Warren, Ohio: 6 Teens Die in SUV Crash

A parents nightmare.

But why is this local tragedy brought to our attention?

They were pretty much children. The OP states that they'd taken the car without permission, the oldest - a licensed driver - was driving.

Bad planning, not to ask permission to take the car, not to let a responsible adult know where they were going, when they expected to get there. 8 teenagers in a car is not good, especially if it's a new driver. SUVs are v. unforgiving cars - they've top-heavy, too sharp a turn & the car goes right over. For teenagers, SUVs are virtual deathtraps - because they amplify driving mistakes, instead of compensating for them by design.

As the rescue squad said, if they'd gotten there in time, the exposure to cold water can help prolong life. 2 of the teens got to hospital in full cardiac arrest, but later died.

Something nobody had noted: the Honda Passport is a 5-passenger vehicle. It had EIGHT people in it! It was grossly overloaded!
Police have now confirmed the idiots were speeding. Possibly drunk too. This was no "accident" . Thank god these psychos only killed themselves.
That's not so, ShootSpeeders. Teenagers aren't always mature enough to make adult decisions. )

Then don't let teens drive. That's the answer to that. Raise the driving age to 21.

Stop making excuses for these psychos and be grateful they only killed themselves.

You don't take the nation's Second Amendment away from them because someone misused guns and murdered people.

More teenagers are responsible than not behind the wheel of a car. Older kids whose parents have many other children need transportation to go to jobs, often to pitch in and help the family buy groceries, from the time they're fifteen or sixteen on up. It wouldn't be right to punish them by revoking their ability to help their family survive because a small number of their peers aren't very bright.
If some gun nut was being reckless with a gun and "accidentally" killed himself and 5 other gun nuts, would the libs be moaning about that?? Of course not, they'd be cheering and likewise here. These people were endangering others and ended up killing themselves.

(My bold)

You're right, more people die/are injured in car-related accidents than shootings. The driver in this case apparently showed v. bad judgment, & has paid the price. Unfortunately for her passengers, they chose to ride along with her. 5 more died with her, or later @ the hospital. The survivors will probably suffer nightmares for a v. long time.

That said, these were children. They were someone's kids, someone's cousins, someone's brothers & sister. They will be interred in the cold & the slush, & their friends & family will weep over them.

Is there really so much joyous abandon in this World that we need to vent our anger on these dead children? Is your mood somehow lightened by thinking that you won't have to worry about running into these hapless ones ever again?

I don't think anyone is celebrating these deaths - they were needless, & serve no higher purpose that I can fathom.
A parents nightmare.

But why is this local tragedy brought to our attention?

If some gun nut kills 5, you libs make it a national story. Time to do the same with the car crazies. They do far more killing than gun owners do.

I'm sure all appreciate you bringing angry, crazy, irrelevancy into this thread.

HAHAHA. As always you resort to childish name-calling when someone makes a point you know is right but don't want to admit.
Then don't let teens drive. That's the answer to that. Raise the driving age to 21.

Stop making excuses for these psychos and be grateful they only killed themselves.
More teenagers are responsible than not behind the wheel of a car. Older kids whose parents have many other children need transportation to go to jobs, often to pitch in and help the family buy groceries, from the time they're fifteen or sixteen on up. It wouldn't be right to punish them by revoking their ability to help their family survive because a small number of their peers aren't very bright.

What a stupid argument. Of course there are benefits to letting teens drive but there are also huge problems with it. Banning teen driving would do far more good than harm. THINK
Is there really so much joyous abandon in this World that we need to vent our anger on these dead children? Is your mood somehow lightened by thinking that you won't have to worry about running into these hapless ones ever again?


HAHAHA. You pathetic liberals. Always making excuses when people kill with cars but when they kill with guns, there is no answer for you but to ban all guns.
Is there really so much joyous abandon in this World that we need to vent our anger on these dead children? Is your mood somehow lightened by thinking that you won't have to worry about running into these hapless ones ever again?


HAHAHA. You pathetic liberals. Always making excuses when people kill with cars but when they kill with guns, there is no answer for you but to ban all guns.

I've heard this rhetoric before. Do you march with the crazed Westboro Baptist Church Volk who praise God for the death of US soldiers?

That makes as much sense as your stance here.
Just found out the kids had STOLEN the car!!! How many of you idiot liberals want to defend that?
HAHAHA. You pathetic liberals. Always making excuses when people kill with cars but when they kill with guns, there is no answer for you but to ban all guns.

I've heard this rhetoric before. Do you march with the crazed Westboro Baptist Church Volk who praise God for the death of US soldiers?

That makes as much sense as your stance here.

HAHAHA. More illogic and name-calling from the libulals. Please explain what the WBC has to do with anything anyone has said here!!!
I was speaking with a co-worker about this tragedy earlier this morning. I mentioned that 8 kids in a speeding vehicle at 7 in the morning had to be up to no good, and this was before police reported the car had been stolen. Did these kids make a dumb mistake that cost them their lives? Of course. Lots of people make mistakes at that age that can effect them for their entire lives. It doesn't make it any less of a tragedy that 6 families have lost their loved ones. Blaming the dead won't bring 6 children back. My condolences to the families.
HAHAHA. You pathetic liberals. Always making excuses when people kill with cars but when they kill with guns, there is no answer for you but to ban all guns.

I've heard this rhetoric before. Do you march with the crazed Westboro Baptist Church Volk who praise God for the death of US soldiers?

That makes as much sense as your stance here.

HAHAHA. More illogic and name-calling from the libulals. Please explain what the WBC has to do with anything anyone has said here!!!

Your post is incoherent. Did they steal the car? If so, Bad judgment. Too many kids in the car? Bad judgment. Yep, I agree - Is bad judgment a capital crime?

If you're laughing about their deaths - bad judgment or no - then you're more hyena than human. The dead are beyond caring, of course. But I would think you would extend some respect to the grieving families.
Your post is incoherent. Did they steal the car? If so, Bad judgment. Too many kids in the car? Bad judgment. Yep, I agree - Is bad judgment a capital crime?

If you're laughing about their deaths - bad judgment or no - then you're more hyena than human. The dead are beyond caring, of course. But I would think you would extend some respect to the grieving families.

So now it's just bad judgement??? Are you so forgiving when gun nuts kill?

Liberals are such hypocrites.
I was speaking with a co-worker about this tragedy earlier this morning. I mentioned that 8 kids in a speeding vehicle at 7 in the morning had to be up to no good, and this was before police reported the car had been stolen. Did these kids make a dumb mistake that cost them their lives? Of course. Lots of people make mistakes at that age that can effect them for their entire lives. It doesn't make it any less of a tragedy that 6 families have lost their loved ones. Blaming the dead won't bring 6 children back. My condolences to the families.

HAHAHAHA. Hear that everybody? The driver just made a dumb mistake!!!! When the aurora shooter killed a dozen people, did you liberals dismiss that as merely a dumb mistake?
I was speaking with a co-worker about this tragedy earlier this morning. I mentioned that 8 kids in a speeding vehicle at 7 in the morning had to be up to no good, and this was before police reported the car had been stolen. Did these kids make a dumb mistake that cost them their lives? Of course. Lots of people make mistakes at that age that can effect them for their entire lives. It doesn't make it any less of a tragedy that 6 families have lost their loved ones. Blaming the dead won't bring 6 children back. My condolences to the families.

HAHAHAHA. Hear that everybody? The driver just made a dumb mistake!!!! When the aurora shooter killed a dozen people, did you liberals dismiss that as merely a dumb mistake?

Does the word 'intent' mean anything to you?
A parents nightmare.

But why is this local tragedy brought to our attention?

If some gun nut kills 5, you libs make it a national story. Time to do the same with the car crazies. They do far more killing than gun owners do.

So now are we to expect that every local tragic car accident gets posted here?

Does that really make sense?

Spree killing are rare events and therefore subject to national exposure that invites comments nationwide.

Tragic car accidents happen multiple times a day.

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