Warren, Ohio: 6 Teens Die in SUV Crash

A parents nightmare.

But why is this local tragedy brought to our attention?

If some gun nut kills 5, you libs make it a national story. Time to do the same with the car crazies. They do far more killing than gun owners do.

So now are we to expect that every local tragic car accident gets posted here?

Does that really make sense?

Spree killing are rare events and therefore subject to national exposure that invites comments nationwide.

Tragic car accidents happen multiple times a day.
Tragic accidents do happen daily but when it involves 8 teenagers, it can become national news.

There are innumerable topics posted on this forum that have little interest to me and I skip over them.
Perhaps you could do the same?

In a similar vein, teacher strikes can happen here and there and are mostly covered locally.
In the Cleveland area here, the west side city of Strongsville is currently striking.
They want better working conditions and a pay increase. ( This district is the 19th highest paid in the state).

But, what led this particular district to be covered on a national cable network?
The substitutes are being identified by the union and are having their personal information distributed on leaflets in their neighborhoods as SCAB labor.
How low will a union go?
I certainly think unions should be legal, because workers get better treatment from business overall with them.

However, passing local information on replacement workers to intimidate borders on criminality.

I hope the DA's office is investigating this.
I certainly think unions should be legal, because workers get better treatment from business overall with them.

However, passing local information on replacement workers to intimidate borders on criminality.

I hope the DA's office is investigating this.

It's ironic because many district in the area recently had students attend anti-bullying assemblies.

And the students are supposed to look up to the teachers?
Not all of them.
A parents nightmare.

But why is this local tragedy brought to our attention?

If some gun nut kills 5, you libs make it a national story. Time to do the same with the car crazies. They do far more killing than gun owners do.

So now are we to expect that every local tragic car accident gets posted here?

Does that really make sense?

Spree killing are rare events and therefore subject to national exposure that invites comments nationwide.

Tragic car accidents happen multiple times a day.

Freedom has a price ,just sometimes it is a little to expensive. But giving up freedoms will always cost more sooner or later.
Your post is incoherent. Did they steal the car? If so, Bad judgment. Too many kids in the car? Bad judgment. Yep, I agree - Is bad judgment a capital crime?

If you're laughing about their deaths - bad judgment or no - then you're more hyena than human. The dead are beyond caring, of course. But I would think you would extend some respect to the grieving families.

So now it's just bad judgement??? Are you so forgiving when gun nuts kill?

Liberals are such hypocrites.

I figure the deceased did not set out to kill themselves nor anyone else.

As opposed to a "gun nut", who has to get a gun, get ammo, & then transport himself & weapon & ammo to the scene of the assault.

Tiresome to talk to you, though. Tell you what, if I run into Dr. Doolittle, I'll have him check in with you ...
So now it's just bad judgement??? Are you so forgiving when gun nuts kill?

Liberals are such hypocrites.

I figure the deceased did not set out to kill themselves nor anyone else.

That's debatable. The driver was speeding so don't call this an "accident" and tell us to move on. People are sick of you criminal coddling liberals and how you support speeders and drunk drivers who kill while condemning americans who merely OWN a gun.
So now it's just bad judgement??? Are you so forgiving when gun nuts kill?

Liberals are such hypocrites.

I figure the deceased did not set out to kill themselves nor anyone else.

That's debatable. The driver was speeding so don't call this an "accident" and tell us to move on. People are sick of you criminal coddling liberals and how you support speeders and drunk drivers who kill while condemning americans who merely OWN a gun.
I'm a fiscal conservative, and 6 teenager deaths due to human error in one incident is not a political issue, it's a time of national sorrow. It's a time to taste salt when a family is crying.

:thanks: :thanks: :thanks:
Latest news on this says the driver did not have a valid license either and the survivors said she was speeding and driving recklessly. And yet liberals here tell us to feel sorry for this mass murderer!!
Latest news on this says the driver did not have a valid license either and the survivors said she was speeding and driving recklessly. And yet liberals here tell us to feel sorry for this mass murderer!!

I'm sorry for her family. I'm sorry children disobey their parents. I'm sorry people don't grow up to do right before they reach 21 years old.

But I'm not in charge of them, I'm only in charge of me.

Didn't you have parents? Didn't they tell you to either speak well of the dead or don't speak of them at all?

She already paid the ultimate price. If you shoot her now, you will be incarcerated for mutilation of the corpse. Just sayin'. :eusa_whistle:
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Police have now confirmed the idiots were speeding. Possibly drunk too. This was no "accident" . Thank god these psychos only killed themselves.

Perhaps if you try you could be more of a douche.

But I doubt it.

Omg, adolescents drinking, driving, doing dumb things.

Fuck off, moron.

HAHAHA. I love drivng libulals ballistic.

It's possible someone slipped the driver a mickey to cause her such egregious behavior behind the wheel or she miscounted her dose of alcohol. I haven't heard of a complete toxicologic survey's results yet, have you.

If someone slipped her rohypnol in any beverage, someone else is guilty of the deaths of others.

In the meantime, tighten your suspenders, buster, your panties are in a bunch over this and you have developed diarrhea of the mouth over it.

This is not a political debate.

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