Was anybody really going to vote for a 78 year old who can’t keep rudimentary thoughts together?

You mean good old Joe?

Over the unpatriotic failed businessman turned president, pro Russian, hatemonger Trumpybear?

Let me think about it a while!

how is he a failed business man???
hes worth billions that were earned from providing a legal service,,,

His failures before being rescued by Russia is well known. Western banks refused to loan him any money. But be that as it may, his greatest failure is when he turned from a businessman to a politician.
it might be a failure in your mind, but it sure is fun to watch the leftist lose their minds and show their true communist colors

and how did russia rescue him??

Chapter 1 - The Moscow Project
This little write up claims Russia is a "Hostile foreign power?"


By what measure?


Keep your friends close but your enemies closer?
how is he a failed business man???
hes worth billions that were earned from providing a legal service,,,

His failures before being rescued by Russia is well known. Western banks refused to loan him any money. But be that as it may, his greatest failure is when he turned from a businessman to a politician.
it might be a failure in your mind, but it sure is fun to watch the leftist lose their minds and show their true communist colors

and how did russia rescue him??

Chapter 1 - The Moscow Project
This little write up claims Russia is a "Hostile foreign power?"


By what measure?


Keep your friends close but your enemies closer?
Sure, w/e lies you need to tell yourself to make your world make sense now. . . .
That's actually the LEAST of Biden - or should I say Bidet's - problems. That pig is a self-loathing-American who has spent years spewing his hatred of the American public, calling Americans every name in the book - just like the Hillary C*nton and the carpet-headed cocksucker Obama, Nancy Piglosi, the Cuomo wops and too many other Dem. politicians & celebrities for me to keep track of. They offer NOTHING that would benefit the average, everyday American; only insults, violence/rioting-incitement against fellow Americans, false-accusations of racism, and fellating enough of Islam's penis to coat the entire surface of the moon with a layer of muslim semen 3 inches thick. Everything about that abomination of a party is a hatred of Americans and veneration of the WORST, failed, 3rd-world dregs of humanity.

In a nutshell, the Democrat party is nothing but a death-cult, pure and simple.
Wouldnt a Biden voter really be voting his VP for POTUS?
Isn’t a males life expectancy 78 in the U.S.?

As opposed to the 73 year old that cannot keep rudimentary thoughts together?

Hell of a shitty choice
How can a man who "cannot keep rudimentary thoughts together" manage to increase high-paying jobs, increase minority jobs higher than they have ever been, in every way, better than anyone else in history? Enquiring minds would like to know, even if we already do. :laughing0301:
Why is it so difficult for Trumpsters to understand that many people are going to vote against him because they don't like him, his behaviors or his policies?

Are they so emotionally attached to this man that something that obvious doesn't invade their thoughts, on any level, for even a microsecond?

I've never seen anything like this. This is religious in its intensity.
How can a man who "cannot keep rudimentary thoughts together" manage to increase high-paying jobs, increase minority jobs higher than they have ever been, in every way, better than anyone else in history? Enquiring minds would like to know, even if we already do. :laughing0301:

why are you people so insistent on giving the government credit for what the private sector does? Is there anything you do not give the government credit for?
Is it time to stop wasting time using the Biden and Sanders names in election debates yet. Not even Mexicrats are stupid enough to elect either of these barely alive pukes....right?

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