Warren, Ohio: 6 Teens Die in SUV Crash


Let's go swimmin'!
May 3, 2011
My house
Six Teens Aged 14 to 16 were killed this morning in an SUV Crash

USA Today, Sunday, March 10, 2013

WARREN, Ohio (AP) — A sport-utility vehicle carrying eight people crashed into a guardrail and landed in a pond early Sunday in northeast Ohio, killing six teenagers, the Ohio State Highway Patrol said.
The other two people inside survived the crash, in which the Honda Passport veered off the left side of a road, hit a guardrail and overturned, Lt. Anne Ralston said. Investigators said it came to rest in a pond just south of Warren, about 60 miles east of Cleveland near the Pennsylvania state line.

My condolences to the parents and community of Warren, Ohio.
Drunk driving, speeding, text driving ---- something like that. Everybody will just call it an accident and forget it.
Police have now confirmed the idiots were speeding. Possibly drunk too. This was no "accident" . Thank god these psychos only killed themselves.
My condolences to the parents and community of Warren, Ohio.

You know they won't see this, right?

They might feel it though and there may be someone from Warren, Ohio here. One of the parents might be here.. :) And prayers? Well, who really knows, huh?

After going through the passing of my mother and father, I can't imagine...

My condolences as well.
I'm not completely up on the laws of my state (I will be reviewing them in a few months when my daughter qualifies for her temporary permit) but I believe a vehicle with a 'new' (teen driver under 18) may have one family member and one other nonrelated family member in the vehicle or the teen may be cited. This had caused issues for students who would carpool as opposed to taking the bus.
As I understand the reports, the driver(deceased) was 19 and would be exempt from this retriction.
BUT.........what parent does not keep tabs on their 14-16 year olds and who their friends are?
Two youths of the 8 in the vehicle survived with minor injuries.

A real tragedy that perhaps can be instructive to other teens who engaged in similar activity and were far luckier and a warning that there are no do-overs for all.
My condolences to the parents and community of Warren, Ohio.

You know they won't see this, right?
It's the home town of one of superstar mods who was kind enough to let me know by pm, DTMB. :cool:

And if people pour out their love to the families, who knows if it won't get back to them that everybody in the USA feels their pain and sends all their love. I've heard so many people say that it helps to know that many care. When my grandfather passed, it helped to know a thousand people showed up to give our family a hug for our loss. Really, and we can never forget that love shown us by the entire community of friends he had.

We come from all walks here at USMB, but we all extend the families the best of our hearts in their time of sorrow. The whole nation does.
Police have now confirmed the idiots were speeding. Possibly drunk too. This was no "accident" . Thank god these psychos only killed themselves.
That's not so, ShootSpeeders. Teenagers aren't always mature enough to make adult decisions. Their friends aren't always being responsible when they supply them with alcohol, either.

None of the people who loved these kids is culpable unless they supplied the alcohol. They may not have known their children were drinking nor understood the risks associated with underage drinking.

Nobody who has ever viewed accident scene photos of the dead, often scattered in grotesque positions, has ever even mildly thought of them as anything but sadly, dead, and taken away from people who loved them an awfully lot.

Sometimes, even seasoned cops and hospital workers have to stop and throw up at the sight of such a tragic thing. It's just not all black and white. That community needs to do something to heal, though. It needs to reinstate whatever was missing from the driver training education these children failed to recall, and make sure no one else from the community ever experiences such a heinous fate.

That takes resolve and a lot of love. And yes, it takes anger, too. When anger fuels positive steps to stop something bad, such as ignorance, that's when it's served the best purpose. So your anger is okay if it wakes people up to changing a behavior.

For that reason, I thank you for your commentary. I hope you resolve to shoot ignorance, but then, that's what you do, isn't it. Just don't forget to hug the innocent who mourn, 'kay? :)
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A parents nightmare.

But why is this local tragedy brought to our attention?

They were pretty much children. The OP states that they'd taken the car without permission, the oldest - a licensed driver - was driving.

Bad planning, not to ask permission to take the car, not to let a responsible adult know where they were going, when they expected to get there. 8 teenagers in a car is not good, especially if it's a new driver. SUVs are v. unforgiving cars - they've top-heavy, too sharp a turn & the car goes right over. For teenagers, SUVs are virtual deathtraps - because they amplify driving mistakes, instead of compensating for them by design.

As the rescue squad said, if they'd gotten there in time, the exposure to cold water can help prolong life. 2 of the teens got to hospital in full cardiac arrest, but later died.
A parents nightmare.

But why is this local tragedy brought to our attention?

If some gun nut kills 5, you libs make it a national story. Time to do the same with the car crazies. They do far more killing than gun owners do.
Police have now confirmed the idiots were speeding. Possibly drunk too. This was no "accident" . Thank god these psychos only killed themselves.
That's not so, ShootSpeeders. Teenagers aren't always mature enough to make adult decisions. )

Then don't let teens drive. That's the answer to that. Raise the driving age to 21.

Stop making excuses for these psychos and be grateful they only killed themselves.
My condolences to the parents and community of Warren, Ohio.

You know they won't see this, right?
It's the home town of one of superstar mods who was kind enough to let me know by pm, DTMB. :cool:

And if people pour out their love to the families, who knows if it won't get back to them that everybody in the USA feels their pain and sends all their love. I've heard so many people say that it helps to know that many care. When my grandfather passed, it helped to know a thousand people showed up to give our family a hug for our loss. Really, and we can never forget that love shown us by the entire community of friends he had.

We come from all walks here at USMB, but we all extend the families the best of our hearts in their time of sorrow. The whole nation does.

are you talking about "empathy"? :eek: I thought that was a bad thing to you people who vote Repub :eusa_whistle: Obama Pushes for 'Empathetic' Supreme Court Justices

Besides, this type of thing happens all the time especially w/ parents getting their teenagers $800.00 cellies so they can text all day long (while driving) and follow taylor swift tweets.
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If some gun nut was being reckless with a gun and "accidentally" killed himself and 5 other gun nuts, would the libs be moaning about that?? Of course not, they'd be cheering and likewise here. These people were endangering others and ended up killing themselves.
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A parents nightmare.

But why is this local tragedy brought to our attention?

We warn our children everytime a missing child is found dead to be wary of strangers.
Same principle applies.
Don't let someone else's questionable judgement cause you (the teen) to succumb to someone else's stupidity.
Better to be labeled a freethinkimg individual and be alive than a follower and either gravely injured or dead.
If it doesn't feel right, walk away.
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Police have now confirmed the idiots were speeding. Possibly drunk too. This was no "accident" . Thank god these psychos only killed themselves.
That's not so, ShootSpeeders. Teenagers aren't always mature enough to make adult decisions. )

Then don't let teens drive. That's the answer to that. Raise the driving age to 21.

Stop making excuses for these psychos and be grateful they only killed themselves.

All I can say is WOW.
Six CHILDREN are dead.

What is that saying about remaining quiet in ones ignorance rather than opening ones mouth and removing all doubt?

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