Was Bernie always over-rated?

Bernie and the jets. About a feel good pusher ending up ph ukn us all up the ass.
The "Doctors" expect the bug to be gone and only about 200 or so dead because of it. In 2009 when the brown turd Oblummer found 1000 US citizens have died from the H1N1 virus, he as being typical of a liberal moron decided that something should of been done about it. We the people, who have intelligence remember this shit, and why dumbasses like you need to be dropped in the bottom of the Pacific Ocean.

H1N1 isn't Covid-19. You see, in many ways, Trump dug himself into this hole. He's the one who demonized foreigners in general and the Chinese in particular... Now that he is FAILING to protect us from it's spread, and millions of people who never got so much as a sniffle are losing their shirts in the stock market, it's not going to be good for him.

In June the stock market will recover and end up at 30,000 by Nov 2...As President Trump will win reelection by a 48 state landslide(Cal and NY are worthless states).

YOu are on drugs... But live with your denial.

The market has never taken a hit like this without sliding into recession. It just doesn't happen.
Idiots like you are the reason why there is panic in the streets, because you are an idiot with no better to say than parrot what the Lame Stream Media tells you to say. In June the virus will be dead, life will be back to normal, the DOW will be going up gangbuster and it will hit 30,000 Nov 2nd because President Trump will be reelected in a 48 state landslide(Cal and NY are worthless anyway).

Guy, here's the problem. Covid-19 is Trump's Katrina. It's not just that he's failing to prevent it's spread, it's that it is spreading despite his isolationist, anti-foreign propaganda.

Only 1833 people died in Hurricane Katrina... but it was the fact that so much damage had been done despite Bush establishing DHS to deal with these kinds of problems that was his downfall.
Idiots like you are the reason why there is panic in the streets, because you are an idiot with no better to say than parrot what the Lame Stream Media tells you to say. In June the virus will be dead, life will be back to normal, the DOW will be going up gangbuster and it will hit 30,000 Nov 2nd because President Trump will be reelected in a 48 state landslide(Cal and NY are worthless anyway).

Guy, here's the problem. Covid-19 is Trump's Katrina. It's not just that he's failing to prevent it's spread, it's that it is spreading despite his isolationist, anti-foreign propaganda.

Only 1833 people died in Hurricane Katrina... but it was the fact that so much damage had been done despite Bush establishing DHS to deal with these kinds of problems that was his downfall.
Much like Bush, it is the perception of callousness

You are doing a heck of a job Brownie as people are dying
Idiots like you are the reason why there is panic in the streets, because you are an idiot with no better to say than parrot what the Lame Stream Media tells you to say. In June the virus will be dead, life will be back to normal, the DOW will be going up gangbuster and it will hit 30,000 Nov 2nd because President Trump will be reelected in a 48 state landslide(Cal and NY are worthless anyway).

Guy, here's the problem. Covid-19 is Trump's Katrina. It's not just that he's failing to prevent it's spread, it's that it is spreading despite his isolationist, anti-foreign propaganda.

Only 1833 people died in Hurricane Katrina... but it was the fact that so much damage had been done despite Bush establishing DHS to deal with these kinds of problems that was his downfall.
Much like Bush, it is the perception of callousness

You are doing a heck of a job Brownie as people are dying
Maybe it’s Trump’s Benghazi. Only unlike Obama, Trump isn’t hiding.
The "Doctors" expect the bug to be gone and only about 200 or so dead because of it. In 2009 when the brown turd Oblummer found 1000 US citizens have died from the H1N1 virus, he as being typical of a liberal moron decided that something should of been done about it. We the people, who have intelligence remember this shit, and why dumbasses like you need to be dropped in the bottom of the Pacific Ocean.

H1N1 isn't Covid-19. You see, in many ways, Trump dug himself into this hole. He's the one who demonized foreigners in general and the Chinese in particular... Now that he is FAILING to protect us from it's spread, and millions of people who never got so much as a sniffle are losing their shirts in the stock market, it's not going to be good for him.

In June the stock market will recover and end up at 30,000 by Nov 2...As President Trump will win reelection by a 48 state landslide(Cal and NY are worthless states).

YOu are on drugs... But live with your denial.

The market has never taken a hit like this without sliding into recession. It just doesn't happen.
Bwaaahhhaaaaa…..The market is strong because the economy is strong, I guess you didnt get the news of the last jobs report? Only one living in denial is your sorry ass, who hides behind your walls and wont invite illegals to come and stay in your house with you, while you give up all your money in support of their diseased ways.....
Idiots like you are the reason why there is panic in the streets, because you are an idiot with no better to say than parrot what the Lame Stream Media tells you to say. In June the virus will be dead, life will be back to normal, the DOW will be going up gangbuster and it will hit 30,000 Nov 2nd because President Trump will be reelected in a 48 state landslide(Cal and NY are worthless anyway).

Guy, here's the problem. Covid-19 is Trump's Katrina. It's not just that he's failing to prevent it's spread, it's that it is spreading despite his isolationist, anti-foreign propaganda.

Only 1833 people died in Hurricane Katrina... but it was the fact that so much damage had been done despite Bush establishing DHS to deal with these kinds of problems that was his downfall.
Bwaaahhhaaaaa...I dont remember Wuhan Virus coming out of the US., but China. Are you a Commie that you support the NWO and the liberal means to depopulate the planet by diseases?
Bwaaahhhaaaaa…..The market is strong because the economy is strong, I guess you didnt get the news of the last jobs report? Only one living in denial is your sorry ass, who hides behind your walls and wont invite illegals to come and stay in your house with you, while you give up all your money in support of their diseased ways.....

Last jobs report is meaningless, it was taken before the market spent the last three weeks crashing.

Trump is done, buddy. The economy doesn't bounce back from a 20% market correction quickly. Watch for lots of layoffs and slow growth.
Bwaaahhhaaaaa…..The market is strong because the economy is strong, I guess you didnt get the news of the last jobs report? Only one living in denial is your sorry ass, who hides behind your walls and wont invite illegals to come and stay in your house with you, while you give up all your money in support of their diseased ways.....

Last jobs report is meaningless, it was taken before the market spent the last three weeks crashing.

Trump is done, buddy. The economy doesn't bounce back from a 20% market correction quickly. Watch for lots of layoffs and slow growth.
Bwaaaaahhhaaaaa. just like Obama's last economic report was meaningless right, so when President Trump took over in 2017 and the market soared it was all Trump right? Make up your fucking dumbass mind, first it is Obama's then Trump, then this means stuff, then it doesnt, you are insane..
Bwaaahhhaaaaa...I dont remember Wuhan Virus coming out of the US., but China. Are you a Commie that you support the NWO and the liberal means to depopulate the planet by diseases?

I see you got the Hate Radio talking point to call Covid-19 the Wuhan virus, like that lets Trump's incompetence off the hook.
Where did the Covid-19 virus start? Come on racist, you can say it...

Bwaaahhhaaaaa…..The market is strong because the economy is strong, I guess you didnt get the news of the last jobs report? Only one living in denial is your sorry ass, who hides behind your walls and wont invite illegals to come and stay in your house with you, while you give up all your money in support of their diseased ways.....

Last jobs report is meaningless, it was taken before the market spent the last three weeks crashing.

Trump is done, buddy. The economy doesn't bounce back from a 20% market correction quickly. Watch for lots of layoffs and slow growth.
Would you like to put a $100,000 bet on that you pissant? Put your money where your mouth is prick...
Virus don't care about politics

Trump screwed the pooch and everyone can see it. People are freaking out
Getting back to Crazy Bernie, Crooked Hillary speaks the truth for a change, maybe for the first time! Based on Crooked Hillary's comments, and assuming her Deep State still controls the DNC, there is zero chance Crazy Bernie will beat Biden!

Fast forward to 27 minutes 30 seconds!

Crazy Bernie's campaigns are anything but grassroots! the 2008 crash happened on his watch, he was right in the middle of it!

there were some senators who took action to get us out of the recession, there were others like Crazy Bernie...who took a hike!
Bernie has always been an iconoclast and firebrand. While in the House and Senate Bernie is and was a piss poor legislator. Bernie struck a cord with the disaffected. Just like Trump, Bernie capitalized on a very unpopular Hillary. 2020 is different. There is no Hillary. Just like a Hillary-less campaign boded badly for Bernie this year it will bode badly for Trump as well in November.

Word is he obtained his first permanent full time job when he was forty, as mayor or some shit.
The biggest problem the Democrats have had was their morbid fear of the Bernie Bros and not offending them, lest you get a bunch of snake emojis in your Twitter feed.

But the reality is, Bernie was never that popular on his own. In 2016, he was the alternative to Hillary, a person who a lot of Democrats would have liked to have seen any alternative to.

This year, Bernie's performance has failed to match is 2016 performance, even in states he "Won".

Iowa He got 49% of the vote in 2016. In 2020 he got 26%
New Hampshire He got 60% of the vote in 2016. In 2020 he got 25%
Nevada He got 47% of the vote in 2016. In 2020 he got 40%
Colorado He got 59% of the vote in 2016. In 2020 he got 36%
California He got 46% of the vote in 2016. In 2020 he got 33%

Even Vermont, his HOME STATE, he got 50% of the vote, compared to the 86% he got in 2016.

There are several things out there.

The turnout is much higher than in 2016. Look at the composition of the Virginia vote and you will see what is happening. In Virginia, Democrat turnout shattered all Presidential primary records with around 1.5 million voters voting. 57% were women and 52% suburban. That suggests many of them were suburban women. The turnout among blacks was heavy as well.

The higher turnout has hurt Sanders. Suburban voters are more moderate and are another weakness for Sanders. That could hurt him in Michigan. Even in 2016, Sanders beat Clinton by getting 72% of the district delegates in Washington however Clinton beat Sanders in the advisory primary vote by a 52-48 margin with around 800,00 voting.

A second factor is Trump himself. A lot of Democrats and independents want to beat Trump. Who can beat Trump is the uniting factor. The polls clearly show Biden can beat Trump. It is not as clear whether Sanders can beat Trump. CNN conducted a poll recently. The day before Warren dropped out, it was Biden 52 Sanders 36 Warren 7. After she dropped out, it was Biden 57 Sanders 32 Warren 2. 5% of the 7% Warren had went to Biden. That suggests people may be ready to close the road show and move on.

Don is not the disease, merely a symptom. Of course your corporate state media machine will push status quo.

Donald Trump is the disease. He has corrupted so-called conservatives, so-called Christians and others with the promise of power. He is the serpent that seduced Eve and eventually Adam.

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