Was Bernie always over-rated?

Whine, no Joe your side are the whiners. The groper is going to have some real issues if he wins the nomination. Even with all the Lame Stream Media and Hitlery buying the Russian Dossier as back up, she lost bigly... Then this happened... It is going to happen again, just much worse for you retards, because We on the right can never get enough of your butthurtedness. Nobody likes you Joe, not even your own party who think you are the dumbest sheep. Prove them right again, vote for "the groper" or "Commie Bern"..

Guy, you can keep living the glory days of a fluke that even your party leaders thought was a terrible idea.

If you ever talk to any high level Republicans, they know it's going to be a mess restoring the party's credibility after Trump. He's ruined your party brand with women and minorities for decades.
LMAO. Because the Republicans did so great in the two prior elections.
Whine, no Joe your side are the whiners. The groper is going to have some real issues if he wins the nomination. Even with all the Lame Stream Media and Hitlery buying the Russian Dossier as back up, she lost bigly... Then this happened... It is going to happen again, just much worse for you retards, because We on the right can never get enough of your butthurtedness. Nobody likes you Joe, not even your own party who think you are the dumbest sheep. Prove them right again, vote for "the groper" or "Commie Bern"..

Guy, you can keep living the glory days of a fluke that even your party leaders thought was a terrible idea.

If you ever talk to any high level Republicans, they know it's going to be a mess restoring the party's credibility after Trump. He's ruined your party brand with women and minorities for decades.
After Trump there wont be a DemonRAT party anymore, because with the reelection over and 4 more years, President Trump will have "more Flexibility" to go after all those that had colluded in trying to over throw the will of the people. Here is someone you know who said the exact same thing. Talk about a President how actually did collude with Putin, until Putin proved Obama was a fag.

After Trump there wont be a DemonRAT party anymore, because with the reelection over and 4 more years, President Trump will have "more Flexibility" to go after all those that had colluded in trying to over throw the will of the people. Here is someone you know who said the exact same thing. Talk about a President how actually did collude with Putin, until Putin proved Obama was a fag.

Wow, guy, you keep getting more delusional.

Meanwhile, the Democratic Primaries are breaking turnout records, because the Country wants to get rid of the Orange Shitgibbon so bad.
Trump is done, buddy. The economy doesn't bounce back from a 20% market correction quickly. Watch for lots of layoffs and slow growth.

This virus is hurting the markets but there is nothing Trump nor any President could do to stop it short of what is being done. Maybe if we had a leftists nut in office they would open the borders, because that would make a lot of sense.

As far as the markets, they may not bounce all the way back quickly, however, you are misinformed or haven't been following. There have been wild swings, the largest single-day increase followed by the largest single-day decrease in the market lately. When a vaccine and treatment is developed and manufactured, with the very few(percentage wise) cases, the market will soar. The longer that takes, the more difficult and longer the recovery. Other than the virus, the drag on our economy is the rest of the world, whose economies were on shaky ground at best before the virus and will have a much tougher time recovering than ours. The world markets affect us too. The thing that might save us is the good fundamentals, which can be attributed in large part to Trump's policies.

BTW, I could have sworn about a month ago you were claiming the small swings in the market were not due to the virus, but rather poor fundamentals. This is what the liberal media was trying to push. Now they have at least come to terms with the fact that all of this is due to the black swan event of the virus. They are secretly hoping it is not contained and/or cured in the short term, because they know our economy can recover. If Biden wins in 2020, deep recession will follow which they will blame on Trump. Granted, it won't fall as far as if Bernie had won. That would have been a death nail in our country. Biden will set us back another 10 years with poor trade deals, more lenient immigration policy, more expensive healthcare, higher taxes, more regulations and an attack on fossil fuels to appease the environmental alarmists.
After Trump there wont be a DemonRAT party anymore, because with the reelection over and 4 more years, President Trump will have "more Flexibility" to go after all those that had colluded in trying to over throw the will of the people. Here is someone you know who said the exact same thing. Talk about a President how actually did collude with Putin, until Putin proved Obama was a fag.

Wow, guy, you keep getting more delusional.

Meanwhile, the Democratic Primaries are breaking turnout records, because the Country wants to get rid of the Orange Shitgibbon so bad.

How badly do you want to get rid of Trump?
So much that you'd even vote for senile Joe Biden? Really??
Trump is still a 2:1 favorite to win according to the Vegas bookies.
The debates should be fun to watch, if they even let Joe debate?!
JoeB, what agency can deal with contagious diseases when the democrats encourage illegal aliens enter the USA with who knows what kind of diseases, much worse than the Chinese Flu. Most "public health" agencies are fake ass examples of "diversity" designed to protect those with contagious diseases so as not to be discriminated against.

Yawn- Sorry, man, the Buck still stops with Trump. When the best argument you have is racism, then you've already lost the discussion.

Trump decimated the agencies that are designed to deal with EXACTLY this kind of problem.

You can't possibly believe that we would not have this virus in the US even if these agencies were in full force. There would be absolutely no difference if these agencies were never touched. These are just another example of anti-Trump MSM talking points. A vaccine could be developed and manufactured tomorrow and the MSM would come up with some nonsense that would not give the Trump administration any credit and would likely blame him for some other mis-handling.
This virus is hurting the markets but there is nothing Trump nor any President could do to stop it short of what is being done. Maybe if we had a leftists nut in office they would open the borders, because that would make a lot of sense.

As far as the markets, they may not bounce all the way back quickly, however, you are misinformed or haven't been following. There have been wild swings, the largest single-day increase followed by the largest single-day decrease in the market lately. When a vaccine and treatment is developed and manufactured, with the very few(percentage wise) cases, the market will soar. The longer that takes, the more difficult and longer the recovery. Other than the virus, the drag on our economy is the rest of the world, whose economies were on shaky ground at best before the virus and will have a much tougher time recovering than ours. The world markets affect us too. The thing that might save us is the good fundamentals, which can be attributed in large part to Trump's policies.

Excuses Excuses.

Meanwhile- Cases in the US have topped 1000.

Coronavirus Live Updates: U.S. Considers Extending Tax Deadline as Infections Pass 1,000

This is the kind of shit you do when you have a major recession.

BTW, I could have sworn about a month ago you were claiming the small swings in the market were not due to the virus, but rather poor fundamentals. This is what the liberal media was trying to push. Now they have at least come to terms with the fact that all of this is due to the black swan event of the virus. They are secretly hoping it is not contained and/or cured in the short term, because they know our economy can recover. If Biden wins in 2020, deep recession will follow which they will blame on Trump. Granted, it won't fall as far as if Bernie had won. That would have been a death nail in our country. Biden will set us back another 10 years with poor trade deals, more lenient immigration policy, more expensive healthcare, higher taxes, more regulations and an attack on fossil fuels to appease the environmental alarmists.

Yeah, funny thing. "Small" triple digit swings a few months ago seem QUAINT when we have Quadruple digit swings now.

This is the same shit you tried to pull in 2008, trying to blame Bush's economic mismanagement on Obama.

No one bought it then.

You can't possibly believe that we would not have this virus in the US even if these agencies were in full force. There would be absolutely no difference if these agencies were never touched. These are just another example of anti-Trump MSM talking points. A vaccine could be developed and manufactured tomorrow and the MSM would come up with some nonsense that would not give the Trump administration any credit and would likely blame him for some other mis-handling.

A vaccine won't be developed tomorrow.
Trump DID slash the agencies that were supposed to deal with a problem like this.
And, yes, we WILL hold Trump accountable for his mismanagement.

As I've said many times before, I didn't stop being Republican because Bush lied us into Iraq or because he fucked up Katrina. I stopped voting Republican after they fucked up the economy in 2008 and I was left with an underwater mortgage and busted 401K.

Trillions of dollars are evaporating on the market right now. Only a matter of time before companies start slashing jobs.
This virus is hurting the markets but there is nothing Trump nor any President could do to stop it short of what is being done. Maybe if we had a leftists nut in office they would open the borders, because that would make a lot of sense.

As far as the markets, they may not bounce all the way back quickly, however, you are misinformed or haven't been following. There have been wild swings, the largest single-day increase followed by the largest single-day decrease in the market lately. When a vaccine and treatment is developed and manufactured, with the very few(percentage wise) cases, the market will soar. The longer that takes, the more difficult and longer the recovery. Other than the virus, the drag on our economy is the rest of the world, whose economies were on shaky ground at best before the virus and will have a much tougher time recovering than ours. The world markets affect us too. The thing that might save us is the good fundamentals, which can be attributed in large part to Trump's policies.

Excuses Excuses.

Meanwhile- Cases in the US have topped 1000.

Coronavirus Live Updates: U.S. Considers Extending Tax Deadline as Infections Pass 1,000

This is the kind of shit you do when you have a major recession.

BTW, I could have sworn about a month ago you were claiming the small swings in the market were not due to the virus, but rather poor fundamentals. This is what the liberal media was trying to push. Now they have at least come to terms with the fact that all of this is due to the black swan event of the virus. They are secretly hoping it is not contained and/or cured in the short term, because they know our economy can recover. If Biden wins in 2020, deep recession will follow which they will blame on Trump. Granted, it won't fall as far as if Bernie had won. That would have been a death nail in our country. Biden will set us back another 10 years with poor trade deals, more lenient immigration policy, more expensive healthcare, higher taxes, more regulations and an attack on fossil fuels to appease the environmental alarmists.

Yeah, funny thing. "Small" triple digit swings a few months ago seem QUAINT when we have Quadruple digit swings now.

This is the same shit you tried to pull in 2008, trying to blame Bush's economic mismanagement on Obama.

No one bought it then.

You can't possibly believe that we would not have this virus in the US even if these agencies were in full force. There would be absolutely no difference if these agencies were never touched. These are just another example of anti-Trump MSM talking points. A vaccine could be developed and manufactured tomorrow and the MSM would come up with some nonsense that would not give the Trump administration any credit and would likely blame him for some other mis-handling.

A vaccine won't be developed tomorrow.
Trump DID slash the agencies that were supposed to deal with a problem like this.
And, yes, we WILL hold Trump accountable for his mismanagement.

As I've said many times before, I didn't stop being Republican because Bush lied us into Iraq or because he fucked up Katrina. I stopped voting Republican after they fucked up the economy in 2008 and I was left with an underwater mortgage and busted 401K.

Trillions of dollars are evaporating on the market right now. Only a matter of time before companies start slashing jobs.

You are extremely ignorant. Yes, the markets are in flux. Yes, we could have a recession. The market and the economic downturn has EVERYTHING to do with the virus. EVERYBODY knows this except ignorant, know-nothing Democrats. If it weren't for Trump's strong economy heading into this, we would be just like Europe, who will absolutely fall into a recession. I also might add, the virus is spreading much faster in Europe than here. Did they cut their agencies as well? My guess is no as they spend like drunken sailors on all social programs, which is why they are failing.

By all means, be a lemming, blame the spread of the virus and the economic downturn on Trump. We will all sink together with an wackadoo, idiot Democrat like Biden in office.
You are extremely ignorant. Yes, the markets are in flux. Yes, we could have a recession. The market and the economic downturn has EVERYTHING to do with the virus. EVERYBODY knows this except ignorant, know-nothing Democrats. If it weren't for Trump's strong economy heading into this, we would be just like Europe, who will absolutely fall into a recession. I also might add, the virus is spreading much faster in Europe than here. Did they cut their agencies as well? My guess is no as they spend like drunken sailors on all social programs, which is why they are failing.

By all means, be a lemming, blame the spread of the virus and the economic downturn on Trump. We will all sink together with an wackadoo, idiot Democrat like Biden in office.

One more time... Five out of the six recessions in my lifetime started when REpublicans were in charge.

Going for six out of seven with Trump.

Trump inherited a strong economy from Obama... he's now officially fucked it up.

Dow Down 1465 today.
You are extremely ignorant. Yes, the markets are in flux. Yes, we could have a recession. The market and the economic downturn has EVERYTHING to do with the virus. EVERYBODY knows this except ignorant, know-nothing Democrats. If it weren't for Trump's strong economy heading into this, we would be just like Europe, who will absolutely fall into a recession. I also might add, the virus is spreading much faster in Europe than here. Did they cut their agencies as well? My guess is no as they spend like drunken sailors on all social programs, which is why they are failing.

By all means, be a lemming, blame the spread of the virus and the economic downturn on Trump. We will all sink together with an wackadoo, idiot Democrat like Biden in office.

One more time... Five out of the six recessions in my lifetime started when REpublicans were in charge.

Going for six out of seven with Trump.

Trump inherited a strong economy from Obama... he's now officially fucked it up.

Dow Down 1465 today.

You are an absolute IDIOT. Everybody except you knows why the economy is going down and it has absolutely nothing to do with Trump.
The biggest problem the Democrats have had was their morbid fear of the Bernie Bros and not offending them, lest you get a bunch of snake emojis in your Twitter feed.

But the reality is, Bernie was never that popular on his own. In 2016, he was the alternative to Hillary, a person who a lot of Democrats would have liked to have seen any alternative to.

This year, Bernie's performance has failed to match is 2016 performance, even in states he "Won".

Iowa He got 49% of the vote in 2016. In 2020 he got 26%
New Hampshire He got 60% of the vote in 2016. In 2020 he got 25%
Nevada He got 47% of the vote in 2016. In 2020 he got 40%
Colorado He got 59% of the vote in 2016. In 2020 he got 36%
California He got 46% of the vote in 2016. In 2020 he got 33%

Even Vermont, his HOME STATE, he got 50% of the vote, compared to the 86% he got in 2016.

The D's are doing a better job of rigging the Primary against Crazy Bernie this time.

What else can you say?

Hillary Clinton was cantankerous Old Broad with a real taste of adult beverages. There are real questions about her competency.

But she looks really on top of things compared to Sleepy Joe who has a regular brain surgeon.

No reason why Sanders should be doing worse against Biden, except for rigging of the election
No, but your beloved Hillary is.
The biggest problem the Democrats have had was their morbid fear of the Bernie Bros and not offending them, lest you get a bunch of snake emojis in your Twitter feed.

But the reality is, Bernie was never that popular on his own. In 2016, he was the alternative to Hillary, a person who a lot of Democrats would have liked to have seen any alternative to.

This year, Bernie's performance has failed to match is 2016 performance, even in states he "Won".

Iowa He got 49% of the vote in 2016. In 2020 he got 26%
New Hampshire He got 60% of the vote in 2016. In 2020 he got 25%
Nevada He got 47% of the vote in 2016. In 2020 he got 40%
Colorado He got 59% of the vote in 2016. In 2020 he got 36%
California He got 46% of the vote in 2016. In 2020 he got 33%

Even Vermont, his HOME STATE, he got 50% of the vote, compared to the 86% he got in 2016.
Was Bernie always over-rated?
Of course. He has never had the coalition necessary to win the dem primary.
And if you don’t want to take Hutch’s word for it Google up the Hildebeast’s comments about the Bern from a couple days ago. In a nutshell, no one (in Congress) likes him and he’s never accomplished anything.
The biggest problem the Democrats have had was their morbid fear of the Bernie Bros and not offending them, lest you get a bunch of snake emojis in your Twitter feed.

But the reality is, Bernie was never that popular on his own. In 2016, he was the alternative to Hillary, a person who a lot of Democrats would have liked to have seen any alternative to.

This year, Bernie's performance has failed to match is 2016 performance, even in states he "Won".

Iowa He got 49% of the vote in 2016. In 2020 he got 26%
New Hampshire He got 60% of the vote in 2016. In 2020 he got 25%
Nevada He got 47% of the vote in 2016. In 2020 he got 40%
Colorado He got 59% of the vote in 2016. In 2020 he got 36%
California He got 46% of the vote in 2016. In 2020 he got 33%

Even Vermont, his HOME STATE, he got 50% of the vote, compared to the 86% he got in 2016.
This is further proof the D Party is the party of the billionaires. Joe you have nothing in common with them. Why have you allowed them to dupe you again?
Biden is up by 44 points over Bernie in Flordia. Bernie is toast, my friends

thank you for everything you've done for the progressive movement, Crazy Bernie, buts its time your old ass retires from politics
Biden is up by 44 points over Bernie in Flordia. Bernie is toast, my friends

thank you for everything you've done for the progressive movement, Crazy Bernie, buts its time your old ass retires from politics
Joe Biden is worse than Donnie, yet you somehow believe he’s better. WTF?
Everyone knows that if Biden wins the Progs will be doing a Bernie. Bernie just makes it official.
No, but your beloved Hillary is.
The biggest problem the Democrats have had was their morbid fear of the Bernie Bros and not offending them, lest you get a bunch of snake emojis in your Twitter feed.

But the reality is, Bernie was never that popular on his own. In 2016, he was the alternative to Hillary, a person who a lot of Democrats would have liked to have seen any alternative to.

This year, Bernie's performance has failed to match is 2016 performance, even in states he "Won".

Iowa He got 49% of the vote in 2016. In 2020 he got 26%
New Hampshire He got 60% of the vote in 2016. In 2020 he got 25%
Nevada He got 47% of the vote in 2016. In 2020 he got 40%
Colorado He got 59% of the vote in 2016. In 2020 he got 36%
California He got 46% of the vote in 2016. In 2020 he got 33%

Even Vermont, his HOME STATE, he got 50% of the vote, compared to the 86% he got in 2016.
Was Bernie always over-rated?
Of course. He has never had the coalition necessary to win the dem primary.
And if you don’t want to take Hutch’s word for it Google up the Hildebeast’s comments about the Bern from a couple days ago. In a nutshell, no one (in Congress) likes him and he’s never accomplished anything.
By all means, don't take my word for it. Use your own brain.
Tell us what his abysmal performance in SC says about Bernie's support among black voters. Then tell us if anyone can get the dem nomination without that coalition.
You are an absolute IDIOT. Everybody except you knows why the economy is going down and it has absolutely nothing to do with Trump.

Uh.. yeah, Funny thing. Last night, Trump got on TV to let us know he has everything under control.

The market dropped 2300 Points the next day on top of the 1400 point drop yesterday.

Come on, guy, you can't give Trump credit for three years of climbs now that he's managed to blow it all in three weeks.

Now it truly is the "Trump Economy"... it's turning out just like one of his business deals


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