen as a national hero, killing that Commie creep rat Lee Oswald.
In any case he was in no position to say no. I direct you again to the words of Jack Ruby, that I have cited at least twice already.
How do you compel someone to kill someone when the very act will probably get you killed

If Ruby was ordered to kill Oswald, he would have been there for an hour waiting for him to be brought down
How do you compel someone to kill someone when the very act will probably get you killed
How can you possibly ask this when I've carefully explained all the contingencies of Ruby's act? It boggles my mind.

If Ruby was ordered to kill Oswald, he would have been there for an hour waiting for him to be brought down
I don't know why you'd claim this but if Ruby had to wait around for awhile, so what?
It certainly makes your comment about a brief trip to a Western Union office absolutely worthless (I mean more worthless than before).
Again, the Dallas PD was filled with pals of Jack Ruby. He was an insider. Lee Harvey Oswald's killer Jack Ruby told FBI informant to 'watch the fireworks' hours before JFK's assassination

It must have sucked for Ruby to have to kill an acquaintance like Oswald Lee Harvey Oswald and his killer Jack Ruby MET weeks before JFK murder
...but when the boss demands something you can't refuse. That's the criminal's law.
More fabrication

Ruby did not go to the Police Station until four minutes AFTER he had sent a money transfer at Western Union

How was he supposed to get word that Oswald was on his way down?
Why wouldn’t he just wait at the Police station ?
Idiot! The Western Union office was across the street. He was obviously standing right next to the two places at once!
He could easily have been told Oswald will be taken out in ten minutes or whatever, and gone to wire money AND easily made it back across the street.
My other posts have already covered this all. Stop wasting my time.
Nobody had that information. Oswald came down when they were ready
NO EVIDENCE of Ruby being there beforehand.....none

Man...there sure were a lot of impulse killings in Dallas that week. Oswald just happens to get his rifle and kills Kennedy without knowing until 11/19 (at the earliest) that JFK was coming by his building (he had been hired on October 15 of that year).


He forgets his revolver which he suddenly remembers he needed....wastes time that anyone else would spend getting out of Dodge...to go and get it; ends up getting apprehended.

Then...Ruby makes an impulse killing of Oswald two days later.

Seems weird.
/——/ No one ever accused Oswald of being smart. We’ll never know Ruby’s motivation.

Ruby testified about his motivation. He said that rage at Kennedy’s murder was the motive for his actions.

More fabrication

Ruby did not go to the Police Station until four minutes AFTER he had sent a money transfer at Western Union

How was he supposed to get word that Oswald was on his way down?
Why wouldn’t he just wait at the Police station ?
Idiot! The Western Union office was across the street. He was obviously standing right next to the two places at once!
He could easily have been told Oswald will be taken out in ten minutes or whatever, and gone to wire money AND easily made it back across the street.
My other posts have already covered this all. Stop wasting my time.
Nobody had that information. Oswald came down when they were ready
NO EVIDENCE of Ruby being there beforehand.....none

Man...there sure were a lot of impulse killings in Dallas that week. Oswald just happens to get his rifle and kills Kennedy without knowing until 11/19 (at the earliest) that JFK was coming by his building (he had been hired on October 15 of that year).


He forgets his revolver which he suddenly remembers he needed....wastes time that anyone else would spend getting out of Dodge...to go and get it; ends up getting apprehended.

Then...Ruby makes an impulse killing of Oswald two days later.

Seems weird.
That’s the way it went down

And I think that if you (the general you—not you personally) feel that there is nothing afoot there with Oswald just deciding one day to shoot the President and Ruby just one day deciding to off Oswald, you’re not looking at it logically. But...Things happen all the time that don’t make so much sense to those not close to the situation—this was over 50 years ago so nobody is “close”.

But two assassinations—one of a man who was protected by the US Secret Service and the other who was actually in custody of the Dallas Police Department—that has to rate as almost impossible on the irony-o-meter; both in terms of being able to kill the protected person and the circumstances of their assassins acting on a whim.

The problem is that you are trying to assign "logic" to people who were seemingly operating off emotions. The same with the assassination of President McKinley. Irrational people can't be explained by logic.
How do you compel someone to kill someone when the very act will probably get you killed
How can you possibly ask this when I've carefully explained all the contingencies of Ruby's act? It boggles my mind.

If Ruby was ordered to kill Oswald, he would have been there for an hour waiting for him to be brought down
I don't know why you'd claim this but if Ruby had to wait around for awhile, so what?
It certainly makes your comment about a brief trip to a Western Union office absolutely worthless (I mean more worthless than before).
Again, the Dallas PD was filled with pals of Jack Ruby. He was an insider. Lee Harvey Oswald's killer Jack Ruby told FBI informant to 'watch the fireworks' hours before JFK's assassination

It must have sucked for Ruby to have to kill an acquaintance like Oswald Lee Harvey Oswald and his killer Jack Ruby MET weeks before JFK murder
...but when the boss demands something you can't refuse. That's the criminal's law.
You have not explained anything

You have only speculated without logic or evidence.

You have also outright lied.

The quote from Ruby was not uttered in prison but during his trial before he was convicted

The fact is once convicted he always maintained he acted alone which is not disputed by any evidence.
Ruby was forced to kill Oswald?

He was compelled by mobsters. working alongside the CIA.

He had no chance of killing Oswald without being shot or captured

What are you going to threaten him with?
How about harming someone he loved?
Or how about making an offer he couldn't refuse himself.

As far as the aftermath of killing someone in front of the whole nation (I saw it myself in real time on a little television set in the kitchen while my mother did dishes and we got ready for church) I have to imagine he was assured big time lawyers would get him off with a slap on the wrist for someone who would be seen as a national hero, killing that Commie creep rat Lee Oswald.
In any case he was in no position to say no. I direct you again to the words of Jack Ruby, that I have cited at least twice already.
How do you compel someone to kill someone when the very act will probably get you killed

If Ruby was ordered to kill Oswald, he would have been there for an hour waiting for him to be brought down

Wait! You didn't know the famous "someone" was going to tell Ruby when to be there to kill Oswald? Of course, no one knows who "someone" is or how he'd communicate with Ruby who hadn't planned to be at the Western Union office until asked to send money to one of his employees, but that doesn't matter. We know it was "someone".
Idiot! The Western Union office was across the street. He was obviously standing right next to the two places at once!
He could easily have been told Oswald will be taken out in ten minutes or whatever, and gone to wire money AND easily made it back across the street.
My other posts have already covered this all. Stop wasting my time.
Nobody had that information. Oswald came down when they were ready
NO EVIDENCE of Ruby being there beforehand.....none

Man...there sure were a lot of impulse killings in Dallas that week. Oswald just happens to get his rifle and kills Kennedy without knowing until 11/19 (at the earliest) that JFK was coming by his building (he had been hired on October 15 of that year).


He forgets his revolver which he suddenly remembers he needed....wastes time that anyone else would spend getting out of Dodge...to go and get it; ends up getting apprehended.

Then...Ruby makes an impulse killing of Oswald two days later.

Seems weird.
That’s the way it went down

And I think that if you (the general you—not you personally) feel that there is nothing afoot there with Oswald just deciding one day to shoot the President and Ruby just one day deciding to off Oswald, you’re not looking at it logically. But...Things happen all the time that don’t make so much sense to those not close to the situation—this was over 50 years ago so nobody is “close”.

But two assassinations—one of a man who was protected by the US Secret Service and the other who was actually in custody of the Dallas Police Department—that has to rate as almost impossible on the irony-o-meter; both in terms of being able to kill the protected person and the circumstances of their assassins acting on a whim.

The problem is that you are trying to assign "logic" to people who were seemingly operating off emotions. The same with the assassination of President McKinley. Irrational people can't be explained by logic.


If you were watching this from Mars and were told that the guy who shot the most powerful man in the world it would probably surprise you. If you were told the man was arrested…it would probably not surprise you. If you were told that the guy who killed the President was killed while in custody..it would shock you.

Now…if you were told that the reason both gunmen did what they did was unknown and there was no connection, no obvious motivation, and no known reason…you’d call bullshit or whatever the Martian word for Bullshit is.

This is without knowing the details of Oswald’s odd actions after killing Kennedy, without knowing Ruby’s sordid past, and without knowing there backgrounds of both men.
Nobody had that information. Oswald came down when they were ready
NO EVIDENCE of Ruby being there beforehand.....none

Man...there sure were a lot of impulse killings in Dallas that week. Oswald just happens to get his rifle and kills Kennedy without knowing until 11/19 (at the earliest) that JFK was coming by his building (he had been hired on October 15 of that year).


He forgets his revolver which he suddenly remembers he needed....wastes time that anyone else would spend getting out of Dodge...to go and get it; ends up getting apprehended.

Then...Ruby makes an impulse killing of Oswald two days later.

Seems weird.
That’s the way it went down

And I think that if you (the general you—not you personally) feel that there is nothing afoot there with Oswald just deciding one day to shoot the President and Ruby just one day deciding to off Oswald, you’re not looking at it logically. But...Things happen all the time that don’t make so much sense to those not close to the situation—this was over 50 years ago so nobody is “close”.

But two assassinations—one of a man who was protected by the US Secret Service and the other who was actually in custody of the Dallas Police Department—that has to rate as almost impossible on the irony-o-meter; both in terms of being able to kill the protected person and the circumstances of their assassins acting on a whim.

The problem is that you are trying to assign "logic" to people who were seemingly operating off emotions. The same with the assassination of President McKinley. Irrational people can't be explained by logic.


If you were watching this from Mars and were told that the guy who shot the most powerful man in the world it would probably surprise you. If you were told the man was arrested…it would probably not surprise you. If you were told that the guy who killed the President was killed while in custody..it would shock you.

Now…if you were told that the reason both gunmen did what they did was unknown and there was no connection, no obvious motivation, and no known reason…you’d call bullshit or whatever the Martian word for Bullshit is.

This is without knowing the details of Oswald’s odd actions after killing Kennedy, without knowing Ruby’s sordid past, and without knowing there backgrounds of both men.
None of which is anything but emotion.

Stranger murders have happened and the facts and evidence are overwhelming

There was no conspiracy
Nobody had that information. Oswald came down when they were ready
NO EVIDENCE of Ruby being there beforehand.....none

Man...there sure were a lot of impulse killings in Dallas that week. Oswald just happens to get his rifle and kills Kennedy without knowing until 11/19 (at the earliest) that JFK was coming by his building (he had been hired on October 15 of that year).


He forgets his revolver which he suddenly remembers he needed....wastes time that anyone else would spend getting out of Dodge...to go and get it; ends up getting apprehended.

Then...Ruby makes an impulse killing of Oswald two days later.

Seems weird.
That’s the way it went down

And I think that if you (the general you—not you personally) feel that there is nothing afoot there with Oswald just deciding one day to shoot the President and Ruby just one day deciding to off Oswald, you’re not looking at it logically. But...Things happen all the time that don’t make so much sense to those not close to the situation—this was over 50 years ago so nobody is “close”.

But two assassinations—one of a man who was protected by the US Secret Service and the other who was actually in custody of the Dallas Police Department—that has to rate as almost impossible on the irony-o-meter; both in terms of being able to kill the protected person and the circumstances of their assassins acting on a whim.

The problem is that you are trying to assign "logic" to people who were seemingly operating off emotions. The same with the assassination of President McKinley. Irrational people can't be explained by logic.


If you were watching this from Mars and were told that the guy who shot the most powerful man in the world it would probably surprise you. If you were told the man was arrested…it would probably not surprise you. If you were told that the guy who killed the President was killed while in custody..it would shock you.

Now…if you were told that the reason both gunmen did what they did was unknown and there was no connection, no obvious motivation, and no known reason…you’d call bullshit or whatever the Martian word for Bullshit is.

This is without knowing the details of Oswald’s odd actions after killing Kennedy, without knowing Ruby’s sordid past, and without knowing there backgrounds of both men.

Again, you're trying to find rational motivations from irrational people. The "most powerful man in the world" was driving around in a convertible to be accessible to the people of Dallas, which made him vulnerable. Did rational people suggest that he not drive in a convertible? Yes. Did he take their advice? No.

Lee Oswald thought of himself as important, in spite of the evidence to the contrary. He felt that the American Presidents exploited the working man. He made statements that he wanted to kill Eisenhower but never was close enough to kill him. Circumstances gave him the opportunity with JFK. I agree it was not rational, but in spite of appearances, Oswald was not a rational person.

Lee Harvey Oswald's Motives in Killing John Kennedy
Man...there sure were a lot of impulse killings in Dallas that week. Oswald just happens to get his rifle and kills Kennedy without knowing until 11/19 (at the earliest) that JFK was coming by his building (he had been hired on October 15 of that year).


He forgets his revolver which he suddenly remembers he needed....wastes time that anyone else would spend getting out of Dodge...to go and get it; ends up getting apprehended.

Then...Ruby makes an impulse killing of Oswald two days later.

Seems weird.
That’s the way it went down

And I think that if you (the general you—not you personally) feel that there is nothing afoot there with Oswald just deciding one day to shoot the President and Ruby just one day deciding to off Oswald, you’re not looking at it logically. But...Things happen all the time that don’t make so much sense to those not close to the situation—this was over 50 years ago so nobody is “close”.

But two assassinations—one of a man who was protected by the US Secret Service and the other who was actually in custody of the Dallas Police Department—that has to rate as almost impossible on the irony-o-meter; both in terms of being able to kill the protected person and the circumstances of their assassins acting on a whim.

The problem is that you are trying to assign "logic" to people who were seemingly operating off emotions. The same with the assassination of President McKinley. Irrational people can't be explained by logic.


If you were watching this from Mars and were told that the guy who shot the most powerful man in the world it would probably surprise you. If you were told the man was arrested…it would probably not surprise you. If you were told that the guy who killed the President was killed while in custody..it would shock you.

Now…if you were told that the reason both gunmen did what they did was unknown and there was no connection, no obvious motivation, and no known reason…you’d call bullshit or whatever the Martian word for Bullshit is.

This is without knowing the details of Oswald’s odd actions after killing Kennedy, without knowing Ruby’s sordid past, and without knowing there backgrounds of both men.

Again, you're trying to find rational motivations from irrational people. The "most powerful man in the world" was driving around in a convertible to be accessible to the people of Dallas, which made him vulnerable. Did rational people suggest that he not drive in a convertible? Yes. Did he take their advice? No.

Lee Oswald thought of himself as important, in spite of the evidence to the contrary. He felt that the American Presidents exploited the working man. He made statements that he wanted to kill Eisenhower but never was close enough to kill him. Circumstances gave him the opportunity with JFK. I agree it was not rational, but in spite of appearances, Oswald was not a rational person.

Lee Harvey Oswald's Motives in Killing John Kennedy
/——-/ President John F. Kennedy predicted his own assignation, "nobody can stop an assassination" just before he was shot and killed in 1963.
How do you compel someone to kill someone when the very act will probably get you killed
How can you possibly ask this when I've carefully explained all the contingencies of Ruby's act? It boggles my mind.

If Ruby was ordered to kill Oswald, he would have been there for an hour waiting for him to be brought down
I don't know why you'd claim this but if Ruby had to wait around for awhile, so what?
It certainly makes your comment about a brief trip to a Western Union office absolutely worthless (I mean more worthless than before).
Again, the Dallas PD was filled with pals of Jack Ruby. He was an insider. Lee Harvey Oswald's killer Jack Ruby told FBI informant to 'watch the fireworks' hours before JFK's assassination

It must have sucked for Ruby to have to kill an acquaintance like Oswald Lee Harvey Oswald and his killer Jack Ruby MET weeks before JFK murder
...but when the boss demands something you can't refuse. That's the criminal's law.
Ruby did not wait around for his supposed intended target
In fact, he showed up a few minutes before they brought Oswald down

Not the act of a paid killer
Man...there sure were a lot of impulse killings in Dallas that week. Oswald just happens to get his rifle and kills Kennedy without knowing until 11/19 (at the earliest) that JFK was coming by his building (he had been hired on October 15 of that year).


He forgets his revolver which he suddenly remembers he needed....wastes time that anyone else would spend getting out of Dodge...to go and get it; ends up getting apprehended.

Then...Ruby makes an impulse killing of Oswald two days later.

Seems weird.
That’s the way it went down

And I think that if you (the general you—not you personally) feel that there is nothing afoot there with Oswald just deciding one day to shoot the President and Ruby just one day deciding to off Oswald, you’re not looking at it logically. But...Things happen all the time that don’t make so much sense to those not close to the situation—this was over 50 years ago so nobody is “close”.

But two assassinations—one of a man who was protected by the US Secret Service and the other who was actually in custody of the Dallas Police Department—that has to rate as almost impossible on the irony-o-meter; both in terms of being able to kill the protected person and the circumstances of their assassins acting on a whim.

The problem is that you are trying to assign "logic" to people who were seemingly operating off emotions. The same with the assassination of President McKinley. Irrational people can't be explained by logic.


If you were watching this from Mars and were told that the guy who shot the most powerful man in the world it would probably surprise you. If you were told the man was arrested…it would probably not surprise you. If you were told that the guy who killed the President was killed while in custody..it would shock you.

Now…if you were told that the reason both gunmen did what they did was unknown and there was no connection, no obvious motivation, and no known reason…you’d call bullshit or whatever the Martian word for Bullshit is.

This is without knowing the details of Oswald’s odd actions after killing Kennedy, without knowing Ruby’s sordid past, and without knowing there backgrounds of both men.

Again, you're trying to find rational motivations from irrational people. The "most powerful man in the world" was driving around in a convertible to be accessible to the people of Dallas, which made him vulnerable. Did rational people suggest that he not drive in a convertible? Yes. Did he take their advice? No.

Lee Oswald thought of himself as important, in spite of the evidence to the contrary. He felt that the American Presidents exploited the working man. He made statements that he wanted to kill Eisenhower but never was close enough to kill him. Circumstances gave him the opportunity with JFK. I agree it was not rational, but in spite of appearances, Oswald was not a rational person.

Lee Harvey Oswald's Motives in Killing John Kennedy
Oswald had delusions of grandeur

He expected to be treated like a hero by Russia when he defected. They gave him a manufacturing job

He expected to be mobbed by reporters when he returned. Nobody showed up

He expected to be famous for killing a president......he was
Man...there sure were a lot of impulse killings in Dallas that week. Oswald just happens to get his rifle and kills Kennedy without knowing until 11/19 (at the earliest) that JFK was coming by his building (he had been hired on October 15 of that year).


He forgets his revolver which he suddenly remembers he needed....wastes time that anyone else would spend getting out of Dodge...to go and get it; ends up getting apprehended.

Then...Ruby makes an impulse killing of Oswald two days later.

Seems weird.
That’s the way it went down

And I think that if you (the general you—not you personally) feel that there is nothing afoot there with Oswald just deciding one day to shoot the President and Ruby just one day deciding to off Oswald, you’re not looking at it logically. But...Things happen all the time that don’t make so much sense to those not close to the situation—this was over 50 years ago so nobody is “close”.

But two assassinations—one of a man who was protected by the US Secret Service and the other who was actually in custody of the Dallas Police Department—that has to rate as almost impossible on the irony-o-meter; both in terms of being able to kill the protected person and the circumstances of their assassins acting on a whim.

The problem is that you are trying to assign "logic" to people who were seemingly operating off emotions. The same with the assassination of President McKinley. Irrational people can't be explained by logic.


If you were watching this from Mars and were told that the guy who shot the most powerful man in the world it would probably surprise you. If you were told the man was arrested…it would probably not surprise you. If you were told that the guy who killed the President was killed while in custody..it would shock you.

Now…if you were told that the reason both gunmen did what they did was unknown and there was no connection, no obvious motivation, and no known reason…you’d call bullshit or whatever the Martian word for Bullshit is.

This is without knowing the details of Oswald’s odd actions after killing Kennedy, without knowing Ruby’s sordid past, and without knowing there backgrounds of both men.

Again, you're trying to find rational motivations from irrational people. The "most powerful man in the world" was driving around in a convertible to be accessible to the people of Dallas, which made him vulnerable. Did rational people suggest that he not drive in a convertible? Yes. Did he take their advice? No.
Not sure what the premise is… Kennedy was being irrational?

Lee Oswald thought of himself as important, in spite of the evidence to the contrary. He felt that the American Presidents exploited the working man. He made statements that he wanted to kill Eisenhower but never was close enough to kill him. Circumstances gave him the opportunity with JFK. I agree it was not rational, but in spite of appearances, Oswald was not a rational person.

Lee Harvey Oswald's Motives in Killing John Kennedy
He was rational enough to go get his rifle, wrap it in paper, concoct a story about what was in it. And kill the President. He was rational enough to take a bus to Mexico. He was rational enough to get into the USSR and Cuban embassies in Mexico City despite the intel services we had watching the embassies down there who (allegedly) say they never saw him go in.

As for the statements:

Lee Oswald thought of himself as important, in spite of the evidence to the contrary. He felt that the American Presidents exploited the working man. He made statements that he wanted to kill Eisenhower but never was close enough to kill him. Circumstances gave him the opportunity with JFK. I agree it was not rational, but in spite of appearances, Oswald was not a rational person.

Seems to me—just my opinion—that today we have a bumper crop of irrationality mixed with more guns being available than ever before. If this was all that it took, we’d have people capping public officials all day long. Yes the Secret Service are the best of the best. Governors have no SS protection. Unfortunately, as we saw, congressmen have no protection, mayors, ambassadors, or even judges….nada.

The lone nut theory doesn’t make sense in light of today’s circumstances.
Ruby happened to be sending a money order to one of his strippers. He even brought his favorite dog with him and left him in the car. Why would someone planning a murder do that

He wandered across the street to the police station to see what the commotion was about. Being a Texan, he needed a handgun to keep him safe. Doubtless dozens of others were armed.

Seeing Oswald being led out, he was enraged by his smirk. Pulled his gun and shot him
Bullshit! All lies and not even clever or plausible lies.:fu:

Ruby wondered what all the fuss was about at the police station in the aftermath of the Kennedy shooting with Oswald in custody? Ruby shot Oswald because he was "smirking"? He was just able to walk up to Oswald and shoot him at point blank range? That's just really, really, really lame and pathetic! You are literally making up lies as you go along.

I already posted Ruby's own comments from his jail cell and why he felt he was the victim of "powerful forces"..
So odd he never mentioned Oswald's :"smirk". Do you have any reason at all to challenge Ruby's own words?

Of course you don't, you fucking liar!
That’s what happened

The only theory that makes sense. Any theory that he was a paid assasin would have to account for him being at Western Union

I’m sorry Mr Mafia man......I meant to kill Oswald but I walked across the street to send money to one of my strippers

Who would have thought they would bring him down in the ten minutes I was gone?

Actually he was sending the money to me;one of my disguises was as a stripper at his club, and he was sending me the final payment for killing JFK. It was in fact Bobby Kennedy who hired me, through Ruby, to kill his brother.
Ruby happened to be sending a money order to one of his strippers. He even brought his favorite dog with him and left him in the car. Why would someone planning a murder do that

He wandered across the street to the police station to see what the commotion was about. Being a Texan, he needed a handgun to keep him safe. Doubtless dozens of others were armed.

Seeing Oswald being led out, he was enraged by his smirk. Pulled his gun and shot him
Bullshit! All lies and not even clever or plausible lies.:fu:

Ruby wondered what all the fuss was about at the police station in the aftermath of the Kennedy shooting with Oswald in custody? Ruby shot Oswald because he was "smirking"? He was just able to walk up to Oswald and shoot him at point blank range? That's just really, really, really lame and pathetic! You are literally making up lies as you go along.

I already posted Ruby's own comments from his jail cell and why he felt he was the victim of "powerful forces"..
So odd he never mentioned Oswald's :"smirk". Do you have any reason at all to challenge Ruby's own words?

Of course you don't, you fucking liar!
That’s what happened

The only theory that makes sense. Any theory that he was a paid assasin would have to account for him being at Western Union

I’m sorry Mr Mafia man......I meant to kill Oswald but I walked across the street to send money to one of my strippers

Who would have thought they would bring him down in the ten minutes I was gone?

Actually he was sending the money to me;one of my disguises was as a stripper at his club, and he was sending me the final payment for killing JFK. It was in fact Bobby Kennedy who hired me, through Ruby, to kill his brother.
You could not be a stripper in one of his clubs silly

Your boobs are not big enough
Ruby did not wait around for his supposed intended target
In fact, he showed up a few minutes before they brought Oswald down

Not the act of a paid killer
LOL....you keep making yourself more and more irrelevant. Ruby was NOT a paid killer.
Here is your earlier attempt at finding some way of denying Jack Ruby's own words. #3124

"If Ruby was ordered to kill Oswald, he would have been there for an hour waiting for him to be brought down"
But no, wait, you say: Ruby got there early. No he got there only a few minutes beforehand. But he didn't even know
what the fuss at the Dallas P.D. was all about. But he was a paid killer.....blah blah blah.

You are a fucking gas bag who has has no idea what he's talking about. You'll just say anything as it pops into your head
in order to deny something you don't know a thing about.

You are a sad lonesome loser. Get a pet.
Ruby did not wait around for his supposed intended target
In fact, he showed up a few minutes before they brought Oswald down

Not the act of a paid killer
LOL....you keep making yourself more and more irrelevant. Ruby was NOT a paid killer.
Here is your earlier attempt at finding some way of denying Jack Ruby's own words. #3124

"If Ruby was ordered to kill Oswald, he would have been there for an hour waiting for him to be brought down"
But no, wait, you say: Ruby got there early. No he got there only a few minutes beforehand. But he didn't even know
what the fuss at the Dallas P.D. was all about. But he was a paid killer.....blah blah blah.

You are a fucking gas bag who has has no idea what he's talking about. You'll just say anything as it pops into your head
in order to deny something you don't know a thing about.

You are a sad lonesome loser. Get a pet.
Failure again my friend.....

You fail to account for Ruby showing up on site a mere minutes before Oswald

Kills your conspiracy theory

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