CDZ Was Announcing No U.S. Troops in Ukraine a Mistake?

Please read before emoting.
1. Russia invaded another country allegedly friendly to the U.S. (but not in NATO).
2. We immediately announced that we will not send any U.S. troops to help that country defend itself, and will only act in concert with other NATO countries.
3. NATO is only a mutual self defense treaty between NATO countries.
4. Ukraine is not in NATO, but we announce that the Russian invasion is an act of war against all freedom-loving countries and start taking economic steps to harm the Russian economy.
5. Russia will now sell it energy resources to other countries while our energy costs will skyrocket.

Doesn't it seem unwise to have announced, in advance, that no U.S. troops would to the Ukraine? Didn't that give Russia a green light to invade that country without any consideration of military opposition from other countries? Are we in a war or not? If so, who are we fighting? If not, why are we hurting our own economy?

In retrospect we should have placed, at the invitation of the Ukrainian government, a small contingent of U.S. forces inside the western portion of Ukraine to at least protect a military airfield from which Ukrainian pilots in Ukrainian airplanes could operate. Instead, we have established a de facto hands-off policy where Russia is free to roam the Ukrainian landscape while we cower in fear of possible contact with its troops.

This has now led to clamoring for a NATO-enforced no-fly zone over the Ukraine. Has no one considered the consequences of shooting down Russian aircraft from NATO countries? At least Poland seems to realize the perils of this foolhardy scheme by sending its Russian-built airplanes out of the country. Now the U.S. can decide what to do with them, which is little or nothing. Either way, it will only serve to make the U.S. and NATO look even weaker than they already are.


Elect weak Presidents and you get wars, period. Contrast Biden's and Obama's faggotry and weakness in dealing with criminal regimes and the results with the results of Nixon's responses to the Soviet's war on Israel in 1973: "Send them everything that flies."

Anybody who thinks letting Putin control a huge part of the world's global food supply chain won't result in more and bigger wars is an idiot.
Elect weak Presidents and you get wars, period. Contrast Biden's and Obama's faggotry and weakness in dealing with criminal regimes and the results with the results of Nixon's responses to the Soviet's war on Israel in 1973: "Send them everything that flies."

Anybody who thinks letting Putin control a huge part of the world's global food supply chain won't result in more and bigger wars is an idiot.
Hey no one is stopping you flying to Poland and crossing the border and fight the Russians... How about you do that and then you can speak to us...

Biden is playing this smart...

Russia is running out of money fast... The sanctions has stopped them getting computer chips, there Oil production is suffering without spare parts and expertise of the west.. This is a economic war and Russians are burning $20 billion a day
Hey no one is stopping you flying to Poland and crossing the border and fight the Russians... How about you do that and then you can speak to us...

Biden is playing this smart...

Russia is running out of money fast... The sanctions has stopped them getting computer chips, there Oil production is suffering without spare parts and expertise of the west.. This is a economic war and Russians are burning $20 billion a day

And nobody is stopping you hippies from self-deporting yourselves to Russia, How about you losers move to Russia and then you can get mocked again, gimp. All your idiot nonsense about 'economics' is just more suffering while you piss ants hide under your beds and wet yourselves cuz 'Scary Man Yelled 'Nukes!!!'

lol Biden never played anything 'smart'. that;s just silly bullshit. He's a weakling and the reason why Putin feels safe in doing what he's doing, sames as he felt when Obama was wimping out over Crimea and half of Syria was being gassed.
Biden never played anything 'smart'. that;s just silly bullshit. He's a weakling and the reason why Putin feels safe in doing what he's doing, sames as he felt when Obama was wimping out over Crimea and half of Syria was being gassed.
Biden may not be smart but he is politically clever. What better way to push his Green New Deal than to turn it into a moral crusade to preserve freedom?
Biden may not be smart but he is politically clever. What better way to push his Green New Deal than to turn it into a moral crusade to preserve freedom?

His problem as well as his Party's problem is they have zero credibility, and even their own base knows they're lying crooks.
Russia is running out of money fast... The sanctions has stopped them getting computer chips, there Oil production is suffering without spare parts and expertise of the west.. This is a economic war and Russians are burning $20 billion a day

lol more idiot nonsense from the clueless. Russia has huge gold reserves, and lots of commodities, and also at least two big countries to launder money and goods through, namely India and Red China, and then there are all the off-shore money havens, like Dubai, Isle of Man, Lichtenstein, Uruguay, Brazil, Hong Kong, and a couple of dozen others. Just Ask Biden and Hunter how that works.
Russia is running out of money fast... The sanctions has stopped them getting computer chips, there Oil production is suffering without spare parts and expertise of the west.. This is a economic war and Russians are burning $20 billion a day

lol more idiot nonsense from the clueless. Russia has huge gold reserves, and lots of commodities, and also at least two big countries to launder money and goods through, namely India and Red China, and then there are all the off-shore money havens, like Dubai, Isle of Man, Lichtenstein, Uruguay, Brazil, Hong Kong, and a couple of dozen others. Just Ask Biden and Hunter how that works.
Lets start Isle of Man and Liechtenstein have frozen Russian Assets... Any other banks doing business will feel the effect over time...

Russia can't run an economy from account in Dubai...

And ye, loads of Gold Reseves

Trump may call Putin clever, he was fucking wrong... Putin made a very stupid move...

I know you are cheering on the Russians but the rest of the normal world know that democracy has to win...

By the way, all of ye try and claim Biden is corrupt.. Well get your ass down to your local law enforcement office make your claim and show your evidence...You have fucking nothing except ramblings from Tramp... Why do you not have any real evidence? Think about it... Hillary wasn't even arrested... Obama is still at large...

Ever think that someone if fucking lying to you and telling you what you want to hear... They know you are gullible and easily suggestible...
Lets start Isle of Man and Liechtenstein have frozen Russian Assets... Any other banks doing business will feel the effect over time...

Russia can't run an economy from account in Dubai...

And ye, loads of Gold Reseves

Trump may call Putin clever, he was fucking wrong... Putin made a very stupid move...

I know you are cheering on the Russians but the rest of the normal world know that democracy has to win...

By the way, all of ye try and claim Biden is corrupt.. Well get your ass down to your local law enforcement office make your claim and show your evidence...You have fucking nothing except ramblings from Tramp... Why do you not have any real evidence? Think about it... Hillary wasn't even arrested... Obama is still at large...

Ever think that someone if fucking lying to you and telling you what you want to hear... They know you are gullible and easily suggestible...

Ah, now the symptoms come to light ...You're a deranged TDS sufferer. No wonder you think Biden is competent. WE all know why Hillary hasn't been arrested, nor Obama, nor Biden, dumbass; when you have the FBI destroying evidence for you, and you control the AG and thousands of Federal and state benches, your Party members don't get arrested, dumbass, they just let parrots like you babble along denying the facts. Read up on how organized crime operates, idiot.
Please read before emoting.
1. Russia invaded another country allegedly friendly to the U.S. (but not in NATO).
2. We immediately announced that we will not send any U.S. troops to help that country defend itself, and will only act in concert with other NATO countries.
3. NATO is only a mutual self defense treaty between NATO countries.
4. Ukraine is not in NATO, but we announce that the Russian invasion is an act of war against all freedom-loving countries and start taking economic steps to harm the Russian economy.
5. Russia will now sell it energy resources to other countries while our energy costs will skyrocket.

Doesn't it seem unwise to have announced, in advance, that no U.S. troops would to the Ukraine? Didn't that give Russia a green light to invade that country without any consideration of military opposition from other countries? Are we in a war or not? If so, who are we fighting? If not, why are we hurting our own economy?

In retrospect we should have placed, at the invitation of the Ukrainian government, a small contingent of U.S. forces inside the western portion of Ukraine to at least protect a military airfield from which Ukrainian pilots in Ukrainian airplanes could operate. Instead, we have established a de facto hands-off policy where Russia is free to roam the Ukrainian landscape while we cower in fear of possible contact with its troops.

This has now led to clamoring for a NATO-enforced no-fly zone over the Ukraine. Has no one considered the consequences of shooting down Russian aircraft from NATO countries? At least Poland seems to realize the perils of this foolhardy scheme by sending its Russian-built airplanes out of the country. Now the U.S. can decide what to do with them, which is little or nothing. Either way, it will only serve to make the U.S. and NATO look even weaker than they already are.

Was it a mistake? Yes, an unforgivable one too.
Please read before emoting.
1. Russia invaded another country allegedly friendly to the U.S. (but not in NATO).
2. We immediately announced that we will not send any U.S. troops to help that country defend itself, and will only act in concert with other NATO countries.
3. NATO is only a mutual self defense treaty between NATO countries.
4. Ukraine is not in NATO, but we announce that the Russian invasion is an act of war against all freedom-loving countries and start taking economic steps to harm the Russian economy.
5. Russia will now sell it energy resources to other countries while our energy costs will skyrocket.

Doesn't it seem unwise to have announced, in advance, that no U.S. troops would to the Ukraine? Didn't that give Russia a green light to invade that country without any consideration of military opposition from other countries? Are we in a war or not? If so, who are we fighting? If not, why are we hurting our own economy?

In retrospect we should have placed, at the invitation of the Ukrainian government, a small contingent of U.S. forces inside the western portion of Ukraine to at least protect a military airfield from which Ukrainian pilots in Ukrainian airplanes could operate. Instead, we have established a de facto hands-off policy where Russia is free to roam the Ukrainian landscape while we cower in fear of possible contact with its troops.

This has now led to clamoring for a NATO-enforced no-fly zone over the Ukraine. Has no one considered the consequences of shooting down Russian aircraft from NATO countries? At least Poland seems to realize the perils of this foolhardy scheme by sending its Russian-built airplanes out of the country. Now the U.S. can decide what to do with them, which is little or nothing. Either way, it will only serve to make the U.S. and NATO look even weaker than they already are.

I believe that's a lie I think the United States troops have been there right along unofficially which is definitely an impeachable offense if that's true.

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