Was Bernie always over-rated?

Nice to busybee01 is back and crazier than ever! :21:

Word is he obtained his first permanent full time job when he was forty, as mayor or some shit.

Crooked Hillary indicated Crazy Bernie was 41 and the election was very shady and decided by only a few votes! So the question is, who paid for Crazy Bernie's expense over the years. Who paid for his college for example? Soros? :confused-84: We know today that Crazy Bernie and his wife and what few friends she has make tons of cash with the fake ass president runs he makes. Something like 15% of every campaign dollar goes to Mrs. Crazy Bernie and her friends who hire ad agencies.
Bwaaaaahhhaaaaa. just like Obama's last economic report was meaningless right, so when President Trump took over in 2017 and the market soared it was all Trump right? Make up your fucking dumbass mind, first it is Obama's then Trump, then this means stuff, then it doesnt, you are insane..

Oh, I suspect the Market soared because the bloodsuckers on Wall Street knew they could get away with the kind of shit they got away with under Bush..> The problem is that kind of letting the inmates run the asylum always comes with a cost.

We are paying that cost now.

Where did the Covid-19 virus start? Come on racist, you can say it...

Doesn't matter. Point is, Trump failed to prepare for it because he decimated the agencies that were designed to deal with it.

605 cases in the US as of today, continuing to climb.
JoeB, what agency can deal with contagious diseases when the democrats encourage illegal aliens enter the USA with who knows what kind of diseases, much worse than the Chinese Flu. Most "public health" agencies are fake ass examples of "diversity" designed to protect those with contagious diseases so as not to be discriminated against. :dunno:
JoeB, what agency can deal with contagious diseases when the democrats encourage illegal aliens enter the USA with who knows what kind of diseases, much worse than the Chinese Flu. Most "public health" agencies are fake ass examples of "diversity" designed to protect those with contagious diseases so as not to be discriminated against.

Yawn- Sorry, man, the Buck still stops with Trump. When the best argument you have is racism, then you've already lost the discussion.

Trump decimated the agencies that are designed to deal with EXACTLY this kind of problem.
Bwaaaaahhhaaaaa. just like Obama's last economic report was meaningless right, so when President Trump took over in 2017 and the market soared it was all Trump right? Make up your fucking dumbass mind, first it is Obama's then Trump, then this means stuff, then it doesnt, you are insane..

Oh, I suspect the Market soared because the bloodsuckers on Wall Street knew they could get away with the kind of shit they got away with under Bush..> The problem is that kind of letting the inmates run the asylum always comes with a cost.

We are paying that cost now.

Where did the Covid-19 virus start? Come on racist, you can say it...

Doesn't matter. Point is, Trump failed to prepare for it because he decimated the agencies that were designed to deal with it.

605 cases in the US as of today, continuing to climb.
You remind me of this Joe, no matter what PROOF I keep showing you, "it doesnt matter".

JoeB, what agency can deal with contagious diseases when the democrats encourage illegal aliens enter the USA with who knows what kind of diseases, much worse than the Chinese Flu. Most "public health" agencies are fake ass examples of "diversity" designed to protect those with contagious diseases so as not to be discriminated against.

Yawn- Sorry, man, the Buck still stops with Trump. When the best argument you have is racism, then you've already lost the discussion.

Trump decimated the agencies that are designed to deal with EXACTLY this kind of problem.
decimated? You could cut the budget 50% and still have more PORK in the agencies who just sit there and get fat at their desks, internet surfing and buying shit on EBAY...
The biggest problem the Democrats have had was their morbid fear of the Bernie Bros and not offending them, lest you get a bunch of snake emojis in your Twitter feed.

But the reality is, Bernie was never that popular on his own. In 2016, he was the alternative to Hillary, a person who a lot of Democrats would have liked to have seen any alternative to.

This year, Bernie's performance has failed to match is 2016 performance, even in states he "Won".

Iowa He got 49% of the vote in 2016. In 2020 he got 26%
New Hampshire He got 60% of the vote in 2016. In 2020 he got 25%
Nevada He got 47% of the vote in 2016. In 2020 he got 40%
Colorado He got 59% of the vote in 2016. In 2020 he got 36%
California He got 46% of the vote in 2016. In 2020 he got 33%

Even Vermont, his HOME STATE, he got 50% of the vote, compared to the 86% he got in 2016.

Good analysis. I think some--a small portion--of the figures above stem from his being a front runner or presumed front runner at the time coupled with the clown car in IA and NH. But I agree with your assessment.
Idiots like you are the reason why there is panic in the streets, because you are an idiot with no better to say than parrot what the Lame Stream Media tells you to say. In June the virus will be dead, life will be back to normal, the DOW will be going up gangbuster and it will hit 30,000 Nov 2nd because President Trump will be reelected in a 48 state landslide(Cal and NY are worthless anyway).

Guy, here's the problem. Covid-19 is Trump's Katrina. It's not just that he's failing to prevent it's spread, it's that it is spreading despite his isolationist, anti-foreign propaganda.

Only 1833 people died in Hurricane Katrina... but it was the fact that so much damage had been done despite Bush establishing DHS to deal with these kinds of problems that was his downfall.
Much like Bush, it is the perception of callousness

You are doing a heck of a job Brownie as people are dying
Maybe it’s Trump’s Benghazi. Only unlike Obama, Trump isn’t hiding.
Obama did not say.....Benghazi was not that bad

That would be Trump
Idiots like you are the reason why there is panic in the streets, because you are an idiot with no better to say than parrot what the Lame Stream Media tells you to say. In June the virus will be dead, life will be back to normal, the DOW will be going up gangbuster and it will hit 30,000 Nov 2nd because President Trump will be reelected in a 48 state landslide(Cal and NY are worthless anyway).

Guy, here's the problem. Covid-19 is Trump's Katrina. It's not just that he's failing to prevent it's spread, it's that it is spreading despite his isolationist, anti-foreign propaganda.

Only 1833 people died in Hurricane Katrina... but it was the fact that so much damage had been done despite Bush establishing DHS to deal with these kinds of problems that was his downfall.
Much like Bush, it is the perception of callousness

You are doing a heck of a job Brownie as people are dying
Maybe it’s Trump’s Benghazi. Only unlike Obama, Trump isn’t hiding.
Obama did not say.....Benghazi was not that bad

That would be Trump
Minor quibble. He hid behind the ladies in his administration. They went out and lied repeatedly, which you liked. You really don’t like when Donnie lies. Why the hypocrisy?
The "Doctors" expect the bug to be gone and only about 200 or so dead because of it. In 2009 when the brown turd Oblummer found 1000 US citizens have died from the H1N1 virus, he as being typical of a liberal moron decided that something should of been done about it. We the people, who have intelligence remember this shit, and why dumbasses like you need to be dropped in the bottom of the Pacific Ocean.

H1N1 isn't Covid-19. You see, in many ways, Trump dug himself into this hole. He's the one who demonized foreigners in general and the Chinese in particular... Now that he is FAILING to protect us from it's spread, and millions of people who never got so much as a sniffle are losing their shirts in the stock market, it's not going to be good for him.

In June the stock market will recover and end up at 30,000 by Nov 2...As President Trump will win reelection by a 48 state landslide(Cal and NY are worthless states).

YOu are on drugs... But live with your denial.

The market has never taken a hit like this without sliding into recession. It just doesn't happen.
You ignore the 800 lb gorilla standing right next to you. "Progressives" have a firm grip on the Democrat Socialist Party's reins and Biden will have to pander to them exposing him to a charge that he's a socialist or at least leans that way.

Poll: Sanders Rises, But Socialism Isn't Popular With Most Americans
Asked about their impression of socialism, 28% of adults said they have a favorable view, while 58% said they had an unfavorable one.

If socialism is so unpopular with Americans, how can Sanders be on the rise in the Democratic primary? Because Democrats and, more specifically, progressives view socialism favorably. Half of Democrats said so, while more than two-thirds of progressives did.

Just 23% of independents, though, and 7% of Republicans viewed socialism favorably.
Idiots like you are the reason why there is panic in the streets, because you are an idiot with no better to say than parrot what the Lame Stream Media tells you to say. In June the virus will be dead, life will be back to normal, the DOW will be going up gangbuster and it will hit 30,000 Nov 2nd because President Trump will be reelected in a 48 state landslide(Cal and NY are worthless anyway).

Guy, here's the problem. Covid-19 is Trump's Katrina. It's not just that he's failing to prevent it's spread, it's that it is spreading despite his isolationist, anti-foreign propaganda.

Only 1833 people died in Hurricane Katrina... but it was the fact that so much damage had been done despite Bush establishing DHS to deal with these kinds of problems that was his downfall.
Much like Bush, it is the perception of callousness

You are doing a heck of a job Brownie as people are dying
Maybe it’s Trump’s Benghazi. Only unlike Obama, Trump isn’t hiding.
Obama did not say.....Benghazi was not that bad

That would be Trump
Minor quibble. He hid behind the ladies in his administration. They went out and lied repeatedly, which you liked. You really don’t like when Donnie lies. Why the hypocrisy?

The Great Obama condemned the attacks that night
Guy, here's the problem. Covid-19 is Trump's Katrina. It's not just that he's failing to prevent it's spread, it's that it is spreading despite his isolationist, anti-foreign propaganda.

Only 1833 people died in Hurricane Katrina... but it was the fact that so much damage had been done despite Bush establishing DHS to deal with these kinds of problems that was his downfall.
Much like Bush, it is the perception of callousness

You are doing a heck of a job Brownie as people are dying
Maybe it’s Trump’s Benghazi. Only unlike Obama, Trump isn’t hiding.
Obama did not say.....Benghazi was not that bad

That would be Trump
Minor quibble. He hid behind the ladies in his administration. They went out and lied repeatedly, which you liked. You really don’t like when Donnie lies. Why the hypocrisy?

The Great Obama condemned the attacks that night
Then lied about it and refused to face the American people.
Much like Bush, it is the perception of callousness

You are doing a heck of a job Brownie as people are dying
Maybe it’s Trump’s Benghazi. Only unlike Obama, Trump isn’t hiding.
Obama did not say.....Benghazi was not that bad

That would be Trump
Minor quibble. He hid behind the ladies in his administration. They went out and lied repeatedly, which you liked. You really don’t like when Donnie lies. Why the hypocrisy?

The Great Obama condemned the attacks that night
Then lied about it and refused to face the American people.

Alternative facts
Maybe it’s Trump’s Benghazi. Only unlike Obama, Trump isn’t hiding.
Obama did not say.....Benghazi was not that bad

That would be Trump
Minor quibble. He hid behind the ladies in his administration. They went out and lied repeatedly, which you liked. You really don’t like when Donnie lies. Why the hypocrisy?

The Great Obama condemned the attacks that night
Then lied about it and refused to face the American people.

Alternative facts
Just like a Trumper, you refuse to believe your guy is a big fat (well in Ears case skinny) liar.
TDS runs deep. And will get really bad November 3, 2020. TDS folks, forget dust masks and toilet paper, stock up on Prep H...again. :p
You remind me of this Joe, no matter what PROOF I keep showing you, "it doesnt matter".

You don't come up with "proof", you just whine... I love watching right wing flop sweat.

Consider yourself lucky that the Democrats are going with Biden instead of Bernie.
Whine, no Joe your side are the whiners. The groper is going to have some real issues if he wins the nomination. Even with all the Lame Stream Media and Hitlery buying the Russian Dossier as back up, she lost bigly... Then this happened... It is going to happen again, just much worse for you retards, because We on the right can never get enough of your butthurtedness. Nobody likes you Joe, not even your own party who think you are the dumbest sheep. Prove them right again, vote for "the groper" or "Commie Bern"..

Whine, no Joe your side are the whiners. The groper is going to have some real issues if he wins the nomination. Even with all the Lame Stream Media and Hitlery buying the Russian Dossier as back up, she lost bigly... Then this happened... It is going to happen again, just much worse for you retards, because We on the right can never get enough of your butthurtedness. Nobody likes you Joe, not even your own party who think you are the dumbest sheep. Prove them right again, vote for "the groper" or "Commie Bern"..

Guy, you can keep living the glory days of a fluke that even your party leaders thought was a terrible idea.

If you ever talk to any high level Republicans, they know it's going to be a mess restoring the party's credibility after Trump. He's ruined your party brand with women and minorities for decades.

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